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Mass hysteria,brainwashing, what is it??

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Dear all,


I was sitting at home today and listening to my mother talk to one

of her friends on the phone about both of their troubles etc, and my

mother is a devout catholic, and she was comforting her friend and

assuring her many of her friends problems are actually " blessings "

and many of the coincidences in her life and my mothers life in

regards to the people they meet and have met, either for the good or

the bad, were all part of gods plan for them or were there for a

special purpose ordained by god. Now considering I fully believe all

that sahaja yoga is about and adishakti.org is about, even if it is

only at an intellectual level for me right now, these things my

mother says " I'll pray for you " , " the reason why such things are

happening or people are in your life must be the will of god or for

a special purpose by god " seem so ridiculous to me. I mean none of

these people have had their realization or know anything of the

kundalini, kingdom of god within or holy spirit, especially the holy

spirit outside a church context. Not only that, but she is always

talking about praying for this person and for their healing and this

and that, but if they aren't connected to god or even for that

matter the HOLY SPIRIT except for in their minds( they haven't had

realization so aren't they disconnect from the HS?)who are they

talking to or requesting help from? Wouldn't that just be the power

of intention and not the HS? As well my mother has the " gift of

tongues " so to speak, but I really think that has nothing to do with

god or the holy spirit whatsoever, but she deems these experiences

she has had and her intuition in regards to things, because it is

quite strong, as being guided by the holy spirit. IF this is not

that case, then what force or entity or trick of the mind are

controlling such things or influencing such behavior, thoughts and

experiences. I've always wondered this. When we have conversations

about the spirit, it always comes back to these things and in my

head I'm thinking " you have never met god " , though neither have I.


I don't know if this is a post with questions in it or just me

wanting to knows things I can't articulate, but if anyone out there

can pick this apart and find anything in here to shed some light on

whatever it is I am looking for, that would be great.



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Dear Kyyan,


I will try to help you by " painting a picture " figuratively

speaking, to try and help you to see what " Pentecostalism " is all



We have Pentecostalism. People go to church. They have a nice time.

They want to " deepen " their faith and it often is very genuine. They

really want to get close to God.


In the Pentecostal church service, things may happen like a rousing

song, clapping, and great camaraderie; everyone becomes " one in the

Spirit and one in the Lord " . Then they might " dance in the Spirit "

or " speak in tongues. "


While people are in this excited state, a Minister may do

a " rousing " welcome such as " Halleluyah! Praise the Lord! How are

you my brother/sister? Are we well today/tonight?! The audience may

respond out loud and answer the ministers question out loud.

Everyone becomes like a happy family.


This whole routine generates a state of " happiness " and " excitement "

at the " togetherness " felt. The audience may become slightly tired

from all this excitement and quite relaxed and may lapse into

a " receptive " state. (You could compare it to doing physical

exercise and you use up your oxygen from the exertion and then you

feel very relaxed and slightly sleepy.


By the time the Minister is ready to give his sermon, everyone is in

such a " happy " state of mind that they will probably accept whatever

he says because in this state, what is said goes directly into the

brain without going through the " critical " process. Normally, what

the minister says would go through people's thinking faculties but

they are bypassed when people are in this happy receptive state of

mind. So, they can then accept whatever is said.


This is a method of " conditioning " like you see on the Tele-

Evangelist's Programs on T.V. whereby they operate in this style

to " soften " people up for their " message. " You can also compare it

to when you inadvertently watch " ads " on T.V. but were not meaning

to do so.


All these " highs " keep people on an " up " psychologically for the

week and they might also like to go to church on Wednesda, Friday

and Sunday to get a " boost " .


If they don't go to church, they may feel a " downer " coming on and

they also feel very " guilty " because they have been convinced into

believing by the minister that if they do not go, they will likely

stray from the " straight and narrow " .


These people often become " depressed " and " elated " in turns. The

subtle system works that way. They swing from their " left " channels

to their " right " channels of the Sympathetic Nervous System and that

is why it is so exhausting; these centres continually being drained.


They are also " convinced " by the minister into believing that as

long as they talk to people about their " problems " and " pray " with

them, that they are being good Christians and will definitely go to



They also teach, as you say, that " all problems are there for a

reason and that they are " blessings " in disguise; that there is a

reason for everything. This is not necessarily " wrong " but it is not

always " right " either under certain circumstances.


Kyyan, the whole system is a bit of a merry-go-round. Pentecostals

believe that they are talking to God because they " feel "

the " euphoria " is the Holy Spirit. You will not be able to tell them

otherwise! You can compare the " addictive trend " like a runners that

are addicted to physical exercise to get the " adrenalin rush " .


The Bible predicted that we would receive the Baptism of the Holy

Spirit at this time. The Incarnation of the " Comforter " has come in

the person of Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Previously, the Baptism of

the Holy Spirit was received by very few " initiates " such as the

disciples and the Gnostics and others but they were separate from

the main congregations of Christianity as were the " private "

teachings of Jesus Christ.


Meanwhile, over the centuries, the " priestly caste " has become very

powerful. The " priestly caste " is referred to in the Bible as

the " blind leading the blind " . The " priestly caste " in fact is so

busy with " politics " and " dogma " , that they " cannot enter in

themselves and prevent others " (Bible).These " priestly caste " are

called " blind " , because, true to fundamentalism, they close their

eyes to the Truth found in the essence of all religions. They often

even consider non-Pentecostal branches of Christianity not to have

the full " gospel truth " . They believe that they are the only ones to

have the " full gospel " because they believe that they are able to

give everyone the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.


The real Baptism of the Holy Spirit is felt as a Cool Breeze, which

was felt on the Day of Pentecost when the disciples felt the wind.


In addition to " bringing to remembrance " the old Truths, Sri Mataji

has also " enlightened " and " explained " a lot. This includes the

teachings of all the Incarnations and Prophets. She also fulfills

the prophecy of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection and gives us

a positive message that we can " evolve " or " ascend " to become our

Spirt and avoid thereby be " saved " from the calamities happening

around us today all over the world.


In Pentecostalism, though, they think that they have the

exclusive " outpouring of the Holy Spirit " and that no one is going

to be " saved " except the Fundamentalist Pentecostal Christians.


Kyyan, I'm sure your mother loves you and you love her. I can tell

you that she feels 100% sure that she is on the right path; is in

touch with God and so forth. There is no way you could convince her

otherwise, because of her 'experiences'. Sorry to have to say this,

but it is true. People who are entrenched in " Pentecostalism " are

utterly convinced and will not see it any other way. Unless

some " miracle " happens or something " bad " happens, like the minister

committing some grave " sin " (and this has happened), that people

wake up and take notice.


Another thing is that Fundamentalist Christians in general all study

their Bibles very thoroughly. They will have a Bible Verse to back

up everything they say. Unfortunately, the ministers however, tell

them how to " interpret " the Scriptures, depending on their " dogmas " .

These " interpretations " are often very wrong. Were a person like

yourself, Kyyan, to study the Bible and not be " influenced " by

these " interpretations " and " dogmas " , you would have a much better

chance to find the real Truth. You would be surprised at what you

find in the Bible. There is a lot of depth there.


Kyyan, you say that your mother has never met God. The reason you

can say this, I believe, is that you sense that this " merry-go-

round " is all an " outward " thing, and it is.


The real Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a very " inner " experience and

makes you your own " guru " , " master " and " teacher " , rather than

someone subject to all the " conditionings " imposed by the churches.


Kyyan, your mother is very " genuine " in her belief and she is doing

everything to the best of her ability to follow what she believes to

be true. You see, it is not her fault in a way. Its is the fault of

the " blind leaders " to a large extent.


Unfortunately, Pentecostals follow the Fundamentalist Christian

doctrines so there is no problem for a " devout Catholic " to

go " Pentecostal " . A lot of people are falling into this " trap " from

the so-called " frying pan " of " fundamentalism " to the all-

consuming " fire " of " Pentecostalism " .


That's why there is a need to get the message out urgently about SM

and the Last Judgment and Resurrection, so that Christians have a

chance to have the " real " Baptism of the Holy Spirit, rather than

the " fake " one. Christians already believe in the Last Judgment and

Resurrection, although a very Doomsday version of it.


Fundamentalist Christians do not believe in the unity of the Truth

of Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham, Moses, Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Guru

Nanak and others, so they are dividing the Truth. However, Truth is



Kyyan, all you can do is to seek and see the Truth clearly yourself

and live your life that way. You need to be your own guru and not

let anyone else become your guru and I believe from what you have

said, that you are doing that.


Meanwhile, please do have love and compassion for your mother

because she is treading a difficult path full of pitfalls. Stand up

for yourself and be firm and true to your own Spirit and speak your

Truth quietly and with confidence when your mother wishes to talk.


This way you can be a " mirror " for your mother and maybe one day

help her out of this " trap " . One tip though; you will also need to

familiarize yourself with the Bible and other Holy Books to give you

the understanding and " grounding " for your experiences. This website

helps you a lot in that way.


I hope this can help you to " see " things a bit more clearly.










shriadishakti , " v_koa " <v_koa> wrote:


> Dear all,


> I was sitting at home today and listening to my mother talk to one

> of her friends on the phone about both of their troubles etc, and


> mother is a devout catholic, and she was comforting her friend and

> assuring her many of her friends problems are actually " blessings "

> and many of the coincidences in her life and my mothers life in

> regards to the people they meet and have met, either for the good


> the bad, were all part of gods plan for them or were there for a

> special purpose ordained by god. Now considering I fully believe


> that sahaja yoga is about and adishakti.org is about, even if it


> only at an intellectual level for me right now, these things my

> mother says " I'll pray for you " , " the reason why such things are

> happening or people are in your life must be the will of god or


> a special purpose by god " seem so ridiculous to me. I mean none of

> these people have had their realization or know anything of the

> kundalini, kingdom of god within or holy spirit, especially the


> spirit outside a church context. Not only that, but she is always

> talking about praying for this person and for their healing and


> and that, but if they aren't connected to god or even for that

> matter the HOLY SPIRIT except for in their minds( they haven't had

> realization so aren't they disconnect from the HS?)who are they

> talking to or requesting help from? Wouldn't that just be the


> of intention and not the HS? As well my mother has the " gift of

> tongues " so to speak, but I really think that has nothing to do


> god or the holy spirit whatsoever, but she deems these experiences

> she has had and her intuition in regards to things, because it is

> quite strong, as being guided by the holy spirit. IF this is not

> that case, then what force or entity or trick of the mind are

> controlling such things or influencing such behavior, thoughts and

> experiences. I've always wondered this. When we have conversations

> about the spirit, it always comes back to these things and in my

> head I'm thinking " you have never met god " , though neither have I.


> I don't know if this is a post with questions in it or just me

> wanting to knows things I can't articulate, but if anyone out


> can pick this apart and find anything in here to shed some light


> whatever it is I am looking for, that would be great.


> Kyyan

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