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Where are the 'Arjuna's' of today?...

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Perhaps we SYs too will be able to learn from the Bhagavad Gita.


> let's not forget that Arjuna fought in a battle between cousins


> who has the right to rule. i think it is quite petty when compared

> to the present power struggle by council members claiming to

> represent the Will of the Shakti and thus the right to organize


> truth ..... as well as edit out the Divine Message for humanity.

> Think Arjuna would have had no hesitation if that was the case

> thousands of years ago?


> jagbir



Arjuna was a spiritual warrior because the battle he fought with

Shri Krishna's help was to restore righteousness among the

Pandavas. When Shri Krishna revealed to Arjuna who He was, Arjuna

was inspired to do his duty as requested by Shri Krishna.


Shri Mataji has also come to restore righteousness. However, this

time it is to restore righteousness not just in one country, but in

the whole world. The righteousness of the world cannot be restored

if Shri Mataji is not seen in Her Full True Light as a World

Saviour and declared as such. Christianity can do that for Shri

Jesus, and Islam can do that for Shri Mohammed, but somehow

WCASY just cannot do it for Shri Mataji.


It seems that WCASY is very enamoured by the `subtle system'

tree and cannot see how the `Great Message of the Resurrection'tree

is the real message that Shri Mataji came to give to the whole

world. Without the `grounding' of the Great Message of the

Resurrection' tree, the `subtle system' tree is bound to

be patented and corporatized until one day it will be difficult to

comprehend how it could ever have been part and parcel of Shri

Mataji's `Great Message of the Resurrection' tree at all!


Will the original spirit of Sahaja Yoga also get edited out along

with the editing out of Shri Mataji's Great Message of the

Resurrection, or is this happening now already. I remember when

SY's felt the wonder of their spiritual journey, not knowing what

spiritual heights and depths may be granted to them by the Adi

Shakti within. Now, it will not be legitimate for SY's to evolve

beyond the diluted version of WCASY's Message of Sahaja Yoga. If

the individual yogi's spiritual depths and heights surpass that of

the WCASY, and yogis subsequently don't fit the WCASY mould, they

will simply be asked to leave. This is the opposite of how Shri

Mataji did things and also the opposite of what She has asked yogis

to do.


However, we know that WCASY, as much as they vouch for Shri

Mataji's support of them, do not in turn officially uphold Shri

Mataji's Great Message of the Resurrection as She has requested.


" Tell all the nations and tell all the people, all over, the great

message - that the time of Resurrection is Here. Now, at this time,

and that you all are capable of doing it. You are the ones who are

capable of manifesting God's joy on this earth. You are the flutes,

which are going to play the Melody of God. I am doing all this to

perfect you to the " most " beautiful instruments of God. Like the

ship is built, is brought to the sea, tried, and found out to be sea-

worthy to sail out, when you know everything about the ship,

everything about the sea. With complete freedom and wisdom, you have

to sail now. Not afraid of any storms or any gales or any typhoons

because now all you 'know'. Your job is to cross through. "


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 2 June 1995)


I was listening to a program today on ABC called " Words with

James Griffin " where he interviewed a writer by the name of Rodney

Hall, who wrote " The Last Love Story " .


Rodney Hall said something, which appalled me. He stated that we no

longer question our leaders if they lie to us for the reason that

they are a leader. We just will not and do not question leaders. We

have become apathetic and `blind'. Rodney states that we must

wake up and start to question our leaders.


Those of us who are enlightened have to wake up, question leaders

who are doing the wrong thing, and fight this spiritual battle

of `Arjuna' in our own time and on a greater scale, which

will result in much greater unwanted consequences if we do not do

just that. We cannot afford to be apathetic and `blind' at


Last Judgment and Resurrection Time. All those who are spiritual

warriors, must recognize the Adi Shakti within and move forward in

their own Guru-Ship with complete freedom and wisdom.


Here are some words from the Holy Scriptures also: -


" Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might.

Put on the full armour of God, that you may be able to stand firm

against the schemes of the devil.


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the

rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this

darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly



Therefore, take up the full armour of God, that you may be able to

resist in the evil day, and having done everything to stand firm.

Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and

having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your

feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace;


In addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you

will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one.

And take the Helmet of Salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which

is the word of God. "


(Ephesians 6:10-17)




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