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The Dangers of Fundamentalism

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Dear All.


> i have received an email from Violet regarding the above post

> which i believe will help others understand religious conditioning

> better. i am going to give her email to a friend of mine whose

> wife, a lovely lady who had earlier accepted all faiths, suddenly

> became against all non-Christian traditions after she joined a

> fundamentalist Pentecostical church. Over time i have seen her

> becoming even more dogmatic in her views about others, even

> Christian groups like Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witness,

> Methodists etc. As far as she is concerned only her church has the

> salvation truth, to the exclusion of all others.


> Now she has intense dislike for even the Sikh faith of her

> husband. This is a mixed race/religious marraige that i attended.

> That is why it troubles me to find her so brainwashed by religious

> fanatics in rejecting even the traditions of her own husband.


> This is indeed sad but the same pattern is repeated the world over

> as thousands of religious sects lay claim to the same 'chosen

> people' doctrine. It is only when one meets Shri Mataji does this

> hatred and dislike for other religions, scriptures and prophets

> end. Her Divine Message to humanity gives us the vision and

> enlightenment to overcome all past conditionings. We come to know

> the Truth that sets us free. It is such a blessing to embrace all

> the messengers of God.


> Jai Shri Mataji,



> jagbir



Dear All,


i have another great email from Violet who, as a former Christian

fundamentalist, knows this subject better. Her potrayal of the

Pentecostal Churches is exactly what my friend's wife is undergoing.


The last time i met her i initially refrained from reacting as it

was the birthday party of her daughter. But she was not interested

in the guests as she sat on the sofa watching a Pentecostal Church

doomsday video with another like-minded fanatic.


For more than an hour i listened silently, together with a few

guests, to her comments - she is one with Jesus, the Holy Spirit is

guiding her daily, only in her church is salvation possible, all non-

Christian religions are false etc.


In the end i had to tell her that if she did not stop going to the

Pentecostal Church she would become even more fanatical. After some

exchanges she told me that she is right because " Jesus talks to me " .


That was indeed a frightening statment that made me realize how the

Pentecostal Churches brainwash their followers into inducing them to

believe that Jesus talks to them. i mean there is nothing wrong with

saying the Jesus guides me. But when Christian fundamentalists begin

believe Jesus and the Holy Spirit talks to them, then that is the

point of no return. This is because every Sunday when they return to

their churches the same believe is enforced and induced again and

again. Thus when Jesus and the Holy Spirit is already talking to

them what knowledge have mere humans like me to give.


When the party finished the husband stood at the door to see each

guest off. His wife did not have that presence of mind. She was busy

watching another fundamentalist Christian channel, oblivious to

those who had come to celebrate her daughter's birthday. The

fundamentalism of the Pentecostal Churches had consumed her.







The Dangers of Fundamentalism


A quote by Sri Mataji on the 19th Sahasrara Day is: -


" How to now turn human beings away from these superficial

religions, these perverted paths of destruction? How to tell them

about all these established organizations? For ages they have been

ruling, making money, making power. "


What SM states is the truth but many people do not realize the snare

that they are in when they are taken in by Fundamentalism. Sri

Mataji has also stated that all Fundamentalists are actually missing

the " fundamentals " . This is also very true. Take for example,

the very fundamental doctrine of " reincarnation " that was

removed from Christian teachings at the Council of Nicea. The reason

this teaching was removed was because it allowed the priests and

leaders to have more power over the people. Why if a person has

several lives, a church cannot damn them to eternal hellfire and

destruction, can they? And then they do not have the same power over

the person, do they?


A very present concern now is that the Pentecostal Churches

are " taking in " a lot of people with their so-called

" Baptism of the Holy Spirit " . I have been there; done that

when I was in my late teens. I know it feels good and invigorating

for a while but it is not the real gift of the Holy Spirit. I felt

drunk with power and danced automatically with all the others.

Looking back I see it as a mass hysteria in which everyone is in a

state of mind that whatever the minister says, is accepted as

" gospel truth " . This mass hypnosis is a very clever

simulation of what people feel was experienced on the Day of

Pentecost. It is like a " siddhi " or " power " but it is

not the real



How do I know it is a fake? I received my real Baptism of the Holy

Spirit in 1993 when my Kundalini energy within, which is the Holy

Spirit within, rose, and I felt it as a Cool Breeze of the Holy

Ghost, same as on the Day of Pentecost! And it came from within not

from some minister putting his hand on my head. Remember, on the Day

of Pentecost, there was a wind blowing, a Cool Wind. Well, if you

are not feeling this as " cool " , you can know that it is not

the real Baptism of the Holy Spirit.


If you are in the snare of Pentecostalism and are aware that

everything is not quite right, that instead of becoming your own

guru, master, or teacher, you hang on every word of the minister,

know that you are on the wrong path! Further, if he tells you that

this is the only right way and that you are not to question anything

but just accept it, know that you are on the wrong path! Further, if

you start to think that all other religions are completely wrong,

you are on the wrong path!


The fact is that all the incarnations and prophets of every religion

actually agree with each other in their teachings. Study the

essential truths of them all and strip away the man-made doctrines

of the church and Voila! They all agree! Please be your own guru and

give yourself the opportunity to check this truth out for yourself,

for your minister will not give you that liberty for fear of losing



Sri Mataji says the essence of the teachings of all the Incarnations

and Prophets of the different religions are like the flowers on the

one tree. However, if you pick one of the flowers and claim it as

your own, that flower will die because it has left its sources. All

these " flowers " are from the One Source, God Almighty.


I would like you to know that there is a way out of

" fundamentalism " of any kind and that you can get the real

Baptism of the Holy Spirit from Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi and Sahaja

Yoga. Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi is also initiating the Last Judgment

and Resurrection that Jesus said would happen. You must take heed

now for we are living in important times of individual decision as

to what is the real Truth of all the religions. Sri Mataji also

gives you absolute freedom to question everything and test

everything to see if it is true. She does not snare you but gives

you the absolute freedom; so do try Sahaja Yoga if you are looking

for the Truth.




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