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Aquarian GOspel Of jesus?

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I read the website dedicated to the aquarian gospel of jesus via the

link at the bottom of jagbirs post, but i was wondering if it is legit

or not? THey make a very convincingargument, but this is the first

ihave ever heard of this book, so of course i will questin i. SO since

VIolet and Jagbir are quoting it, i will ask you guys if it is legit,

if you know anything more about it or the guy who wrote ie then what

is on thatwebsite, and most importantly, what do the vibrations have

to say about its authenticity?


I kindl await an answer, as it seems really intersting to me.



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Dear Kyyan,


i knew about this book before i even came to Sahaja Yoga. i was first

made aware of it in the 1970's. Therefore, it must have been around

about 30 years or so at least, to my knowledge.


i think it will astound everyone who reads it. It contains a lot of detailed

information, that seems to be missing in the Bible.


When you read it, you will see much more clearly how Shri Mataji's

Words and Jesus's Words or teachings are so similar!


Anyway, don't take my word for it, read it for yourself. i have only

felt good vibrations from it, Kyyan.


Kyyan, as you can see, the book has not been discredited, and i can imagine

there would be religious forces that would discredit it if they could, but this

has not happened. That is usually a good indication, because God protects His

Word, when revealed.


i believe it is a truly inspired and vibrational book. But as i say,

don't take my word for it. Just read it for yourself.





For those who want to know something about its authenticity, here is

an excerpt, which shows 3 contentions against it, but they have all been

answered: -


Regarding The Authenticity of

The Aquarian Gospel

By Michael F. O'Keeffe


.... Some articles have been published, which call into question the

authenticity of The Aquarian Gospel. These articles cite three

instances of contention. One of the arguments claims that Levi, the

transcriber, made a mistake by misidentifying the ancient rulers known

as Herod. The second criticism is that the Akashic records, as

transcribed by Levi, are not in agreement with Edgar Cayce's

description of these same sacred records. And the third criticism

claims that Jesus could not have known Meng-tse of Lassa, Tibet, since

Meng-tse lived 300 years before Jesus' time.

First, let's address the " Herod issue. "


Historians have often gotten the Herods confused, with good

justification, for there were at least seven, and two of them were

known as Herod Antipas.


The Herods were all of the same family. They were Jewish in faith, but

their ancestry was Indumean and Arabian. Roman authorities appointed

them as rulers over lands in the Middle East. The patriarch of the

Herodian dynasty, Antipater II, ruled an area that included Palestine,

which consisted of three provinces – Judea, Samaria and Galilee (and

regions to the north). He died in 43 BC.


Antipater's son, Herod Antipas, succeeded him, and he was known as a

great builder, and under his authority, the rebuilding of the Holy

Temple in Jerusalem was begun. Thus, he became known as " Herod The

Great. " Near the end of his reign, Jesus was born, and by his order,

the infant boys of Bethlehem were slain.


Herod The Great died shortly after the slaughter in Bethlehem, and

after his death, his kingdom was divided among three of his sons. One

of them, Herod Archelaus, became governor of Judea, but approximately

nine years later he was deposed by Rome for excessive cruelty. (A man

from outside the dynasty, Gratus, who ruled for about eleven years,

replaced him, and Pontius Pilate, also from outside the dynasty,

succeeded him.)


Archelaus' brother ruled Galilee and Paraca (Perea), and he, like his

father, was known as Herod Antipas. His palace was in the city of

Tiberius, upon the shores of the Sea of Galilee, however he had other

residences available to him, including one in Jerusalem. In a drunken

state, during a festive celebration in the fortress at Machaerus, he

ordered the beheading of John the Baptist, and more than a year later,

he was residing in Jerusalem on the morning Jesus was arrested, tried

and crucified.


A third brother, Herod Philip, became ruler (Tetrarch) of northern

Palestine – Iturea, Gaulanitis, and Trachonitis. He was the fifth

ruler in the dynasty. Philip's nephew, Agrippa (grandson of Herod the

Great), eventually assumed rule over northern regions of Palestine,

including Galilee and Paraca, and later his rule extended to Judea and

Samaria. Historians have referred to him as Herod Agrippa I.


Agrippa's younger brother ruled a region of Lebanon and he was known

as Herod of Chalcis. Agrippa's son, Herod Agrippa II, became the

eighth ruler in the dynasty (and at least the seventh to bear the

name, Herod). He did not immediately succeed his father, but

eventually he became ruler of both Chalcis and northern Palestine.


This resolves the criticism of Levi's description of " The Herods. "

Levi was not confused. However, some critics of the Aquarian Gospel

have been.


Second issue: let's address the issue of Levi's account of the Akashic

Records vs. Edgar Cayce's account.


Edgar Cayce was a very talented man, and, among other things, he was

able to access the Akashic Records, but his ability to visit this

mystic recording of human history was limited. One who visits these

records must learn to tune his mind to the frequencies of etheric

energy waves from the past. Edgar Cayce's ability to tune was not

perfected, as Levi's was.


Edgar was able to " fan through " a few pages of the sacred, mystic

records of World History, but he was not strong enough to view

specific events clearly and precisely, whereas Levi was strong enough

to open The Book; and he could " turn pages " at will. His transcription

is " the little book, " and it is commonly known as " The Aquarian

Gospel. "


Levi was able to remain in a state of meditation for several days at a

time. Only a person who can achieve this level of self-control (and

strength of will) is strong enough to perfectly tune his mind to the

frequencies of past events, enabling him to view the past, as if

happening " here and now. "


Levi could replay an incident during meditation (as many times as

necessary) to accomplish a perfect description and transcription of

historical events. This is how Levi transcribed the Akashic Records

(the book of God's Remembrance). Whereas, Edgar Cayce, not nearly as

strong as Levi, viewed the past as if peering through a fog, somewhat

like listening to a radio which is receiving two or three stations



The " Edgar Cayce issue " is resolved.


Third, the " Meng-tse issue. " *


Consider this: James Madison was elected President of the United

States in 1808, and less than 200 years have elapsed. Yet, a

significant number of James Madisons have resided in North America

since then. Likewise, Meng-tse, who was a friend of Jesus in Lassa,

Tibet, is obviously not the same Meng-tse of Chinese historical

records (unless there is a calendar discrepancy of nearly 300 years,

which seems unlikely).


" Meng-tse issue " resolved.


*(Note: The Adventures Unlimited Press edition of the Aquarian Gospel

spells Meng-tse as " Meng-ste. " )


Furthermore, regarding the authenticity of The Aquarian Gospel: only

honest, sincere men and women, who read this book carefully and

comprehensively, can comprehend this book. Others simply ignore it, or

decide to attack its authenticity. The Aquarian Gospel is nothing less

than " God-revealed, " during these times of Revelation. Pay heed to how

you read this most sacred book. Approach " God-revealed " with reverence

and trepidation.


The little book is sweet in the mouth, but bitter in the stomach. That

is, the revelations contained within the Aquarian Gospel are indeed

sweet and beautiful, but as these Truths digest, we realize how much

our Father-God requires of us, and the sweetness turns to bitterness;

and, as this bitterness sets in, we are tempted to resent our Father.

Yet, we know He knows best.


Our Father requires each one of us to conquer the carnal appetites,

passions and desires. That is, we must win The Victory; we must obtain

the pearl of greatest price – a very difficult and monumental task.

Yet, one must possess this pure white gem before one may re-enter

Paradise. (Meanwhile, we remain locked out, as we have been for eons,

ever since we fell.)


However, there is now cause for great rejoicing. The Age of Aquarius

is now dawning. All men and women (judged worthy) are about to be

admitted to this glorious Age (a school), where we will be taught how

to acquire the most precious pearl, and we will make many giant

strides on the trek to soul-maturity. The onset of this imminent New

Age will mark the end of warfare on Earth (as the meek receive their



During the New Age we will be taught how to walk the straight and

narrow way (the return path to Eden), and re-enter Paradise – a state

of mind, and a joyous feast. During these times of Revelations, as we

make the transition to the New Age, vast multitudes of men and women

will soon be compelled to come up to the feast.


(Some already have!)


The Judgment Day is near! Very near.





In , " v_koa " <v_koa> wrote:

> I read the website dedicated to the aquarian gospel of jesus via the

> link at the bottom of jagbirs post, but i was wondering if it is


> or not? THey make a very convincingargument, but this is the first

> ihave ever heard of this book, so of course i will questin i. SO


> VIolet and Jagbir are quoting it, i will ask you guys if it is


> if you know anything more about it or the guy who wrote ie then what

> is on thatwebsite, and most importantly, what do the vibrations have

> to say about its authenticity?


> I kindl await an answer, as it seems really intersting to me.


> Kyyan

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