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SY course in Sunnyvale,California starting

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JSM If you have any friends, collegues : We have 4 week SY course in Sunnyvale,California starting June 5, 12, 19 & 26th.Please ask them to RSVP on bayyoga.org or http://www.evite.com/pages/gt/events/viewPub.jsp?eventID=BKUWIMVRPWJPNZLXBGQW

yuva yuva <yuva_live a écrit :


hello violet,

i just read that letter from you to maddy about meditation. its a very good letter for the beginners. keep up the good work. thanks for your letter.

anand.maddy <maddy7_maddy7 wrote:


Thanks Violet

Actually I knew all these things but was confussed, NOW THE CONFUSSION IS GONE. Thanks for all the words you wrote here.

Can you please tell me about the growth in meditation , like the different stages as talked by mother about the nirvikalpa state etc.



violet_tubb <vtubb wrote:

Dear Maddy, In the Bible you will read "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."First of all, the greatest power, is the power of love, did you know that? "If i speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, i have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if i have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge and if i have all faith so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, i am nothing. Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoices with the truth: bears all things, believes all things, hopes all

things, endures all things.(1 Corinthians 13:1-7)The power of love is the greatest power of all. Through the power of love, Jesus healed the sick, the blind, the maim, etc. However, he did not consider these to be "supernatural" as you state. This was the "power of love" which flowed from him and was a very natural part of himself. Jesus was the greatest Rishi. He is a good example to use to compare others too. He never showed off his powers.In the same way yogis, who have their self-realization and are established, experience the flow of this love of God (called Paramchaitanya.) This power of love flows to oneself and others and can heal if the person so desires. This happens through the flow of the Kundalini, the Divine Mother, which does all the work. We do nothing; the Divine does everything. The power of the collective has seen many miracles, individually and collectively. Read about some amazing experiences of

yogis in the forum of Her Love Reflected (Forum for personal accounts of people who have met Shri Mataji.)Again, these miracles happen as a natural outpouring of the Kundalini or Holy Spirit in people's lives.A "connected" person does not seem himself as separate from the Spirit. When connected to the Spirit, you are in the Kingdom of God and as such, connected to the All-Pervading Power and miracles do happen in every day life. The Kundalini, your Spiritual Mother resides within when you are connected and guides you, gives you inner knowledge. She is the Comforter and teaches you things of your Spirit that you need to know.So Maddy, do not seek "distance viewing" or some outward phenomena with fire and water. They are illusionary. They are not what you want to seek. You want to seek the Divine or God within. To seek anything from the outside is a Maya or illusion and will not lead you to your

Spirit.However, when a person is connected, the nature works with them. They are deities that work to cleanse us. So we use the elements of earth, air, fire, water and ether to clear ourselves. These elements also are working with us because we have our connection and the elements are a part of the All-Pervading Power of God.For example, we find before a puja, which is a spiritual ceremony, that the deities always cause it to rain the day or two before to clear the atmosphere of negative vibrations. This always happens because they are wanting to give spiritual vibrations to the whole world and help us. This happens unfailingly because they are working with us. It is not a coincidence.We also find that when we meditate, we have this wind that comes around us, encircles us and vibrates us. It is the power of the Paramchaitanya (Hindu), the Holy Spirit (Christianity), the Ruh (Islamic), the Maitreya (Buddhists),

the Eykaa Mayee (Sikhs). It was the wind on the Day of Pentecost whereby the disciples of Jesus were the first to experience it.We find that when we meditate, the fire burns away our subtle negativities in much the same way that fire can burn material rubbish; it also burns "subtle" negativity and you will see this when the flame flickers and burns something up as you meditate in front of it. These powers of nature work for us lovingly when we are connected to the Divine but we do not consider it to be supernatural; it is a very loving natural state of connection where all the nature and oneself is in harmony.Rishis who are using fire in "strange" ways are showing off and trying to get devotees that way. They are not kosher. If you can take Jesus for an example; he would never do anything like that and show off. True spirit-filled rishis do not have a need to show off and will not do it because it will give the

wrong idea to people and attract them for the wrong reason. That does not mean that they could not do anything, but they would not. It is not the way of love to cause sensationalism, let alone common sense. These are charlatans; people who Jesus would call "wolves in sheep's clothing." They pretend to be the real thing and they are not. True incarnations, prophets, and teachers do not show off their powers for sensationalism. They, rather use their powers of love for benevolence. When any powers are seen, they are a natural outpouring of a spiritual need. There has to be balance in all things. Any true rishis sought the Kingdom of God first and taught that, rather than showing off any powers. These "so-called rishis" who use superconscious and subconscious powers to show off and attract devotees and these devotees end up giving themselves and every penny they earn to these charlatans. i can tell you any such rishis

are not true rishis.Dear Maddy, i urge you to forget about all these "suspect" outward signs that will lead to disappointment and enslavement and go within and seek your Spirit which will liberate and lead you to the Kingdom of God and the middle path of your Sushumna Nadi, which keeps you in the present. Please do not seek for these outward signs or so-called supernatural powers; they will surely lead you away from the present and from balance.Rather, seek the Kingdom of God first and you will gain everything you need in your life.Violet , maddy <maddy7_maddy7> wrote:> Jai Shree Mataji> Has any body experienced any supernatural power. Like in the earlier days the rishis (saints) had . Like seeing distance things, and using elements like fire and water with hands. > What r the different stages in meditation, like the dead

state etc.> > Thanks> > > > > >

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