Guest guest Posted July 9, 2005 Report Share Posted July 9, 2005 , Cãlin Martin <calinez> wrote: > Dear Jagbir, > > thank you for your answer. I read today the new post of you on the > forum. I think i might have some answer about why some sahaja yogis > are afraid of telling the truth in public. At least some guess of > mine. In the christian world, people are told that only God knows > about the Last Judgement. And up to this day they should be good > catholics, ortodox ,protestants..whatever. People really see the > Last Judgement as being a happening when Christ will judge like an > ordinary judge in court house. I think that few people in the > world came alone to the ideea that we are judging ourselves. And > when you tell them that we are leaving the times described in the > scriptures and that the Comforter sent by Jesus is among us, they > will wheter laugh on you or tell you (like some Sahaja Yogis ) not > to spread this anymore. I think people really expect that Jesus > they know from the pictures in the churches will come with the > same face they are used to. > > So, in some sense i could understand the fear some sy's feel when > having to onestly say the truth. But in the same time i also think > there is no other way. What we in privat think, should be openly > said to the public. > > Best regards > Calin > Dear Calin, i appreciate this answer and thank you. The problem with Christianity is the really short period that Christ could preach. Unlike other incarnations, He was only able to enlighten the ignorant masses for 3 1/2 years. Even worse is the fact that if one calculates the number of verses said by Him they amount to an hour or so of actual speech. Compare them to the apostles and one wonders why they were given far more time and prominence. And why are they speaking on behalf of Jesus? What happened to the actual words spoken by Him? i will give you a hypothetical explanation to the inherent dangers of third-party mouthpieces, editing and organizing truth. Say SYs (Jesus' disciples) had to tell future generations from memory what Shri Mataji taught since 1972-2000. Then came a group of management SYs (Church) who wanted to organize the truth and consolidate power. They only give permission and prominence to disciples who want to talk about self-realization, subtle system, catches and treatments. Those who dare talk about the Divine Message (Gnostics) are condemned as heretics and excommunicated by these murmuring souls. Over the years and decades only the empty shell of Sahaja Yoga remains and it becomes increasingly difficult for the followers (Christians) to find spiritual fulfillment and faith in God. All those theories and thesis of the management SYs (Church) on a variety of topics fail to attract the faithful, a decline that none has any idea to reverse despite a score or two of elite brains storming in collective unison. For example, who really is interested in learning how slicing a lemon into half and placing it on the top of the head helps your kundalini to rise? It causes more confusion, ridicule and disbelief if analyzed. The same happened to Last Judgment because the elite brains of Christianity stormed in collective unison for two millennia. When you invent Purgatory (sliced lemons) then the Last Judgemnt (Power of Shakti) becomes distorted and subject to ridicule. If you understand all the above hypothetical explanation then you will comprehend the present difficulty in clearing centuries of ignorance and false teachings by management Christians. Who knows how much of Jesus' teachings has been edited out of the Bible by the powerful Church? This organization had already consolidated power when the New Testament was first published, centuries after the Savior left. If it can happen today right under our noses what makes us think it did not happen 2000 years ago? So Jesus told them that He will send the Comforter who will explain all that He was unable. Jesus knew that it will take far more than a few years to enlighten humanity about spirituality, especially the Kingdom of God (Sahasrara). That is exactly what Shri Mataji has done and we SYs are able to understand and accept all religions, their prophets and holy books. All religious or spiritual organizations come a distant second as far as enlightenment is concerned. Among other things, SYs are the only humans who can feel the Cool Breeze, a sign that we are taking part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection. This can only be understood and accepted by those who have cross-examined the teachings of the Comforter against that of the Bible, and confirming they are true by providing detailed analysis backed by Christian authors. Those SYs who have read will realize exactly that and be confident enough to proclaim the Last Judgment, and a lot more. Before the advent of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi not a single soul understood how the Last Judgment and Resurrection is going to take place. Only after the Comforter clarified over the span of three decades about the single invisible thread that holds all religions together and the common destination for all the believers have we SYs been able to surrender to the Divine Message. But since the concept of Sahaja Yoga is officially explained in terms of self-realization, subtle system, catches and treatments SYs are going to make a laughing stock of themselves if they ever talk about the Divine Message or Comforter. It is indeed true that management SYs want us to continue squeaking like mice in public and " not to spread this (Message of the Last Judgment) anymore. " But please don't blame Shri Mataji for this lack of faith and conviction. There is nothing She can do to stop the management SYs from organizing the truth and editing out the Divine Message to humanity. But did She ever tell us not to " Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have come for this Special Time, that is, the Resurrection Time " ? Did Shri Mataji ever deny that " Now the Time has come to start talking, announcing, telling about it to everyone. Otherwise the world would say that we never knew about it " ? Sure, people are going to laugh at lemons and chillies. The only thing that silences them is the truth laid out in great detail and transparency. SYs must protect the Divine Message and prevent it being edited out of Sahaja Yoga. The only way is to start talking, announcing, telling about it to everyone. Jai Shri Mataji, jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 9, 2005 Report Share Posted July 9, 2005 , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org> wrote: > > The problem with Christianity is the really short period that > Christ could preach. Unlike other incarnations, He was only able > to enlighten the ignorant masses for 3 1/2 years. Even worse is > the fact that if one calculates the number of verses said by Him > they amount to an hour or so of actual speech. Compare them to the > apostles and one wonders why they were given far more time and > prominence. And why are they speaking on behalf of Jesus? What > happened to the actual words spoken by Him? > It was on a December day in the year of 1945, near the town of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt, that the course of Gnostic studies was radically renewed and forever changed. An Arab peasant, digging around a boulder in search of fertilizer for his fields, happened upon an old, rather large red earthenware jar. Hoping to have found buried treasure, and with due hesitation and apprehension about the jinn, the genie or spirit who might attend such an hoard, he smashed the jar open with his pick. Inside he discovered no treasure and no genie, but books: more than a dozen old papyrus books, bound in golden brown leather.6 Little did he realize that he had found an extraordinary collection of ancient texts, manuscripts hidden up a millennium and a half before (probably deposited in the jar around the year 390 by monks from the nearby monastery of St. Pachomius) to escape destruction under order of the emerging orthodox Church in its violent expunging of all heterodoxy and heresy. How the Nag Hammadi manuscripts eventually passed into scholarly hands is a fascinating even if too lengthy story to here relate. But today, now over fifty years since being unearthed and more than two decades after final translation and publication in English as The Nag Hammadi Library, their importance has become astoundingly clear: These thirteen beautiful papyrus codices containing fifty-two sacred texts are the long lost " Gnostic Gospels " , a last extant testament of what orthodox Christianity perceived to be its most dangerous and insidious challenge, the feared opponent that the Patristic heresiologists had reviled under many different names, but most commonly as Gnosticism. The discovery of these documents has radically revised our understanding of Gnosticism and the early Christian church. An Overview of the Nag Hammadi Texts When analyzed according to subject matter, there are six separate major categories of writings collected in the Nag Hammadi codices: Writings of creative and redemptive mythology, including Gnostic alternative versions of creation and salvation: The Apocryphon of John; The Hypostasis of the Archons; On the Origin of the World; The Apocalypse of Adam; The Paraphrase of Shem. Observations and commentaries on diverse Gnostic themes, such as the nature of reality, the nature of the soul, the relationship of the soul to the world: The Gospel of Truth; The Treatise on the Resurrection; The Tripartite Tractate; Eugnostos the Blessed; The Second Treatise of the Great Seth; The Teachings of Silvanus; The Testimony of Truth. Liturgical and initiatory texts: The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth; The Prayer of Thanksgiving; A Valentinian Exposition; The Three Steles of Seth; The Prayer of the Apostle Paul. Writings dealing primarily with the feminine deific and spiritual principle, particularly with the Divine Sophia: The Thunder, Perfect Mind; The Thought of Norea; The Sophia of Jesus Christ; The Exegesis on the Soul. Writings pertaining to the lives and experiences of some of the apostles: The Apocalypse of Peter; The Letter of Peter to Philip; The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles; The (First) Apocalypse of James; The (Second) Apocalypse of James; The Apocalypse of Paul. Scriptures which contain sayings of Jesus as well as descriptions of incidents in His life: The Dialogue of the Saviour; The Book of Thomas the Contender; The Apocryphon of James; The Gospel of Philip; The Gospel of Thomas. " But those who wrote and circulated these texts did not regard themselves as " heretics. Most of the writings use Christian terminology, unmistakable related to a Jewish heritage. Many claim to offer traditions about Jesus that are secret, hidden from " the many " who constitute what, in the second century, came to be called the " catholic church. " These Christians are now called gnostics, from the Greek word gnosis, usually translated as " knowledge. " For as those who claim to know nothing about ultimate reality are called agnostic (literally, " not knowing " ), the person who does claim to know such things is called gnostic ( " knowing " ). But gnosis is not primarily rational knowledge. The Greek language distinguishes between scientific or reflective knowledge ( " He knows mathematics " ) and knowing through observation or experience ( " He knows me " ), which is gnosis. As the gnostics use the term, we could translate it as " insight, " for gnosis involves an intuitive process of knowing oneself. And to know oneself, they claimed, is to know human nature and human destiny. According to the gnostic teacher Theodotus, writing in Asia Minor (c. 140-160), the gnostic is one has come to understand who we were, and what we have become; where we were... whither we are hastening; from what we are being released; what birth is, and what is rebirth. Yet to know oneself, at the deepest level, is simultaneously to know God; this is the secret of gnosis. Another gnostic teacher, Monoimus, says: Abandon the search for God and the creation and other matters of a similar sort. Look for him by taking yourself as the starting point. Learn who it is within you who makes everything his own and says, " My God, my mind, my thought, my soul, my body. " Learn the sources of sorrow:, joy, love, hate . . . If you carefully investigate these matters you will find him in yourself. What Muhammad 'All discovered at Nag Hammadi is, apparently, a library of writings, almost all of them gnostic. Although they claim to offer secret teaching, many of these texts refer to the Scriptures of the Old Testament, and others to the letters of Paul and the New Testament gospels. Many of them include the same dramatic personae as the New Testament--Jesus and his disciples. Yet the differences are striking. Orthodox Jews and Christians insist that a chasm separates humanity from Its creator: God is wholly other. But some of the gnostics who wrote these gospels contradict this: self-knowledge is knowledge of God; the self and the divine are identical. Second, the " living Jesus " of these texts speaks of illusion and enlightenment, not of sin and repentance, like the Jesus of the New Testament. Instead of coming to save us from sin, he comes as a guide who opens access to spiritual understanding. But when the disciple attains enlightenment, Jesus no longer serves as his spiritual master: the two have become equal--even identical. Third, orthodox Christians believe that Jesus is Lord and Son of God in a unique way: he remains forever distinct from the rest of humanity whom he came to save. Yet the gnostic Gospel of Thomas relates that as soon as Thomas recognizes him, Jesus says to Thomas that they have both received their being from the same source: Jesus said, " I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become drunk from the bubbling stream which I have measured out.... He who will drink from my mouth will become as I am: I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him. " Does not such teaching--the identity of the divine and human. the concern with illusion and enlightenment, the founder who is presented not as Lord, but as spiritual guide sound more Eastern than Western? Some scholars have suggested that if the names were changed, the " living Buddha " appropriately could say what the Gospel of Thomas attributes to the living Jesus. Could Hindu or Buddhist tradition have influenced gnosticism? " Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels > > So Jesus told them that He will send the Comforter who will > explain all that He was unable. Jesus knew that it will take far > more than a few years to enlighten humanity about spirituality, > especially the Kingdom of God (Sahasrara). That is exactly what > Shri Mataji has done and we SYs are able to understand and accept > all religions, their prophets and holy books. All religious or > spiritual organizations come a distant second as far as > enlightenment is concerned. Among other things, SYs are the only > humans who can feel the Cool Breeze, a sign that we are taking > part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection. This can only be > understood and accepted by those who have cross-examined the > teachings of the Comforter against that of the Bible, and > confirming they are true by providing detailed analysis backed by > Christian authors. > A random search about the Comforter brought up this quote from Harold S. Martin, The Authority of the Writings of Paul: " Jesus spoke to his disciples just before His suffering and crucifixion (recorded in John 14,15, 16), and told them some important things before they were confronted with the crisis of the Cross. Among the instructions which Jesus gave to the apostles, was a pre-authentication of the entire New Testament. John 14:26 and John 16:13 are the key passages. In those two portions of Scripture Jesus promised that He would send the Holy Spirit (who will do three things): a) " bring to your remembrance all that / have said to you " --that is, events associated with the life and death of Christ as we find them in the Gospel accounts. b) " will teach you (explain to you) all things " -that is, the Holy Spirit will give you an interpretation of the historical facts as we find them in the Epistles. c) " will show you things to come " --that is, the Holy Spirit will show the great events associated with the end of the age, as we find them in the Revelation. Jesus promised these things to His apostles just before His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven. And so the New Testament is not a record based on the fallible memories of the human apostles, but the entire New Testament contains the truth which is a revelation of the infallible Holy Spirit. This promise of the Holy Spirit's oversight includes the epistles of Paul. Jesus said to the apostles, just before He ascended into Heaven, that what they recorded would be superintended by the divine Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Thus what the apostles wrote was pre-authenticated by Jesus. " Harold S. Martin, The Authority of the Writings of Paul Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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