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Re; What is the ,,separation from the spirit,,?

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Dear Danny,

Thank you very much for this lovely post, which has explained to me

what has really been meant by the Christian concepts of 'heaven and

hell', and about what happens after physical death. These concepts

have been misused for centuries to terrify and control believers,

and have been hopelessly misunderstood. The true message of the

Spirit and soul uniting, and in this way entering the Kingdom of

God, is one of beauty, love and hope.

Regards, Semira





" (Q) What form of consciousness does the entity assume after death?


(A) That of the subconscious consciousness, as known in the material

plane, or the acts and deeds, and thoughts, done in the body, are


present before that being. Then consider what a hell digged by some,

and what a haven and heaven builded by many. " (Cayce Reading 5756-4)


Cayce taught that Mankind's great spiritual struggle revolved around

the issue of division. Finding or achieving some unity between the


elements was " what it's all about " . " Making the two one " would,

according to Cayce, accomplish something on the order of the east's

" Enlightenment " :


(Q) " Explain what the divide between the soul and spiritual forces


How manifest, and how we may study self to gain the approach to that



(A) This [is] of the spiritual entity in its entirety. The

super-conscious [is] the divide, that one-ness lying between the soul

and the spirit force, within the spiritual entity. Not of earth


at all, only awakened with the spiritual indwelling and acquired

individually. (900-21 M 29)


Cayce's words here fall once again right in line with the traditions

of many ancient cultures : there is a division between the soul and

spirit, but when this division is overcome, one finds an entirely new

psychological element where the division had stood, almost like a

third soul - a 'super-conscious'.


But this raises a crucial question. If " making the two one " , or

overcoming the division, was what it was all about, and one failed to

do this, then what could happen in the worst-case scenario? The


was immortal and invulnerable, and so was in no danger whatsoever.


the soul, which held the memory (900-21 M 29) and which WAS


(Cayce Reading 900-17 M 29) was vulnerable, according to Cayce. Cayce

taught that after the end of Judgment Day, when all are reunited with

God, some would do so lacking all their memories of their past lives,

past selves, and past identities (- Harmon H. Bro, " Edgar Cayce on

Religion and Psychic Experience " , p.34). For some, all their memories

would be missing, destroyed, gone :


" Some who continue to reject [God's] ways will be returned to their

original estate with Him - without consciousness of what they have

been and done, won and lost " .


Some souls, containing the memories of past lives, would indeed


lost forever :


" There was in very fact, in the hearts and experience of men, an

'outer darkness' from which even God would not save them forever "


(- Harmon H. Bro, " Edgar Cayce on Religion and Psychic Experience " ,




This concept is another echo of DivisionTheory, which also concludes

that while all individual spirits will in the end be returned to God,

not all will do so in full possession of all their past-life souls;

some of their past-life souls, which contain all their memories and

sense of identity, might indeed be lost and destroyed. All spirits

will survive; but mankind's souls are completely capable of being

lost, and all of humanity's religions have been erected with the

single purpose of preventing this loss, the loss of one's own sense




Like DivisionTheory, Cayce also warned that death could bring the


of self:


" ...death came -- the pangs of the loss of self. " (3188)


What are we to make of this? This seems to directly contradict


famous statement that " There is no death " . What then was this " self "

that could be lost at death?


Cayce saw the soul and spirit as parts of the same whole, distinct,

yet together comprising a unity - the self:


" The soul and spirit are one, yet distinct - even as the Father, the

Son, the Holy Spirit is one, yet is the manifestation of a force that

is capable of manifestation in the varied planes of development. "



And yet this self could be lost:


" ...death came -- the pangs of the loss of self. " (3188)


Cayce seems to suggest, here as well as other places, that death


bring the separation of the soul from the spirit. He openly stated,

first of all, that death WAS separation, a separation from life:


" The dead are separated from the living. As it is in the earth, so it

is in the spiritual. Dead, or death, is separation. Death in the

spiritual, then, is separation from life. And life is God. " (295)


What was this again that would be experiencing this separation? What

was it that survived after death? It was the soul :


" the subconscious mind of the living ...became the functioning mind

when one died. " (- Harmon H. Bro, " Edgar Cayce on Religion and


Experience " , p. 58). " It is the soul and its mind that lives on after

death.... " (HLC's Analysis of 949-2)


OK, so according to Cayce, (A) the soul survives death, but (B) would

somehow be " separated " in the process. What does this mean? What does

the soul " separate from " at death?


" Death is separation. Death in the spiritual, then, is separation


life. And life is God. " AND " The spirit [is] the essence of Life or

God in us. " (295)


Are we to conclude, then that " death in the spiritual " , then, would


separation from the spirit?


Dear All

The great Adi Shakti ,the Comforter promised by Shri Jesus has


to prevent this very thing...,,the death in the spiritual,,..by

connecting our souls with the spirit within ,and emancipating the

human being from the chains of Karma!!

For three decades Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has declared and explained

in detail the Great Event ordained for all humanity - the Last

Judgment and Resurrection - which promises both bodily resurrection

(kundalini awakening) and spiritual immortality (moksa).


Jai Shri Mataji


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