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Just tell others about the Divine Message and give them self-realization

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> The only way you can be free to be your own master is to simplify

> and protect the heart and soul of Shri Mataji's teachings i.e.,

> spreading the Divine Message to humanity. Just tell others about

> the Divine Message and give them self-realization to continue on

> their own. All they need to do is to meditate twice a day and be

> daily conscious that the Last Judgment and Resurrection is taking

> place. There should be no need to do any external rituals like

> havan, shoe beat, string burning, etc. because the Mother

> Kundalini and Cool Breeze can by far take care of all problems.

> Compared to the later, all forms of cures and treatments pale in

> significance and effectiveness. Moreover these rituals will be

> rejected by most non-Hindus as they are not found in the Holy

> Scriptures. ...




" Bilge Celebi " <bilge108

Sat Jul 30, 2005 4:30 am

Muslim beliefs and conditionings



Dear Sahajis,


Being a Turkish Sunni Muslim myself, and living in United Arab

Emirates, I will try to write about how to go about things with



I would like to remind you that what I will say here is based only

on my experience and impressions, there certainly may be exceptions,

and maybe other better ways to approach the case.


At the programs for newly arrived muslims, when we introduce Sahaja

Yoga we usually say that this is a meditation, anyone can do it, and

it is not related to religion. We try to keep the emphasis on

experiencing the vibrations, feeling the joy, and remaining in

thoughtless awareness. We do not discuss topics such

as " Divinity " , " Relationship with religions " , " Incarnations " , " Re-

incarnation " , etc, and if any questions arise, try to answer them

correctly, but diplomatically.


We must remember that the purpose is to give them realization and

let them come to Sahaja Yoga. If we try to convince them that their

conditionings are wrong, we may win an argument, but we may loose a



Some Sunni Muslim Conditionings:



- They have a conditioning against worshipping God through idols.

For them God is formless and infinite, and no statue, picture,

figure, even swayambhu can be worshipped. In this, Christians start

off at a much better point, as they are used to praying in front of

the statues of Christ and Virgin Mary, but for Muslims this is not

the case. Human forms and figures are not allowed in Islamic

religious buildings, even as Art they do not see pictures of

people. " Photography " and " Painting " are forms of art that are

generally looked down upon and are to be avoided, unless it is

paintings of flower patterns and so on. Because of this reason, for

a strongly conditioned muslim, it is a great achievement to sit in

front of HHSM's photograph and meditate.


It may be a good idea not to show them any Puja photos where i.e.

HHSM is wearing a crown, or dressed in Her form as one of the

Deities, etc. to make the transition smooth. If we want them to have

a chance to stay in Sahaja Yoga, they should not be let to see any

Charan (Lotus Feet) photos before they are actually ready to attend

pujas and worship.


- They do not believe in Divine Incarnations. They will not accept

that Hz. Muhammed was Divine, nor any of the other Prophets. They

think that prophets were messangers of God, sent by God to help

humanity to evolve, but the Prophets themselves are supposed to be

totally human, with the exceptional case that they used to receive

divine messages from god as Messangers.


- They do not believe in re-encarnation. So there is no point in

trying to tell them about karma, papas and punyas, or previous lives.


- They have a built-in reaction against Hindus because they think

that Hindus are people who worship ordinary cows and various idols,

figures and statues, which is merely matter. Hinduism is not

considered to be a religion in the regard of a muslim. Hindus are

considered to be pagans of a primitive type. Of course this sort of

an understanding makes it difficult for them to respect HHSM who is

wearing a bindi on Her Forehead.. Also this is why we do not

recommend to mention Deities, Gods and Goddesses at the initial

stages. We leave this level of knowledge to much later on. Let them

meditate with affirmations in english (or whichever is your

language, russian, etc.) regularly for a month or so, then introduce

one mantra, and after a while more.


- The respect for woman is very much neglected in muslim societies.

According to Sheriat Law which is the Islamic law, 1 male witness is

equivalent to 2 female witnesses. A man can marry 4 wives, but a

woman can marry only one. She has to cover herself completely and

not to be seen by anyone. Etc., etc.


- They have a strong aversion to anything which seems to be

intermediary between God and man. So with many of them, the idea of

a Guru itself is a difficulty. So the mastery principle should be

emphasized, that with Sahaja Yoga they can become their own masters,

and they will have the direct experience on their own central

nervous system. " Which so far they do not have!!..


- Unlike Indian culture where people bow down in front of elder

members of the family for respect, in Muslim culture bowing down is

understood as worshipping, and nothing else BUT worshipping. It is

to be done ONLY to God Almighty.


A " scientific " explanation may help them understand, by saying that

we put our Agnya Chakra on the Earth to clean it, and also it makes

us humble, at the same time we receive vibrations by holding our

hands towards the photo of HHSM.


In my experience I have found that it does not help to try to

convince muslims that " Sahaja Yoga is the real Islam, and this is

the true religion. " They have wrong ideas in their minds and they

will most probably react to it directly. A better way is to just

leave it and let them experience the vibrations. The more they

experience vibrations, the more they will understand in their heart.

And after some time, the love in their heart will win over the

mental ideas. They will realize themselves that HHSM is Divine, and

gradually they will get the true idea about Sahaja Yoga.


At some other instances it may prove better to tell them the truth

directly, and let the vibrations work it out. Up to the Sahaja

Yogis' discretion, I must say…




Having said all this, I must say that it is not such a hopeless case

as it sounds to be.


After all, all religious communities have some problem or other to

begin with…


Muslims are really nice people, and once they get over their egos I

am sure they will be among the best Sahaja Yogis.


Jai Shri Mataji






> For the past two weeks I have been able to meditate and reflect

> deeply on this issue as my computer went for a major repair. Those

> able to do the same will reach a level of awareness, joy and bliss

> as how the Paramchaitanya is working out the spread of the Divine

> Message. The only thing i can say with absolute conviction is that

> it is the Great News of the Divine Message to humanity, not Sahaja

> Yoga, that will gather strength in future and spread. i know many

> SYs will react against such a statement but please refrain. All

> you need is to climb higher up the mountain and confirm the same

> point of view. And when you are able to see so many management-

> controlled SYs walking around aimlessly on the plateau far below

> you will never look back again. You will be convinced in heart,

> mind and soul that you have truly lived to the highest standard

> and understanding of Shri Mataji's Original Vision, Mission &

> Message.



Even Muslim beliefs and conditionings will be overcome by the truth

of their own Qur'an as explained in detail at www.al-qiyamah.org.

Just tell them about the Divine Message (The Great News of Al-

Qiyamah) and give them self-realization (The Baptism of Allah). All

they need to do is meditate on His Ruh within as God is formless and

infinite, and no statue, picture, figure, even swayambhu need to be

worshipped. (i now only meditate on His Ruh within and not on any

external image whatsoever.)


But even Muslim SYs like Bilge Celebi are told by management SYs to

hide the truth and be dishonest:


" At the programs for newly arrived muslims, when we introduce Sahaja

Yoga we usually say that this is a meditation, anyone can do it, and

it is not related to religion. "


As far as God Almighty is concerned Bilge Celebi was a better Muslim

before he joined Sahaja Yoga. There can be no greater sin than to

induce/force Muslim SYs to hide the truth of the Divine Message, one

that their Quran explicitly declares is for the benefit and

salvation of all humanity. So be careful how you go about and

conduct your duty towards others. It is far better you just tell

others about the Divine Message and give them self-realization. Do

not lie and be dishonest because all believers deserve the right to

know about the Great News of the Resurrection.


Jai Shri Mataji,




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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> But even Muslim SYs like Bilge Celebi are told by management SYs

> to hide the truth and be dishonest:


> " At the programs for newly arrived muslims, when we introduce

> Sahaja Yoga we usually say that this is a meditation, anyone can

> do it, and it is not related to religion. "


> As far as God Almighty is concerned Bilge Celebi was a better

> Muslim before he joined Sahaja Yoga. There can be no greater sin

> than to induce/force Muslim SYs to hide the truth of the Divine

> Message, one that their Quran explicitly declares is for the

> benefit and salvation of all humanity. So be careful how you go

> about and conduct your duty towards others. It is far better you

> just tell others about the Divine Message and give them self-

> realization. Do not lie and be dishonest because all believers

> deserve the right to know about the Great News of the Resurrection.


> Jai Shri Mataji,






The vice of Hypocrisy is the most repugnant vice. Almighty Allah

hates and despises people who acquire this vice. Allah says in the

Qur'an: " The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depth of Hell Fire and

no help shall come to them. " (Q 3: 145). The word Hypocrisy (Nifaq)

is mentioned in the Qur'an 31 times. The Prophet (peace be upon him)

said; (The signs of a Hypocrite (Muslim) are three: when he speaks

he lies, when he promises he breaks his promise and when he is

entrusted he betrays the trust). The Prophet (peace be upon him),

also, said: (You will find the worst kind of people is the double-

faced person (hypocrite); who comes to one group of people with one

face and to another group with a different face).



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> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:


> The only way you can be free to be your own master is to simplify

> and protect the heart and soul of Shri Mataji's teachings i.e.,

> spreading the Divine Message to humanity. Just tell others about

> the Divine Message and give them self-realization to continue on

> their own. All they need to do is to meditate twice a day and be

> daily conscious that the Last Judgment and Resurrection is taking

> place. There should be no need to do any external rituals like

> havan, shoe beat, string burning, etc. because the Mother

> Kundalini and Cool Breeze can by far take care of all problems.

> Compared to the later, all forms of cures and treatments pale in

> significance and effectiveness. Moreover these rituals will be

> rejected by most non-Hindus as they are not found in the Holy

> Scriptures. ...





Feras Hakkak <f_hakkak

Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:37 pm


Dear brothers and sisters,


In Islam we have two divisions: Sunni and Shi'ite. In each of them

there are a lot of sects but the main issue among muslims is being

one of these, and not the other one!


Shiite muslims are those believe in Mohammad, Ali, Fatemeh, and

their ancestors. These are 14 people who we believe are absolutely

holy, innocent and without any fault or mistakes. The 1st one is

Mohammad and the 14th one is Mahdi which was born 12 centuries ago

but disappeared from the eyes of people. And we always are waiting

for him to come back and save the world.


The Sunni muslims believe in Mohammad, and they like the rest of the

those holy personalities to some extent, but they do not have such a

faith in them. Just Mohammad himsef is faithfully respected. Before

the passing away of Mohammad, he declared that Ali will be his

successor, but after his death these people elected another person

to be the ruler of the Islamic world (Khalifa). Three Khalifas came

and after 35 years, Ali was elected. Sunni muslims respect all these

four khalifas, but Shiite people hate the first three ones because

they believe they didn't follow Mohammad and it was Ali's right to

become the ruler after Mohammad.


In Iran most of us are Shiite muslims and we have much less problem

with Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga because she supprts the Shiite

view. But in Sunni countries, like most the Arab countries, they

cannot accept Shri Mataji easily because of their dogma about Ali,

Hasan, Hosein, and esp. Fateme. Shri Fatame was hit by Omar (the 2nd

khalifa) and after some days she passed away of the injuries. That

is why Shiite people especially hate Omar and Sunni people have an

allergy to Shiite people!


The common things among all the muslims are Hazrat Mohammad and

Koran. And of course the idea that Islam is the last and the most

complete message of God and followers of any other religion will not

go to heaven unless they become muslims. In the Koran, we have a lot

of material about Moses and Christ, so Muslims respect these

prophets but they do not respect their followers! Other than this,

there is no mention of the Indian or Chinese saints and prophets in

Koran so Muslim people do not have any respect for those religions

and believe that they are not guided to the path of God!


I hope this can help in dealing with Muslim people who come to us

for getting their realisation.


Jai Shri Mataji,

Feras (from Iran)

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