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What is the real message of Shri Mataji?

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Dear All,


I have been told by the local collective facilitator (new name

for `leader' in Australia) that the World Council's

stance regarding

these websites is…


" All we have to do is give Self-Realization " … " Jagbir is not

a Sahaja Yogi " … and " the World Council do not want Sahaja

Yogis to partake of Jagbir's websites " .


I would sincerely like to know if it is really true that this is

really and truly the World Council's stance on these

websites,which are the only ones I can see which reach into the

outside world to give the Full Message of Shri Adi Shakti to

all " Her Flower Children " which I believe from my

understanding of what Shri Mataji has taught us, refers to All Her

Children, in the whole wide world… non-Sahaja Yogis as well as



Shri Mataji has told us at her Birthday Puja Talk (Synopsis) on the

21st March 1993 in New Delhi that: -


" I hope many people write books. I am sure books can be written by

every doctor. Everybody can publish a book with THEIR EXPERIENCES


ALSO. All those who have such ideas should make an effort to create

new books, some new ideas, new creations. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT,

because in these modern times, people want to do something new;


OUT. "


The above statement of Shri Mataji gives Sahaja Yogis a 'blanket'

approval to write honestly and truthfully of our own understanding

of the experience of the great gift of Sahaja Yoga that the Divine

Mother, the Adi Shakti has given to us, in order to share it with

the whole wide world. Everybody needs to know about Shri Mataji's

Full Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection which fulfills

what Christ and Mohammed Sahib talked about. Shri Mataji also says

that She believes that " under these circumstances it will work out. "


No World Council of SY or `facilitator' needs to give Sahaja

Yogis permission to publish when this permission has already been

granted by Shri Mataji Herself, who has not only given us permission

to do so, but actually ASKED us to do so. It really is that simple.


However, it does not seem simple to Organization SY. Because I have

taken Shri Mataji at Her Word and doing as She has asked, I have

been asked to quit these websites (and the order is purported to

come from the World Council). When I explained to the facilitator

that I am my own guru and I have to do what I believe is right in my

own heart and mind, it was made very clear to me that my being my

own guru made me an uncomfortable catalyst for 'so-called

disruption' within the collective, who already have had to cope with

the downgrading of their leaders from being called 'leaders' to now

being called 'facilitators'. Facilitators now have a big job on

their hands because till now instead of encouraging yogis to be

their own gurus, they have made them listen to what they think is

right. Surely there is every good reason to change such a negative

trend, so yogis can have freedom of speech to express their own

understanding of the Divine Message of Sahaja Yoga. This individual

expression is the only way that the world will grasp Shri Mataji's



I am not a 'follow the leader' type, especially when it goes against

everything i have learned from Shri Mataji. Therefore I have said

that if it makes the `facilitator' happy I won't attend

the collective anymore. I was not asked to leave by him. I

volunteered to stay away, so that he could feel that he had more

control of the situation.


I have subsequently been d from the local collective SY

websites when i have done nothing wrong. All i have done is stand up

for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If doing

what Shri Mataji has asked us to do results in such a consequence,

then i accept it and am will leave it to the Divine to work out. I

am not cut off from the Global Collective, or from Shri Mataji



Shri Mataji has talked about dominating personalities in Sahaja

Yoga. This is from the Australian Sahaja Newsletter – 25 April

1998: -


" She (Shri Mataji) talked a lot about " dominating

personalities " , people who think they are controlling everything

and feel responsible all the time… how they hurt and torture

others…and specifically about leaders in Sahaja Yoga who think they

can tell others what to do and make people afraid of them by saying

that Mother has said that and threatening to tell Mother if the

people do anything wrong. Shri Mataji said She is never angry with

us only sometimes for the " play " . She appears angry but that a Mother

can never be angry… She only loves. She said these people who

dominate others get some kind of cruel joy from treating others like

this. And that some people are always in the front and She knows who

they are… that they think they are important and must always be

there… but really they are not so really happy people… that

is why they do it. She said that animals are aggressive to each

other but that they have a hierarchy, a structure… it is not random

cruelty… but that human beings can be cruel for no reason. She said

some people think that to be a `leader' is to be something…

they call Her and ask to be `leader', so what can She do. "


(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Easter Puja, Istanbul 1998)


Things have changed now. Facilitators do not now say " Mother has

said that you must " … instead they now say … `the World

Council have said you must do thus'. So what has really changed?


Here are excerpts of a letter written to me from a yogi in a country

where they treasure their freedom of speech. This yogi writes…


" Dear Violet… It is horrible to know you were pushed to the

point where you had to stop visiting your collective. It just cannot

fit my mind how that is possible. For me it looks like a thought

control that they are concerned with the way you understand things. I

don't understand on which right someone tells you whom you can

support and whom you cannot.


We have a large collective, but I have only two cases on my memory

where people were asked to stop visiting sahaj events, and both

cases were based on those people's immoral actions towards the

collective. There's no way for us to control every sahaja

yogi's understanding, and we are not even able to know all the

people, and everyone is enjoying, grows in the diversity of

understandings, which are there of all kinds.


All this is very frustrating and I don't understand this, it

shouldn't be like that.


I'm sending you a lot of love and my support. Maybe you should

take time and write more so that the Truth was uncovered fully in

the internet. "


Because of the encouragement of this fellow yogi I have been

encouraged to do just that.



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