Guest guest Posted July 26, 2005 Report Share Posted July 26, 2005 , " bibbycine " <bibbycine> wrote: > > Science and Spirituality: New Physics Points To Cosmic Spirit > > 'God is dead' proclaimed a cover story in Time magazine in the > 1960s, and held science responsible for it. Case closed? Far from > it. By the 1990s, people were talking about things like 'can > spirituality promote health?' The pendulum is now swinging in the > other direction. Ironically enough, it is the same science that > once killed off the notion of God that is now strengthening > humankind's belief in a 'supreme power'. Latest revelations in > cosmology and quantum physics are fostering this paradigm shift. > > Transcending theologies and denominations, there is a conviction > in a creator divinity which, having spawned the universe, is > present throughout it, upholding and administering the universe. > People have always accepted that God will never be revealed to us > empirically. Yet for eons we have deemed this entity worthy of > adoration and have directed ardent prayers to it, making it the > vessel of our hope. > > Now, for the first time in human history, we have objective > knowledge of an entity that fills space and time throughout the > universe, representing the primary elements of reality. This > entity's existence, comprising unmanifest quantum fields and > possessing the elemental blueprint of everything physical, rests > on a solid scientific foundation. Physicists and cosmologists are > also close to proving that all these fields arise from a common > source that was present in an infinitesimal nugget at the > inception of the universe. The source sequentially unfolded to > create the universe and everything in it. We already have semi- > quantitative proof, even in the absence of a complete mathematical > theory. The elegance of the symmetries and incredible precision of > the blueprint possessed by the source predisposes us to believe > that it mirrors the intelligence of a higher power and amounts to > a veritable experience of the deity. > > Just as the religious God did not create the world and leave it, > the source is still active through the universe. This is so because > physics at extremely high temperatures that existed at the onset of > the universe is equivalent to physics at fundamentally small > distances. Therefore, the manifest condition at the onset of the > universe is presumed to be the same in an unmanifest, quantum > physical way at or near the fabric of space. The existence of the > common source at the fabric of space would be no less real than > the elusive denizens of empty space known to scientists as virtual > screening charges. > > Persuasive evidence points to a source, which, having spawned the > universe, is now present in all space and time. This entity is > uncannily reminiscent of the Brahman of Vedanta and immanence in > Christian theology. What is missing is credible evidence of > awareness in this entity. The necessity for embracing a > simultaneous existence of complementary properties to explain the > quantum world paves the way for contemporary scientists to find an > essential link between the seemingly irreconcilable mind and > matter. From this viewpoint, the irreducible primary realities of > field and consciousness are inseparable aspects of the same > elementary process of our universe united through mutual > participation; the biological nervous system just provides a > material struture for unfolding consciousness in each individual. > > So, plausible arguments can be made to suggest that the common > source has an inherent quality of awareness, thereby giving > credence to the existence of a cosmic spirit. This spirit is > present in every element of space. Like fish in water, we are > immersed in it. Tuning in to that awareness, realising we are part > of it, will help us cope with whatever crises await us in our > increasingly complex, polluted, overpopulated, overheated, over- > armed, violent world. Indeed, if we become part of nature's > inherently spiritual direction, we should flourish and bring > meaning and purpose to our terrestrial journey. > > danny > Dear Danny, Modern physicists and cosmologists are just beginning to scratch the surface of Creation. As they and their machines regress back into space and time to search for the origins of this universe, an incomprehensible reality is beginning to confound them: How can the universe be created from something smaller than an atom? What infinite, awesome Power of creation could bring forth an entire universe from that microscopic seed? But first what exactly is an atom made of? According to Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physics, " Most of the atomic mass is concentrated in a tiny nucleus, only a thousand-billionth of a centimeter in size. The nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of lighter particles — the electrons — extending out to a distance of perhaps a hundred-millionth of a centimeter. Thus, by far the greater part of the atom is empty space. " The National Geographic Picture Atlas of Our Universe (Roy A. Galant p. 221) states that about 12 to 20 billion years ago astronomers think that a " primordial atom " exploded with a big bang and the entire Universe flew out at incredible speeds. Eventually matter cooled and condensed into galaxies and stars. To understand this fantastic fact we need to be enlightened by the simplified but lucid narrative skills of Alan Lightman, senior lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In his book Ancient Light he deals with cosmology, a science that has undergone a revolution for the last two decades as subatomic physics have allowed scientists to explore the billionth part of a second that gave birth to this universe. The universe began as an explosion from an infinite density and temperature; expanding, thinning and cooling since. It was an extra- extraordinary explosion. Unlike normal blasts, where debris fly into the surrounding nonmoving space, this was totally different. In fact it's conception staggers the imagination: there was no surrounding space for it to move into as all the universe was compressed into the subatomic sized origin — all existing space being part of it. Nothing existed before the Big Bang! The universe was only about .000000001 seconds old when its material temperature was 100,000,000,000,000 degrees. Most of the properties of this universe was determined during this period and earlier still. Any attempt to go back into time would entail speculation. However, if the grand unified theories are correct then their most fascinating effects would have taken place when the universe was 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 seconds old! The essence of the inflationary universe model is that, immediately after the big bang, the newly born universe underwent a very brief and extremely rapid expansion, before slowing down to the pace of the standard big bang model. By the time the universe was about .000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,001 seconds old, expansion was over. Within this extremely short period it had already expanded and stretched from an infinitesimal small pinpoint to a size much larger than today's observable universe. To illuminate this fact we will assume that the expansion began when the universe was exactly .000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000,001 seconds old, and ended when it was only .000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,001 seconds old. At the beginning of expansion the largest area was about .000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,01 centimeters, a size far smaller than the nucleus of an atom. Within that nano-second it had expanded to something like 10000000000, 0000000000, 0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000 0000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000 0000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000000 0,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000000,000000000,000 0000000,0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000, 0000000000, 0000000000, 0000000000,0000000000 light years! And one light year covers about 6,000,000,000,000 miles! And this is just a fraction of the area that the most advanced telescopes can detect from ancient light still coming from the initial Big Bang. The universe is infinitely larger than is visible. In fact humans will never know the actual size of the universe as it is still expanding 15,000,000,000,000 years later! The Planck density, a measure of weight, is about 10000000000, 0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000, 0000000000, 0000000000 kilos per cubic centimeter. Our universe had this enormous density when it was precisely .0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000, 0000000000,0001 seconds old! It should be noted that the maximum size of the universe at this time was .000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,01 centimeters. jagbir -------------------------------- " The exponential factor implies that the odds against randomly- generated order increase astronomically. For example, the probability of a litre of air rushing spontaneously to one end of a box is of the order 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 zeros to one! Such figures indicate the extreme care with which low-entropy states must be selected from the vast array of possible states. Translated into a cosmological context, the conundrum is this. If the universe is simply an accident, the odds against it containing any appreciable order are ludicrously small. If the big bang was just a random event, then the probability seems overwhelming that the emerging cosmic material would be in thermodynamic equilibrium at maximum entropy with zero order. As this was clearly not the case, it appears hard to escape the conclusion that the actual state of the universe has been `chosen' or selected somehow from the huge number of available states, all but an infinitesimal fraction of which are totally disordered. And if such an exceedingly improbable initial state was selected, there sure had to be a selector or designer to `choose' it. " Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physics, Simon and Schuster, 1983, p. 167-68. " The accumulated gravity of the universe operates to restrain the expansion, causing it to decelerate with time. In the primeval phase the expansion was much faster than it is today. The universe is thus the product of a competition between the explosive vigour of the big bang, and the force of gravity which tries to pull the pieces back together again. In recent years, astrophysicists have come to realize just how delicately this competition has been balanced. Had the big bang been weaker, the cosmos would have fallen back on itself in a big crunch. On the other hand, had it been stronger, the cosmic material would have dispersed so rapidly that galaxies would not have formed. Either way, the observed structure of the universe seems to depend very sensitively on the precise matching of explosive vigour to gravitating power. Just how sensitively is revealed by calculation. At the so-called Planck time 10-43 seconds (which is the earliest moment at which the concept of space and time has meaning) the matching was accurate to a staggering one part in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000. That is to say, had the explosion differed in strength at the outset by only one part in 1060 (10,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) the universe we now perceive would not exist. " Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physics, Simon and Schuster, 1983, p. 179. " Mr. Horgan contends that science is a victim of its own success. Astronomers have seen as much of the universe as they ever will. Physicists have probed as deeply into the nature of matter as practical experiments will allow. And biologists have been finished since Darwin conceived of evolution in the 1850s . . . Mr. Horgan says scientists are just fooling themselves . . . We'll never know what existed before the universe began, what processes give rise to consciousness, or what physical rules lie beyond the ones that are currently understood, he argues. Those things simply lie beyond the reach of scientific investigation, so any theorizing or speculating about them is what he labels " ironic " science. " It's ironic in the sense that real science can be taken as literally true, " Mr. Horgan said. " They have gone beyond what science can do . . . It is meaningless in human terms . . . It doesn't tell us about the purpose of the universe and our place in it, and all those sorts of things. " The Globe and Mail, August 13, 1996 " In recent times there has been a proliferation of literature drawing parallels between holonomis theories of light, quantum physics, and the mystics' view of integral wholeness. As a culture we have looked primarily to Western science to alleviate human suffering and to understand our purpose in the scheme of things. But is science capable of freeing us from all suffering? Can science guide us to a direct mystical experience through the bliss of integrating with the One Light? Is there a parallel between modern physics and the yoga of sacred art regarding the nature of light and consciousness? . . . The mechanistic parameters of Western science have permeated our perceptions, our thinking, our emotions, and even our ways of relating to one another. The result had been nothing less than a total fragmentation of our collective consciousness. The scientific worldview has led to the neglect of our intuitive spiritual perceptions and the creative developments of our souls — which, according to the sages of the East, are there to lead to greater understanding and release us from ignorance, laws of duality, and suffering. Because it is constrained within the laws of polarities, science by itself cannot help us to achieve wholeness. As Yogananda says: " The entire phenomenal world is under the inexorable sway of polarity; no law of physics, chemistry, or any other science is ever found free from inherent opposite or contrasted principles. Physical science, then, cannot formulate laws outside of maya: the very fabric and structure of creation . . . Future scientists can do no more than probe one aspect after another of her varied infinitude. Science thus remains in a perpetual flux, unable to reach finality . . . " " Judith Cornell, PH. D. Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing, Theosophical Publishing, 1994 p. 27-29. " We are all literally made up of stardust, " said astronomer George Smoot of the University of California's Space Sciences Laboratory and author of Wrinkles in Time. This much we know. But where that first pinpoint of intense energy came from — what unleashed its force to explode outward over billions of light-years of space; what set that power loose to evolve over the billions of years since into the intricately interconnected system of planets and stars; what brilliant design could set forth the pattern of development that could bring as complex a structure as humans into being — the scientists cannot explain or are uncomfortable explaining because it requires them to suddenly trade their theories and facts for the possibility that a supreme force beyond their explanations set it all in motion for a purpose. " Facing this, the ultimate question challenges our faith in the power of science to find explanations of nature, " Smoot wrote. " Is this then where scientific explanation breaks down and God takes over? " " Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon: Visions of a New Millennium, A Time Warner Company, 1997 p. 51-2. " The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifests itself as the highest wisdom, and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in the most primitive form — this knowledge, this feeling, is at the centre of true religiousness. The Cosmic religious experience is the strongest and oldest mainspring of scientific research. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slightest details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of the superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God. Religion without science is blind and science without religion is lame . . . The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms — this knowledge, this feeling is at the centre of true religiousness. " Albert Einstein ADI In the beginning, to be sure, nothing existed, neither the heaven nor the earth nor space in between. So Nonbeing, having decided to be, became spirit and said: " Let me be!'' He warmed himself further and from this heating was born fire. He warmed himself still further and from this heating was born light. TB II, 2, 9, 1-2 Numerous texts are to be found in the Vedic scriptures, of extraordinary diversity and incomparable richness, which seek unweariedly to penetrate the mystery of the beginnings and to explain the immensity and the amazing harmony of the universe. We find a proliferation of speculations, doubts, and descriptions, an atmosphere charged with solemnity, a sense of life lived to the full — all of which spontaneously bring to mind the landscape of the Himalayas. These texts seem to burst forth impetuously like streams issuing from glaciers. Within this rushing torrent may be discerned a certain life view, deep and basic, an evolving life view that can yet be traced unbroken from the Rig Veda, through the Atharva Veda and the Brahmanas, to the Upanishads. What is fascinating about the experience of the Vedic seers is not only that they have dared to explore the outer space of being and existence, piercing the outskirts of reality, exploring the boundaries of the universe, describing being and its universal laws, but that they have also undertaken the risky and intriguing adventure of going beyond and piercing the being barrier so as to float in utter nothingness, so to speak, and discover that Nonbeing is only the outer atmosphere of Being, its protective veil. They plunge thus into a darkness enwrapped by darkness, into the Beyond from which there is no return, into that Prelude of Existence in which there is neither Being nor Nonbeing, neither God nor Gods, nor creature of any type; the traveler himself is volatilized, has disappeared. Creation is the act by which God, or whatever name we may choose to express the Ultimate, affirms himself not only vis-à- vis the world, thus created, but also vis-à-vis himself, for he certainly was neither creator before creation nor God for himself. The Vedic seers make the staggering claim of entering into that enclosure where God is not yet God, where God is thus unknown to himself, and, not being creator, is " nothing. " " Professor Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience ADI SHAKTI: THE POWER OF COMPASSION Just feel the Divine within yourself " If you can just feel that within yourself, you are one with the Divine, you are dissolved with the ocean of the Divine. And then what takes your form is nothing but extreme love, compassion and as a result, extreme joy. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Manifestation of God Almighty's desire through the Adi Shakti " The reflection of Adi Shakti within you is the Kundalini. Whatever is created on this Universe and in many Universes is the work of the Adi Shakti. Now many people believe that there is one God—it's true, there's one God—God Almighty. But He has His own powers which he can embody into someone and can get His own manifestation expressed. So first of all He created the power of Adi Shakti. When it was created, then there was a sound, the sound that we call as OM—logos or anything you call it; the primordial sound—and these three powers came out of that sound, as aa, oo and ma [a, u, m]— om [aum]. The Adi Shakti is the one who embodies the desire of God Almighty. The desire of God Almighty comes out of His compassion and for His own expression, for His own manifestation, for His own reflection. I would say that He must be tired of loneliness so He must have thought of creating a partner who will manifest His desires. Thus, the power of God Almighty separated from Him and formed an embodiment of His compassion, His desire to create. They say in Sanskrit Chitvilas, the enjoyment of the Adi Shakti. Chit is attention. The attention has its own joy and to manifest that joy of our attention; She created all the universes, She created this Mother Earth, She created all this nature, She created all the animals, She created all the human beings and She created all the Sahaja Yogis. This is how the whole creation has worked out. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Adi Shakti – the Primordial Force of Nature " At this juncture, one may ask that " Why did She not straight forward create human beings? " That was the idea of God Almighty, just to create human beings. But Adi Shakti, being the Mother, She had Her own way of expression. She thought She must create the mirrors for God Almighty to see His face, to see His image, to see His character and that's how this long range of evolution took place. This evolution had to work out this way because they had to know from where they come. We must know that we come from nature. Even nature should know it comes from the Mother Earth, and Mother Earth herself has her own Kundalini—and she too is not just a dead earth, but she knows, she thinks, she understands and she regulates. You can see in the nature how every tree has got its own limitations, how every fruit is produced in a particular tree—how it happens? What works out this kind of regulation? If this Mother Earth was moving with a higher speed than what it is today, we would not have been born even. If it would have been less speed, it would not have worked out. See the whole plan that was made—it is a beautiful plan that the Mother Earth has to move around the sun in such a manner that different seasons are created, that's why the power (the Parama Chaitanya, which is the power of the Adi Shakti) is also called as Ritambara Pragnya. This is the power that does all the living work, all the organization, all the creation. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi The common principle of life that binds us " So whatever may be your birth, whatever may be the country you are born, whatever may be your culture—you are human beings, basically you all are the same—you laugh the same, you smile the same, also you cry the same way. I haven't seen anybody crying with his hands and tears falling out of his fingers—do they? And, that is how one has to realize that we are all bound by some common principle of life—and the common principle of life that has bound us by the Adi Shakti is that we all have Kundalini within us, all the human beings have Kundalini within us. It is in the animals also but it's not so developed, it's not yet what you call—a full form of Kundalini that can be awakened. But in the human form only it has evolved as a connection, as the one that is the Divine Force within us, which is the reflection of the Adi Kundalini, which is so easily awakened in this Kali Yuga. This is the common principle we all have, so we have to respect all the people, all the human beings, whatever nation they come from, whatever country they belong to, whatever colour they have—because they all have their Kundalini. Then there are people, as you people are, who are awakened, who are enlightened, who have got their realization. So, when you understand that this is the enjoyment of the attention of the Adi Ma, of the Primordial Mother, it's just the play and an enjoyment. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi As you are seeking, the Divine is seeking you " Then when you have achieved full growth in yours pirituality—What should happen to you? What should we feel? How do we then exist? -- This is the question many a times you have asked. I have told you in the beginning that God felt lonely and that's why he created this Adi Shakti and through Her the whole universe was created. But also true, that as you are seeking also the Divine is seeking you. Also, that your seeking is absolutely awarded if you understand the simple thing about Divine, that it is the one that has given you intelligence. It is the one that has given you wisdom, it is the one which has given you whatever you have—as you were singing, " whatever we have is given by You. " If that is the case, that all that you have is given by your Kundalini, by this Mother power of your Kundalini, then it's very important to understand what the need is of keeping Her happy and Her satisfaction. You must try to see what makes Her happy. As I said, there's a relationship between the realized souls and the Divine. The Divine is happy when you are happy. Or we can say when the Divine makes you happy and you are happy, then the Divine is happy. It's such a relationship and it's so close, it's so close, we can say as the sun has sun's rays, or the moon has its own moonlight. It is so close, it's so in-grained, so much built-in and that should give you full control over yourself and over your development. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Definitions: Adi = primordial, first Shakti = power of God Chaitanya = consciousness Chit or Chitta = attention Chit Vilas = enjoyment of the attention Kali Yuga = modern times Ritambara Pragnya = force of nature; another term for ParamaChaitanya Parama = supreme " The Supreme is within us. It is the consciousness underlying the ordinary individualised consciousness of everyday life but incommensurable with it. The two are different in kind, though the Supreme is realisable by one who is prepared to lose his life in order to save it. For the most part we are unaware of the Self in us because our attention is engaged in objects which we like or dislike. We must get away from them, to become aware of the Divine in us. If we do not realise the pointlessness, the squalor and the irrelevance of our everyday life, the true self becomes the enemy of our ordinary life. The Universal Self and the personal self are not antagonistic to each other. The Universal Self can be the friend or foe of the personal self. If we subdue our petty cravings and desires, if we do not exert our selfish will, we become the channel of the Universal Self. If our impulses are under control, and if our personal self offers itself to the Universal self, then the latter becomes our guide and teacher. Each one of us has the freedom to rise or fall and our future is in our own hands. " S. Radhakrishnan (Bhagavadgita) (source: Jean Hardy, A Psychology with a Soul, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1987, p. 48-9.) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 26, 2005 Report Share Posted July 26, 2005 , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org> wrote: Just wanted to add the word " further " to enhance and emphasize scientific precision and accuracy of facts, and " slowed down " to correct error. 1. " The universe was only about .000000001 seconds old when its material temperature was 100,000,000,000,000 degrees. Most of the properties of this universe was determined during this period and earlier still. Any attempt to go back (further) into time would entail speculation. " 2. To illuminate this fact we will assume that the expansion began when the universe was exactly .000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000,001 seconds old, and (slowed down) when it was only .000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 seconds old. jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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