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Healing of mind, body & soul is part & parcel of Divine Message...

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Dear Jagbir,


You say:-


" The healing of mind, body and soul is part and parcel of the Divine

Message to humanity. "




" These handful of trees have little scriptural backing

and are for those seeking a healthy life on Earth, not the promised

eternal life in Heaven. "


i can see now that Shri Mataji has catered for different types of

individuals; those who are interested in the " mind/body/soul " healing

part of the Divine Message, and those who are interested in the

" spiritual evolution " part of the Divine Message. That is not to

say that a person can not be interested in both, however, there is a

point where a person, hopefully becomes their Spirit. When you become

your Spirit, you are not interested in power over others. Your

powers are within, but flow out to everyone. You do not exert power,

but have within, the Source of Power Herself.


In the SY organization generally, there is very little knowledge or


about the eschatological expectations of the Christian, Muslim and

Hindu holy scriptures. It is important, though, in order to grow

deeper, that SY's gain a deeper understanding of the significance of

the historical

and traditional spiritual continuance of the Divine Message from one

age to the

next and especially how the Divine Vision, Mission and Message of

Shri Mataji

impacts on these spiritual traditions. Only a deep knowledge of this

will give

stability and roots to SY's.


You also say:-


" i did not become Her devotee because of " Sahaja Yoga Meditation " by

Dr. Rai, which reflects the message of official websites. Most SYs

do not see the Divine Forest for these few officially recognized

trees. "


i can appreciate the fact that you did not become a devotee just

because of " Sahaja Yoga Meditation " by Dr. Rai. Rather, you became a

devotee because of the proof of the veracity of Shri Mataji's

Incarnation through the holy scriptures of the spiritual traditions.

SY's need to have an appreciation of how important this knowledge of

the spiritual traditions is, so that they can also back up

everything with the Message of the Incarnations, including the

actions of present leaders.


Sahaja yogis need to study Shri Mataji's words and Jesus's words and


that what Leadership SY is doing at present is not scriptural but a

repeat of

the 'spiritual domination " of past religious institutions.


No matter what WCASY or SMNDSYF members are saying, their actions

are not in agreement with the holy scriptures. In fact, their

actions are more like the Pharisees, which Jesus warned about and

Shri Mataji's Own Description of how leaders should conduct

themselves in SY is very

different to how the WCASY and SMNDSYF leaders are now conducting


This is Shri Mataji's description of how leaders should be:-


Advice Given By

H.H. Shri Mataji

Gudi Padwa, 24 March 1993...


" Leaders should be very careful. They should become free of all

arrogance. They are only a communication link, like I have to put a

letter in the envelope and post it. They should be careful of



(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 10 February 1996)


When i first learned SY meditation, i also asked many questions

about Shri Mataji and had to see how what She said, related to

Jesus's Message and Mission. The fact that Shri Mataji was the

Comforter/Holy Spirit, was the greatest news that i could ever have

received on this Earth, given my Christian eschatological

expectations, which were that the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus

would come at this Time of Last Judgment and Resurrection. i had

been looking

for Her appearance all my life and when i found

Her (or She found me)... all my expectations and hopes were realized.


i also verified Shri Mataji's Words and Incarnation with the holy

scriptures and

if Shri Mataji's Mission and Message had not agreed with the

scriptures that

went before, i would not have been able to accept Her. However, to

my great

delight, She came up 'trumps'

according to the holy scriptures and even more than that, She

fulfilled the promises of Christ and other Divine Incarnation's

Messages and Her

life has been the most amazing life i have ever witnessed;



It is unfortunate that it is the " mind/body/soul " category of SYs

though, who have gained the upper hand in SY Management of

Organization. The Divine Declaration of the Message of the Last

Judgment & Resurrection does not seem of much importance to

them. i have come to the conclusion that they do not really

understand this part of the Divine Message because that is not the

type of seeker that they have been all along. This part of the

Divine Message just seems to have literally " gone over their heads " .


Maybe they just " don't see the forest for the trees " as you say,

Jagbir. They

also remind me of the story of how each blind person only felt one

part of the

elephant, such as the tail, trunk or ears, subsequently declaring

that that was

the nature of the animal.


i think that is what has happened in the organization of SY.

The " mind/body/soul " category leadership who only have felt and

envisioned the " mind/body/soul " part of the Divine Message, have

subsequently declared it to be the whole of the Divine Message.


If that was their own individual perception, that would be fine,


everyone is at their individual place in their spiritual journey...

but then to

enforce their partial vision of the Divine Message on everyone

else... is too much!


If they could only have left well enough alone, allowing SY's to

develop their

innate spiritual guruship and internal vision of the Adi Shakti, as

Shri Mataji

wanted, things would be so different now. That they now forge ahead

to enforce

their partial vision as the whole vision of the Divine Message on

everyone in the organization will lead to

their eventual

downfall, unless they realize what they are doing before it is too



After all, Shri Mataji's Vision of Sahaja Yoga is to be an open


society of realized souls, all surrendered to the Divine Adi Shakti


working together with the Parmachaitanya, and " under the Vision of

Shri Ganesha,

under the guidance of your Spirit, and under the blessings of God

Almighty. "


Let me give you an example of how their enforced 'partial vision' of


Divine Message has already distorted Shri Mataji's Message:-


In this " mind/body/soul " category of leadership, for example, they

say that:-


" All you have to do is to give self-realization " . However, this

statement in itself... is a misrepresentation of what Shri Mataji

Herself has taught. Shri Mataji also taught that we have to declare

this Divine Message that fulfils the eschatological expectations of

all the religions to the whole wide world, as well.


Yes, the present leadership have subtly changed the deep spiritual

meaning of Shri Mataji's Divine Mission and Message on Earth, though


are technically fanatical about getting every word of Shri Mataji's

correct. The Divine Mother did not come to Earth to be known as a

Subtle System Teacher, like all the other subtle system teachers

around. The Holy Spirit, which She is, came for a much greater

reason, which all the religious traditions can verify.


There is something that needs to be known by the " mind/body/soul "

leadership, and that is that to have one's self-realization and even

to give someone else their self-realization is not the end game of

SY. Even to establish one's self-realization is not the end of it

all. It is just the beginning. The very words 'spiritual evolution'

which Shri Mataji has used many times, means a continual spiritual

growth and evolution of the Spirit of the individual human being for

the rest of their lives.


For a start, when one's self-realization is established, a person

can become their own guru and not be swayed by anyone but the Adi

Shakti within. Then there is the Grace of God that is revealed

within when we are the Spirit, which expresses itself in a myriad of

ways, according to the individual person.


Given the circumstances that are in SY Organization,

notwithstanding, there are

many of us outside and inside of the organization who are only too

happy to turn

to the real Power Broker, the Adi Shakti within. This real Power

Broker, the Adi

Shakti and Her Message Itself, will destroy all untruth or partial

truth before

it. All we have to do is keep faith and Witness Her Divine Play as

it unfolds.


We all are individual drops that become immersed in this Ocean of

Spirit. None is better than the other. Some may be more spiritually

evolved than others, but not better, just further along in their


journey. We are all brothers and sisters and Children of God

Almighty and can

help each other along on this spiritual journey within the Kingdom

of God which

we can experience while in our bodies on Earth at this time of the

Last Judgment

and Resurrection.



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