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Shri Mataji: “You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the Seventh Chakra.”

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Shri Mataji: “You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the Seventh Chakra.” jagbir singh <adishakti_org Tue May 25, 2004 7:55 pm The core teachings of Jesus' Kingdom within have been lost to the modern Christian.












“Tolstoy argues, very persuasively, that the core teachings of Jesus have been lost to the modern Christian. Man is too comfortable with the way things are to really adopt Jesus approach to life.

Most of what passes for Christianity today is nothing of the sort. A great deal of it is self-serving. Jesus said salvation is personal -- you don't need a "church" to be saved. As Tolstoy explains, church's are largely the invention of men, who crave a hierarchy and order.

This book is a revelation, and can make Christians feel rebuked by Tolstoy's words.”

Wikipedia Article: The Kingdom of God is Within You http://www.knowledgerush.com/




Just as the Buddha sought to build upon and expand the great Vedic wisdom of his day, so Jesus of Nazareth built upon the wisdom and compassion teachings of the Jewish masters of his day, such as Rabbi Hillel, a contemporary with whom he may have studied. Jesus aimed, however, to shift the focus of spirituality away from the Temple and the intercessory role of the priests to the heart of each individual, emphasizing a personal relationship with the Divine through the intercession of the Holy Spirit. His radical teaching of love for all one's fellows regardless of race, gender, or station in life attracted a loyal following and the wrath of both religious and civil authorities and led to his crucifixion. The teachings of Jesus became codified into the Christian church, which within a few centuries went from being persecuted to being the principal religion of the Western world. In the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation sought to return to the core

teachings of Jesus, and Christianity was soon divided into Protestants, Roman Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox sects. The emergence of fundamentalism and "born-again" Christianity have made a distinctive mark on 20th century culture. Peter Ochiogrosso, The Joy of Sectshttp://www.joyofsects.com/religions.shtml

According to the renowned historian Elaine H. Pagels the Gospel ofThomas "does not tell the story about the life and death of Jesus,but offers the reader his `secret teachings' about thekingdom of God.This book opens with the lines, "These are the secret words which theliving Jesus spoke, and the twin, Didymos Judas Thomas wrote themdown." Then there follows a list of the sayings of Jesus. ... Some ofthese sayings are familiar. We know them from Matthew and Luke —Jesus said, "I have come to cast fire on the earth." Or "Behold, asower went out to sow," and so forth.... Others are as strange andcompelling as Zen koans. My favorite of these is saying number 70,which says, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bringforth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you,what you do not bring forth will destroy you." The gospel opens asJesus

invites people to see....The Gospel of Thomas also suggests that Jesus is aware of, andcriticizing the views of the Kingdom of God as a time or a place thatappear in the other gospels. Here Jesus says, "If those who lead yousay to you, "look, the Kingdom is in the sky," then the birds willget there first. If they say "it's in the ocean," then the fish willget there first. But the Kingdom of God is within you and outside ofyou. Once you come to know yourselves, you will become known. And you will know that it is you who are the children of the living father."In this gospel, and this is also the case in the Gospel of Luke, theKingdom of God is not an event that's going to be catastrophicallyshattering the world as we know it and ushering in a new millennium.Here, as in Luke 17:20, the Kingdom of God is said to be an interiorstate; "It's within you," Luke says. And here it says, "It's insideyou but it's also outside of you."

It's like a state of consciousness. It's hard to describe. But the Kingdom of God here is something that you can enter when you attain gnosis, which means knowledge. But it doesn't mean intellectual knowledge. The Greeks had two words for knowledge. One is intellectual knowledge, like the knowledge of physics or something like that. But this gnosis is personal, like "I know that person, or do you know so and so." So this gnosis is self-knowledge; you could call it insight. It's a question of knowing who you really are, not at the ordinary level of your name and your social class or your position. But knowing yourself at a deep level. The secret of gnosis is that when you know yourself at that level you will also come to know God, because you will discover that the divine is within you." 1According to the Catholic Church the "divine plan of Revelation isrealized simultaneously "by deeds and words which are intrinsicallybound up with each other" and shed light on each

other. It involves aspecific divine pedagogy: God communicates himself to man gradually.He prepares him to welcome by stages the supernatural Revelation thatis to culminate in the person and mission of the incarnate Word,Jesus Christ." 21. Elaine H. Pagels, PBS and WGBH/FRONTLINE, 19982. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Interdicasterial Commission), Catechismof the Catholic Church













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


“You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with your friends, and you have to tell them, "You better all get realized." The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified Himself is going to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction. And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the Seventh Chakra.”

Shri Madhumati DeviThe New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981












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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Shri Mataji: " You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here,

> as I say, in the Seventh Chakra. "



Dear Family,


This aim of this forum and related websites is to discard the

priestly external rituals and join the mystics who give evidence of

the Kingdom of God in the Seventh Chakra. All religious regimes will

crumble in this century because both Shri Mataji and Jesus have

strived " to shift the focus of spirituality away from the Temple and

the intercessory role of the priests to the heart of each

individual, emphasizing a personal relationship with the Divine

through the intercession of the Holy Spirit. "


i regard this post about the Sahasrara one of the most enlightening

because of what Shri Mataji teach humans: " You have to enter into

the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the Seventh Chakra. "


It is very important to protect and uphold this Truth at all times

because it empowers even the lowest of humans to free themselves

from religious regimes and attain self-salvation. i hope that those

who have begun to accept and spread the Divine Message to understand

its profound importance and the responsibilities they have to

shoulder in future. The Kingdom of God within that the Savior

repeatedly spoke two millennia ago must be spread to all nations so

that the long reign of religious regimes will end this century.


Jai Shri Mataji,




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--- jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:





> shriadishakti , jagbir singh

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Mataji: " You have to enter into the Kingdom

> of God here,

> > as I say, in the Seventh Chakra. "

> >


> Dear Family,


> This aim of this forum and related websites is to

> discard the

> priestly external rituals and join the mystics who

> give evidence of

> the Kingdom of God in the Seventh Chakra. All

> religious regimes will



Dear Jagbir,


Great post as far as shri Matajis words are concerned.

Its criminal that you add your own distorted view

though. 'Entering'...........'INTO' the seventh

chakra......like only your kids can do.


Perhaps they should try 'Entering' into the

mooladhara, or 'entering' the nabhi.........


You distort the meaning of Matajis words like nobody

can. I was away but managed to catch up on the posts i

missed. I see you were merrily abusing madan Khurana

in my absence, with no repect for a fellow human

being, and thoroughyl ignoring the fact that he must

be an evolved shaja yogi.


Also,, i think its about time that someone told you

that as long as you keep harping that these are 'My'

kids, 'My' views', 'my' website, 'I' am a

sikh.............its proof that you are still very

identified with all of these and therefore not much of

a sahaja yogi.


Look at the grace of Madan that he has not sent you a

befitting reply to all your useless abuses. Its really

a shame on you.


I dread to think what new comers must be picking up

from you.








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