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Some important quotes from Shri Mataji

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1979 (Spontaneity)


" You cannot pay for it. It is absolutely impossible to pay for it.

God doesn't have a shop. No. He doesn't know shopping, nor

can you organise him. We cannot organise God. He has to organise us.

So any sort of an organised thing cannot work out. It is absolutely

like the sprouting of a seed, you must put it in some soil and put

some water. As I say I put some water of Love, I give you some water

of Love, then it sprouts by itself. You have a seed; you have a

sprout inside it (Primule) and everything is ready. It has to

happen. By getting angry it does not work out. By anything that you

can do, you cannot work it out. You have to be effortless. You

cannot put any effort for sprouting a seed. You can't even

transform a single flower into a fruit. Actually, we do not do much.


What we do is dead. Whatever is dead we change into another.

That's all. We have done nothing living. This is a living process

and all living processes are achieved through spontaneity. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


1981-01 (technique called Nirmala Vidya & power called Innocence


" But now you see how subtle it is. Only by saying `Nirmala

Vidya', you just invite that power, the whole thing, the whole

technique to attend to you, and it attends to you. You don't have

to worry. It never happens in any government or anywhere in the

world. You just address the Government, and the whole thing goes

into work, in the whole, the entire universe, every creation. That

technique is called Nirmala Vidya. That technique, once mastered, by

surrendering to it completely, obeys absolutely. But it is Ganesh

Shakti, the Shakti of Innocence, is the power called Innocence. So

the Innocence takes over, which manages, that's how it works out. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



1984-05-21 (enlighten the universe)


" If one accepts ones material responsibilities then one has to go

down into the world of filth and commonness, and our vibrations get

spoilt. However, we have been given the capacity to cleanse

ourselves and by doing so we clear our Mother's creation and, in

some small part, repay to Her the enormous debt we owe Her. If we

are not prepared to face the world, we go against the Vishnu Tattwa,

and his Shakti Sri Lakshmi forsakes us. Further, we deny the fact of

our birth and material existence in this world gained through the

grace and auspices of Lord Vishnu supported by Lord Ganesha. If we

do not accept our responsibility to maintain our Lakshmi, it will be

hard for Sahaja Yoga to penetrate the material universe, for who

will build the Ashrams and hold the programmes? Often in Sahaja Yoga

one is asked to pay for this and that and people grumble, but they

see only the gross drama, not the deep subtle meaning: that

one is being asked to pay attention to the Lakshmi Vishnu Tattwa so

that the Virata can be enlightened by the enlightened Atmas we all

possess by Mother's grace. For the enlightenment to have this

meaning, we should enlighten the universe and enter gross matter

regardless of the consequences for we are pure Atma. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



1985-03 (good behaviour)


" But now the time has come, you are the people who are going to

change the mind of God, with your good behaviour, the wrathful God;

you are going to please Him. Who is going to deserve in this Western

world? You tell me today. You are the ones chosen for this,

specially prepared for this, to create an era so that the Deity of

compassion should be awakened for the rest of them. The arrogance

you have seen in the spread of Sahaja Yoga what happened. We had a

programme where we had say a thousand people, for the next follow up

there are only three. It's typical. I have spent most of my

precious time in this country (England) and in the West. Despite

that, the arrogance sometimes baffles me. Arrogance amongst each

other, even towards Me sometimes, they are so arrogant, I cannot

think of anyone being that arrogant to Me as the way they are. The

way they talk to Me, the way they behave towards Me; I just can't

understand how they can be like that. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



1979 (Holy Ghost)


" So, as we know, that people have not talked much about the Holy

Ghost in the Bible. Any scriptures that have talked about the Father

have not been able to talk about the Holy Ghost, specially when

Christ's Mother Herself was an incarnation of the Holy Ghost. He

did not want to endanger Her life. He did not even say that She was

an incarnation of Holy Ghost. He did not want to endanger Her life

because, if they had crucified Her, He would have come out with His

power, with His own destructive powers, but the drama was to be

played and She remained a silent person. So, this Holy Ghost is

important for us, because Father is just a witness. He is witnessing

the play, the game that the Holy Ghost is playing. He is the only

witness of that game. He is going to enjoy Her creation and She is

trying to please Him by creating this because it was His desire to

create. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



1985-03 (find your roots)


" Again I say that a new page has been turned. Don't take

liberties with Sahaja Yoga. It has bestowed all the blessings upon

you. You have seen the light of day, but be prepared for the night.

Nobody should try to take liberties, try to improve yourself. No

more complaints, if you can't live in an ashram like that, you

better get of it. It's not for your convenience. Nobody is in

need of you. Take it from me. Nobody is in need of you; you have to

be in need of yourself. If you are seekers, if you want to find your

roots, everything is available for you. But you have to be humble,

to go down to the roots, not with arrogance. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



1979 (`primordial power')


" Now whatever I say is just a story for you. You need not believe

it, but I will reach a point which you can believe into, and then,

step-by-step, you can believe into this theory. This is just a

hypothesis for you. So, use – when this desire became a power,

this power was called Shakti, or Maha Shakti, or Adi Shakti, means

`primordial power'. This primordial power assumed a

personality and entity; it had to, if it was to act. If you only

have a desire in your heart, it is not good. We have to transform it

into a form; we can say into an entity, which we call in the Bible,

the Holy Ghost and in the Sanskrit language, the Adi Shakti. This

desire then created out of itself two more powers, one to act and

the other to improve upon its own creation. So, three powers started

acting, and thus these three powers were created. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





One must know that these are the laws of the divine, that we have to

live with self-respect, that we have to be chaste, that we have to

have dignity, that we cannot steal money and steal things and be

parasites. That we cannot kill others and we cannot beat others and

say harsh things,--they are just the same. And that we have respect,

the respect for all that is sublime. Respect for all the saints that

are Sahaja Yogis. And the respect for the leaders who represent you

Mother. With all this, we are very different people. We are

different race. We are virtuous, we are righteous and we are proud

to be that way. We are sure of everything. We know about every

thing. And we are personification of Compassion, of Love of God.

That's what we are. We are not ordinary people.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

(Ashtami Puja, 1984)



" As a human being Christ came. He came as a human being. But He was

not a human being. He was divine. Absolutely He was nothing but

Omkara. That's why he could walk on the water. There was nothing

materialistic in Him you can say, no matter in Him. If, if there was

any matter in Him He could not have walked on the water.[...}

Christ accepted His resurrection as a natural thing because He

knew all about it and that He didn't have to change, He didn't have

to transform himself, He was the same as He was because He did not

need any resurrection. He just tried to show in His life that we

human beings can have our realisation and we can be resurrected. His

message is not the cross but the resurrection and this resurrection

if you understand, then one can understand also one more thing that

we are now resurrected from ordinary human beings to the divine

level. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

(Sydney, Australia - April 3, 1994)



" It is really a new race that has come up, really. Somewhere,

somebody goes wrong or something happens, doesn't matter. On the

whole it is such a beautiful race of people. I face them before me.

Ever in dreams people could not have believed it. They don't yet

believe. But it has happened, you must now have an enlightened

faith, which we call as 'Shraddha'. With that enlightened faith I am

sure you will adhere to the emancipation of human beings. It's your

duty now. It is all given free. Of course, Sahaja Yoga is free. You

can have it free, you don't have to pay anything, all right. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

(Delhi, India. March 20, 1995)

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