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Witness to the Sahasrara, the Kingdom of the Spirit

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Dear All,


Jagbir, you wrote:-


" However, only those who have borne witness to the Sahasrara, the

Kingdom of the Spirit within, can give us that priceless evidence

and knowledge. Only then can we truly comprehend and have faith in

what both Sri Mataji and Confucius are really trying to make us

humans understand of the true spiritual nature. "


One of my earliest experiences of Sri Mataji in the Sahasrara was

when I was relatively new to SY; I had not even been to the local

collective yet because I was not deemed ready for that yet. Looking

back, that was a wise decision on their part because I might have

been put off; I had a Fundamentalist Christian background, was an

idealist and expected ALL SY's to be perfect! I have since learned

not to have any expectations of others and only have expectations of

myself; to walk according to the light that has been given to me.


Anyway, these wonderful yoginis, two ladies, made me welcome to

their home on a weekly basis, all on my own, to experience SY.


This one night, one of the ladies was clearing my chakras for me

because I really needed help, when suddenly, without warning, I had

a bodily reaction of becoming very sick.


They lovingly took me to a bedroom, laid me down and brought a

bucket and cold compresses, explaining all the while that I was

having a major " clear-out " and not to worry but that everything

would be alright. I was a bit shocked at what was happening to me in

such a dramatic fashion.


After staying for a few hours, my husband then had to pick me up as

I was not fit to drive and he assisted me into bed, in which I

stayed for 2-3 days. This " clear-out " was the worst " flu-like "

reaction that I had ever experienced. Even though I knew I was not

going to die, it felt like that!


As I was lying in bed, pondering my fate, I suddenly saw Shri

Mataji's wonderful face peering down at me from above myself at

about ceiling height. I was surprised and happy and joyous and

completely absorbed by Her Love, Strength, and Assurance that She

was the Author of this Gift of Cleansing to me and therefore I would

be just fine.


I recovered very well after that and felt amazingly lighter in body,

mind and spirit. This experience proved to me that Sri Mataji

Nirmala Devi is indeed the Loving Mother of this Universe. She is

the Comforter/Holy Spirit of the Christians, the Ruh of Islam, the

Adi Shakti of the Hindus plus other Names as well for the Jews and

others as has been prophesied in all religions.


Love from


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shriadishakti , " violet_tubb " <vtubb@b...>



> As I was lying in bed, pondering my fate, I suddenly saw Shri

> Mataji's wonderful face peering down at me from above myself at

> about ceiling height. I was surprised and happy and joyous and

> completely absorbed by Her Love, Strength, and Assurance that She

> was the Author of this Gift of Cleansing to me and therefore I

> would be just fine.


> I recovered very well after that and felt amazingly lighter in

> body, mind and spirit. This experience proved to me that Sri

> Mataji Nirmala Devi is indeed the Loving Mother of this Universe.

> She is the Comforter/Holy Spirit of the Christians, the Ruh of

> Islam, the Adi Shakti of the Hindus plus other Names as well for

> the Jews and others as has been prophesied in all religions.




Dear Violet,


You were indeed blessed to have Shri Mataji establishing your faith

in Her. With such a 'traumatic' start perhaps it was necessary for

Her to prove that She is indeed the Loving Mother of this Universe.

However i think that clearing was necessary given your religious



Not many Christian fundamentalists would in the first place try out

Sahaja Yoga. That you did despite your strict upbringing is indeed

remarkable. So how come you went to try it out? What it is that

attracted you? i mean you never knew that Sahaja Yoga was about the

Last Judgment. So what made you request Self-realization which is

not an easy subject to understand?


i just want to know because i would not have joined Shri Mataji on

the strength of what is written about Her. Even the cool breeze

would have meant little because it is no big deal. That is why i

gave it up the first time a friend introduced me to it in 1991. Even

after weeks of explaining the whole thing made little sense in

relation to the Divine. There are 1001 gurus who could have given me

the same information that this SY was so proud about. i am still

wondering why SYs like you are able to continue when many have left.

Perhaps Shri Mataji visiting you played a crucial part in your

staying on. Just curious.



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> shriadishakti , " violet_tubb " <vtubb@b...>

> wrote:

> >

> > As I was lying in bed, pondering my fate, I suddenly saw Shri

> > Mataji's wonderful face peering down at me from above myself at

> > about ceiling height. I was surprised and happy and joyous and

> > completely absorbed by Her Love, Strength, and Assurance that

> > She was the Author of this Gift of Cleansing to me and therefore

> > could be just fine.

> >

> > I recovered very well after that and felt amazingly lighter in

> > body, mind and spirit. This experience proved to me that Sri

> > Mataji Nirmala Devi is indeed the Loving Mother of this

> > Universe. She is the Comforter/Holy Spirit of the Christians,

> > the Ruh of Islam, the Adi Shakti of the Hindus plus other Names

> > as well for the Jews and others as has been prophesied in all

> > religions.

> >

> >


shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Dear Violet,


> You were indeed blessed to have Shri Mataji establishing your

> faith in Her. With such a 'traumatic' start perhaps it was

> necessary for Her to prove that She is indeed the Loving Mother of

> this Universe. However i think that clearing was necessary given

> your religious background.


> Not many Christian fundamentalists would in the first place try

> out Sahaja Yoga. That you did despite your strict upbringing is

> indeed remarkable. So how come you went to try it out? What it is

> that attracted you? i mean you never knew that Sahaja Yoga was

> about the Last Judgment. So what made you request Self-realization

> which is not an easy subject to understand?


> i just want to know because i would not have joined Shri Mataji on

> the strength of what is written about Her. Even the cool breeze

> would have meant little because it is no big deal. That is why i

> gave it up the first time a friend introduced me to it in 1991.

> Even after weeks of explaining the whole thing made little sense

> in relation to the Divine. There are 1001 gurus who could have

> given me the same information that this SY was so proud about. i

> am still wondering why SYs like you are able to continue when many

> have left. Perhaps Shri Mataji visiting you played a crucial part

> in your staying on. Just curious.




Dear All.


i have received an email from Violet regarding the above post which

i believe will help others understand religious conditioning better.

i am going to give her email to a friend of mine whose wife, a

lovely lady who had earlier accepted all faiths, suddenly became

against all non-Christian traditions after she joined a

fundamentalist Pentecostical church. Over time i have seen her

becoming even more dogmatic in her views about others, even

Christian groups like Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witness,

Methodists etc. As far as she is concerned only her church has the

salvation truth, to the exclusion of all others.


Now she has intense dislike for even the Sikh faith of her husband.

This is a mixed race/religious marraige that i attended. That is why

it troubles me to find her so brainwashed by religious fanatics in

rejecting even the traditions of her own husband.


This is indeed sad but the same pattern is repeated the world over

as thousands of religious sects lay claim to the same 'chosen people'

doctrine. It is only when one meets Shri Mataji does this hatred and

dislike for other religions, scriptures and prophets end. Her Divine

Message to humanity gives us the vision and enlightenment to

overcome all past conditionings. We come to know the Truth that sets

us free. It is such a blessing to embrace all the messengers of God.


Jai Shri Mataji,









Dear Jagbir,



I was a Seeker looking for Truth and SM led me to SY.


I was born into a Christian Fundamentalist Family. I became very

aware of the meaning of the verse in the Bible that says it is

" the letter that kills but the Spirit that gives life. " The

religion I was in was Puritan with all its Do's and Don'ts. I

had to sign a Membership Form agreeing to believe the Creed and also

to live as a Christian and this included, no drinking, no smoking,

no dancing, no going to movies, only dating people from that faith,

etc. It was very restrictive but I was used to it. Then I grew up

and as a teenager I started to notice that people would talk about

this and that but deep down inside they did not really seem to have

what they spoke about, i.e. the joy within. I had experienced the

joy within in my communion with God but a lot of church people never

seemed to go that deep, the way I experienced it.


I read the verse in the Bible that said, " Seek Me and you will

find Me, knock and the door will be opened, for everyone who seeks

shall find and whosoever knocks, to them will the door be

opened. " This verse became my guiding light and I pursued that

quest until I found it in SM and SY.


While in the church, I questioned everything. As a teenager, I tried

to get the Minister's Son who was the Young People's Leader

to get a Prayer Group going to go " deeper " but he was not

interested. One time in front of the church at what is

called " Testimony Time " , I mentioned that there needed to be

more of a flow of the Spirit and Love of God rather than rules and

regulations. It was just ignored as if I had said nothing. Shortly

after, I decided to leave. I went Pentecostal for a while, read

Edgar Cayce, tried Rosicrucian's for about three months, but that

started getting expensive and I was still not satisfied. Everyone

had good points to show me how to get to the Way but nobody seemed

to be able to help me to get there, really! I was interested in

healing and read a lot about that and studied to become a Remedial

Masseuse and I must say having massages helped me to relax a lot.


Just a little aside here, not to change the subject, but something

of great interest! During the time of my life when I was interested

in " healing " one day I put my hand above my son's head

who was just a baby to check his aura and this huge big wind came

out of the top of his head as strong as out of a vacuum cleaner!

Well, I just stood there transfixed, not being able to believe this

was happening! What is this, I said to myself, why am I feeling a

breeze out of my baby son's head? I will have to ask someone. And

then when I thought clearly again I realized that this was

not " normal " . I had never heard of anyone saying anything

about a breeze coming out of a head but I was determined that one

day I was surely going to find out about it. And for the time being,

I just forgot about it.


At this time my ex-husband and I had moved to an inner-city suburb

of Sydney, Australia. There was a bus stop in front of our place and

one day I saw a picture of Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi smiling at me. I

decided then that I had to go and see Her and that She was special

but my ex-husband would not let me go to see Her. He was dead

against it. (That was in approximately late 1970's to early

1980's if my memory serves me correctly) in fact very near the

time that Sri Mataji first started coming to Australia.


In the midst of all my seeking, I turned within in earnest to know

the truth of my being and started becoming aware of the voice of a

Mother within me. She was comforting, always told me that she loved

me, that she would look after me, not to worry, everything would be

all right. I did this many times, often turning to the Mother within

when I had problems and couldn't find a way out or if I was

lonely. She always left me reassured and rejuvenated my faith in God.


Moving forward about ten years with a new husband and living in the

country area of the Central Coast of N.S.W:-


It was in about 1992-93 that I answered a " Free Meditation "

ad and it happened to be Sahaja Yoga. These two ladies gave my

husband and myself our S.R. and I was very happy to feel the Cool

Breeze. I subsequently went through a spiritual cleansing and became

a new person. I felt like when I was young again.


Jagbir, you ask what attracted me? Well I needed some peace of mind

and to relax. However, at the same time, too having been brought up

in Christian teachings I was also looking for " deeper " truth

and thought I would find it in some Meditation Group because I had

not found it in a church. I had studied a lot of eastern mystical

writers through the Theosophical Library in Sydney. I believed that

one of these must be able to bring me the true experience that I

needed. You see, a lot of people talked about self-realization but I

couldn't find anyone to really explain how they got it, or more

to the point, how I could get it. I did not know at this time that

Meditation and the experience of Self-Realization were connected.


Jagbir, you say, that the Cool Breeze meant little to you at that

time and wanted to know what I felt about it. Well, because I knew

about the story of Pentecost and the wind of the Holy Spirit at

Pentecost through Christian teachings, I was very excited when I

felt it and was told that it was the Cool Breeze or Wind of the Holy

Spirit. I had always searched for " something " and had been

told in Christianity that only the early Apostles could have this

Day of Pentecost experience.


The fact is that I was actually looking for the Comforter, the Holy

Spirit. I believed that they would come on earth as a person, rather

than just a wind. It was predicted in the Bible. And I looked for

all the signs. So, this sign in itself, the " Cool Breeze " for

me signified that I was on to something real rather than just talk.


At this time, I also tested everything I heard from people as to

compared to Bible Scriptures. They did not charge money. That's

why I went to the " Free Meditation " class in the first place.

I felt uncomfortable to go to a Meditation Class that charged money

because I felt that they had ulterior motives if they charged money.

In some ways I am pragmatic and deduce the truth through weighing up

a lot of facts. It goes something like this. Does this teaching

agree with what Jesus said? Does this truth agree with what Jesus

said? Does the Bible give a hint of what I experience within as a

possible Truth. And the Bible always confirmed to me that I was on

the right track. I never believed that the Minister's were telling

God's whole Truth.



It is my belief that the most important thing in seeking is to

desire the Truth and not to accept anything less than the Truth.

However, the Truth has to be sought within our temple of the Holy

Spirit and also without in the Sacred Scriptures of all the

religions. Each facet is needed to be a yogi/yogini who can be their

own guru and not be swayed by untruths in any form whatsoever. In my

experience, you need the Scriptures to be grounded as is taught in

Christianity…. " Study to show thyself approved unto God, a

workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of

God. " (The Bible)


I personally think that all SY's need to spend more time in

studying the Scriptures of all the religions so that they have a

better foundation in belief of what they practice and realize that

the clearing and establishing of the Kundalini is only the beginning

and not the end of everything. We need a bit of grounding not just

in experience but also in understanding. That way there is more hope

to go forward and avoid pitfalls. We need to be respected by other

faiths and the only way that can happen is that we learn about them

and unite in the Truth of all the faiths; be open-hearted, realize

that we are fortunate to have been given the teachings of Sri Mataji

Nirmala Devi. One of the truths that can unite us is the Last

Judgment and Resurrection, which we all on the earth are facing now.

Coming from a Christian Fundamentalist background, I think Sahaja

Yoga, as an organization will become great if it can bear to break

through all the religious barriers in an open way through the

message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. That would make SY

great for future generations whether they take the Christian,

Jewish, Islamic or Hindu path.


Jagbir, you ask why I am still staying on when many others have

left. As long as I am wanted I will stay on. They are my brothers

and sisters. Whether I am in the local collective or with SY's in

the collective conscious, I enjoy their company.


Mind you, as in any organization, one has to stay strong and be

one's own guru. If conflicting advice is given, one has to learn

to find the answer within.


In S.Y. we learn to " act " more than to " react " . Being

our own guru entails operating from within rather than from the

circumstances without. In practical terms, it means not expecting

anything from anyone but just giving your love and service in

whatever way you can. And yes, because of the confirmation of my

faith is Sri Mataji I can keep going on. However, I don't depend

on the outward organization but rather on the inward organism of the

collective consciousness, which never lets me down. In that organism

the Paramchaitanya does everything; I do nothing. JSM!


Lastly, Jagbir, I would like to say that SM found you the best way

for you and She found me the best way for me; the end result is the

same, isn't it!



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