Guest guest Posted February 18, 2005 Report Share Posted February 18, 2005 shriadishakti " Violet Tubb " <vtubb Fri, 18 Feb 2005 14:07:14 -0800 [shriadishakti] Re: Mass hysteria, brainwashing, what is it?? Dear Jagbir, Here is a message for Kyyan. I have had so much trouble with computer and sending this. That is why the delay. Violet ------------------------------- Dear Kyyan, I will try to help you to clarify your thoughts as you requested We have Pentecostalism. People go to church. They have a nice time. They want to " deepen " their faith. They really want to get close to God and are genuine about that. Things happen, like rousing singing, clapping, great camaraderie, everyone is " one in the Spirit and one in the Lord " . Then they might " dance in the Spirit " . Others may start " speaking in tongues " . While people are in this excited state, a Minister may do a rousing welcome, Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! How are you my brother! How are you my sister! Are we well today/tonight! Hallelujah! The audience may respond out loud to the minister. Everyone becomes like one happy family. This whole routine generates a state of " happiness " and " excitement " and then the audience may become slightly tired from all the excitement and quite relaxed and lapse into a " receptive state. " You could compare it to doing physical exercise and you use up your oxygen from the exertion and then you feel really relaxed and slightly sleepy. By the time the Minister is ready to give his sermon, everyone is in such a happy state of mind that they just accept whatever is said in such a way that it goes directly into the brain without going through a " critical " process. Normally, what the minister would say would go through people's critical thinking faculties but they are bypassed when people are in this happy and receptive state of mind. They will then be able to accept everything the minister tells them. In fact, this is a method of " conditioning " similar to when you watch the T.V. and are " influenced " by the advertisements because your mind has gone into a sort of " fugue. " You can see it on T.V. when the Tele-evangelists operate in this manner to " soften " people up for their " message " . All these " highs " keep people on an " up " psychologically for the whole week and then they might want to go to church again on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday to get a boost. If they don't go to church, they may feel a " downer " coming on and they also feel very " guilty " because they have been convinced into believing that they will stray from the path if they do not keep going to church. These people also often become " depressed " ; the reason being, you have " highs " ; then you have " lows " . The subtle system works that way. They swing from their " left " channels of their subtle system to their " right " channels and back again. It is a swinging pendulum that never becomes completed balanced as being in the " centre " channel. They are " convinced " by the Minister into believing that as long as they talk to people about their " problems " and how Christ can solve them and then they " pray " with them or for them, they are then leading a good Christian life and will go to Heaven. This is how they do their " ministry " during the week when they are not at church. And they are expected to bring others to church, too. They also teach, in the Pentecostal Church that all problems are there for a reason and that the problems can be a blessing in disguise; that there is a reason for everything. This is not necessarily " wrong " but it is not always " right " . Kyyan, the whole system is a bit of a merry-go-round. Pentecostals believe they are talking to God because they " feel " the " high " (euphoria) so keenly. The adrenalin and endorphins are pumping in and they really believe that this euphoria is the " Holy Spirit " and you will not be able to tell them otherwise! (Again, you can compare it to " runners " who are addicted to physical exercise to get that " adrenalin rush " . Pentecostals seem to attract people and want to " save " them all the time. They believe they are talking to God. But a lot of Pentecostals, I have noticed, " demand " from God. For example, they will say " In the name of Jesus we cast out this sickness or demon " or whatever, so I feel it is a kind of combination between a " mental " power and " super conscious " power. The whole thing is very mentally and psychically draining; I know; I have been there; done that. You will find that the adherents get very exhausted from all this excitement and drama in their lives. They are actually taxing their sympathetic nervous systems, the " left " and " right " channels. Other than the above, Pentecostals have similar teachings to all the other Christian Fundamentalist Churches. The Bible predicted that we would receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at this time. The Incarnation of the " Comforter " , is now actually here in the person of SM. Previously, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was received by very few initiates such as the disciples and later the Gnostics and others but they were separate from the main congregations of Christianity as were the private teachings. The private teachings and initiations were given by Jesus to his disciples and passed on in that way, person to person. They did not pass from congregation to congregation because the average person was not ready to receive the private teachings at that time Meanwhile, the " priestly caste " has become very powerful. The " priestly caste " is referred to in the Bible as the " blind leading the blind. " The " priestly caste " is so busy with " politics " and " dogma " that they often do not have time to practice what they themselves preach but they expect their congregation to do so. They are known to make a lot of rules and restrict people in their churches from real spiritual seeking. It is only at this time in which we live that Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi (the promised and prophesied One) has come to give en-mass Self- Realization, which is actually the real Baptism of the Holy Spirit and you feel it like a cool breeze as in the " wind " of the Holy Spirit that happened on the Day of Pentecost. The Bible says that " the Comforter shall come and teach you all things and bring to remembrance all things. " Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the " Comforter " for this age and She has brought back and explained the old Truths that have been known to the " few " previously and made them known to humanity `en-masse'. This includes all the teachings of all the Incarnations and all the Prophets that came to humanity. She also gives us the " connection " to our own spirit. She also fulfills the prophecy of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection, which is actually a positive message for today where at this time we can evolve in our consciousness to become the Spirit and thereby be " saved " from the calamities that are happening in the world today. In Pentecostalism, however, they think that they have the exclusive " outpouring of the Holy Spirit " and that no one is going to be " saved' except Fundamentalist Pentecostal Christians and everyone else is going to experience the Doomsday Destruction. SM does not have the need to " excite " us to the Truth but speaks it very plainly and even asks us to " test everything like a scientist " . She is against " blind " faith and " blind leaders of the blind " . SM says that the " blind leaders of the blind " are going to be very accountable on Judgment Day for what they are doing in the churches today. This was Christ's message too when He said " Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, blind leaders of the blind. " They are called " blind " , because true to fundamentalism, they will close their eyes to the Truth found in all Holy Books. Their " conditioning " also does not even allow them to " open " their eyes to see the Truth in the essence of all religions. To go one step further, all other " religions " are denounced, even other branches of Christianity as not the " full gospel truth " . They think they have the " full gospel Truth " because they think they have the " outpouring of the Holy Spirit. " Kyyan, I'm sure your mother loves you and you love her. I can tell you that she feels 100% sure that she is on the right path, is in touch with God and so forth. There is no way you could convince her otherwise, because of her experiences. Sorry to have to say this, but it is true. People who are entrenched in " Pentecostalism " are utterly convinced and will not see it any other way. Unless, some miracle happens or something bad happens, like the minister commits some " sin " and people start questioning what is happening. This has happened too. The true inward dharma is not there. It only appears to be there. SM often says that Fundamentalist Christians have very " lustful " eyes. This shows you that the real inner purification is not there. There is a lot of talk and hype but no real " inner " dharma. It tends to be on the " outside " . Mind you, all Fundamentalist Christians including Pentecostals really get to know what is written in their Bibles by studying it. Unfortunately, however, the ministers tell them how to interpret the Scriptures, based on their dogmas. These interpretations are often very wrong to what is the actual Truth that is stated in the Bible. Were a person like yourself to study the Scriptures and not be influenced by the minister's and the church's dogmas, you would have a good chance to come to the Truth. I myself acted upon the promise in the Bible that says, " Seek Me and you will find Me; knock and the Door will be opened, for whoever seeks will find and whoever knocks to him will the Door be opened. " It does not say " seek me at the Pentecostal Church and you will find me, etc. " Instead, the verse points out that you need to " seek within yourself " . So it is good for you, Kyyan to study the Bible too and be " grounded " and because you do not have to follow the minister's interpretations of scriptures, you can find the real Truth out of the scriptures. It is important to do this. You will be surprised at what you find. There is a lot of depth there. Kyyan you say that your mother has never met God and neither have you, yet. The reason you can say this, I believe, is that you sense that this merry-go-round is all an " outward " thing and it is. The real Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an " inner " thing. It is very deep and a person gets off the " merry-go-round " and becomes their own " guru " , " master " and " teacher " , rather than someone subject to all of these " conditionings " imposed by the churches. Kyyan, your mother is very " genuine " in her belief and she is doing everything to the best of her ability to follow what she believes to be true. You see, it is not her fault in a way. It is the fault of those " blind leaders " to a large extent. Pentecostalists follow the Fundamentalist Christian doctrines so there is no problem for your mother being a devout Catholic to go " Pentecostal " . A lot of people are falling into this " trap " , from the so-called " frying pan " of " fundamentalism " into the dangerous all-consuming " fire " of " Pentecostalism " . That's why we need to get the message out urgently about SM and also the Last Judgment and Resurrection, so that Christians have a chance to have the " real " Baptism of the Holy Spirit rather than the " fake " one. The Christians already believe in the Last Judgment and Resurrection but have the wrong understanding of it. So the right understanding of it would help them to come to SY. Fundamentalist Christians do not believe in the unity of the truth of Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham, Moses, Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Guru Nanak and others. Yet Truth is one and cannot be divided. Kyyan, all you can do is to seek and see Truth clearly yourself, and live your life that way. You need to be your own guru and not let anyone else become your guru and I believe from what you have said, that you are doing that. Have compassion for your mother because she is treading a difficult path full of pitfalls. Stand up for yourself and be firm and true to your own beliefs and speak them quietly and with confidence when your mother wishes to talk to you about God. This way you can be a mirror to your mother and maybe help her one-day to get out of Pentecostalism. You will also need to familiarize yourself with all Holy Books to give you understanding and strength which I think you are already doing through this website. I hope this can help you see things a little more clearly. Violet Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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