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WCASY do not officially uphold Shri Mataji's Great Message as She has requested

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, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> It seems that WCASY is very enamoured by the `subtle system'

> tree and cannot see how the `Great Message of the Resurrection'tree

> is the real message that Shri Mataji came to give to the whole

> world. Without the `grounding' of the Great Message of the

> Resurrection' tree, the `subtle system' tree is bound to

> be patented and corporatized until one day it will be difficult to

> comprehend how it could ever have been part and parcel of Shri

> Mataji's `Great Message of the Resurrection' tree at all!


> Will the original spirit of Sahaja Yoga also get edited out along

> with the editing out of Shri Mataji's Great Message of the

> Resurrection, or is this happening now already. I remember when

> SY's felt the wonder of their spiritual journey, not knowing what

> spiritual heights and depths may be granted to them by the Adi

> Shakti within. Now, it will not be legitimate for SY's to evolve

> beyond the diluted version of WCASY's Message of Sahaja Yoga. If

> the individual yogi's spiritual depths and heights surpass that of

> the WCASY, and yogis subsequently don't fit the WCASY mould, they

> will simply be asked to leave. This is the opposite of how Shri

> Mataji did things and also the opposite of what She has asked yogis

> to do.


> However, we know that WCASY, as much as they vouch for Shri

> Mataji's support of them, do not in turn officially uphold Shri

> Mataji's Great Message of the Resurrection as She has requested.


> " Tell all the nations and tell all the people, all over, the great

> message - that the time of Resurrection is Here. Now, at this time,

> and that you all are capable of doing it. You are the ones who are

> capable of manifesting God's joy on this earth. You are the flutes,

> which are going to play the Melody of God. I am doing all this to

> perfect you to the " most " beautiful instruments of God. Like the

> ship is built, is brought to the sea, tried, and found out to be

> sea-worthy to sail out, when you know everything about the ship,

> everything about the sea. With complete freedom and wisdom, you

> have to sail now. Not afraid of any storms or any gales or any

> typhoons because now all you 'know'. Your job is to cross through. "


> (Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 2 June 1995)




i belive this stirring speech by Shri Mataji was given at Cowley

Manor Seminar on 31st August 1982. These were the early days when

Shri Mataji talked very deep and directly about the true nature of

Her incarnating on Earth. i believe She expected SYs will rise to

the occasion as messengers of the Great Message to humanity,

carrying the joyous message of the Last Judgment and Ressurection.


But nothing happened. We find no evidence that any effort was made

to spread the Great Message. Only silence greeted Shri Mataji. On

the contary, over the years, much effort was made to suppress it ...

........... a trend that continues till today.


Since 1982 i never heard another similar speech again. Shri Mataji

realized quite early that even those leaders She trusted to do the

job had no stomach for such a task. None of them wanted to " Tell all

the nations and tell all the people, all over, the Great Message -

that the time of Resurrection is here. "


Today WCASY do not officially uphold Shri Mataji's Great Message as

She has requested, and we have evidence of their dereliction of

duty. By claiming to present the Will of Shri Mataji WCASY council

members act as judge, jury and executioner. That is why i do not

wish to have anything to do with an organization that has the

temerity to claim that it presents the Will of Shri Mataji. This is

a great satanic lie and we evidence to support this accusation. When

those in charge more than two decades ago did not obey Her to " Tell

all the nations and tell all the people, all over, the Great Message

- that the time of Resurrection is here " , what makes anyone think

that WCASY council members will? And why should they comply now when

they have not done so since 31st August 1982?


Jai Shri Mataji,




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, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> The Divine Message is obviously not one which WCASY wish to

> declare. Even with their claim to `present the Will of Shri

> Mataji's, yet they do not have the spiritual fortitude to declare

> Her Divine Message. Instead, they have used their considerable

> powers and energies to legally augment their temporal power over

> Sahaja Yogis.


> It seems to me that Shri Mataji's now prophetic Words have come

> true. I heard Shri Mataji say many years earlier to us Sahaja Yogis

> at Sydney Airport that if we do not get out this Divine Message of

> the Last Judgment and Resurrection from within the Organization, it

> will go out to the World from Without the Organization. She in

> fact, concluded by saying… " Then it is up to you. We'll see if


> can do it. "



Dear Violet,


Can you give more details about that talk by Shri Mataji at the

Sydney Airport? What was the date for example? This is important

because we need to make such specific announcements permanently

available to all. Obviously in those early days Shri Mataji was

trying to set the pace and imbibe faith that the Great News of the

Last Judgment and Resurrection must be announced ............ and,

to emphasize its utmost importance and assured success, warned that

outsiders will if SYs fail to do so. She clearly wanted Her devotees

to put all their energies and attention to ensure the success of the

Divine Message, challenging them to start announcing the Great News

before outsiders accomplish it in the behalf of the Divine. She was

actually telling them with maternal love and compassion that they

should not be afraid, i.e., if read with paternal inclination,

considered hypocrites and judged by history to be the greatest

cowards ever to follow an incarnation.


However, not even a single SY move a finger.


But the Shakti had to overcome this reluctance and refusal by Her

devotees to be truthful. In late 1993 She set in motion a chain of

events that were witnessed and recorded down dutifully. It is all

based on the irrefutable revelations and Sure Signs that the Shakti

and the messengers of God Almighty have completed their job of

validating the Great News to all humanity. This is what She told SYs

in 1998:


" Once this book is out all over the world, it will be known about

our Work. We'll not be challenged any more. But still we have to

see for ourselves, that if we have this kind of recognition or

not…our capabilities should be up to that. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

You Must Develop Humility, Shri Adi Shakti Puja

Cabella, Italy – May 21, 1998


But instead of rejoicing world leaders like Yogi Mahajan started a

concerted campaign to destroy the Truth. (i was told he made clear

his opposition to Shri Mataji's declaration that the book will

silence all critics, and was one of the reasons for his subsequent

falling out with Her.) Those days he wielded immense power and

influence, and easily found management SYs more than willing to

sabotage the book and assassinate the characters of the family. i

think he did a great job in convincing many SYs (like Richard

Payment) not to believe whatever is written by demonizing my

children. They in turn spread his lies.


The present official WCASY opposition to www.adishakti.org and

www.al-qiayamh.org is just part and parcel of Yogi Mahajan's

campaign. Those in power have collectively refused to get out this

Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection from within the

Organization. Today council members like Alen Wherry, by claiming to

present the Will of Shri Mataji, can even declare me a non-SY and

that the websites have nothing to do with Sahaja Yoga. His claim is

in direct contrast and goes again all that i know of Shri Mataji.


So Violet, you know WCASY will rather SYs not have access to

anything related to the Divine Message as it subjects themselves to

charges of hypocrisy and deceit towards humanity. They obviously

cannot be believed to be presenting the Will of Shri Mataji if such

sensitive information is available. i also did not know that Shri

Mataji said so till you brought this subject up. It is now left to a

handful of conscientious SYs to seek, present and preserve such

critical early talks of Shri Mataji. Only those who believe that the

Divine Message is of utmost importance that must be declared openly

to all humanity will collectively work to protect the Truth. The

vast majority of SYs have already been led to believe by WCASY and

management SYs that the subtle system supersedes everything and is

the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga. Why is this so? Well, unlike the

subtle system, getting out this Divine Message of the Last Judgment

and Resurrection to humanity requires lots of irrefutable

eschatological evidence and Sure Signs preordained by the Bible and

Qur'an. Does WCASY have any such blessings from God Almighty?


Jai Shri Mataji,




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Dear Jagbir,


i came to Sahaja Yoga in 1992-93. From the time i became a Sahaja Yogi, Shri

Mataji only visited Australia 2 more times.


My research has shown that one of these tours after 1992-93 was in Her Tour of

March/April 1994.


The only other Tour Date in which Shri Mataji came to Australia after 1992-93, i

am still researching.


On both these occasion, i along with many other yogis saw Shri Mataji off at

Sydney Airport.


It was in one of these last two visits to Australia that Shri Mataji

gave Her talk in one of the rooms at Sydney Airport with a room-full

of yogis gathered in a circle with Shri Mataji. i remember sitting to the left

side of Shri Mataji so i had to turn my head to the right to hear Her talk.

Behind me was a heavy gray curtain partitioning. i don't remember Sir C.P. being

there. Her final Words were about 'seeing whether we would do the job of

spreading the Divine Message to the World, and if we did not do it, it would

have to be done from without the organization'. She said this in Her Loving

Motherly way, as if She were teasing us Children. i then became aware that the

Divine Message, which i had esteemed as very important, indeed was, from Her

very Own Words that day, when i was present to hear them.


When Shri Mataji said these words, myself having come from an eschatological

background of Christianity and having studied Christian Theology at an

International Bible College in Canada, i understood very well Her meaning. i

therefore took the words into my heart to remember them and wonder at them and

pray that the leaders will do Her bidding, for surely Sahaja Yoga were going to

do this job of spreading Shri Mataji's Message to the whole World!


At the time, i thought that management would do something about the

Divine Message, and that it (management) just needed to get

their 'minds around it somehow' and it would happen. i also realized

it would not be an easy job.


We yogis at this time were really in the hands of leaders, as Shri

Mataji said we should listen to them. So we did. We relied on them

to manage us. We also had to be our own gurus, of course, as well.

But we depended on the leaders to guide and manage us to do Shri

Mataji's bidding. Little did we know at the time, that this Divine

Message was actually being thwarted, and Shri Mataji must have

known, otherwise, She may not have had to say the Words...

" Then it is up to you. We'll see if you can do it " , if this was not the case.


Looking in hindsight, it seems to me that already there must have

been an unofficial WCASY leadership not wishing to go down the

Divine Message road, even at that time. These are probably the same

individuals who are now part of the official WCASY leadership.


So please bear with me, while i try to find more clues to know the

dates of the other one of the last two visits.


Then we can have a better understanding and piece together the

sequence of events.


However, if any other yogi has information to help, that would be





P.S. On the last visit to Austalia, Sir C.P. was there. This is the date i have

yet to find.


However, now i believe i have answered my own question.


When Shri Mataji gave this Divine Message, Sir C.P. was not there. Only Shri

Mataji was there. Vinay Srivastava, her family relation was there. So, now i can

say with confidence that it was definitely on the Tour of March/April 1994 that

Shri Mataji gave this Divine Message Request.






-- In , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> , " Violet "


> wrote:

> >

> > The Divine Message is obviously not one which WCASY wish to

> > declare. Even with their claim to `present the Will of Shri

> > Mataji's, yet they do not have the spiritual fortitude to


> > Her Divine Message. Instead, they have used their considerable

> > powers and energies to legally augment their temporal power over

> > Sahaja Yogis.

> >

> > It seems to me that Shri Mataji's now prophetic Words have come

> > true. I heard Shri Mataji say many years earlier to us Sahaja


> > at Sydney Airport that if we do not get out this Divine Message


> > the Last Judgment and Resurrection from within the Organization,


> > will go out to the World from Without the Organization. She in

> > fact, concluded by saying… " Then it is up to you. We'll see if

> you

> > can do it. "

> >


> Dear Violet,


> Can you give more details about that talk by Shri Mataji at the

> Sydney Airport? What was the date for example? This is important

> because we need to make such specific announcements permanently

> available to all. Obviously in those early days Shri Mataji was

> trying to set the pace and imbibe faith that the Great News of the

> Last Judgment and Resurrection must be announced ............


> to emphasize its utmost importance and assured success, warned


> outsiders will if SYs fail to do so. She clearly wanted Her


> to put all their energies and attention to ensure the success of


> Divine Message, challenging them to start announcing the Great


> before outsiders accomplish it in the behalf of the Divine. She


> actually telling them with maternal love and compassion that they

> should not be afraid, i.e., if read with paternal inclination,

> considered hypocrites and judged by history to be the greatest

> cowards ever to follow an incarnation.


> However, not even a single SY move a finger.


> But the Shakti had to overcome this reluctance and refusal by Her

> devotees to be truthful. In late 1993 She set in motion a chain of

> events that were witnessed and recorded down dutifully. It is all

> based on the irrefutable revelations and Sure Signs that the


> and the messengers of God Almighty have completed their job of

> validating the Great News to all humanity. This is what She told


> in 1998:


> " Once this book is out all over the world, it will be known about

> our Work. We'll not be challenged any more. But still we have to

> see for ourselves, that if we have this kind of recognition or

> not…our capabilities should be up to that. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> You Must Develop Humility, Shri Adi Shakti Puja

> Cabella, Italy – May 21, 1998


> But instead of rejoicing world leaders like Yogi Mahajan started a

> concerted campaign to destroy the Truth. (i was told he made clear

> his opposition to Shri Mataji's declaration that the book will

> silence all critics, and was one of the reasons for his subsequent

> falling out with Her.) Those days he wielded immense power and

> influence, and easily found management SYs more than willing to

> sabotage the book and assassinate the characters of the family. i

> think he did a great job in convincing many SYs (like Richard

> Payment) not to believe whatever is written by demonizing my

> children. They in turn spread his lies.


> The present official WCASY opposition to www.adishakti.org and

> www.al-qiayamh.org is just part and parcel of Yogi Mahajan's

> campaign. Those in power have collectively refused to get out this

> Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection from within


> Organization. Today council members like Alen Wherry, by claiming


> present the Will of Shri Mataji, can even declare me a non-SY and

> that the websites have nothing to do with Sahaja Yoga. His claim


> in direct contrast and goes again all that i know of Shri Mataji.


> So Violet, you know WCASY will rather SYs not have access to

> anything related to the Divine Message as it subjects themselves


> charges of hypocrisy and deceit towards humanity. They obviously

> cannot be believed to be presenting the Will of Shri Mataji if


> sensitive information is available. i also did not know that Shri

> Mataji said so till you brought this subject up. It is now left to


> handful of conscientious SYs to seek, present and preserve such

> critical early talks of Shri Mataji. Only those who believe that


> Divine Message is of utmost importance that must be declared


> to all humanity will collectively work to protect the Truth. The

> vast majority of SYs have already been led to believe by WCASY and

> management SYs that the subtle system supersedes everything and is

> the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga. Why is this so? Well, unlike


> subtle system, getting out this Divine Message of the Last


> and Resurrection to humanity requires lots of irrefutable

> eschatological evidence and Sure Signs preordained by the Bible


> Qur'an. Does WCASY have any such blessings from God Almighty?


> Jai Shri Mataji,



> jagbir

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Dear Jagbir,


i still hold that Shri Mataji said these Words of Admonition in

March/April 1994 about spreading the Divine Message and that if this was not

done from inside the organization that it would be done from without the



This is a further recollection of that occasion: -


i remember being so excited to see Shri Mataji in an intimate

setting for the very first time ever and i was very surprised, being

fairly new to Sahaja Yoga at that time, that Shri Mataji would have

said that if the Divine Message is not spread from inside the

organization that She had other people who would spread it from

without the organization. She then ended Her Talk to us by saying

that... " Then it is up to you. We'll see if you can do it. "


These Words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi left a lasting impression on

my mind as well as lingering questions as to the reason for the need

to say such a thing.


i have done further research and here i have found further

details about Shri Mataji's other two Tours to Australia: -



(Excerpt from Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 10 March 1995)


Memories of Shri Mataji's 1995 Tour of Australia…


" The Newsletter has put together this " mini " report for our

readers who were not with us and those who were, to reflect upon.


Shri Mataji and Her husband Sir C.P. Srivastava arrived in Sydney on

Feb. 12th. "

(This then confirms that Sir C.P. came in 1995, so that was not

the year when Shri Mataji gave that admonition because i had never seen Sir C.P.

at the time that Shr Mataji gave this Admonition)



(Excerpt Australian Sahaja Newsletter - March 16, 1996)


Shri Mataji's Tour of 1996...


Tuesday 5th March, 1996


" Shri Mataji left our country for the continuation of the South East

Asian Tour. We had arranged a function room at the airport where we

all awaited Her. She arrived and spoke to us all before leaving

saying that She was very happy with the Tour and all the

arrangements. She said that we should go out to all the villages and

spread the word far and wide. She then left us for Taipei and Her

awaiting children. "


(Jagbir, i see no mention anywhere that Sir C.P. accompanied Shri

Mataji. At least there is confirmation of Shri Mataji's Talk to us

at the airport here. This is the only alternative date to

March/April 1994, so it has to be one or the other).


You can see here that the last thing mentioned before she left for

Taipei is that She said we should go out to all the villages and

spread the word far and wide.


However, it is my belief that it was the earlier date of March/April

1994, where Shri Mataji gave this Admonition, for the reasons

mentioned in the first paragraph.


















, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>


> Dear Jagbir,


> i came to Sahaja Yoga in 1992-93. From the time i became a Sahaja

Yogi, Shri Mataji only visited Australia 2 more times.


> My research has shown that one of these tours after 1992-93 was in

Her Tour of March/April 1994.


> The only other Tour Date in which Shri Mataji came to Australia

after 1992-93, i am still researching.


> On both these occasion, i along with many other yogis saw Shri

Mataji off at Sydney Airport.


> It was in one of these last two visits to Australia that Shri


> gave Her talk in one of the rooms at Sydney Airport with a room-


> of yogis gathered in a circle with Shri Mataji. i remember sitting

to the left side of Shri Mataji so i had to turn my head to the

right to hear Her talk. Behind me was a heavy gray curtain

partitioning. i don't remember Sir C.P. being there. Her final Words

were about 'seeing whether we would do the job of spreading the

Divine Message to the World, and if we did not do it, it would have

to be done from without the organization'. She said this in Her

Loving Motherly way, as if She were teasing us Children. i then

became aware that the Divine Message, which i had esteemed as very

important, indeed was, from Her very Own Words that day, when i was

present to hear them.


> When Shri Mataji said these words, myself having come from an

eschatological background of Christianity and having studied

Christian Theology at an International Bible College in Canada, i

understood very well Her meaning. i therefore took the words into my

heart to remember them and wonder at them and pray that the leaders

will do Her bidding, for surely Sahaja Yoga were going to do this

job of spreading Shri Mataji's Message to the whole World!


> At the time, i thought that management would do something about


> Divine Message, and that it (management) just needed to get

> their 'minds around it somehow' and it would happen. i also


> it would not be an easy job.


> We yogis at this time were really in the hands of leaders, as Shri

> Mataji said we should listen to them. So we did. We relied on them

> to manage us. We also had to be our own gurus, of course, as well.

> But we depended on the leaders to guide and manage us to do Shri

> Mataji's bidding. Little did we know at the time, that this Divine

> Message was actually being thwarted, and Shri Mataji must have

> known, otherwise, She may not have had to say the Words...

> " Then it is up to you. We'll see if you can do it " , if this was

not the case.


> Looking in hindsight, it seems to me that already there must have

> been an unofficial WCASY leadership not wishing to go down the

> Divine Message road, even at that time. These are probably the


> individuals who are now part of the official WCASY leadership.


> So please bear with me, while i try to find more clues to know the

> dates of the other one of the last two visits.


> Then we can have a better understanding and piece together the

> sequence of events.


> However, if any other yogi has information to help, that would be

> appreciated.


> Violet


> P.S. On the last visit to Austalia, Sir C.P. was there. This is

the date i have yet to find.


> However, now i believe i have answered my own question.


> When Shri Mataji gave this Divine Message, Sir C.P. was not there.

Only Shri Mataji was there. Vinay Srivastava, her family relation

was there. So, now i can say with confidence that it was definitely

on the Tour of March/April 1994 that Shri Mataji gave this Divine

Message Request.


> Violet




> -- In , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> > , " Violet "

> <vtubb@b...>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > The Divine Message is obviously not one which WCASY wish to

> > > declare. Even with their claim to `present the Will of Shri

> > > Mataji's, yet they do not have the spiritual fortitude to

> declare

> > > Her Divine Message. Instead, they have used their considerable

> > > powers and energies to legally augment their temporal power


> > > Sahaja Yogis.

> > >

> > > It seems to me that Shri Mataji's now prophetic Words have come

> > > true. I heard Shri Mataji say many years earlier to us Sahaja

> Yogis

> > > at Sydney Airport that if we do not get out this Divine


> of

> > > the Last Judgment and Resurrection from within the


> it

> > > will go out to the World from Without the Organization. She in

> > > fact, concluded by saying… " Then it is up to you. We'll see


> > you

> > > can do it. "

> > >

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> >

> > Can you give more details about that talk by Shri Mataji at the

> > Sydney Airport? What was the date for example? This is important

> > because we need to make such specific announcements permanently

> > available to all. Obviously in those early days Shri Mataji was

> > trying to set the pace and imbibe faith that the Great News of


> > Last Judgment and Resurrection must be announced ............

> and,

> > to emphasize its utmost importance and assured success, warned

> that

> > outsiders will if SYs fail to do so. She clearly wanted Her

> devotees

> > to put all their energies and attention to ensure the success of

> the

> > Divine Message, challenging them to start announcing the Great

> News

> > before outsiders accomplish it in the behalf of the Divine. She

> was

> > actually telling them with maternal love and compassion that


> > should not be afraid, i.e., if read with paternal inclination,

> > considered hypocrites and judged by history to be the greatest

> > cowards ever to follow an incarnation.

> >

> > However, not even a single SY move a finger.

> >

> > But the Shakti had to overcome this reluctance and refusal by


> > devotees to be truthful. In late 1993 She set in motion a chain


> > events that were witnessed and recorded down dutifully. It is


> > based on the irrefutable revelations and Sure Signs that the

> Shakti

> > and the messengers of God Almighty have completed their job of

> > validating the Great News to all humanity. This is what She told

> SYs

> > in 1998:

> >

> > " Once this book is out all over the world, it will be known


> > our Work. We'll not be challenged any more. But still we have to

> > see for ourselves, that if we have this kind of recognition or

> > not…our capabilities should be up to that. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> > You Must Develop Humility, Shri Adi Shakti Puja

> > Cabella, Italy – May 21, 1998

> >

> > But instead of rejoicing world leaders like Yogi Mahajan started


> > concerted campaign to destroy the Truth. (i was told he made


> > his opposition to Shri Mataji's declaration that the book will

> > silence all critics, and was one of the reasons for his


> > falling out with Her.) Those days he wielded immense power and

> > influence, and easily found management SYs more than willing to

> > sabotage the book and assassinate the characters of the family.


> > think he did a great job in convincing many SYs (like Richard

> > Payment) not to believe whatever is written by demonizing my

> > children. They in turn spread his lies.

> >

> > The present official WCASY opposition to www.adishakti.org and

> > www.al-qiayamh.org is just part and parcel of Yogi Mahajan's

> > campaign. Those in power have collectively refused to get out


> > Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection from within

> the

> > Organization. Today council members like Alen Wherry, by


> to

> > present the Will of Shri Mataji, can even declare me a non-SY


> > that the websites have nothing to do with Sahaja Yoga. His claim

> is

> > in direct contrast and goes again all that i know of Shri Mataji.

> >

> > So Violet, you know WCASY will rather SYs not have access to

> > anything related to the Divine Message as it subjects themselves

> to

> > charges of hypocrisy and deceit towards humanity. They obviously

> > cannot be believed to be presenting the Will of Shri Mataji if

> such

> > sensitive information is available. i also did not know that


> > Mataji said so till you brought this subject up. It is now left


> a

> > handful of conscientious SYs to seek, present and preserve such

> > critical early talks of Shri Mataji. Only those who believe that

> the

> > Divine Message is of utmost importance that must be declared

> openly

> > to all humanity will collectively work to protect the Truth. The

> > vast majority of SYs have already been led to believe by WCASY


> > management SYs that the subtle system supersedes everything and


> > the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga. Why is this so? Well, unlike

> the

> > subtle system, getting out this Divine Message of the Last

> Judgment

> > and Resurrection to humanity requires lots of irrefutable

> > eschatological evidence and Sure Signs preordained by the Bible

> and

> > Qur'an. Does WCASY have any such blessings from God Almighty?

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

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, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>


> Dear Jagbir,


> i still hold that Shri Mataji said these Words of Admonition in

> March/April 1994 about spreading the Divine Message and that if

> this was not done from inside the organization that it would be

> done from without the organization.


> This is a further recollection of that occasion: -


> i remember being so excited to see Shri Mataji in an intimate

> setting for the very first time ever and i was very surprised,

> being fairly new to Sahaja Yoga at that time, that Shri Mataji

> would have said that if the Divine Message is not spread from

> inside the organization that She had other people who would spread

> it from without the organization. She then ended Her Talk to us by

> saying that... " Then it is up to you. We'll see if you can do it. "


> These Words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi left a lasting impression

> on my mind as well as lingering questions as to the reason for the

> need to say such a thing.




Dear Violet,


i am sure Shri Mataji must have said the same in other countries too

in the 80s and early 90s. But no leader, management, or rank and

file SYs talked about this taboo topic. That is why i was surprised

when you brought that Sydney Airport admonition. Despite being more

than a decade in Sahaja Yoga no SY ever mentioned that very

important directive. Even though knowledgeable of far petty topics

concerning Shri Mataji this topic was never discussed by SYs. It is

as if they just want to erase it from memory ........... and repeat

ceaselessly that all we need is to give self-realization.


Violet, many of your postings regarding the Divine Message reflect

what Shri Mataji had in mind i.e., the need to make seekers

understand thoroughly and have unbreakable faith why they should

have their self-realization. The Divine Message was to be the anchor

that the ship of Sahaja Yoga was to be moored at all times. No power

on Earth was to challenge and move it from its permanent grounding.


But alas the so-called leaders surrounding Her never believed that

the announcement of the Divine Message was feasible, even advisable.

All had a morbid fear of a public backlash, one that even i had to

endure in late 1999 when i told North American leaders that i will

be going ahead to put it on the internet. There was an immediate

adverse reaction and warning that a media and public attack was

imminent. i was a threat not only to Sahaja Yoga but putting Shri

Mataji in danger as well (perhaps from religious fanatics).


In the end i told them i would rather Shri Mataji kick me out of

Sahaja Yoga than back down from telling the world the true identity

of Shri Mataji and the reason She has incarnated on Earth. That

earned me their 'wrath' and the beginning of my end as a SY. In

their eyes i had committed a unforgivable sin ............. to talk

openly about the Great News that the Last Judgment and Resurrection

has begun!


So why don't management SYs do the same today as the fear of a

public backlash has now been proven to be completely baseless?


The only other reason i can think if that they do not possess

sufficient knowledge to enlighten others. But Violet you have proven

that wrong. There are a number of posts that contradict such a

reasoning. Just reading " The Meaning of the Words " Sahaja Yoga " " is

sufficient to destroy this myth.


Imagine what would have been the case today if leaders and SYs had

listened to Shri Mataji in 1983 and again in 1993/4 to announce the

Divine Message. We could have given the world a wealth of knowledge.

Just 10 Violets would have been sufficient to carry that task.

Unfortunately leaders and management SYs of the 1980s and 90s, like

WCASY, suppressed and prevented the truth from reaching humanity. In

other words, they forbid any SY from speaking about it.


Today it is even worse; those WCASY members presenting the Will of

Shri Mataji have empowered themselves to excommunicate SYs who do so.


So what is the satanic force that still puts fear in the hearts of

the WCASY council warriors from announcing the Divine Message?



don't expect an answer from the Divine,







The Meaning of the Words " Sahaja Yoga " ...

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:46 pm



The words " Sahaja Yoga " have a double meaning. " Sahaja Yoga "

literally means: - " Born With You " (Sahaja) and " Union " means

(Yoga). The experience of " Sahaja Yoga " is the experience of your

Second Birth (Christianity) and it is also called " Self-

Realization " . When you receive your Second Birth (of the Spirit) or

Self-Realization, you experience Union With the Divine so that you

now enter the Kingdom of God within, whereby your individual spirit

unites with the All-Pervading Divine Power of God's Love. Jesus's

Disciples received their Second Birth or Self-Realization on the Day

of Pentecost when they felt the Cool Breeze or Wind of the Holy

Ghost as a result of this Union with the Divine and therefore they

could spread Jesus's Message of the Kingdom of God to others.


The Muslims call this Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost the " Ruh of

Allah " . In Judaism it is called " Ruach " . Hindus call it " Adi Shakti "

(meaning Primordial Power of God). Buddhists call it " Maitreya " . The

Sikhs call it " the Eykaa Mayee " . The Taoists call it the " Great

Mother " . And the Christians call it the " Holy Spirit " . (If you put

the information of all these religious tradition's definitions

together, you will realize that this Holy Spirit Power is a

Mothering Power. In fact She is a Mother that knows you better than

anyone else, as She has accompanied your individual spirit through

each of your incarnations as a human being.)


Shri Mataji is the Incarnation prophesied by Jesus, who is the

Comforter that has come to open up this Centre Within Human Beings

in a Universal Manner, whereby we can experience this Divine

Primordial Mothering Power of the Holy Ghost, which is each person's

individual Spiritual Mother within themselves. She resides within

the Sacrum (meaning " sacred " ) Bone in three-and-a-half coils and

awakens when we desire for Her to give us our Second Birth. When She

awakens within, this coiled energy known as " kundalini energy " (a

kundal is a coil) rises up our spinal column and out the top of the

head, manifesting as a Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost.


Shri Mataji accomplished the feat of opening up this Centre in a

Universal Way at Nargol, India on 5 May 1970. This centre, located

at the fontanelle bone area at the top of the head, is called

the 'Sahasrara' which is the location where a person can enter the

Kingdom of God within. It is also where a person can actually feel

the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost when you receive your self-

realization which again, is what Christ's Disciples

experienced. " Fontanelle " meaning 'fountain', also refers to this

place where you experience the " fountain of God's blessings " when

you enter the Kingdom of God within.


The Power of the Holy Spirit is the same as the Divine Primordial

Feminine Power of God, which gives you your Second Birth. This Power

of God did all the work of Creation, similarly to how it is your

mother, not your father who gave you physical birth. Almighty God is

the Witness and His Power is the Adi Shakti (Feminine Power of God).

Similarly as to how in the relationship between men and women, it is

the woman who tends to do the work while the man watches, it is the

Primordial Divine Mother who does the work of Creation to please the

Divine Father, God Almighty.


This Spiritual Centre that Shri Mataji opened up in the Whole

Universe (called the 'Virata') was in order for humanity to receive

the Baptism of the Holy Spirit 'en-masse'. This is the fulfillment

of Jesus's Promise that the Comforter would come and teach us the

Truth about all things and bring to remembrance all things: -


" And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another

Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it

seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth

with you, and shall be in you.

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.


(John 14:16-18 - King James Version)


Only a few people could receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or

Self-Realization previously, but since Shri Mataji has opened up

this Centre Universally, everyone can now receive this Gift of the

Holy Spirit who sincerely desire it through Sahaja Yoga.


" Sahaja Yoga " is also the name of the organization that Shri Mataji

created which has the same name as the very experience that is " born

with you " , which is your Second Birth or Self-Realization.




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