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WCASY do not officially uphold Shri Mataji's Great Message as She has reques

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Dear All,


It just dawned on me that this was not a World Religious Unity Conference, but a

World Peace Conference, so please accept my apology for the error. As i could

not edit easily the first message, i have deleted and re-posted this.




A fax was sent to the Australian Collective in Sydney in regards to

Shri Mataji's World Peace Conference in Paris in 1993. This fax was

sent from Paris by Stephen Taylor (who was some time later stood

down by Shri Mataji as leader).


Nevertheless, in this fax are the details of a great speech of

religious unity given by His Excellence the Ayatollah Mehdi Rouhani,

of whom Shri Mataji spoke very highly on numerous occasions. The

Ayatollah made some excellent suggestions that Management SY could

have seriously 'run' with. It would have been a great opportunity

for them to show great World Leadership. Perhaps, the fact that the

Ayatollah mentioned the words " Divine Message " put them off. Perhaps

the 'unofficial WCASY' of the time had already 'unofficially' edited

out the Divine Message from Sahaja Yoga.


In any case, the sensitivity of SY Leadership to Shri Mataji's

efforts in regards to World Peace through the Divine Message was

just not there. To my knowledge, this pathway that Shri Mataji

created with such Grace and Attention for others to follow, has been

abandoned by Management SY.


So, please read on and enjoy the refreshing understanding of the

Ayatollah Mehdi Rouhani, who is a person outside of the organization

of Sahaja Yoga that does uphold the uniqueness of the Divine

Message, unlike those within the organization who do not uphold the

Divine Message. He states that " the Divine Message is, in the heart

of hearts, unique " . No wonder Shri Mataji spoke so highly of this







Australian Sahaja Newsletter – 16 July 1993)...


Fax from Stephen Taylor: Shri Mataji's Conference in Paris – 13 July



Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

His Excellence the Ayatollah Mehdi Rouhani


The Message you gave for the world peace is very encouraging for the

future of Humanity. Please find here the expression of my highest

gratitude. In this message, you expressed the desire of an era of

peace and reconciliation. The whole Humanity is longing for the

realm of peace in the world.


From my side, I can assure you that the muslim world in his totality

agrees with this noble human aspiration that you preach. For this

aspiration not to remain a wishful thinking, it should be

accompanied with a detailed, realistic and efficient plan.


Our sacred scripture, the Koran, says:

" O people of the book, you who got the Scripture, let us take to a

good formula, common to you and us: let us adore one Single God,

without associating anything to Him. (Verse 3-63)


Thus revealing the Prophets' mission and mystery, and the raison

d'etre of all the religions, teaching the Humanity to fill this

Universe with bliss and to remove, by a sincere love for one

another, all hypocrisy and discord, so that everyone's mind being at

peace and everyone's quest for perfection keep growing, the

following axiom become true:

" The man will reach such a level (of perfection) that he will only

see God (everywhere) " , despite the undeniable reality.


Looking back to history, we notice that all the conflicts that had

dreadful consequences for Humanity took birth in differences of

rites, beliefs and fanaticism and were nourished by them. That is a

pitiable reality, when all the initiators of monotheist religions

were duly longing for peace and security worldwide. Their

predicators were only aiming at the raising of the Spirit, the

purification of Man, the noble spirituality and the brotherhood of

all souls.


Members of this congress are convinced, more than anybody else, that

monotheist religions are part of a single chain; every link of which

is complementary to the other, brings it up to strength and together

with it forms an indissoluble unity.


The Divine Message is, in the heart of hearts, unique, and if some

differences might appear in its form, this is due to incidents of

time, places and evolution of Man. God never compelled his creatures

to follow two different paths and never asked them to resort to war.


The Koran, our sacred book, considers that a mere doubt about the

genuineness of other Holy Scriptures is a deviation from the Islamic



The Verse 136 of Surah 2 of the Koran explicitly says: " Believing in

God for the Muslims induces believing in Moise's Holy Scriptures,

Abraham's (Friend of Allah) and Jesus's (Spirit of Allah) and in

other revealed books.


This verse considers the Divine Revelation as the trunk of a same

tree, the branches of which are the different religions, whether

ancient or new, and the source of which is unique. According to the

Koran, the Man, emanating from Reality, will come back to his

Source: God.


This is a certitude, which has to lead to friendship and mutual

tolerance between human beings.


In messianic messages, provided my references are correct, one can

find more or less the same commandments. In my opinion, and I hope

you will agree with it, if monotheists disagree about the Divine

Message, the reason is that they misinterpreted it, because of their

incompetence or ignorance of what the real Revelation is. If these

misunderstandings and false interpretations disappeared, there would

be no seed left for the coming back of religious conflicts and

aggressive fanaticism.


What one can assert is that Universal Peace cannot be achieved

through strength nor anybody can pay for it and that the only path

to this peace is bringing hearts together. If it is not possible to

guide every human idea to the same way, let it be possible at least

to have meeting points and a link between the spirits.


May I humbly express that according to me all revealed religions

have got similar or common commandments and precepts, the knowledge

of which is the best way to bring people together.


Almost all monotheists do not know at all, or very little about the

identity or the likeness of these precepts. Thus, they not only miss

this community of thought but in many historical occasions, they

face each other and fight as real enemies.


For all these reasons, I would like the organisers of this

conference to pay attention to few questions that matter in

relations between monotheists.

By this doing, my only aim is to contribute to the improvement of

these relations.


I suggest the following:


1. The meeting of a special commission, composed by specialists

in monotheist matters, in order to point out the convergences of

revealed religious scriptures. Should such an interconfessional

organization be founded, made out of representatives of these

religions, chosen among theologians, its purpose would be the

printing of multilingual opuscule, which could contain these

commandments and precepts with their comments.


This book would, we are convinced, enormously contribute to provide

the followers of these religions with a clear idea of what our

common wealths are. This brochure would constitute a kind of " key

for peace and security " aiming at their unity.


2. The convocation of a world congress gathering monotheists

aiming at the elaboration of a chart for peace, reconciliation and

mutual understanding.


3. Taking the initiative to celebrate every year the religious

days of the other community. This would be an opportunity to bring

the communities together.


Should the congress agree with these suggestions, I might have a few

more to submit. I am convinced of the complexity of such an issue,

which can't be solved in one day. However, in order to complete it,

one should first start.


Mr. Mehdi Rouhani



(Mr. Mehdi Rouhani NOT ONLY got his realization, but came to

Mother's Programme and brought one of his colleagues. He has

expressed a wish to see Her again!!! In doing this, he is taking a

great risk, as fundamentalism is the epitome of intolerance.)


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter – 16 July 1993)

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


" So why don't management SYs do the same today as the fear of a

public backlash has now been proven to be completely baseless?


The only other reason i can think is that they do not possess

sufficient knowledge to enlighten others. But Violet you have proven

that wrong. There are a number of posts that contradict such a

reasoning. Just reading " The Meaning of the Words " Sahaja Yoga " " is

sufficient to destroy this myth.


Imagine what would have been the case today if leaders and SYs had

listened to Shri Mataji in 1983 and again in 1993/4 to announce the

Divine Message. We could have given the world a wealth of knowledge.

Just 10 Violets would have been sufficient to carry that task.

Unfortunately leaders and management SYs of the 1980s and 90s, like

WCASY, suppressed and prevented the truth from reaching humanity. In

other words, they forbid any SY from speaking about it. "



Dear Jagbir,


Here are some Words of Shri Mataji that i believe shed some light on

this matter. She says that: -


" So, you must remember that this Last Judgment is working and all

the time there is a big sieving out, a very big arrangement of

choices. Those who are subtle, start getting subtler and subtler and

subtler. But those who are frivolous, gross, idiotic, stupid, they

start frittering away. So this last sieving starts very fast,

working out where we realise, where are we? "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

(Easter Puja Talk - Calcutta - April 1995)


In spite of the fact that SY Management have a long time ago now,

decided to make the choice to edit, dilute and lessen the importance

of the Last Judgment, they are actually subject to this Last Judgment along with

everyone else.


Just because Shri Mataji entrusted them initially with the Declaration and

Promulgation of the Divine Message of the Last Judgment, makes them no less

immune from this Last Judgment than anyone else.


In fact, the very omission of this anchor of the Last Judgment will lead SY

Organization into perilous waters, which will be much greater than any perils

that could have been associated with the originally perceived peril of spreading

this Divine Message.


Organization SY should have taken particular notice of these Words

of Shri Mataji, spoken in April 1995, as after many admonitions,

Shri Mataji uses the warning of the Last Judgment as the Ultimate Warning about

the importance of the Last Judgment's 'continual working out and its sieving



The " stupidity " of Management SY in ignoring the Last Judgment has

undercut the urgency for people to have their Self-Realization. This

has therefore resulted in a " frittering away " of Seekers from

the Organization due to complacency.


Therefore, the Last Judgment's 'continual working out and sieving out due to a

very big arrangement of choices', includes Management SY's very own choice of

actually disregarding this Last Judgment itself.


Jagbir, i know there are many rank and file SY's that could have

been part of the spreading of the Divine Message because they did

have the knowledge, but were suppressed by the Organizers.


i was not able to publish about it on any SY website until i came to this Sahaja

Yoga Website.


This suppression of the Divine Message of the Last Judgment is the strangest

phenomenon to happen in the whole Organization of Sahaja Yoga.


Organization SY's poor choice of ignoring the Divine Message of the Last

Judgment, now propels them along without an anchor. It is therefore very hard

for them to now turn this ship around, because they would have to admit to their

" big arrangement of poor choices " .


As Shri Mataji has explained... " Where are they now? "


At sea, without the anchor of the Divine Message, it would seem. However, Shri

Mataji did Her best to warn them.





Dear Violet,


i am sure Shri Mataji must have said the same in other countries too

in the 80s and early 90s. But no leader, management, or rank and

file SYs talked about this taboo topic. That is why i was surprised

when you brought that Sydney Airport admonition. Despite being more

than a decade in Sahaja Yoga no SY ever mentioned that very

important directive. Even though knowledgeable of far petty topics

concerning Shri Mataji this topic was never discussed by SYs. It is

as if they just want to erase it from memory ........... and repeat

ceaselessly that all we need is to give self-realization.


Violet, many of your postings regarding the Divine Message reflect

what Shri Mataji had in mind i.e., the need to make seekers

understand thoroughly and have unbreakable faith why they should

have their self-realization. The Divine Message was to be the anchor

that the ship of Sahaja Yoga was to be moored at all times. No power

on Earth was to challenge and move it from its permanent grounding.


But alas the so-called leaders surrounding Her never believed that

the announcement of the Divine Message was feasible, even advisable.

All had a morbid fear of a public backlash, one that even i had to

endure in late 1999 when i told North American leaders that i will

be going ahead to put it on the internet. There was an immediate

adverse reaction and warning that a media and public attack was

imminent. i was a threat not only to Sahaja Yoga but putting Shri

Mataji in danger as well (perhaps from religious fanatics).


In the end i told them i would rather Shri Mataji kick me out of

Sahaja Yoga than back down from telling the world the true identity

of Shri Mataji and the reason She has incarnated on Earth. That

earned me their 'wrath' and the beginning of my end as a SY. In

their eyes i had committed a unforgivable sin ............. to talk

openly about the Great News that the Last Judgment and Resurrection

has begun!


So why don't management SYs do the same today as the fear of a

public backlash has now been proven to be completely baseless?


The only other reason i can think if that they do not possess

sufficient knowledge to enlighten others. But Violet you have proven

that wrong. There are a number of posts that contradict such a

reasoning. Just reading " The Meaning of the Words " Sahaja Yoga " " is

sufficient to destroy this myth.


Imagine what would have been the case today if leaders and SYs had

listened to Shri Mataji in 1983 and again in 1993/4 to announce the

Divine Message. We could have given the world a wealth of knowledge.

Just 10 Violets would have been sufficient to carry that task.

Unfortunately leaders and management SYs of the 1980s and 90s, like

WCASY, suppressed and prevented the truth from reaching humanity. In

other words, they forbid any SY from speaking about it.


Today it is even worse; those WCASY members presenting the Will of

Shri Mataji have empowered themselves to excommunicate SYs who do so.


So what is the satanic force that still puts fear in the hearts of

the WCASY council warriors from announcing the Divine Message?



don't expect an answer from the Divine,





The Meaning of the Words " Sahaja Yoga " ...

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:46 pm



The words " Sahaja Yoga " have a double meaning. " Sahaja Yoga "

literally means: - " Born With You " (Sahaja) and " Union " means

(Yoga). The experience of " Sahaja Yoga " is the experience of your

Second Birth (Christianity) and it is also called " Self-

Realization " . When you receive your Second Birth (of the Spirit) or

Self-Realization, you experience Union With the Divine so that you

now enter the Kingdom of God within, whereby your individual spirit

unites with the All-Pervading Divine Power of God's Love. Jesus's

Disciples received their Second Birth or Self-Realization on the Day

of Pentecost when they felt the Cool Breeze or Wind of the Holy

Ghost as a result of this Union with the Divine and therefore they

could spread Jesus's Message of the Kingdom of God to others.


The Muslims call this Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost the " Ruh of

Allah " . In Judaism it is called " Ruach " . Hindus call it " Adi Shakti "

(meaning Primordial Power of God). Buddhists call it " Maitreya " . The

Sikhs call it " the Eykaa Mayee " . The Taoists call it the " Great

Mother " . And the Christians call it the " Holy Spirit " . (If you put

the information of all these religious tradition's definitions

together, you will realize that this Holy Spirit Power is a

Mothering Power. In fact She is a Mother that knows you better than

anyone else, as She has accompanied your individual spirit through

each of your incarnations as a human being.)


Shri Mataji is the Incarnation prophesied by Jesus, who is the

Comforter that has come to open up this Centre Within Human Beings

in a Universal Manner, whereby we can experience this Divine

Primordial Mothering Power of the Holy Ghost, which is each person's

individual Spiritual Mother within themselves. She resides within

the Sacrum (meaning " sacred " ) Bone in three-and-a-half coils and

awakens when we desire for Her to give us our Second Birth. When She

awakens within, this coiled energy known as " kundalini energy " (a

kundal is a coil) rises up our spinal column and out the top of the

head, manifesting as a Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost.


Shri Mataji accomplished the feat of opening up this Centre in a

Universal Way at Nargol, India on 5 May 1970. This centre, located

at the fontanelle bone area at the top of the head, is called

the 'Sahasrara' which is the location where a person can enter the

Kingdom of God within. It is also where a person can actually feel

the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost when you receive your self-

realization which again, is what Christ's Disciples

experienced. " Fontanelle " meaning 'fountain', also refers to this

place where you experience the " fountain of God's blessings " when

you enter the Kingdom of God within.


The Power of the Holy Spirit is the same as the Divine Primordial

Feminine Power of God, which gives you your Second Birth. This Power

of God did all the work of Creation, similarly to how it is your

mother, not your father who gave you physical birth. Almighty God is

the Witness and His Power is the Adi Shakti (Feminine Power of God).

Similarly as to how in the relationship between men and women, it is

the woman who tends to do the work while the man watches, it is the

Primordial Divine Mother who does the work of Creation to please the

Divine Father, God Almighty.


This Spiritual Centre that Shri Mataji opened up in the Whole

Universe (called the 'Virata') was in order for humanity to receive

the Baptism of the Holy Spirit 'en-masse'. This is the fulfillment

of Jesus's Promise that the Comforter would come and teach us the

Truth about all things and bring to remembrance all things: -


" And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another

Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it

seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth

with you, and shall be in you.

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.


(John 14:16-18 - King James Version)


Only a few people could receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or

Self-Realization previously, but since Shri Mataji has opened up

this Centre Universally, everyone can now receive this Gift of the

Holy Spirit who sincerely desire it through Sahaja Yoga.


" Sahaja Yoga " is also the name of the organization that Shri Mataji

created which has the same name as the very experience that is " born

with you " , which is your Second Birth or Self-Realization.




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