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saurabhjagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:

, "jagbir singh" <adishakti_org> wrote:> > SAHASRARA> Sat-Chakra-Nirupana> > 39. When the actions of Yogis are, through the service of the > Lotus feet of their Guru, in all respects good, then they will see > above the Aajna Chakra the form of the Mahaanaada, and will ever > hold in their hand the Siddhi of Speech. The Mahaanaada -- which > is the place of dissolution of Vaayu -- is the half of Shiva, and > like a plough in shape [i.e., Shiva is Hakaara; if the upper > portion of the letter Ha is removed, the remaining portion > resembles an Indian plough in shape]; it is tranquil and grants > boons and dispels fear, and makes manifest pure Intelligence > [buddhi].> > 40. Above all these, in the vacant space

wherein is Shankhinii > Naadii, and below Visarga is the Lotus of a Thousant Petals [i.e., > the Sahasraara]. This Lotus, lustrous and whiter than the full > Moon, has its head turned downward. It charms. Its clustered > filaments are tinged with the color of the young Sun. Its body is > luminous with the letters beginning with A, and it is absolute > bliss [kevalaananda-ruupam].> > 41. Within the Saharaara is the full Moon, without the mark of the > hare [i.e. the "Man in the Moon"], respendant as in a clear sky. > It sheds its rays in profusion, and is moist and cool like nectar. > Inside it, the Candra Mandala, constantly shing like lightning, is > the Triangle and inside this, again, shines the Great Void > [shuunya; i.e. the Parabindu], which is served in secret by all > the Suras [i.e. Deities].> > 42. Well concealed, and attainable only by great effort, is that

> subtle Bindu [shuunya], which is the chief root of Liberation and > which manifests the pure Nirvaana-Kalaa with Amaa-Kalaa. Here is > > the Deva who is known to all as Parama-Shiva. He is the Brahman > and the Aatmaa of all beings. In Him are united both Rasa and > Virasa, and He is the Sun which destroys the darkness of ignorance > [ajnaana] and delusion [moha]. [A Shakta commentary adds, "His > beloved is the lustrous One [i.e., Shakti] who may be gained with > difficulty by the Brahman Road (brahma-vartma). The Para-Brahman > is but the effulgence of Her lotus feet." Other commentaries place > both Shakti and Shiva as one and the same as the aspirant's Guru.]> > 43. By shedding a constant and profuse stream of nectar-like > essence, the Bhagavaan instructs Yatis [i.e. those whose minds are > unified with the object of their worship] of pure mind in the > knowledge by

which they realize the oneness of the Jiivaatmaa and > the Paramaatmaa. He pervades all things as their Lord, who is the > ever-flowing and spreading current of all manner of bliss, known > by the name of Hamsah Parama, or Parama-hamsah.> > 44. The Shaivas call it the Abode of Shiva; the Vaishnavas call it > Parama Purusa; still others call it the the place of Hari-Hara > [Vishnu and Shiva combined into a single form]. Those who are > filled with a passion for the Lotus feet of the Devi call it the > excellent Abode of Devi; and other great sages [Munis] call it the > pure place of Prakriti-Purusa [i.e., Shakti-Shiva].> > 45. Those most excellent persons who have controlled their minds > [citta] and known this place are never again born in the Wandering > [samsaara; the world of birth and rebirth], as there is nothing in > the three worlds which binds them. Their minds being

controlled > and their aim achieved, they possess complete power to do all that > they wish, and to prevent that which is contrary to their will. > They ever move toward the Brahman. Their speech, whether in prose > or verse, is ever pure and sweet.> > 46. Here is the excellent sixteenth Kalaa of the Moon [i.e. Amaa- > Kalaa; see Verse 42 above - DB]. She is pure, and resembles the > young Sun in color. She is as thin as the hundredth part of a > fiber in the stalk of a lotus. She is lustrous and soft like ten > million lightning flashes, and is downturned. She is the > receptacle of the stream of excellent nectar which comes from the > blissful union of Para and Paraa [i.e. Shiva and Shakti].> > 47. Inside Amaa-Kalaa is Nirvaana-Kalaa [again referring back to > Verse 42 above - DB], more excellent than the excellent. She is as > subtle as the thousandth part of the end of

a hair, and of the > shape of the crescent moon. She is the ever-existant Bhagavatii > [Goddess], who is the Deity who pervades all beings. She grants > divine knowledge, and is lustrous as the light of all the suns > shining at one and the same time.> > 48. In the middle of the Nirvaana-Kalaa shines the Supreme and > Primordial Nirvaana-Shakti; She is lustrous like ten million suns, > and is the Mother of the three worlds. She is extremely subtle, > like the ten-millionth part of the end of a hair. She contains > within Her the constantly flowing stream of happiness [prema], and > is the life of all beings. She graciously carries the knowledge of > the Truth [Tattva] to the minds of the sages.> > 49. Within Her is the everlasting place called the Abode of Shiva > [according to Vishvanaatha, "the Unmanii state of Shakti, where > there is neither kaala (time) nor

kalaa (space)" - DB], which is > free from Maayaa, attainable only by Yogiis, and known by the name > of Nityaananda. It is replete with every form of bliss, and is > pure knowledge itself. Some call it the Brahman; others call it > the Hamsa. The wise describe it as the Abode of Vishnu, and the > righteous speak of it as the ineffable place of knowledge of the > Aatmaa, or the Place of Liberation. [As the Padma-Puraana puts > it, "Shaivas, Sauras, Ganeshas, Vaishnavas and Shaktas, all verily > come to me like rain water to the ocean." - DB]. > > From the Sat-Chakra-Nirupana> http://www.shaktisadhana.org/Photo%20Gallery/cakra/sahasrara.html> > Shri Mataji has also had the experience of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, but this has happened on a grand scale, never seen before on Earth. One day, on

the 5th of May, 1970, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi found Herself in solitary contemplation on a beach at Nargol, India when this lead to an amazing spiritual experience, which Shri Mataji first explains, and then describes below: - The explanation: - "As you know, in the Sahasrara there are the seats of the seven main chakras. There are 1000 nadis [channels] or as they call it 'flames' and they each have 16000 powers. Every nadi deals with a particular type of person and with the person's mutations and combinations of all these nadis, human beings are looked after." The experience: - "As soon as the Sahasrara was opened, the whole atmosphere was filled with tremendous chaitanya [vibrations], and there was tremendous light in the sky, and the whole thing came on this earth as if a torrential rain or a waterfall with such tremendous force, as if I was unaware and got stupefied. The happening was so tremendous,

and so unexpected, that I was stunned and got totally silent at the grandeur. I saw the primordial Kundalini rising like a big furnace, and the furnace was very silent but a burning appearance it had, as if you heat up a metal and it has many colours. In the same way, the Kundalini showed up as a furnace like a tunnel, as you see these plants you have for coal burning that create electricity; and it stretched like a telescope and came out one after another, Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Just like that. Then the deities came and sat on their seats, golden seats, and then they lifted the whole of the head like a big dome and opened it, and then this torrential rain completely drenched me-I started seeing all that and got lost in the joy. It was like an artist seeing his own creation, and I felt the joy of great fulfillment. After coming out of this beautiful experience, I looked around and saw human beings so blind and I

became absolutely silent, and desired that I should get the cups to fill the nectar, not all stones." (May 5, 1982, France) This amazing experience of Shri Mataji was the coming on Earth of the Power of God's Holy Spirit in a Primordial or Universal Way, so that all human beings who desire their Second Birth or Self- Realization, can receive it now. The experience that people can receive now is the same experience that Jesus awakened within His Disciples on the Day of Pentecost when they saw the flames of fire on their heads and felt the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. However, before this date of 5 May, 1970, it was not possible for people to receive their Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Kundalini Awakening, or Second Birth 'en-masse'. It is only with the Advent of Shri Mataji Nirmala, the Comforter, that this bodily resurrection of the Spirit within human beings has been made possible.

"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. (John 14:16-18 - King James Version) Violet http://adishakti.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=538Shri Mataji explains how you get your enlightenment: - "When your Sahasrara opens out, and your Kundalini touches the fontanelle bone, a sort of lightening force is ready in your Sahasrara; and as soon as the fontanelle bone area opens up in the Sahasrara, the grace of the spirit ignites that igniting force and your nadis (channels) get enlightened. Not all of them, but quite a lot of them; not all the length, but quite

the peripheries. That is how you get your enlightenment. So many things happen because of your seven centres being in the Sahasrara, with the light you see their relative positions. I mean your mind, your conscious mind feels that integration within you. The rationality that is separated from the heart becomes one with the heart. It becomes one with your attention. Wherever your attention goes you act in a collective way. All the activities in your attention are blessed. Your attention itself is effective. Your attention is very important, your desires are even more important because it is such an integrated thing, your desires and your attention becomes one. Whatever is good for the spirit, you desire." (May 5, 1982, France) http://adishakti.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=539Shri Mataji gives more insight about her experience of the Sahasrara: -

"Sahasrara is the most beautiful part of your being. It is a big lotus with one thousand petals of different colours appearing like inflated flames. It is a thing that has been seen by many people, but to see it pour that torrential rain was like these flames becoming a fountain, a fountain of colour, fountatin of fragrance; when you think of a flower pouring its colour and its fragrance around. People have written very little about Sahasrara, because whatever they have seen is from outside, and it is not possible for them to see from inside. Even if you reach from inside and the whole Sahasrara is not opened out, you cannot see its beauty; because when it is closed, the whole of it, you just pass through an aperture and get out of it. But just imagine a huge big one thousand petalled lotus, and you are sitting inside on the corona and looking at all those petals, all very beautifully coloured, and fragrant, and

pulsating with the bliss of joy. To remain on that position is the ideal position, but then after the silence you are filled with tremendous compassion and love, and you are drawn out to people who haven't yet known what is having eyes. And then you try to put your attention to the Sahasrara of millions of people; and then you start seeing the problems that exist in the Sahasrara. And even if you desire to open the Sahasrara, it is a very difficult thing, because the channelling of the Divine to human beings has to be done through human beings. The power may be with you, but it has to be channelled through human beings." (May 5, 1982, France) http://adishakti.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=540Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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Dear Saurab,

These are some of the centers addresses ,pls follow this.

1.sha House p34 india

Exachange place 2nd floor


every sunday 10.30 am ph#22254575.


2. Shajaja Yoga Dhayan kendra Centre

4-H Atindara complex

Barrackpore 700120.


some of the contact addresses are

1chetan (m) 9830013193

2.dr.prof 2359-0322

3.Manish 24119682 .

4. paswan 2652-5922

5.Ashish 2411-8192.


Hope u could be able to find out the centre.our good wishes to u.


With Nirmal Love. bibbycine <bibbycine wrote:

, yaski wath<wordswar> wrote:> JSM,> STILL IM SEARCHING THE ADD. & PHONE NO OF KOLKATACENTRE. THE NO. IN OUR WEBSITE IN NOT WORKING I SUPPOSE.> > jsm> saurabh> dkbudhia Re: Sahaja yoga center-Kolkata <bibbycineJAI SHREE MATAJIYOU CAN CALL TO SRI K.SANGHVI 9339747160REGARD'SJAI SHREE MATAJI........JSMdaniel

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