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Question from someone of Christian Background...

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(Please note that this post been copied and pasted from Shri Adi

Shakti Forum Index and any references relate to that forum)



Dear All,





i have received very profound and intelligent questions from a

seeker of the Christian background and this person asks a number of

questions which i will answer to the best of my ability. So, here

they are:-



" I was thinking more than 2000 years ago Christ had said about

baptism where one will be baptised with the Holy Spirit - not

referring to the ritual of sprinking water on one's head or

submerging in water, etc.


i believe that once you have been baptised in the Holy Spirit you

are saved. But in Sahaj... you need self-realization before you are

reborn again? So my question is, are the christians who have been

baptised with the Holy Spirit (not the ritualistic water way but

actual experience of the holy spirit) have they had their second

rebirth? If not, then its something strange that the baptism of the

Holy Spirit over these few centuries carries no weight.


Who or what is the Holy Spirit that has been healing and saving many

people before the birth of H.H. Shri Mataji, the physical Comforter

on earth?


This is my personal opinion and view of things... i am just thinking

out loud now though i don't think it is really the truth of the

matter... but just want to share with you what is on my mind.


Sometimes i think Sahaj is there to allow those who do not know

about Jesus Christ... i.e. Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, etc. to know

Jesus, who he is and why he is so important both in the message of

the Resurrection and that it is He who will come to judge us during

the final days. Of course, its also for the christians who think

they are saved through the ritualistic water-based baptism.


Hoping to hear from your experiences and wisdom in this...






Answers... (to the best of my ability)...


The experience of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Self-

Realization are the one and the same. They may have a different name

in the various spiritual traditions, but they are the same essential

experience. There is only one Divine Feminine Power in the

universe... who is the same regardless of what we call Her...

whether we call Her... Holy Spirit, Ruh, Adi Shakti, Maitreya,

Ruach, or Eykaa Mayee.


In John 14:26... Jesus is quoted as saying... " But the Helper, the

Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you

all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. "


This Helper is Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and She is telling us about

Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the others... how they came at

different times to help to evolve humans to a higher spiritual

level. In other words... when dharma (morality) went down... one of

the Avatars (spiritual teachers) would come down and take birth to

get humans back on track... and give them new knowledge for the

times, because human beings were and are evolving to a higher level

to eventually reach the " Kingdom of God " within... that Jesus talked



Reaching this " Kingdom of God " was talked about by Jesus and the

others as well taught it... that One had to reach this Union with

the Divine in Sahasrara... different words, but same essential

experience within the human being... the human birthright within...

which is to " become your Spirit " .


He also said in Verse 29... " And now I have told you before it comes

to pass, that when it comes to pass, you may believe. " (this was

foreshadowing the Day of Pentecost to HIs Disciples.)



Here is a description of the Day of Pentecost...



Acts 2:1...



The Day of Pentecost...


" And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in

one place.


And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing

wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.


And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing

themselves, and they rested on each one of them... (on their heads).


And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak

with other tongues (languages) as the Spirit was giving them



Acts chapter 2 verse eight......says " And how is it that we each

hear them in our own language to which we were born? " ...


This Baptism of the Holy Spirit occurred to Jesus' Disciples. They

became or were the Enlightened Ones... who also knew His Teachings.

They were the ones that Jesus entrusted.


The Sahaj experience of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, or Self-

Realization is the same thing and identical to the Day of Pentecost

when you experience the Wind of the Holy Spirit. In Sahaj Yoga, when

you get your S.R. you experience the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost.

We also have Miracle Photos which show " flames " above people's

heads. As far as talking in different Languages, in modern times we

do not have the problem of communication because most people speak

English and can understand and we are multi-lingual... however we

can also communicate in various languages over the internet today.

In other words, language is not a problem, really in this age.


I have always been a seeker. i have experienced getting the so-

called baptism of the holy spirit in Pentecostalism where a minister

lays his hand upon your head and gives you the baptism of the holy

spirit... in other words... puts the holy ghost into you.


I never experienced the Wind of the Holy Ghost, but got very excited

instead but i now know it was not the Holy Spirit because the

results in my life are very different between both experiences. I

have balance in my life now rather than the " ups " and " downs " of

Pentecostalism. The experience i have now is very inward and deep;

not outward and showy.


Because... i have experienced the real thing, like the Day of


I have too felt the Cool Breeze around me like a swirling wind when

i meditate as on the Day of Pentecost. (There is much more to this

subject on how the Holy Spirit helps, but that is another long



In the past ages, only a few got the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or

their Self-Realization. These people got it directly from having a

Guru or Teacher like Jesus or His Disciples who helped them achieve

it. However, they also had to do a lot of penances and be " cleansed

through the fire " figuratively speaking, before they got it. There

have always been Realized people of every religious persuasion who

were able to help others, however, there were very few.


It was not the " mass " of Christians from the churches, who got their

Baptism of Self-Realization... it was Jesus' Disciples. So people

did not then get it 'en masse'. This is only happening today through

the Advent of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Through Shri Mataji's

Advent... people of every religion, culture, country... are getting

their Self-Realization... in an 'en-masse' way. Shri Mataji opened

the Sahasrara Chakra which is in our brain... in the Virata or

Cosmos... so that human beings could get their S.R. 'en masse'. She

did this at Nargol in India.


" Mataji " means Mother... " Nirmala " means " Immaculate " ... " Devi "

means " Goddess " . In fact Shri Mataji is a reincarnation of Jesus'

Mother... Mary. She has talked about Him (Jesus) from such intimate

knowledge, as Shri Mataji remembers All Her Incarnations. (See the

Forum of " Excerpts from Shri Mataji's Talks " on the subject of " The

Creation of Lord Jesus Christ " , for example.)


In this age of mass production, people think they can just get the

Holy Spirit by getting a preacher to put the H.S. into them. That is

not the truth, really. The Holy Spirit is so Holy; She is the Divine

Feminine Energy of the Universe... the Holy Spirit. She cannot be

treated in such a manner... She cannot be demanded... She must be



In Christianity we have God the Father, God the Son, and God the

Holy Spirit. The Truth is... it is actually God the Father... God

the Mother (a.k.a. Holy Spirit)... and God the Son. Have you ever

heard of a father and son without a mother? It's absolutely absurd,

isn't it? Patriarchialism got rid of the mother, you see and called

her the Holy Spirit... (which She is)... but tried to diminish the

Divine Feminine Power by not calling Her " the Mother " .


This Holy Spirit or Kundalini which is another name, is an

Intelligent, Wise, All-Knowing Primordial Spiritual Energy, A

Reflection of God Almighty within you. She knows everything about

you and loves you as Her Child.


When you are a fetus in your mother's womb at about three months'

gestation, the Holy Spirit (your spiritual Mother)... accompanies

your Spirit, which She lovingly deposits into your Heart and then

She settles down in your Sacrum Bone (read about it in

Forum... " Enlightened Medicine and Psychology " under title of " the

Sacrum Bone " )... in three and a half coils and remains in a dormant

state, waiting for your Pure Desire for Her to awaken... for you to

Seek Her and Find Her... your Spiritual Mother... the Holy Spirit

(of Christians)... the Ruh of Allah (of Muslims)... the Adi Shakti

(of Hindus), the Maitreya (of Buddhists)... the Ruach (of Jews) and

the Eykaa Mayee (of Sikhs). That is why it is said that we are the

Temple of the Holy Spirit.


Therefore, all spiritual traditions were aware of the Holy Spirit...

not just Christians. The Hindus know Jesus Christ as " Ganesha " .

(Read about " The Creation of Lord Jesus Christ " in the Forum

under " Excerpts from Shri Mataji's Talks). Indeed " Ganesha " was the

first Son... Created Son of God. Christians need to know more about

this " Ganesha " to actually know more about Jesus. Other traditions,

also know about " Issa " ... which is another name that Jesus is known

by. (Read about " Issa " ... under the Forum of " Holy Scriptures &

Religions " under the Subject Title of " Christ's Visit to India - The

Story of Issa. " ) ... The Christians do not have a monopoly on Jesus

although they would like to think so... and i can understand that.


In fact, the interesting thing is that a lot of Christian and other

faiths as well claim to know Christ but in actuality know nothing of

Him in their lives. To talk about Him... is not necessarily to know

him Within Yourself.

There is a difference. You see the Holy Spirit comes to everyone,

regardless of their religious persuasion. To talk about Him, Praise

Him, Pray to Him is not the same as actually Being Born Again. To be

really Born Again... is not some Certificate that anyone can put on

a person. It is actually an inward deeply spiritual experience where

you also feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost as on the Day of

Pentecost and You Change Completely, You have healing, You can see

your faults, You have Power to be your ideal person, you have always

wanted to be. But you still have to introspect and meditate with all

this. Being Baptised of the Holy Spirit (Self-Realization) is just

the beginning.


Hildegaarde of Bingen was a Christian who i believe had the Baptism

of the Holy Spirit... and there are many others. But it came from

within them; it did not come from without. That's why it says in the

Bible... " Seek Me and you shall find Me; Knock and the Door Will Be

Opened... for whoever Seeks will Find... and Whoever Knocks... to

Him the Door Will Be Opened. "


It does not say... " Have Minister Put Hand On Your Head... and You

Will Find Me. " It does not come from the Outside. No one can put the

Baptism into You. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is asleep (dormant)

within your Sacrum Bone in the form of Coiled Energy... the Holy

Spirit is also known as Kundalini, and when You Ask Her to Arise

Within You... She will.

She is very desirous and just waiting to give you the Baptism of the

Holy Spirit. In other words... She is already within you... She does

not have to be put within you. However, She needs someone who is

already enlightened to help you also to enlighten you... much like a

lit candle can light another candle. However, She is within you...

not outside of you, and waiting to arise withing you and give you

your Second Birth. The Kundalini or Holy Spirit is the one who gives

you your Second Birth.


And you will experience Her as a Cool Breeze, as on the Day of

Pentecost... on your hands, above your head... or around your Body.


Shri Mataji is the Comforter, the Incarnation that Jesus would come

that would " teach us all things... and remind us of all that Jesus

taught...She has also come at this Time of Resurrection to finish

this Job for us so we Could Ascend and Received the Baptism of the

Holy Spirit.


She has opened the Sahasrara Centre, which is the area in our brain

where we enter the Kingdom of God. However, without Jesus' opening

the Gate at Agnya chakra, this would not have been possible. Before

only a few people got their Self-Realization, or Baptism of the Holy

Spirit, but since Shri Mataji has opened the Primordial Centre

(which is talked about on the website...to have taken place at

Nargol)... people can get their Baptism of the Spirit, 'en-masse'

through SY's who already are enlightened.


It used to be that only a few people got their Holy Spirit Baptism

or Self-Realization... and these were Very Few. They came from all

religions including Christianity. You will find some of these

realized souls in all religions over all time. And the Holy Spirit

does Her work... it is never in vain. The Baptism of the Spirit over

the centuries has always carried " weight " in answer to your

question... the " real " Baptism where they experience the Wind of the

Holy Ghost. That is the main evidence of a Baptism. If there was no

wind or Cool Breeze, then the full experience is not there.


" Church " and " religion " do not equal " Holy Spirit " . There is a

difference. What i am trying to say is that the Holy Spirit is not

confined at all, in fact, is most confined in churches and in

religions today because of the dogmatic beliefs and intolerance and

so forth. The genuine teachings of Jesus... and Mohammed... and

Buddha... and all the other Divine Incarnations need to be

assimilated by Christians.


The Christians are acting as if Jesus belongs only to them. Take for

example a tree with all its branches. Each branch represents a

religion on this tree. The Christians are claiming the Jesus Branch

and taking it for themselves as if they own it exclusively. When

they do that and take the branch off the tree, the branch will die,

because it does not get its sustenance. i am not saying individual

christians are doing this, but the stance of the church and its

dogma is doing it.


All religions are one... and in SY you get them all, because all

Divine Incarnations are One; remember that song... " We are One in

the Spirit... We are One in the Lord " ... well, that is true of all

believers, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Taoist, Buddhist,

Confucian, and Sikh. There are realized persons in every religion.


I hope this helps to some extent.



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