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Perhaps we SYs may learn from the Bhagavad Gita too

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, " violet_tubb "

<vtubb@b...> wrote:


> Shri Mataji has always spoken the Truth, however difficult. In the

> Holy Scriptures it says … " A truthful witness saves lives, but he

> who speaks lies is treacherous. " (Proverbs 14:25) We also have to

> speak the truth, even though it is sometimes difficult to do so. If

> we don't speak the Truth at this Last Judgment and Resurrection

> Time, many people will remain spiritually unaware of the Good News

> that Shri Mataji came to give.


> The Divine Drama of Shri Mataji's Vision, Mission and Message on

> Earth, will continue to unfold through Her human instruments that

> surrender to the Adi Shakti Within. The surest and safest way now

> is to go within and establish a relationship with our Spiritual

> Mother, the Adi Shakti.


> The Adi Shakti will also accomplish Her Will through those

> who surrender to Her and not to someone else.



That was indeed is a great post Violet. Thank you.


We have now done all that is possible to plead with those in power

to declare the Truth. No stone has been left unturned to convince

them that the Adi Shakti's revelations of Her supreme reign over all

in the Sahasarara (Kingdom of God) are like the light of a thousand

suns in the sky. There is no way the present WCASY can ever deny

that they have not been presented evidence and reason that the

Divine Message must be upheld. It is all based on the irrefutable

revealtions and Sure Signs that the Shakti and the messengers of God

Almighty have completed their job of validating the Great News to

all humanity.


When Shri Krishna revealed His true identity to Arjuna it inspired

him to kill and destroy those against dharma, a prospect that he

initially declined. Perhaps we may be able to learn from the

Bhagavad Gita, believed by many to be the single most important text

in Hinduism. It is one chapter from the epic the Mahabharata.


The great discourse given by the Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the

battlefield of Kurukshetra is not meant for him alone. It is for the

entire humanity.


On the eve of great 18-day Mahabharata battle, Arjuna asked his

charioteer to drive their chariot out to the front line so he could

look over the opposition he must face the next day. In the

battlefield, Arjuna saw that all teachers, relatives, members of his

family had gathered together eager for battle. As he looked at his

foes, he recognized his favorite teacher, Drona, and his beloved

grand uncle, Bhishma, and many other relatives and friends. This

caused great anguish to Arjuna and temporarily forgetting his duty

as a warrior, he became depressed. And this faint-heartedness caused

him to renounce his duty (dharma). Horrified to realize that he must

kill the very people he loved, he threw down his bow and arrow and

told Krishna he would not fight.


Krishna gave Arjuna numerous reasons to fight. You must fight, he

told Arjuna, or it will look like you are a coward, and the people

will say you were afraid to fight. You are a prince, and you must

set a good example for other people in the kingdom. If the prince

refuses to fight, who else can be counted on to enter the battle?

Remember, he said, it is your dharma. You are a warrior, and a

warrior must fight. You'll build up good karma if you fight, because

there is nothing better for a warrior than a just cause for which to

fight. He reminded Arjuna of samsara. A person who is bom must die,

and a person who dies will be rebom; the wise do not grieve over

that, he said. Dying is like leaving aside worn-out garments, only

instead, one is leaving aside a worn-out body. He instructed Arjuna

that the only true essence is Brahman, and that Brahman cannot be

killed. What dies is not essential. Further, he said, if you kill

Drona, Bhishma and your cousins in battle, you enable them to build

good karma, so you are really helping them.


Krishna then discussed moksha, the ultimate aim of life. If one

experiences moksha, Krishna reminded Arjuna, he breaks the chains of

samsara and rejoins Brahman and is not rebom. Krishna explained four

yogas or methods to achieve moksha. One method is the yoga of

meditation. Another is the yoga of knowledge. These were the methods

that traditionally only Brahmins followed. But Krishna assured

Arjuna that there were two other methods for achieving moksha that

anyone might follow: the yoga of holy indifference and the yoga of



The yoga of holy indifference is called karma yoga. " You must be

indifferent to the fruits of your actions, " he told Arjuna. " You

have a right to the deeds, never to the fruits. If you can perform

your deeds but are holy indifferent to the results of your actions,

you will not build up any karma and you will not be rebom. Fight

because you are a warrior, but don't mind what happens or who wins.

On action alone be thy interest, never on its fruits. "


A fourth method for reaching moksha was the yoga of devotion or

bhakti yoga. " Be devoted to me, " Krishna said. " If you perform each

act with your mind on the me alone, " Krishna promised, " you will

experience moksha. " Devotion alone holds the key.


Arjuna was not convinced, so Krishna finally revealed his true

identity to the warrior. Krishna was really divinity who had taken

the form of a charioteer to help the Pandavas re-establish

righteousness. His revelation was like the light of a thousand suns

in the sky. As Arjuna looked at him, he saw all the world, all the

gods, the universe, the One. Filled with awe, Arjuna agreed to fight.


(What Should Arjuna Do? Jean Johnson, New York University)



Perhaps we SYs too will be able to learn from the Bhagavad Gita. But

let's not forget that Arjuna fought in a battle between cousins over

who has the right to rule. i think it is quite petty when compared

to the present power struggle by council members claiming to

represent the Will of the Shakti and thus the right to organize the

truth ..... as well as edit out the Divine Message for humanity.

Think Arjuna would have had no hesitation if that was the case

thousands of years ago?



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