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> Dear brothers and sisters! Sahaja yogis of Russia!


> I would like to use this only possibility to address to you all. The

> stage, when Divine Incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founded and

> personally was in charge of Sahaja yoga, has finished. The time has

> come now, when without Her participation formation of a new worldwide

> organization named Sahaja Yoga takes place. The new leaders, basing on

> their experience and beliefs emphatically suggested me to leave the

> position of leader of Russia and a member of the World Council I have

> been taking, as they need a completely controllable and easily

> directed from abroad candidate. I do not see possibility for myself to

> take part in such organization, as well as I do not want to fight and

> act with the same methods they do. Thus I leave the position I was

> given in 1999 by Shri Adi Shakti, as now a new organization is

> created, where I cannot be a leader, as principles of it's formation

> contradict everything taught by our Mother. I would like to thank you

> for all your great love and support, which I felt for all these 6

> years. Thank you very much for we together reached unseen spread of

> Sahaja Yoga in Russia and are second (in quantity) collective in the

> world. And in quality, I think, the first! I leave with clear

> conscience.


> With all my love and best wishes,

> ex-leader of Sahaja Yoga in Russia

> Perezhogin S.V.





> Dr. Bohdan Shehovych and Alan Wherry


> Friday, 5 August 2005


> Dear Brothers and Sisters from the Russian Sahaja Collective!


> We hoped sincerely that Sergey resigns and we are able to move

> forward, because we know that the Russian collective is very deep and

> completely fairly is much more concerned with their love and worship to

> Mother, and not the leadership matters.


> But unfortunately, in his farewell letter, sent to you by e-mail,

> Sergey Perezhogin is more concerned with embellishment of his own image,

> and not accepting of responsibility for his actions. He breaks the

> protocol and makes false statements that cannot be left without

> answer, as he denies present and existing Incarnation of Shri Mataji

> as Adi Shakti and Mahamaya in the name of Her, who, on his opinion, he

> remembers. In fact, he implies loss of Divine powers by Her, which, of

> course, is not possible.


> Facts in this matter are clear, direct and documented. The World

> Council and the new all-Russian Council for the Advancement of Sahaja

> Yoga functions now, like before, on direct and personal blessings by

> Shri Mataji, the way national councils of the USA, India, Australia

> and Italia do. There is no uncertainty of any kind, since, just as all

> collectives in the world, they function completely within the bounds

> of the teachings and protocols, that our Holy Mother taught us. To

> speak about it another way, the way Perezhogin does it, is extremely

> irresponsible and is in serious contradiction with the truth.


> We didn't have intention or desire to mention about it, but his e-mail

> made it necessary. Sergey was asked to resign (as it was in the case

> with Guido Lanza) on the unanimous decision of the World Council. Shri

> Mataji in Her house in Genua characterized actions of Guido as

> treachery. Sergey showed complete absence of prudence and wisdom in

> the situation with these events. Shri Mataji accepted the resignation

> of Sergey, approved formation of the new all-Russian National Council

> and appointment of Dmitriy Korotayev and Alexander Solodyankin to the

> World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga, as it could be seen

> from the other letters.


> For Sergey would be more worth of respect to accept that he made

> mistakes instead of speaking about the new all-Russian Council being

> created for it could be managed from abroad. This is unrespectful to

> those, who have relation to it, and is a laughable statement at all. The

> World Council respects and treats carefully to the wisdom and deepness

> of the Russian collective.


> His insisting that he resigned because " the principles of formation of

> this new organization contradict everything taught by our Mother "

> unworthy a person, that claims he is a yogi. As Mother is pure and

> eternal, Her guidance is and will stay pure and eternal. She created

> this Council, and principles and teachings of Shri Mataji can never

> undergo changes, additions or doubts.


> In any case, whether Sergey believes his own lie, he decided to say

> it to you. This is unprecedented and it is very sadly to see how your

> ex-leader writes in such splitting manner, because what he wrote he

> introduced to the Russian collective as a personal message, but then

> he translated it to English and spread in other countries, and to be

> more exact in Italy, where the collective is already in dismay as a

> result of their ex-leader. Interesting, what motives he had for that?


> Let us stop on this. The time has come to concentrate on love and

> unity, that is the very essence of Sahaja Yoga.


> On the Wednesday in the evening, after our coming back from Moscow,

> when we did namascar in front of Shri Mataji in Her house near New

> York, She said:

> " May God bless you " .


> With all our love,

> Dr. Bohdan Shehovych and Alan Wherry





Nicely written words to answer Perezhogin reveal absolutely no

vibrations, whichever beautiful way they are written that all that is

guided by Shri Mataji. To my deep regret, Sahaja Yoga is passing

through bad times, and exactly because of the Council, that allegedly

is guided by the will of Shri Mataji. Since it is difficult to hide

the truth from sahaja yogis, and especially from sahaja yogis that are

able to hear vibrations and are beyond doubts, it is simply impossible

to hide the truth. Such sahaja yogis do not follow hearsays or

thoughts of other people, and in this case all such sahaja yogis, that

come from differents parts of the globe, know firmly and clearly that

the Council, that is empowered to carry resolutions from the name of

Shri Mataji, very easily deceives people.


We do not come from Russia and have no contacts with Perezhogin, but

openly and without doubt I would like every sahaja yogi of the world

to hear that the letter Perezhogin wrote is true and reveals

vibrations. I say that for those sahaja yogis that still cannot hear

vibrations clearly and prefer to listen to what they are told by

leaders. Perezhogin just knew much more about the Council than he was

supposed to, similar to how Jagbir, the founder of adishakti.org

website, and Violet knew it, and many other deep yogis, that make the

Council fear, because they have powers and energies of Shri Mataji to

destroy this illusion of the Council, which turned to a real mafia,

trying to rule minds of honest people and their money.


In deep vibrational consciousness we know that not in Russia struggle

for leadership takes place, but on the worldwide scale in Sahaja Yoga.

And it is not a secret that Shri Mataji is intentiously exposed to

improper medical treatment for people that stand next to Her could

easily set seal under words they want. But from the bottom of my heart

I say to all wishing leadership as to all not wishing it, Shri Jesus,

son of God Almighty, coming to this Earth said: I will forgive

everything against myself, but nothing against the Holy Spirit. You

yourself condemn yourself to destruction, any day now your lie will be

exposed. Mother will not let this lie to enter the New Humanity. Wait,

Shri Kalki is right next to you. I know, you think it is late to turn

the horse to the way back and play with other cards, but Mother is

allforgiving and if you do not stop doing horrible things under the

name of Shri Mataji now, then later it will be too late. There are

many sahaja yogis and we will not let jeer at our Divine Mother.


I would like this letter to cover the world so that every sahaja yogi

could feel with his own palms and Sahasraras. Mostly all leaders are

under control of this World Council, thus all sahaja yogis that feel,

you can openly pass this forward not relying on leaders, because all

of us are given the powers to be channels of Mother, and not only

leaders. Now Sahaja Yoga must go to a more proper and deep level, such

as Shri Mataji's vision is. And everyone of us has to take

responsibilitly for that.


You lead such a game now, that whoever knows the truth and speaks

about it openly has to be thrown out and there already are many such

precedents. I am an honest and open sahaja yogi, do not even have a

right to sign this letter, so that a leader didn't come to me to ask

if I wish to leave my collective, because the collective is my family.

So for now I sign as Anonymous, but it is for the time being.

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