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This is the Time of the Last Judgment & Resurrection...

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Dear All,


We are now living at the worst of Times and also at the best of


It is the worst of Times, because of the rampant negativity on Earth

today, but it is also the best of Times because the Holy Spirit has

come to Earth in the form of Our Divine Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi, to save Her Children everywhere from destroying themselves.


She is the Holy Spirit that Jesus said would come and She has given

us our Second Birth as promised by the Holy Scriptures. This Second

Birth is not of `water' (physical birth) but of the Spirit

(spiritual rebirth) and it is given freely to those who wish to

receive it.


Her Children are also carrying on Her Message of the Last Judgment

and Resurrection so others can also receive their Second Birth (Self-

Realization) from Her and enter the Kingdom of God while on Earth

during this worst of Times.


All the powers of Heaven and those who follow Heaven's Way are

engaged in the Greatest Spiritual Battle of All Time. Those who seek

the refuge of the Divine Mother Within them, known as the Holy

Spirit (Christian), the Ruh of Allah (Muslim), the Adi Shakti

(Hindus), the Maitreya (Buddhists), the Eykaa Mayee (Sikhs), the

Ruach (Jewish) and the Great Mother (Taoism) and pray to Her and ask

for Her Gift of the Second Birth or Self-Realization and follow Her

Way, Truth, and Light Within, will be able to stand firm at this

difficult Time.


God Almighty watches on, to see who will stand true to Him and

uphold His ways as He is the shepherd of His `sheep'. The


who are the True Believers of God are now being separated from

the `goats' who are the followers of the Evil One. There is


compromise at this Time, because it is the Last Judgment and

Resurrection Time.


As events on Earth show now, the Evil One is `loosed' and


That is why there is so much suffering and tragedy on Earth today.

It is only by turning to the Mother Within and asking for Her Help

and Guidance and Spiritual Liberation, that we can go forward with

the confidence of Our Spirit and fight the spiritual battle that is

now taking place between the True Believers of God and the Evil

One: -


" For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against

principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness

of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. "

(Ephesians 6: 12-18) (King James Version)


There are many 'followers of the Evil One' who are actually masked

as Messengers of Light. This has been prophesied in the Holy

Scriptures that this would happen at this Time. This is also why the

safest way to survive this Time, is to turn to your Spiritual Mother

Within and receive your Second Birth or Self-Realization, thereby

actually experiencing and becoming part and parcel of the Kingdom of

God within and receiving all of Heaven's Help. The Holy Scriptures

describe this spiritual protection in the words: -


Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able

to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having

on the breastplate of righteousness;

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to

quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which

is the word of God:

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and

watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all


(Ephesians 6:13-18)


It is very important at this Time of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection to ask for the help of the Holy Spirit, the Divine

Mother Within, because the 'principalities, and powers, the rulers

of the darkness of this world and the spiritual wickedness in high

places' are too great for us to stand against without the connection

of the Holy Spirit Within.



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, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> Dear All,


> We are now living at the worst of Times and also at the best of

> Times. It is the worst of Times, because of the rampant negativity

> on Earth today, but it is also the best of Times because the Holy

> Spirit has come to Earth in the form of Our Divine Mother, Shri

> Mataji Nirmala Devi, to save Her Children everywhere from

> destroying themselves.


> She is the Holy Spirit that Jesus said would come and She has

> given us our Second Birth as promised by the Holy Scriptures. This

> Second Birth is not of `water' (physical birth) but of the Spirit

> (spiritual rebirth) and it is given freely to those who wish to

> receive it.


> Her Children are also carrying on Her Message of the Last Judgment

> and Resurrection so others can also receive their Second Birth

> (Self-Realization) from Her and enter the Kingdom of God while on

> Earth during this worst of Times.


> All the powers of Heaven and those who follow Heaven's Way are

> engaged in the Greatest Spiritual Battle of All Time. Those who

> seek the refuge of the Divine Mother Within them, known as the

> Holy Spirit (Christian), the Ruh of Allah (Muslim), the Adi Shakti

> (Hindus), the Maitreya (Buddhists), the Eykaa Mayee (Sikhs), the

> Ruach (Jewish) and the Great Mother (Taoism) and pray to Her and

> ask for Her Gift of the Second Birth or Self-Realization and

> follow Her Way, Truth, and Light Within, will be able to stand

> firm at this difficult Time.





" When the hour of the Divine draws near,

the Mighty Mother shall take birth in Time,

and God be born into the human clay

in forms made ready by your human lives.

Then shall the Truth Supreme be given to men. "


Robert E. Wilkinson, The Avatar, www.hindunet.org




" Most religions contain teachings that anticipate a time, beyond the

present era of suffering and injustice, when human history will be

consummated by a decisive act of God. Evil will be destroyed and

goodness will triumph.


Typically, the course of events includes three phases: a time of

tribulation and confusion when evil and suffering grow more and more

rampant; the Last Judgment when God intervenes decisively to destroy

all evil; and the coming of a new age of bliss, often called the

Kingdom of Heaven. Furthermore, this decisive transformation is

often said to require a great leader, a Messiah, who will wield

divine authority to destroy evil, establish the saints, and found a

new age of unlimited happiness.


Teachings about eschatology are found in most religions, though they

are most characteristic of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic

scriptures. Judaism anticipates the coming of the Messiah who will

inaugurate an age of peace and justice on earth. Christianity

teaches broadly that Christ, the Messiah, has already come to offer

salvation, and he will come again to judge the world; In Islam the

Last Judgment is a cardinal doctrine. While it is sometimes

understood as a spiritual judgment of the individual soul after

death, many passages in the Qur'an clearly describe it as a world-

transforming event to occur at the end of time, when the earth will

be destroyed and all people will see their just reward as they are

sorted into groups bound either for Paradise or hell.


Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism contain teachings that the

world is going through a cosmic cycle in which morals and religion

have gradually decayed and have reached a state of dire corruption

in this present age, identified as the Kali Yuga or Age of

Degeneration of the Dharma. This Kali age will give way to a

renovation of faith as the cycle turns and the earth enters a new

golden age, the Krita age. Some texts predict that this cosmic

change will be initiated by the advent of the new Avatar (Hinduism),

the Maitreya Buddha, or the Saoshyant (Zoroastrianism.)


Millenarian beliefs are a minor part of the teaching of most

religions . . . Christianity itself began as a messianic sect of

Judaism; Muhammad preached Islam, believing that the Last Judgment

was imminent; and the Baha'i Faith began as a messianic movement

within Islam, to cite three examples. Millenarian movements among

the oppressed indigenous peoples of Africa and the Americas have

been significant forces which have fostered self-respect and

encouraged economic and political independence. Considering the

unprecedented pace of social change in the nineteenth and twentieth

centuries and the unparalleled social dislocations and cultural

challenges which have resulted from the world wars, liberation

movements, industrialization and technological change, the atomic

bomb, the environmental crisis, and the shrinking Global Village, it

is not surprising that a large number of new religions and new sects

of old religions have arisen which believe that the present is the

time of tribulations preceding the appearance of the Messiah, and

that their leader is either a forerunner of or is himself the long-

awaited Avatar or Messiah who will destroy the evil world-system,

establish true religion, and inaugurate a new age. "


World Scripture, International Religious Foundation,

Paragon House Publishing, 1995, p. 773-74.




" Almost clandestinely, the Roman Catholic Church has in recent

weeks taken another step toward reducing Christian animosity toward

Judaism - animosity stemming from the theological dispute between

the two religions.


In a 210-page document published in book form in Rome, the Church

states that there is no contradiction between the Jews' anticipation

of the Messiah's arrival and the Christians' belief that the Messiah

has already arrived, because Christians believe that the Messiah

will return at the End of Days.


It is significant that the Vatican's new document does not

unequivocally or explicitly state that the Messiah destined to

return will be Jesus Christ but instead says that the Messiah " will

bear the signs of that same Jesus who arrived in the past. " The

document even adds that the Jews' anticipation of the Messiah's

arrival can significantly encourage Christians' belief in the

Messiah's return. The new document was written by the Pontifical

Biblical Commission, established by Pope John Paul II in 1997. The

commission was headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the

Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith and its other members were

20 Bible experts, each of whom received papal authorization to serve

on the committee. "


Eliahu Salpeter, Waiting for the Messiah






The hope for the advent of the millennium, an ideal world, a world

without evil, a world in which God's sovereignty is fully manifest,

is present to some degree in every world religion. However, this

hope is most strongly expressed in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

(and the new religions which show their influence), where it is not

only a hope but the firm promise of God. Sometimes the term Kingdom

of Heaven denotes a spiritual ideal, a state of bliss beyond death

but that sense of the term does not do justice to the most

thoroughgoing eschatological visions. We are concerned in this

chapter with the hope of an ideal future that is to be realized in

this world. Furthermore, calling this ideal the Kingdom of Heaven is

not meant to connote that its political system should be a monarchy;

rather, it is God who will reign on earth through the hearts of

godly people. "


World Scripture, International Religious Foundation

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>Dear All and also Violet,

>it is a proggress that to understand this is a last

judgement. Unless we develop in Sahaja Yoga collective

we never understant and feel this is last judgement.

Ý am in Sahaja Yoga nearly 4 year but i feel it now...

Ýn my opinion first thing loving Shri Mataji, trusting

Shri Mataji...She is our mother and sometimes as her

rebel childs we don't accept her every saying and

don't do her wants.. don't want accept her advice

although vibrations... but as soon as we konow inside

she is our mother and she never want our disaster

although at the begining we don't accept her advice

just trust her and resurrect every problem to her

saying " mother i can not accept your advice now, i

can not stay witness situation now but i know i love

you, i trust you , pls help me and clear this issue

whatever you want. i will not do anything. " and

forget that problem .Ý always say myself if i continou

Sahaja Yoga and love , respect,trust Shri Mataji or

not. Ý am insufficient always understand and accept

her telling but at that time i say " mother now i

don't know, you know " last Jusgement issue is like

this. Maybe people don^'t believe, understand, accept

that issue like me but if you love, respect, trust

Shri Mataji say " Mother now i couldn't understand ,

acceptalthough you say this but you know i am pure,

love you and pls lead me and i resurrect my non

acceptence " and forget and never think on that

issue.. Someday as soon as you are sincer and meditate

work for Sahaja Yoga, mother show you truth..



--- Violet <vtubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> We are now living at the worst of Times and also at

> the best of

> Times.

> It is the worst of Times, because of the rampant

> negativity on Earth

> today, but it is also the best of Times because the

> Holy Spirit has

> come to Earth in the form of Our Divine Mother, Shri

> Mataji Nirmala

> Devi, to save Her Children everywhere from

> destroying themselves.


> She is the Holy Spirit that Jesus said would come

> and She has given

> us our Second Birth as promised by the Holy

> Scriptures. This Second

> Birth is not of `water' (physical birth) but of the

> Spirit

> (spiritual rebirth) and it is given freely to those

> who wish to

> receive it.


> Her Children are also carrying on Her Message of the

> Last Judgment

> and Resurrection so others can also receive their

> Second Birth (Self-

> Realization) from Her and enter the Kingdom of God

> while on Earth

> during this worst of Times.


> All the powers of Heaven and those who follow

> Heaven's Way are

> engaged in the Greatest Spiritual Battle of All

> Time. Those who seek

> the refuge of the Divine Mother Within them, known

> as the Holy

> Spirit (Christian), the Ruh of Allah (Muslim), the

> Adi Shakti

> (Hindus), the Maitreya (Buddhists), the Eykaa Mayee

> (Sikhs), the

> Ruach (Jewish) and the Great Mother (Taoism) and

> pray to Her and ask

> for Her Gift of the Second Birth or Self-Realization

> and follow Her

> Way, Truth, and Light Within, will be able to stand

> firm at this

> difficult Time.


> God Almighty watches on, to see who will stand true

> to Him and

> uphold His ways as He is the shepherd of His

> `sheep'. The

> `sheep'

> who are the True Believers of God are now being

> separated from

> the `goats' who are the followers of the Evil One.

> There is

> no

> compromise at this Time, because it is the Last

> Judgment and

> Resurrection Time.


> As events on Earth show now, the Evil One is

> `loosed' and

> rampant.

> That is why there is so much suffering and tragedy

> on Earth today.

> It is only by turning to the Mother Within and

> asking for Her Help

> and Guidance and Spiritual Liberation, that we can

> go forward with

> the confidence of Our Spirit and fight the spiritual

> battle that is

> now taking place between the True Believers of God

> and the Evil

> One: -


> " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but

> against

> principalities, against powers, against the rulers

> of the darkness

> of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high

> places. "

> (Ephesians 6: 12-18) (King James Version)


> There are many 'followers of the Evil One' who are

> actually masked

> as Messengers of Light. This has been prophesied in

> the Holy

> Scriptures that this would happen at this Time. This

> is also why the

> safest way to survive this Time, is to turn to your

> Spiritual Mother

> Within and receive your Second Birth or

> Self-Realization, thereby

> actually experiencing and becoming part and parcel

> of the Kingdom of

> God within and receiving all of Heaven's Help. The

> Holy Scriptures

> describe this spiritual protection in the words: -


> Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that

> ye may be able

> to withstand in the evil day, and having done all,

> to stand.

> Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with

> truth, and having

> on the breastplate of righteousness;

> And your feet shod with the preparation of the

> gospel of peace;

> Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye

> shall be able to

> quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

> And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of

> the Spirit, which

> is the word of God:

> Praying always with all prayer and supplication in

> the Spirit, and

> watching thereunto with all perseverance and

> supplication for all

> saints;

> (Ephesians 6:13-18)


> It is very important at this Time of the Last

> Judgment and

> Resurrection to ask for the help of the Holy Spirit,

> the Divine

> Mother Within, because the 'principalities, and

> powers, the rulers

> of the darkness of this world and the spiritual

> wickedness in high

> places' are too great for us to stand against

> without the connection

> of the Holy Spirit Within.


> Violet












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Dear All and Buket,


Thank you for your words, Buket.


At this Last Judgment Time, with all the calamities that are happening

worldwide, not only human beings, but nature

itself, is showing the signs and symptoms of ill health.


If human beings continue to live the way they are now doing and

disregarding the Dharma or Moral Codes set in place for humanity,

they will completely destroy themselves from within, and if they do

not have the Dharma that protects them as a protective 'suit of

armour' against the 'darts of the wicked' they will also not have

the protection needed at this time when all the evil forces have

been unleashed within our societies today.


However, when a person surrenders to the Holy Spirit (Christianity),

the Ruh of Allah (Muslim), the Adi Shakti (Hinduism), the Maitreya

(Buddhism), the Great Mother (Taoism) and the Ruach (Judaism), they

will receive the protection of God. Shri Mataji has often mentioned

that we now have to become the Spirit. This is the Special Time

where human beings need to take a step up in their spiritual

evolution and become their Spirit. This is only possible when a

person undergoes their Second Birth or Self-Realization and thereby

becomes part and parcel of the Divine within the Kingdom of God,

while still in their physical bodies on Earth.


This is what Shri Mataji says about the Last Judgment: -


" So, you must remember that this Last Judgment is working and all

the time there is a big sieving out, a very big arrangement of

choices. Those who are subtle, start getting subtler and subtler and

subtler. But those who are frivolous, gross, idiotic, stupid, they

start frittering away. So this last sieving starts very fast,

working out where we realise, where are we? "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

(Excerpt from Easter Puja Talk - Calcutta - April 1995)


Shri Mataji also states that deliberate disregard of dharma at this

Last Judgment Time brings destruction: -


" Before, people were thinking they could make mistakes and the

vibrations would protect them. Now, if we make mistakes when we know

we shouldn't, the vibrations will put us down; they will not protect

us anymore. This is not a warning; this is a notice to you people.


The only way to correct is we have to introspect all the time,

otherwise our ego will come up and we will be finished. We should be

strong; we cannot commit mistakes anymore. We must be alert.


In Sahaja Yoga, our light is different; there is no shadow from our

light. Christ talked about adultery of the eyes; we have to watch

the adultery of our mind. We won't be anymore protected by the



The idea of joy in the West is wrong because it conducts us to a

destruction of ourself. All these behaviours, the vibrations are not

going to tolerate anymore; it will destroy them. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

(Ganesha Puja - India - 5 December 1996)


Also in the Bible (King James Version), here in Jesus's Words is the

description of this Last Judgment: -


[31] When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy

angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

[32] And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall

separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep

from the goats:

[33] And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on

the left.

[34] Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye

blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the

foundation of the world:

[35] For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and

ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

[36] Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was

in prison, and ye came unto me.

[37] Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we

thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

[38] When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and

clothed thee?

[39] Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

[40] And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto

you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my

brethren, ye have done it unto me.

[41] Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from

me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his


[42] For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty,

and ye gave me no drink:

[43] I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed

me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

[44] Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee

an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in

prison, and did not minister unto thee?

[45] Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you,

Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it

not to me.

[46] And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the

righteous into life eternal.(Mathew 25:31-46)


However, Shri Jesus, who is the reincarnation of Shri Ganesha comforts us when

He states: -


" But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will

send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things

to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. "

(John 14:26) King James Version of the Bible


This Comforter is the Very Incarnation of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

and Shri Mataji has said that we will enter a new Golden Age,

called " Satya Yuga " . The word " Satya " has the meaning

of 'satisfaction'. This will be an Age where we will again

experience peace and harmony among all the people on Earth.


However, for the time being we are witnessing all the trials,

traumas and tribulations that are the symptoms of this

transformation of the whole humanity and the Earth itself from the Kali Yuga

into the Satya Yuga. All of nature and the deities and powers of God are helping

with this transformation.


You can compare it to your physical body when it is ill, whereby you

experience signs and symptoms of illness, which may be acute, but

you realize that it is the physical body trying to rid itself of the

negative elements within and that you will come out of it in

complete health and balance again. Therefore for those who want to

be spiritually well and want the Earth to be spiritually well again,

we just need to surrender to the Spirit of God within who is doing

this work of spiritual worldwide transformation.


i hope this will convey the seriousness of the Times we are living

in now, which is called as the Last Judgment and Resurrection Time.







, buket ak

<buketak2000> wrote:

> >Dear All and also Violet,

> >it is a proggress that to understand this is a last

> judgement. Unless we develop in Sahaja Yoga collective

> we never understant and feel this is last judgement.

> Ý am in Sahaja Yoga nearly 4 year but i feel it now...

> Ýn my opinion first thing loving Shri Mataji, trusting

> Shri Mataji...She is our mother and sometimes as her

> rebel childs we don't accept her every saying and

> don't do her wants.. don't want accept her advice

> although vibrations... but as soon as we konow inside

> she is our mother and she never want our disaster

> although at the begining we don't accept her advice

> just trust her and resurrect every problem to her

> saying " mother i can not accept your advice now, i

> can not stay witness situation now but i know i love

> you, i trust you , pls help me and clear this issue

> whatever you want. i will not do anything. " and

> forget that problem .Ý always say myself if i continou

> Sahaja Yoga and love , respect,trust Shri Mataji or

> not. Ý am insufficient always understand and accept

> her telling but at that time i say " mother now i

> don't know, you know " last Jusgement issue is like

> this. Maybe people don^'t believe, understand, accept

> that issue like me but if you love, respect, trust

> Shri Mataji say " Mother now i couldn't understand ,

> acceptalthough you say this but you know i am pure,

> love you and pls lead me and i resurrect my non

> acceptence " and forget and never think on that

> issue.. Someday as soon as you are sincer and meditate

> work for Sahaja Yoga, mother show you truth..



> --- Violet <vtubb@b...> wrote:


> > Dear All,

> >

> > We are now living at the worst of Times and also at

> > the best of

> > Times.

> > It is the worst of Times, because of the rampant

> > negativity on Earth

> > today, but it is also the best of Times because the

> > Holy Spirit has

> > come to Earth in the form of Our Divine Mother, Shri

> > Mataji Nirmala

> > Devi, to save Her Children everywhere from

> > destroying themselves.

> >

> > She is the Holy Spirit that Jesus said would come

> > and She has given

> > us our Second Birth as promised by the Holy

> > Scriptures. This Second

> > Birth is not of `water' (physical birth) but of the

> > Spirit

> > (spiritual rebirth) and it is given freely to those

> > who wish to

> > receive it.

> >

> > Her Children are also carrying on Her Message of the

> > Last Judgment

> > and Resurrection so others can also receive their

> > Second Birth (Self-

> > Realization) from Her and enter the Kingdom of God

> > while on Earth

> > during this worst of Times.

> >

> > All the powers of Heaven and those who follow

> > Heaven's Way are

> > engaged in the Greatest Spiritual Battle of All

> > Time. Those who seek

> > the refuge of the Divine Mother Within them, known

> > as the Holy

> > Spirit (Christian), the Ruh of Allah (Muslim), the

> > Adi Shakti

> > (Hindus), the Maitreya (Buddhists), the Eykaa Mayee

> > (Sikhs), the

> > Ruach (Jewish) and the Great Mother (Taoism) and

> > pray to Her and ask

> > for Her Gift of the Second Birth or Self-Realization

> > and follow Her

> > Way, Truth, and Light Within, will be able to stand

> > firm at this

> > difficult Time.

> >

> > God Almighty watches on, to see who will stand true

> > to Him and

> > uphold His ways as He is the shepherd of His

> > `sheep'. The

> > `sheep'

> > who are the True Believers of God are now being

> > separated from

> > the `goats' who are the followers of the Evil One.

> > There is

> > no

> > compromise at this Time, because it is the Last

> > Judgment and

> > Resurrection Time.

> >

> > As events on Earth show now, the Evil One is

> > `loosed' and

> > rampant.

> > That is why there is so much suffering and tragedy

> > on Earth today.

> > It is only by turning to the Mother Within and

> > asking for Her Help

> > and Guidance and Spiritual Liberation, that we can

> > go forward with

> > the confidence of Our Spirit and fight the spiritual

> > battle that is

> > now taking place between the True Believers of God

> > and the Evil

> > One: -

> >

> > " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but

> > against

> > principalities, against powers, against the rulers

> > of the darkness

> > of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high

> > places. "

> > (Ephesians 6: 12-18) (King James Version)

> >

> > There are many 'followers of the Evil One' who are

> > actually masked

> > as Messengers of Light. This has been prophesied in

> > the Holy

> > Scriptures that this would happen at this Time. This

> > is also why the

> > safest way to survive this Time, is to turn to your

> > Spiritual Mother

> > Within and receive your Second Birth or

> > Self-Realization, thereby

> > actually experiencing and becoming part and parcel

> > of the Kingdom of

> > God within and receiving all of Heaven's Help. The

> > Holy Scriptures

> > describe this spiritual protection in the words: -

> >

> > Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that

> > ye may be able

> > to withstand in the evil day, and having done all,

> > to stand.

> > Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with

> > truth, and having

> > on the breastplate of righteousness;

> > And your feet shod with the preparation of the

> > gospel of peace;

> > Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye

> > shall be able to

> > quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

> > And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of

> > the Spirit, which

> > is the word of God:

> > Praying always with all prayer and supplication in

> > the Spirit, and

> > watching thereunto with all perseverance and

> > supplication for all

> > saints;

> > (Ephesians 6:13-18)

> >

> > It is very important at this Time of the Last

> > Judgment and

> > Resurrection to ask for the help of the Holy Spirit,

> > the Divine

> > Mother Within, because the 'principalities, and

> > powers, the rulers

> > of the darkness of this world and the spiritual

> > wickedness in high

> > places' are too great for us to stand against

> > without the connection

> > of the Holy Spirit Within.

> >

> > Violet

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >





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Dear Friends,

As Violet has written below, we are living in very difficult and

troubled times, and we should always be aware that the Shakti within

is with us at all times, and is protecting us, whatever conditions

of life have to be faced.

I have thought much about what I am now to write, as I have

experienced only goodness and kindness from my collective, and so

have not had personal bad experiences or critisism such as others

have written of.

However, I have had an intense dream involving the SY organisation.

Yet it seemed to be not in these present day times. This was a

strange feeling. There were thousands of people, watching; all in

what was an arena, made of a white stone. There was much stone, and

alters made of stone. People were wearing robes, made of a kind of

white cloth. It was in the middle of some kind of ceremony; everyone

was following orders of the people in charge without daring to

protest. There was an atmosphere of fear and oppression. People were

rigidly following rituals and customs, even though the rituals and

customs were humiliating, painful and harmful to individuals.

Everyone was following things because that was how they had been

taught, and were too afraid to go against the people in charge. From

within me, I felt an immense anger and outrage well up; as I

realised that Shri Mataji was no longer there (in person), and that

the things that were being done were not what She had intended; but

were twisted.(Just as the messages of all the Incarnations have been

twisted, adapted and manipulated through all time.) The Spirit

within is the true message of Sahaja Yoga. We must follow only the

Spirit within, and leave the external structures behind. The danger

is that people focus on the external structures only, and in doing

so, go against and ignore the Spirit within. This was happening in

the dream. In the dream, I began to speak and to plead with the

crowds...for them to speak out against what is wrong, to protect

individuals, and to make a stand as an individual for what is right.

In the dream I felt the power of the Inner Voice, She compelled me

to speak, overcoming fear and giving strength, as She will to each

person who listens to their Inner Voice.

This is written, as I have been compelled to write, to reach each

individual that they may follow the Spirit within, as She leads them

to protect what is innocent and true, and overcome all restrictions

and fears.

Love, Semira




, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>


> Dear All,


> We are now living at the worst of Times and also at the best of

> Times.

> It is the worst of Times, because of the rampant negativity on


> today, but it is also the best of Times because the Holy Spirit


> come to Earth in the form of Our Divine Mother, Shri Mataji


> Devi, to save Her Children everywhere from destroying themselves.


> She is the Holy Spirit that Jesus said would come and She has


> us our Second Birth as promised by the Holy Scriptures. This


> Birth is not of `water' (physical birth) but of the Spirit

> (spiritual rebirth) and it is given freely to those who wish to

> receive it.


> Her Children are also carrying on Her Message of the Last Judgment

> and Resurrection so others can also receive their Second Birth


> Realization) from Her and enter the Kingdom of God while on Earth

> during this worst of Times.


> All the powers of Heaven and those who follow Heaven's Way are

> engaged in the Greatest Spiritual Battle of All Time. Those who


> the refuge of the Divine Mother Within them, known as the Holy

> Spirit (Christian), the Ruh of Allah (Muslim), the Adi Shakti

> (Hindus), the Maitreya (Buddhists), the Eykaa Mayee (Sikhs), the

> Ruach (Jewish) and the Great Mother (Taoism) and pray to Her and


> for Her Gift of the Second Birth or Self-Realization and follow


> Way, Truth, and Light Within, will be able to stand firm at this

> difficult Time.


> God Almighty watches on, to see who will stand true to Him and

> uphold His ways as He is the shepherd of His `sheep'. The

> `sheep'

> who are the True Believers of God are now being separated from

> the `goats' who are the followers of the Evil One. There is

> no

> compromise at this Time, because it is the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection Time.


> As events on Earth show now, the Evil One is `loosed' and

> rampant.

> That is why there is so much suffering and tragedy on Earth today.

> It is only by turning to the Mother Within and asking for Her Help

> and Guidance and Spiritual Liberation, that we can go forward with

> the confidence of Our Spirit and fight the spiritual battle that


> now taking place between the True Believers of God and the Evil

> One: -


> " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against

> principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness

> of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. "

> (Ephesians 6: 12-18) (King James Version)


> There are many 'followers of the Evil One' who are actually masked

> as Messengers of Light. This has been prophesied in the Holy

> Scriptures that this would happen at this Time. This is also why


> safest way to survive this Time, is to turn to your Spiritual


> Within and receive your Second Birth or Self-Realization, thereby

> actually experiencing and becoming part and parcel of the Kingdom


> God within and receiving all of Heaven's Help. The Holy Scriptures

> describe this spiritual protection in the words: -


> Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be


> to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

> Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and


> on the breastplate of righteousness;

> And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

> Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able


> quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

> And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,


> is the word of God:

> Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and

> watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all

> saints;

> (Ephesians 6:13-18)


> It is very important at this Time of the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection to ask for the help of the Holy Spirit, the Divine

> Mother Within, because the 'principalities, and powers, the rulers

> of the darkness of this world and the spiritual wickedness in high

> places' are too great for us to stand against without the


> of the Holy Spirit Within.


> Violet

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