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Question: Why cannot vibrations suggest them to be totally honest?

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, Cãlin Martin

<calinez> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> indeed a very nice post about the Univers.

> A question arised in my mind lately. It has to do with the

> upholding the truth about the Divine Message by leading SY's.

> Well, if they have good vibrations why cannot simply the

> vibrations suggest them being totally onest about what they in

> privat believe? I thought they are leaders for being excelent

> SY's. (being very good connected with the Divine) I know that this

> was also the case with some apostels of Jesus, (i mean he was

> betrayed, peter didn't admit to know Him) but this still cannot

> provide me with an answer.


> Calin



> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > Dear sister,

> >

> > This is the latest about Shri Mataji's present health:

> >

> > " they are saying Mother is very sick, " - not true

> > " she have stroke and " - not true

> > " cannot move her body " - not true

> > " or speak to her children. " - not true.

> >

> > But Shri Mataji does have some hearing problems/reduced mobility

> > and function related to age. What do you expect of an

> > octogenarian? Why then all this fuss and agitation?

> >

> > i think this whole thing has been overblown by certain SYs. That

> > out of line leader of a certain country responsible for all this

> > should bear the consequences of his rash crusade. Things are

> > going to get pretty warm this winter Down Under.

> >

> > jagbir

> >



Announcement of new collective leadership in Italy

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


We are pleased to announce that Shri Mataji has approved and blessed

a new collective leadership of Italy. Aldo Gandolfi will be the

Coordinator of The Italian National Sahaja Yoga Committee, the other

members of which are set forth below.


The appointment of the new collective leadership committee follows

Shri Mataji's acceptance of the resignation of Guido Lanza from all

the offices he has held in Sahaja Yoga. In his letter of

resignation, Guido Lanza expressed his deep apologies to Shri Mataji

and Her family for the events that occurred during Shri Adi Shakti

Puja, which resulted in Shri Mataji's departure from Genova, Italy

to America.


The submission of his resignation letter followed a meeting of

members of The World Council which was attended by Guido Lanza. It

was the consensus of the members present that Guido's resignation

was appropriate given all the circumstances.


The letter announcing the new Italian National Sahaja Yoga Committee

is set forth below.


- The World Council for The Advancement of Sahaja Yoga


With immediate effect, I appoint the following to constitute THE


leadership in respect of all activities for the advancement of

SAHAJA YOGA in Italy, always in full compliance with the decisions



Aldo Gandolfi (Coordinator)

Andrea Antoniani

Marco Arciglio

Duilio Cartocci

Massimo Cesetti

Sandra Castelli

Giampiero De Michelis

Giancarlo Fuente

Michela Cavalletti

Sandeep Gadkery

Allessandro Giannotti

Ernesto Kuhn

Sanjay Mane

Tommaso Merella

Felicia Micolucci

Luigi Piccinini

Ezio Prandini

Alessandro Scarno

Antonio Scialo

Maurizio Taddei

Rubens Tommasi

Antony Visconti






Dear Calin,


The above should give you an answer to your queries. Even leaders

like Guido can cause great, irreparable damage to Sahaja Yoga. Time

will tell that whatever happened in Cabella will have serious

repurcussions well into the future.


So are we to follow our leaders or Shri Mataji only? Are we to

uphold the Truth at all times or suppress it because leaders/

coordinators/facilitators tell us to do so? What, may i ask, is

Sahaja Yoga without the Divine Message to humanity? Why can't i

provide irrefutable evidence to advance Her advent and cause? Why

are certain management SYs working clandestinely to subvert the

efforts of those advancing the Divine Message? Why and how can

certain WCASY member(s) label me a non-SY just because i believe in

mind, body and soul that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation

of the eternal Adi Shakti sent to deliever the Great News? (i have

already been d from SWAN, perhaps for that reason.)


BTW, Guido Lanza was instrumental in preventing me in 1998 from

setting up a website to announce the Divine Message. Those days you

had to get permission from local leaders to do any Sahaj work. i too

used to wonder why leaders do not use vibrations to guide them

uphold and announce the Divine Message. Till today i continue to

question this lack of faith and conviction to stand on the heart and

soul of Sahaja Yoga - the Divine Message to humanity. i too cannot

comprehend " why cannot simply the vibrations suggest them being

totally honest about what they in private believe. "


Calin, you have to ask all SYs the same question too. The silence is









> Yes, things are indeed pretty warm Down Under despite winter.

> Another leader has bitten the dust and the Assies are now without a

> head. Shri Mataji is the leader of Australia and Her disciples will

> have to use their vibrations (and common sense) to make collective

> decisions.


> Hope this collective leadership will be the general trend worldwide

> because some leaders continue to think they are special/better than

> others by reason of being the chosen ones. And many SYs continue to

> look up to them for general guidance/knowledge despite the number

> of times Shri Mataji has said that leadership is a myth. They just

> do not seem to understand why She wants us to be our own masters

> i.e., using own brains and vibrations to make decisions. Leaders

> are there just to facilitate, organize events and liaise with

> others. That is why we must at all times only listen and obey Shri

> Mataji. We must understand Her Divine Message in depth and at all

> times uphold Her Divine Mission on earth.


> Leaning on leaders for spiritual guidance is the sign of a half-

> baked SY. How many leaders are asking us SYs to uphold Her Divine

> Message to humanity? Has any of them encouraged us to declare that

> Shri Mataji is the Comforter sent by Lord Jesus? Has any of them

> complained that we are not telling the truth openly, in direct

> contradiction to what Shri Mataji has done in public over the

> decades?


> If any SY needs more than five fingers to count such inspired and

> honest leaders please contact me. If they cannot then just perform

> your duty towards the Adi Shakti. Just because leaders are not

> telling the truth openly to humanity does not exonerate you in any

> way. Remember that Shri Mataji told us that we will be judged by

> our actions on Earth itself.


> Does any SY think that withholding the truth of the Divine Message

> to humanity and pretending Shri Mataji is a great subtle system

> guru will grant us moksa and eternal life? Does anyone think that

> those suppressing the truth of the Comforter sent by Shri Jesus

> will be forgiven?


> Leaders come and go. The Adi Shakti has come for the first

> time ever on Earth to emancipate humanity. Look around you and see

> the steady death and destruction going on. Declare the truth to all

> even if not a single leader is willing. Those who have a clear

> conscience will understand the gravity of suppressing the Divine

> Message to humanity. But only those who are truly their own masters

> will act and perform their duty to the Shakti.


> Jai Shri Mataji,



> jagbir

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