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Response & More Questions from Christian Background...

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Response & Questions...


This is the response and more questions re the previous

article... " Questions from Someone of Christian Background " ....

However, the person's anonymity will be respected as requested.



Thank you for the responses. It does clarify a few things for me and

I would need to reread it again.


Agreed with you that I also feel in SY there is that real connection

with the divine which you can REALLY feel inside - it in its own way

completes our connection with God - just like the last final step.


I myself actually being exposed to buddhism, hinduism and

christianity still find " something " was still missing and I think SY

completes that missing " something " .


Though I must admit I was somewhat sceptical about fully trusting

another physical divine personality on earth after being lost in the

world of S. Baba for a few years. Thank God I have left that



Matthew 24:24...


For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great

signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were



So you know the saying once bitten... twice shy... it would take me

some time to fully trust and surrender to any one living divine

personality. You know the feeling, on one hand you feel... yup...

this seems right, but you fear what if again I make the same



Matthew 23:8-12...


" But you are not to be called 'Rabbi', for you have only one Master

and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth 'father',

for you have one Father, and he is in Heaven. Nor are you to be

called 'teacher' for you have one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest

among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be

humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.


But in christianity, the concept of meditation and chakras are

absent. Always I have seen people meditate on the Agnya but never on

the Sahasrara until HH Shri Mataji which is why I know she's someone

very special as not any person can just open up your sahasrara and

give you the experience of self-realization. Yes... it's true that

most organised religions have become money making vehicles leaving

the people just more empty in pocket and heart.


So what can I say... maybe it's a mixture of fear... the feeling of

completeness and peace in sahaj... the sayings or warnings of

Jesus... all muddled up in my head.


The other thing I have difficulty understanding /comprehending (and

again is a sensitive topic to most SY's) is the Puja where H.H. Shri

Mataji sometimes decks herself with make up sometimes in a serious

form like Shiva or maybe different color like Krishna or even very

fierce like Durga. To me she looks best and most beautiful without

all these makeovers as in pure simple Nirmala Devi, the Mother. I do

remember in one of the writings earlier where she said that there

should be no need for puja or something like that but the devotees

insisted or something like that. Am not too sure.


To me the most powerful Adi Shakti has no need to do this. I find

some of the items of puja to be a bit too ritualistic like rice,

honey, fruits, etc. I wonder why would the Adi Shakti have need for

such items? She just has to will it and the vibrations would be

pouring out from here. I would think she rather we would follow her

advice on meditation more seriously than spend time in puja. Again

this is just me thinking out loud... or maybe its the Mahamaya

thing. Or maybe its the people thingy.


John 4:23-26...


Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will

worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of

worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit and his worshipers must

worship in spirit and in truth. The woman said, " I know that

Messiah " (called Christ) " is coming. When he comes, he will

explain everything to us " . Then Jesus declared, " I who speak to you

am he. "


Or maybe I shouldn't be thinking so much of the physical Mataji but

to meditate more on the Adi Shakti within like what Jagbir had

stressed many a time. In this you will find the connection in Spirit

and the worship in Spirit... like in John 4.









For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great

signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were





That is true... there are and have been many such false gurus as you

have mentioned also. Jesus never " showed off " with his ministry.

Everything always came as a response to genuine need, not to show

off His powers. If a guru seems to be " showing off " their powers...

be careful.


In SY you are advised to become your own guru. Has any false guru

ever advised that? I think Shri Mataji as a Mother would, wants us

to become our Own Guru. How unique. But how Motherly. Don't all

mothers want us to grow up and not follow every other person, but

become our own individual self-confident personalities. So how can

you go wrong. There is no need to fear making a mistake under these

circumstances. The past guru mistake must be replaced by love and

confidence through your heart centre. You can say Mother, you are my

guru. The Adi Shakti (Primordial Feminine Power) within, the

Kundalini... is your personal Divine Mother and She will heal,

guide, nourish and love you.


Even before i came to SY, She spoke to me from within myself and

told me She loved me. I did not know about the physical incarnation

of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi then.


Matthew 23:8-12...


" But you are not to be called 'Rabbi' for you have only one Master

and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on Earth 'father',

for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be

called 'teacher' for you have one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest

among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be

humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. "


Jesus here i believe is talking about the organization of spiritual

truth. Jesus never meant his teachings to be organized into

religions whereby leaders, rabbis, fathers, etc. formed theologies

and doctrines which they then used to put fear into their followers

to make the followers do as dictated.


That is why i think one of the main things Shri Mataji has taught us

is to Be Our Own Guru. Every spiritual movement, and Sahaja Yoga is

still in its infancy... as the Incarnation, Shri Mataji is still on

Earth... needs an outer organization to manage it.


The " organization " and the " organism " could be compared to a box...

with the organism being the contents and the organization being the

container. It is important to be able to identify the difference.


By their very nature, organizations confine, box in, put boundaries

around. It can't be helped. Most organizations try to moderate the

administration of the organization to the average of what is

comfortable for most people. The " ideal " would of course be that the

organism like a body works perfectly, so leaders, etc. aren't needed

but only being coordinators, but maybe one day that will happen in

the future when we are more spiritually advanced. It is an ideal

that is very heavenly and to which i am sure humans are aspiring to

in the Virata of the Universe. In fact, in a lot of ways... it is

already happening as the Paramchaitanya works all these things out

for us when we surrender to the Divine.


We are meant to support and respect our leaders, but we are at the

same time our own gurus, and if a leader tries to take on a role

of " guru " towards us in SY... we can know... that that is not the SY



The best person and only person we really need to please is the

Divine within. When we please the Divine... we please others. No one

should want to dominate us, you see. If someone has a need for

domination, right away they have their problem. (read what Shri

Mataji has said in the Forum " The Collective " ... on the topic

of " About - Dominating Personalities " .)


It is the organism that is the " spiritual life " . That is why Shri

Mataji has often said that to be a leader means nothing... it is an

office that needs to be fulfilled with humility and is a " test " . It

is a " test " because when a person starts to think they are some sort

of a " leader " ... that is the beginning of their downfall... usually.


So the real SY is the organism. And the organism is not bound by the

outer shell or organization. The Paramchaitanya is not bound by any

outer organization.


The purpose of Sahaja Yoga is not to recruit people for the

organization and if seekers are made to feel that way... it is done

in the wrong spirit. The purpose of Sahaja Yoga is for Sahaja Yogis

to be the " salt of the earth " ... to share their gifts of love to

others and help others to achieve their self-realization and

spiritual growth... and that is the right spirit of things.


SY is a grass roots movement of spirituality with no membership.

Have you ever heard of No Membership to a Spiritual Organization.

That was Shri Mataji's wish. She has enacted things and ways in such

a different way. She definitely does not want SY to become a

religion that restricts people, dominates people, creates theologies

or dogmas.


We must remember that collectivity is not only local collective

togetherness... but global collective consciousness togetherness; no

less than the whole Virat is implied here... 'Virat' being of

global - not local dimension. There are people who can not be with a

local collective for various reasons... not necessarily of their own

choosing, such as distance for instance. However, they can still be

part of the global collective consciousness via the miracle of

modern technology... the computer. We can even receive our self-

realization through this medium today.


Also, it is possible that people can be part of the local collective

and not be in the collective consciousness. Shri Mataji has said

that only a percentage of SY's are real SY's. This could be said

about the Christians, the Hindus, the Muslims, any religion. It is

what is in the heart within. To be a SY inwardly as well as

outwardly... In Samuel 16:7 it says " But the Lord said to

Samuel, " Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his

stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees,

for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord look at the

heart. " "


To know more about what a true Sahaji is according to Shri Mataji

read the excerpts of Shri Mataji's words in the Forum of The Sahaj

Society, Sahaj Activities and Events... under the titles of " A

Sahaja Yogi " ... A Sahaj Society... and " Is Sahaja Yoga A Religion " ?.


Shri Mataji said at the Navaratri Puja in 1998 that we should leave

everything to the Paramchaitanya... " The main point is that you

leave everything to Paramchaitanya in your wisdom. If you cannot,

then you have not felt the real knowledge within you. "


i have heard of sahajis getting annoyed with the mention of the

word... " paramchaitanya " comes up ... because perhaps they have not

yet felt the real knowledge within themselves regarding this all-

pervading power. They, perhaps only have a mental concept that

this " paramchaitanya " can get in the way of the plans that they had

made for the way things " should work out " .


But the " Paramchaitanya " or All-Pervading Power of God is very

dynamic in our lives when we are " connected " to this Organizer of

the Spontaneous Union or to Sahaja Yoga... through our Self-

Realization... and the Deities and Nature are all working with us...

if we thus surrender to the Divine instead of to our ego and



That is why we have a Mantra or Affirmation which says... " Mother, i

do nothing... verily you are the Doer and You are the Enjoyer " ....


That means we become instruments of the Divine because we are

surrendering to the Divine. It is an affirmation where we unite with

the Divine and leave all results of actions to the Divine. It gives

a person great Freedom... because if one is surrendered and leaves

all results of his actions in the world to the Divine... he/she can

then be very detached about the consequences. (It does not mean we

do nothing in the normal sense... because obviously God is using

us... but in actuality we are doing nothing... but just surrendering

it all.)


This process is very different to normal action in the world; it is

like a Divine action/non-action ... which cannot be understood

mentally but only experienced in sahaja yoga (spontaneous union).


One of the greatest examples of Shri Mataji's Mahamaya... is her

choice of the words... " Sahaja Yoga " not only as the experience of

self-realization which literally translated means " spontaneous

union " but also having " Sahaja Yoga " as the name of the

Organization, until She has changed it to Vishwa Nirmala Dharma...

but popularly it is still known as Sahaja Yoga. She herself often

said that She did not know whether to make Sahaja Yoga into a

religion or not... could not decide... because of how all the other

religions have become dictatorial and dogmatic. This then has

translated into the double meaning for the word of " Sahaja Yoga " ...

which is absolutely priceless. In other words... as Jesus said... in

Matthew 11:15 " He who has ears to hear... let him hear. " It could

also be said... " He who has eyes to see... let him see. "


i know that pujas are a bit hard to accept when you come from a

christian or maybe another background. i was introduced to them

gradually and had a bit of that conditioning that you do not worship

people and why does Shri Mataji need that.


i also as you say... think i have heard Shri Mataji say that She

does not need the pujas... but yogis wanted to do puja (or worship)

to Her.


O.K... i will tell you what i have learned and imbibed about


For a start... let me tell you that people worship and fawn over

rock stars, film stars, celebrities, whatever... it is part of the

human psyche to want to worship or adore something they can look up



In Jesus time His Disciples adored him, washed his feet, annointed

Him, looked after him in every way they could because they looked up

to Him as their Teacher, Master, Guru, etc.


People look at Shri Mataji in the same way. Because She comes from

India where pujas are what people do... yogis like to do that for

Shri Mataji.


But there are many aspects and benefits to a puja. By the way, i

think Shri Mataji appreciates a very simple puja just as much as a

very elaborate one... the main thing is that it comes from a sincere



My personal experience and understanding of puja is this and maybe

it will help you to understand the puja better...


In Christianity we celebrate Thanksgiving Day and we celebrate the

Last Supper or Communion.


To me... the puja covers both... Thanksgiving... like when i used to

go to church on Thanksgiving Day the table at the altar used to

filled with all the fruit of the fields and the trees and flowers

and so forth and they were presented to God in thanks for giving the

rain for crops to grow etc. etc. Puja is similar that way, where

every aspect of food is offered in thanks.


In Sahaja Yoga... it is even more special because the food gets

vibrated during Puja... and then part of it gets passed around as

Prasaad to be eaten and the vibrated food is very delicious and good

and a wonderful collective event for people to share and enjoy.


Also, in Christianity the Communion involves the Bread (representing

the body) and the Wine (representing the blood shed).


However, with Shri Mataji's Advent... we are shown a Higher Way. No

longer do we need celebrate the Communion Jesus instigated...

because now the Comforter has come... and She has given us the Power

to enter the Kingdom of God and to partake of the body of Christ

through our Self-Realization. The ritual that Jesus Christ

instigated was a foreshadowing of the real Communion... our Self-

Realization or Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and therefore becoming

part of the real body of Christ... do you see that? We therefore no

longer need the ritual of the Communion because we have now become

into Communion in actuality. We become One with the Divine...

through the Connection that Shri Mataji has made possible by opening

the last centre in the Virat... The Sahasrara. We have become One in

the Spirit.


Unlike worshipping a celebrity, or possessions or television, or any

other thing... worshipping an Incarnation generates vibrational flow

from the Incarnation to Yourself. It is similar to when you praise

someone or love someone... the love flows back. Vibrations are Love.

Pure Love.


There are different rules for Incarnations. People came to Jesus and

knelt and bowed before Him. Shri Mataji is no different. In fact,

Her Incarnation incorporates the whole spectrum of Deities...

including Shri Jesus and Shri Ganesha. Unlike the incarnations of

the Deities prior to this present incarnation, Shri Mataji has come

with the full complement of Deities within. Therefore, different

Deities are given our Enlightened Attention at their Propitious

Dates of Incarnation and Shri Mataji enacts those particular Deities

within Her by bringing out their Aspects within Herself. That is

also why she dresses differently, representing that Deity. But it is

an inward thing as well. Her face changes according to the

particular Deity we are worshipping within Her. (this may be

difficult to understand... ). But have a look at different photos of

Shri Mataji that are from different pujas and you will see what i



Within each of us, literally within our energy centres, reside the

reflection of the respective Deities for each centre. Similarly with

Shri Mataji, this is the case... only within Her the Deities reside

in a much Fuller Way than with ordinary yogis/yoginis because She is

a Divine Incarnation.


Pujas also provide a point of contact for very sweet collectivity

and worship of the Mother within us. When we worship the different

Deities, which usually happens at different times of the year...

according to their Advent... by the act of worship the qualities of

these Deities are brought out within ourselves. By worshipping

Jesus, for example... we become more forgiving. By worshipping Shri

Ganesha we become more innocent and wise. These different

incarnations/aspects of the ONE GOD when worshipped because they

deserve to be worshipped, unlike movie stars, rock legends and so

forth... actually result in the Deities within the Temple of the

Holy Spirit within us to be awakened in the fulness of their

vibrations and therefore this generates power and wisdom and honour

and long life and all the other gifts in our lives.


I have been to pujas where the Wind of the Holy Ghost came in

sweeping breezes and where i was really One with everyone. Amazing


It is strong in a collective situation.


Worshipping Incarnations such as Jesus and Shri Mataji and Buddha

and Mohammed and others is not the same as worshipping idols... it

is not the same as worshipping other people.


Another interesting fact is, pujas generate a lot of vibrations from

the Incarnation. You have heard... Give... and you shall receive.

Well, after the puja is finished... a lot of vibrations then flow

out towards the worshippers... whether the Incarnation is physically

present or not... and these vibrations need to be absorbed by the

yogis. i know that when Shri Mataji has been present physically at

Pujas that if the yogis did not absorb the sweet vibrational flow of

love from the Incarnation of the Mother... Shri Mataji... that She

would have pain in Her body because that energy of love could not be

absorbed. It would be similar to if you gave your Love in a great

way but people could not receive it... only on a Higher Level. I

don't know if you can understand this or not... but it is a fact.


The sweetest thing after the Puja is absorbing the vibrations of

Love... and they often smell like roses too.


Yes... the Divine Adi Shakti is within you... as Jagbir has

stressed. There is nothing wrong with worshipping Her Within

Yourself. That is what Shri Mataji wants us to do. She came in Her

physical form to enable us to discover the Adi Shakti within us.


I hope this helps.



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