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We have started Vishva Nirmala Dharma...

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The Words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:-



" We have started Vishva Nirmala Dharma " .


" You are under the vision of Shri Ganesha, under the guidance of

your Spirit,

and under the blessings of God Almighty. But be

careful, because once you become that, you have to keep to that

Dharma, you have to be honest about it.


Sahaja Yogis today represent the growth of this universe, the growth

of the

human race. You will become like a lotus - beautiful,fragrant,

overpowering all

kinds of negativity.


So let us now promise within our heart, that we are the people who


beneficiaries of the blessings of God, that we have got our

realisation, that we

have risen so high. "


" But now let us spread our wings. "



(The Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 4 August 1995)




The beautiful words above were the inaugerative powerful words of

Shri Mataji

bringing forth in Her Powerful Pronouncement the beginning of Her

ideal religion

- " Vishva Nirmala Dharma " , meaning " universal pure religion " and

Shri Mataji

was the first Divine Incarnation to make this unprecedented step...

an action which, when they first heard these Words... felt to Her

Children like an indelibly imprinted and deeply significant Divine

Mantra within their hearts.


The whole universe was felt to stand still in rapt attention at this

proclamation of 'universal pure religion'.


The deeply significant meaning of the words " Vishva Nirmala

Dharma " ... must be contemplated and not lightly dismissed as " just a

name " . Many books and essays could be written about its

meaning alone and its name alone has great power.


To start with, this religion obviously has to be different to all


religions of the past and the ways in which this religion needs to

be different

to all of the religions of the past needs to be contemplated with

sincerity and



What are the ideals of " Vishva Nirmala Dharma " (universal pure

religion) as presented by its founder, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi? How

is it similar or does it differ from what has gone on before? These

are important questions that need thoughtful answers.


i was present when Shri Mataji told a group of yogis that She often

weighed up

in Her mind whether She should or should not form a religion and

also what She

should call it. Of great concern to Her, She said, was that it might

be used in

the wrong way as has been done in the past by previous religions.


Shri Mataji did, in fact, deliberate for quite some time before

coming to a

decision. The past problems of religions and what the outcomes might

be should

She proceed, given the past record of religious organizers and their


weighed heavily on Her Mind.


Shri Mataji proceeded with great courage, idealism, hope and faith

to start

" Vishva Nirmala Dharma " . Its meaning of " universal pure religion "

was chosen very carefully by Her.


And in Her Own Divine Words... encapsulated within Her Own Divine

Pronouncement... are the Powers Named who will oversee us in this

" universal pure religion " and they are Shri Ganesha, our Spirit and

God Almighty.



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, " violet_tubb "

<vtubb@b...> wrote:

> The Words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:-



> " We have started Vishva Nirmala Dharma " .


> " You are under the vision of Shri Ganesha, under the guidance of

> your Spirit, and under the blessings of God Almighty. But be

> careful, because once you become that, you have to keep to that

> Dharma, you have to be honest about it.


> Sahaja Yogis today represent the growth of this universe, the growth

> of the human race. You will become like a lotus -

> beautiful,fragrant, overpowering all kinds of negativity.


> So let us now promise within our heart, that we are the people who

> are beneficiaries of the blessings of God, that we have got our

> realisation, that we have risen so high. "


> " But now let us spread our wings. "



> (The Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 4 August 1995)




> The beautiful words above were the inaugerative powerful words of

> Shri Mataji bringing forth in Her Powerful Pronouncement the

> beginning of Her ideal religion - " Vishva Nirmala Dharma " ,

> meaning " universal pure religion " and Shri Mataji was the first

> Divine Incarnation to make this unprecedented step... an action

> which, when they first heard these Words... felt to Her Children

> like an indelibly imprinted and deeply significant Divine Mantra

> within their hearts.


> The whole universe was felt to stand still in rapt attention at

> this proclamation of 'universal pure religion'.


> The deeply significant meaning of the words " Vishva Nirmala

> Dharma " ... must be contemplated and not lightly dismissed as " just a

> name " . Many books and essays could be written about its

> meaning alone and its name alone has great power.


> To start with, this religion obviously has to be different to all

> other religions of the past and the ways in which this religion

> needs to be different to all of the religions of the past needs to

> be contemplated with sincerity and conscientiousness.


> What are the ideals of " Vishva Nirmala Dharma " (universal pure

> religion) as presented by its founder, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi?

> How is it similar or does it differ from what has gone on before?

> These are important questions that need thoughtful answers.


> i was present when Shri Mataji told a group of yogis that She often

> weighed up in Her mind whether She should or should not form a

> religion and also what She should call it. Of great concern to Her,

> She said, was that it might be used in the wrong way as has been

> done in the past by previous religions.


> Shri Mataji did, in fact, deliberate for quite some time before

> coming to a decision. The past problems of religions and what the

> outcomes might be should She proceed, given the past record of

> religious organizers and their methods, weighed heavily on Her Mind.


> Shri Mataji proceeded with great courage, idealism, hope and faith

> to start " Vishva Nirmala Dharma " . Its meaning of " universal pure

> religion " was chosen very carefully by Her.


> And in Her Own Divine Words... encapsulated within Her Own Divine

> Pronouncement... are the Powers Named who will oversee us in this

> " universal pure religion " and they are Shri Ganesha, our Spirit and

> God Almighty.


> Violet



Dear believers of the Last Judgment and Resurrection,


Thank you Violet for this beautiful and timely post that will help me

answer questions from a SY very concerned about the Divine Message

being edited out by the World Council. i will quote only a small

portion of the email to protect the identity and other issues raised:


" Jagbir, if you have any information about this Council, and explain

me please why it is needed at all, when Shri Adi Shakti on Earth,

what are they actually discussing. Please give us more evidence kind

of what you already wrote about the member council involved in the

pyramid. "


Just reading Violet`s post and comparing to the present power

struggle to wrest control should open the eyes of SYs. That all this

is done without Shri Mataji even speaking a single sentence of

approval should convince even the naive that something sinister is

taking place. We all know that Shri Mataji ALWAYS gave Her Vak

(Divine Speech) in public, before all Her assembled children, when

matters of importance arose.


The World Council was suddenly formed last year after it became known

that Shri Mataji, being 80+, was having problems with Her health.

Ordinary SYs did not know the true picture as to why a World Council

was necessary. Even myself was under the impression that a World

Council was necessary to collectively focus on the critical need to

spread Sahaja Yoga i.e., the Divine Message must be announced. i had

much hope that more than two dozen leaders (personally picked by Shri

Mataji?) will rise to the occasion and bring forth a new chapter in

Sahaja Yoga history. i thought that at last the Advent of the Adi

Shakti and Her Divine Message to humanity will be announced.


But nothing happend in 2004 and 2005 as well. i just could not

understand why the World Council never issued a call that they will

be honest and faithful to Shri Mataji and Her Message. The formation

of the World Council made less and less sense as the months passed

by. Why then did Shri Mataji create such an organization (or did She

given the medical facts)?


Recent events have forced into the open what was always hidden from

us. The American coup d'etat and control of the World Council has

only confirmed my worst fears. Now all SYs will know (or will find

out sooner or later) the gravity of the situation. Those power

brokers running the show now have taken advantage of Shri Mataj's

medical condition and mental health to rubberstamp those they wish to

be future council 'yes men'. It is easy for them to take Her hand and

put a stamp of approval on anything. She has no idea what is actually

taking place, given the medication She is taking.


The new World Council is busy charting the map for the future course

Sahaja Yoga is going to take. Those who have read the details know

that there is no road that leads to the Divine Message. Any new

seeker reading the map will immmediately understand that Sahaja Yoga

is another type of meditation with a number of main highways - subtle

system, chakras, stress management, Corporate Meditation, health,

treatments and self-realization. That even those SYs who teach will

have to use the same map issued by the World Council is the greatest

danger and threat to the Divine. But we should know that years ago

when Shri Mataji was in the best of health She promised that

there " are the Powers named who will oversee us in this Universal

Pure Religion and they are Shri Ganesha, our Spirit and God Almighty. "


Thus naming Council members now is not necessary. We will only do so

when it is necessary and justified to draw the sword out of the

scabbard. Neither is any other actions, even meeting leaders and

asking them to uphold the Divine Message, necessary. The World

Council will just remove such leaders and replace them. Just speak

the Truth because it will eventually overcome all obstacles and

destroy them ..... even leaders and council members.


Jai Shri Mataji,



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