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Has Shri Mataji's Original Vision, Mission & Message been hijacked?...

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These are the Words that Shri Adi Shakti proclaimed when She

Inaugerated Her Vishva Nirmala Dharma in 1995:-



" We have started Vishva Nirmala Dharma " .


" You are under the vision of Shri Ganesha, under the guidance of

your Spirit,

and under the blessings of God Almighty. But be

careful, because once you become that, you have to keep to that

Dharma, you have to be honest about it.


Sahaja Yogis today represent the growth of this universe, the growth

of the

human race. You will become like a lotus - beautiful,fragrant,

overpowering all

kinds of negativity.


So let us now promise within our heart, that we are the people who


beneficiaries of the blessings of God, that we have got our

realisation, that we

have risen so high. "


" But now let us spread our wings. "


(The Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 4 August 1995)



The whole universe was felt to stand still in rapt attention at this

Divine Proclamation of 'Universal Pure Religion'.


The name " Vishva Nirmala Dharma " also was registered as a non-profit

charitable/religious organization.



Here is some background information about Shri Mataji's

deliberations before inaugerating " Vishva Nirmala Dharma (Universal

Pure Religion):-


i was present when Shri Mataji told a group of yogis that She often

weighed up

in Her mind whether She should or should not form a religion and

also what She

should call it. Of great concern to Her, She said, was that it might

be used in

the wrong way as has been done in the past by previous religions.


Shri Mataji did, in fact, deliberate for quite some time before

coming to a

decision. The past problems of religions and what the outcomes might

be should

She proceed, given the past record of religious organizers and their


weighed heavily on Her Mind.


Shri Mataji proceeded with great courage, idealism, hope and faith

to start

" Vishva Nirmala Dharma " . Its meaning of " universal pure religion "

was chosen very carefully by Her.


And in Her Own Divine Words... encapsulated within Her Own Divine

Pronouncement... are the Powers Named who will oversee us in this

" Universal Pure Religion " and they are SHRI GANESHA, our SPIRIT and




Shri Mataji also gave Her Charter for Vishva Nirmala Dharma to

in the same year OF 1995. It reads like this:-


" Tell all the nations and tell all the people, all over, the great

message - that the time of Resurrection is Here. Now, at this time,

and that you all are capable of doing it. You are the ones who are

capable of manifesting God's joy on this earth. You are the flutes,

which are going to play the Melody of God. I am doing all this to

perfect you to the " most " beautiful instruments of God. Like the

ship is built, is brought to the sea, tried, and found out to be sea-

worthy to sail out, when you know everything about the ship,

everything about the sea. With complete freedom and wisdom, you have

to sail now. Not afraid of any storms or any gales or any typhoons

because now all you 'know'. Your job is to cross through.


You become the Ocean, you become the Moon, you become the Sun, you

become the Earth, you become the Ether, the firmament - and you

become, the Spirit. You work for all of them. All the stars and

universes you become, and take up their work.


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 2 June 1995)




Ten years later, in 2005, WCASY (World Council of SY) in their

supreme wisdom, decide to " formalize " and " legalize " Vishva Nirmala

Dharma in the United States and proceed to make a repeat performance

in declaring this occasion to be the Inaugeration of Vishva Nirmala

Dharma under their new SMNDSYF (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga

Foundation) Here are their words:-


" We realized we were witnessing history--the first time a major

world religion has been formally and legally brought into being with

the direct guidance of the incarnation! With the generous support of

Shri Mataji and Her family, the new foundation will have a solid

footing. "


Note SMNDSYF's statement of... " we realized we were witnessing

history--the first time a major world religion has been formally and

legally brought into being with the direct guidance of the

incarnation. "


Please go back ten years to 1995, SMNDSYF!


This was when the History was really made and Sahaja Yogis and all

Universal Beings on Heaven and Earth were the Witness to Shri

Mataji's bringing into being Vishva Nirmala Dharma (Universal Pure

Religion) under the direct guidance of Her Very Incarnation and in

Her Own Outwardly Spoken Declaration to Her Sangha.


When a Divine Incarnation speaks it is different to when ordinary

human beings speak. A Divine Incarnation's Word is Law and

therefore " legal " . A Divine Incarnation's Word is also " formal " when

Declared. Remember the Words of Jesus (the reincarnation of Shri

Ganesha)... " Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my Words shall

not pass away. " (Matthew 24:35.) This also applies to Shri Mataji's

Declarations and Words.


If Shri Mataji had wanted to so-called " formalize " and " legalize "

Her ideal religion, why would She not have done so when She was in

good health instead of waiting until She was too frail? She pondered

for a long while whether even to have a religion, because of concern

for what may be done with that by the subsequent organizers. So why

would She not also have pondered about a possible SMNDSYF at that

time, just to tie up loose ends?


The answer is in the Holy Scriptures:-


" Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as

some, letters of commendation to you or from you?


You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men;

being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us,

written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not on

tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts.


And such confidence we have through Christ toward God.


Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming

from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God,

who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the

letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit

gives life. "


(2 Corinthians 3:1-6)



The answer is:-




Remembering, that at the Inaugerative Proclamation of Vishva Nirmala

Dharma, Shri Mataji said that you " are under the guidance of your

Spirit. " Every Word Shri Mataji speaks, agrees with the Holy Books

and Scriptures of past religions.


And that is why i would venture to say, Shri Mataji did not form a

SMNDSYF when in prime health, because " the letter kills, but the

Spirit gives life. "


This " formalization " and " legalization " has already cost us very

dear casualties. The ex-leader of Russia, whom Shri Adi Shakti

Herself picked, has resigned from the World Council due to the

tactics of SMNDSYF, which he says he could not bear. He resigned due

to conscientious objections, as he could not be SMNDSYF's 'yes' man.

Here are his very sad words:-


" Dear brothers and sisters! Sahaja yogis of Russia!


I would like to use this only possibility to address to you all. The

stage, when Divine Incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founded and

personally was in charge of Sahaja yoga, has finished. The time has

come now, when without Her participation formation of a new worldwide

organization named Sahaja Yoga takes place. The new leaders, basing

on their experience and beliefs emphatically suggested me to leave

the position of leader of Russia and a member of the World Council I

have been taking, as they need a completely controllable and easily

directed from abroad candidate. I do not see possibility for myself

to take part in such organization, as well as I do not want to fight

and act with the same methods they do. Thus I leave the position I

was given in 1999 by Shri Adi Shakti, as now a new organization is

created, where I cannot be a leader, as principles of it's formation

contradict everything taught by our Mother. I would like to thank you

for all your great love and support, which I felt for all these 6

years. Thank you very much for we together reached unseen spread of

Sahaja Yoga in Russia and are second (in quantity) collective in the

world. And in quality, I think, the first! I leave with clear



With all my love and best wishes,

ex-leader of Sahaja Yoga in Russia

Perezhogin S.V. "


The above letter is not passed on to rank and file yogis, because

these things are now kept secret. This also is very different to the

way Shri Mataji did things. If She stood a leader down, She always

gathered us SY's around, and told us about it and the reasons for it

as well.


We do know, however, that those in the SMNDSYF have now given

themselves official powers to 'hire' and 'fire' all SY's and leaders

who do not " toe their official version of the truth " .


So i ask you, has Shri Mataji's Original Vision, Mission & Message

been upheld? Or has it been hijacked by clever organizers?






Below is many Words of Advice given by Shri Mataji to SY's over the

years. Judge for yourself, whether SMNDSYF have really taken these

words to heart and acted by them:-



Advice Given By

H.H. Shri Mataji

Gudi Padwa, 24 March 1993...


" Leaders should be very careful. They should become free of all

arrogance. They are only a communication link, like I have to put a

letter in the envelope and post it. They should be careful of



(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 10 February 1996)



" The main point is that you leave everything to Paramchaitanya in

your wisdom. If you cannot, then you have not felt the real

knowledge within you. "


H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Navaratri Puja, 1998



" Paramchaitanya is looking after you. You don't have to make a very

conscious effort, there's no need to have any conscious effort.

Accept life as it is - as it is. Whatever life is there, accept it.

Don't retaliate. Don't get angry. Don't get upset. Just accept. And

you will enjoy the same life that was irritating you. You will see

the enjoying part of that and it will be so beautiful the way you

will see that you will get over all your problems. You will get over

all your enemies and a kind of very fresh, beautiful existence you

will have... "


(The Words of Shri Mataji - Sahasrara Puja 1999)

Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 12 June, 1999



" The real knowledge is to know what is God.(...) It's God Almighty,

who knows everything, who does everything, who enjoys everything.

That is the one we should say is the gnyana, is the knowledge. It's

the true knowledge, the pure knowledge.


It is not the knowledge of chakras, not the knowledge of vibrations,

not the knowledge of Kundalini, but the knowledge of God Almighty.

And the knowledge of God Almighty is not mental. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Shivaratri Puja 1991



Birthday Puja Talk (Synopsis)

H.H. Shri 'Mataji Nirmala Devi'

(New Delhi - 21st March 1998)


How To Begin Your Sahaj Work...


" Be confident. That is how it is going to work out. I am just a

woman and a housewife but I was so sure about Sahaj yoga that it

worked out. I did not have to think whether I should do it or not. I

just started. In the family it was not so much respected. I started

on my own. Worked it out on my own. Because I had complete

confidence in the Truth. So for you, it should not be difficult.


All of you should see you are not a " conditioned person " and you do

not have an " ego " . Then you should go ahead with it and then you

will be amazed how it will be working. There are so many things I

cannot tell you in this short time but if you sit down you can

easily make a list yourself. Put your mind to it... in a way that

you are the organizer. What can you do...what are you going to

do...Please try. All of you can do it. "


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 21 March, 1998)

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