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Dear Sahaja Yogis and Followers of Shri Mataji:


Please consider me one of you. I was delighted to get such a quick

and active response to my article, " The Dire Consequences of Lust. "

However much I love the fact that people answered - SEMIRA and

JAGBIR said things that weren't fair. Semira made it sound like my

article condemned sex, and it did not do so at all. If you look at

the article carefully, it spoke of sex in terms of only a small

minority of people - those who want the absolute vision of God,

Enlightenment, or seeing God face to face. It also addressed what

happens after this vision and what is expected of a person who has

already reached Perfect Enlightenment. This article did not speak

about sex in terms of the vast public, or even the intermediate

level. For those who want to be normal people, sex is a part of

their lives. For those on the intermediate level, sex is a

possibility. But only for those who seek the absolute vision, they

must become total renunciants and get rid of all attachments and

desires but God. That is what the article is saying - nothing

else. I agree with all of you that sex is normal and natural and

should not be repressed, etc., under ordinary circumstances. It

should be fine between consenting adults and certainly marriage is a

good setting. But seeing God face to face, the absolute vision, is

not a normal state. Being lifted in GLORY is not normal - it is

Supernatural. For that, a person must be Dead to Self, as a living

ego person cannot see God as God is, but only one who is dead to all

things but God. This is what the article says, nothing more and

nothing less.



Now to Jagbir: You said that looking at my site, I have an

obsession with nudity, and that I say I want to be celibate. I have

been celibate for 27 years this May 27, 2005, by the grace of Our

Blessed Mother Mary. Obsessed by nudity? Like you all say, it is

natural and God's creation, and because I have artistic nude images

on my site, (like the Sistine Chapel images,) does not mean I am

obessed by nudity. Pope John Paul II insisted that the loincloths

put on the images of the Sistine Chapel be removed and they show all

their assets the way Michaelangelo intended. (The loincloths had

been painted on by prudes in the 1500's.)


To the accusation that I have a split personality, and that one is

me and one is Mother Mary, and that I need " medical treatment. "

Jagbir, if I wanted to, I could read and channel your mind, but it

would not mean that I am you. I channel a wide variety of Saints,

and so, does that mean I am them? I have a Gift of The Holy Spirit

where I can " read hearts " and understand the interior of souls.

There are many Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and I have been blessed

with all of them. God has been good to me. It is possible that I am

Gifted by God, is it not?


Rasa Von Werder

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, " Rasa Von Werder "

<rasa@w...> wrote:

> Dear Sahaja Yogis and Followers of Shri Mataji:


> Please consider me one of you.


Hi Rasa..I understand you are expert in Siddha Yoga,but have you had

the slightest curiosity in your heart to read about sahaja

yoga?Here..I'll help you:






Now,unlike you never been curious about sahaja yoga(and therefore

missing the greatest spiritual revolution of out times)I have studied

Siddha yoga(among others)...so please feel free to talk about it.

Just tell us your ideas about sahaja yoga for now...thank you,dear;)


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Dear Rasa,

Sorry, I completely disagree with you here. Rasa wrote:

" For those who want to be normal people, sex is a part of

their lives. For those on the intermediate level, sex is a

possibility. But only for those who seek the absolute vision, they

must become total renunciants and get rid of all attachments and

desires but God. That is what the article is saying - nothing

else. "

You are saying that normal, married people with children cannot seek

the absolute vision of God. This is exactly the Catholic view, to

reach high levels of spirituality by self-denial and by retreating

from normal life. Do you realise that many people in many countries

do not even have this choice at all, what of them? Is it not a 'high-

and-mighty' view of yours that you are so much better than them,

implying that they are inferior for not choosing the same path as

you? Have you ever thought that it is possible to achieve great

spirituality in spite of our worldly situation, rather than by

running away from everything?


Rasa wrote: " Now to Jagbir: You said that looking at my site, I have


obsession with nudity, and that I say I want to be celibate. I have

been celibate for 27 years this May 27, 2005, by the grace of Our

Blessed Mother Mary. Obsessed by nudity? Like you all say, it is

natural and God's creation, and because I have artistic nude images

on my site, (like the Sistine Chapel images,) does not mean I am

obessed by nudity. "

Yes, but pictures like you have on your site reinforce the idea of

women as sex-objects, and are degrading and humiliating to women,

and are men's fantasy idea of women. You are giving these women

freely to be desired and fantasised about for all men who look at

you site, which is hardly in line with the celibacy you advocate.

Regards, Semira


I'm adding some passages from Kahlil Gibran for you to consider;

And an orator said, " Speak to us of Freedom. "


And he answered:


At the city gate and by your fireside I have seen you prostrate

yourself and worship your own freedom,


Even as slaves humble themselves before a tyrant and praise him

though he slays them.


Ay, in the grove of the temple and in the shadow of the citadel I

have seen the freest among you wear their freedom as a yoke and a



And my heart bled within me; for you can only be free when even the

desire of seeking freedom becomes a harness to you, and when you

cease to speak of freedom as a goal and a fulfillment.


You shall be free indeed when your days are not without a care nor

your nights without a want and a grief,


But rather when these things girdle your life and yet you rise above

them naked and unbound.


And how shall you rise beyond your days and nights unless you break

the chains which you at the dawn of your understanding have fastened

around your noon hour?


In truth that which you call freedom is the strongest of these

chains, though its links glitter in the sun and dazzle the eyes.


And what is it but fragments of your own self you would discard that

you may become free?


If it is an unjust law you would abolish, that law was written with

your own hand upon your own forehead.


You cannot erase it by burning your law books nor by washing the

foreheads of your judges, though you pour the sea upon them.


And if it is a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne

erected within you is destroyed.


For how can a tyrant rule the free and the proud, but for a tyranny

in their own freedom and a shame in their won pride?


And if it is a care you would cast off, that care has been chosen by

you rather than imposed upon you.


And if it is a fear you would dispel, the seat of that fear is in

your heart and not in the hand of the feared.


Verily all things move within your being in constant half embrace,

the desired and the dreaded, the repugnant and the cherished, the

pursued and that which you would escape.


These things move within you as lights and shadows in pairs that



And when the shadow fades and is no more, the light that lingers

becomes a shadow to another light.


And thus your freedom when it loses its fetters becomes itself the

fetter of a greater freedom. And the priestess spoke again and said:


" Speak to us of Reason and Passion. "


And he answered saying:


Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and

your judgment wage war against passion and your appetite.


Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn

the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and



But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the peacemakers, nay,

the lovers of all your elements?


Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your

seafaring soul.


If either your sails or our rudder be broken, you can but toss and

drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.


For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion,

unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.


Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion;

that it may sing;


And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may

live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise

above its own ashes.


I would have you consider your judgment and your appetite even as

you would two loved guests in your house.


Surely you would not honour one guest above the other; for he who is

more mindful of one loses the love and the faith of both.


Among the hills, when you sit in the cool shade of the white

poplars, sharing the peace and serenity of distant fields and

meadows - then let your heart say in silence, " God rests in reason. "


And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind shakes the forest, and

thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky, - then let

your heart say in awe, " God moves in passion. "


And since you are a breath In God's sphere, and a leaf in God's

forest, you too should rest in reason and move in passion.

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To Semira,


If you are saying that a person can have attachments to the flesh

and to the world and still se God face to face you have to be wrong.

To see God face to face is the ulimate supernatural experiance that

a human can be given. This great grace is so beyond the flesh that a

person must be willing to give up their physical life to receive the

vision. That is to say, they cannot hold o to the love and the

aatachment to the flesh to see the beatific vision. The desire for

sex is just one of the many things that holds people to the flesh,

to the world and to other people. The greatest book that I know is

called 'The Mystical City Of God' by Saint Mary of Agreda which you

can get from Ave Maria Institue of Washington, New Jersey. The

fourth volume of this book describes what it takes to see God face

to face. Perusing the book I cannot at the moment find the

definition that I am looking for but I did find this:



" In thy flights of desire to arrive at the beatific vision thou must

permit no other lower motive to intermingle... "



If you are saying that a person canhave it both ways, a person can

stay attached to the flesh, people and things and see God face to

face, all the saints & mystics I have studied disagree. I myself saw

God face to face twice in 1982 and at that time everything but God

was gone from my mind and heart; I was completely, totally empty and

dead to self. It was a strange and frightening feeling until God

filled the void.


Next The images on my site. A lot of people are criticizing

these images because it reminds them of the flesh. Meanwhile you are

saying the flesh is okay, so why are you mad about my pictures? Am I

contradicting myself by believing that one must give up the flesh

and everyelse face to face but I present some images that might

evoke the flesh in some men? When a person is doing a sadhana which

they hope will end with enlightenment, they leave all such thoughts

and images behind, but most of life is not on such a high level. You

do not stay on the pinnacle of the mountain every minute of your

life. These are a few seconds of a lifetime of 90 years. Much of

life is lived on a fairly normal scale, these images are not beastly

or demonic. I am not promoting rape abuse or cruelty, just beauty of

the human form and the pictures either illustrate the topic at hand

of the article or they are in the galleries. The woman with the gun

for instance illustrates 'Who's Killing The Most People, the women

wrestling illustrates 'What's Wrong With Women', the Weapons Of

Women show women with swords, a mace and karate portrayed by the

photographer to illustrate the points of the article.


Not everybody is ready for the final vision of God. I was and I am

but I can find very few people interested in the final vision.

Seeing God face to face requires so much sacrifice that so far I

have found only two men who say they are willing to become celebate

in order to receive enlightenment. This is after many years of

trying and I consider myself extremely lucky to have these two men.

God will put more light and more power into these two self

sacrificing souls than he/she would put into many thousands of

others. One perfect soul is worth more than a thousand intrmediate

soul and has more power with God than thousands.


These souls are so rare that a lot of the site is for people on the

beginning intetmediate levels. Even those who become perfect start

out as spiritual babes. It takes many years to reach enlightenment.

For example celibacy took me 10 years of struggle against sex then

after the vow and twelve years of abstinence to silence the

pituitary gland from sending messages to the genital organs. If I

sound judgemental to people who want to hold onto sex I am not. They

will all see God face to face someday if they love God but for most

people it happens only after physical death. Only the tiniest

minority of total renunciants will see God face to face while yet in

the flesh.

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Dear Rasa,

The Kingdom of Heaven is within each of us, and cannot be attained

by any amount of will or self-sacrifice. Trust in the healing power

of the Mother Kundalini to purify you, and allow yourself to forgive

everyone, and also yourself. Jesus told us that to enter the Kingdom

of Heaven, we have to have the innocence of children. Only if you

can free yourself to be this, will you experience the joy of God's

love and compassion.

Please read this message:


I sincerely hope that you read the sites that have been suggested to

you, and that you may find the inner balance and peace of the Spirit.

Love, Semira


Rasa wrote:

To Semira,

If you are saying that a person can have attachments to the flesh

and to the world and still se God face to face you have to be wrong.

To see God face to face is the ulimate supernatural experiance that

a human can be given. This great grace is so beyond the flesh that a

person must be willing to give up their physical life to receive the

vision. That is to say, they cannot hold o to the love and the

aatachment to the flesh to see the beatific vision. The desire for

sex is just one of the many things that holds people to the flesh,

to the world and to other people. The greatest book that I know is

called 'The Mystical City Of God' by Saint Mary of Agreda which you

can get from Ave Maria Institue of Washington, New Jersey. The

fourth volume of this book describes what it takes to see God face

to face. Perusing the book I cannot at the moment find the

definition that I am looking for but I did find this:



" In thy flights of desire to arrive at the beatific vision thou must

permit no other lower motive to intermingle... "



If you are saying that a person canhave it both ways, a person can

stay attached to the flesh, people and things and see God face to

face, all the saints & mystics I have studied disagree. I myself saw

God face to face twice in 1982 and at that time everything but God

was gone from my mind and heart; I was completely, totally empty and

dead to self. It was a strange and frightening feeling until God

filled the void.


Next The images on my site. A lot of people are criticizing

these images because it reminds them of the flesh. Meanwhile you are

saying the flesh is okay, so why are you mad about my pictures? Am I

contradicting myself by believing that one must give up the flesh

and everyelse face to face but I present some images that might

evoke the flesh in some men? When a person is doing a sadhana which

they hope will end with enlightenment, they leave all such thoughts

and images behind, but most of life is not on such a high level. You

do not stay on the pinnacle of the mountain every minute of your

life. These are a few seconds of a lifetime of 90 years. Much of

life is lived on a fairly normal scale, these images are not beastly

or demonic. I am not promoting rape abuse or cruelty, just beauty of

the human form and the pictures either illustrate the topic at hand

of the article or they are in the galleries. The woman with the gun

for instance illustrates 'Who's Killing The Most People, the women

wrestling illustrates 'What's Wrong With Women', the Weapons Of

Women show women with swords, a mace and karate portrayed by the

photographer to illustrate the points of the article.


Not everybody is ready for the final vision of God. I was and I am

but I can find very few people interested in the final vision.

Seeing God face to face requires so much sacrifice that so far I

have found only two men who say they are willing to become celebate

in order to receive enlightenment. This is after many years of

trying and I consider myself extremely lucky to have these two men.

God will put more light and more power into these two self

sacrificing souls than he/she would put into many thousands of

others. One perfect soul is worth more than a thousand intrmediate

soul and has more power with God than thousands.


These souls are so rare that a lot of the site is for people on the

beginning intetmediate levels. Even those who become perfect start

out as spiritual babes. It takes many years to reach enlightenment.

For example celibacy took me 10 years of struggle against sex then

after the vow and twelve years of abstinence to silence the

pituitary gland from sending messages to the genital organs. If I

sound judgemental to people who want to hold onto sex I am not. They

will all see God face to face someday if they love God but for most

people it happens only after physical death. Only the tiniest

minority of total renunciants will see God face to face while yet in

the flesh.

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