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Relationship between Spirit, Soul, chakras and body....

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>Dear brothers and sisters,

> Thank you Violet for tranffering rightly Shri

Mataji's statements about " relationship between

spirit, soul, chakras and body " They are very

important knowledge for Sahaja Yogini and Yogis who

read for this site.

>Whatever rituel we do in Sahaja Yoga , they must

come from heart. Shri Mataji said one of his speech

that " Puja means not throw away things on me " you

must mean of Puja. Puja is not for me for you...

>Ý understand that,all rituells for awakinig power of

our chakras, god's qualities. here Our desire is very

important, if we really want use that power...

>Shri Mataji said that " Sahaja Yogis must know whole

technichs. You all must be exper on all technichs. "

For my experience before meditation than use

technichs. Cause we can not use technichs when we are

not meditation situation. For example i never work

with candle on somebody or myself just she can work .

cure ... i can not put my foods on salt water without

meditation situation ... but at first to learn we just


> Ý think first meditation, and can achieve witness

state... Reading and listening Shri Mataji Speech very

very important and predict her advice at first. Try to

impply at the begining just predict than in

collectivite we grow. We can not grow, develop out of


>Ýf we sincere about Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga don't

matter cause sometimes we can make mistakes, we can do

wrong, as long as her love is inside and we are in her

attention no need worry ...



--- Violet <vtubb wrote:


> When a person receives their Baptism of the Holy

> Spirit, also known

> as their Self-Realization their Spirit becomes

> connected to the

> Divine, through the power of the Holy Spirit, which

> is also called

> Kundalini. This connection of your Spirit with the

> Divine then flows

> to your soul, chakras and body. If there is a

> problem in

> your `soul' or character, it will also affect your

> chakras and your

> body. That is why introspection and meditation and

> prayer and

> communion with the Holy Spirit, also called the

> 'Shakti within' is very important in Sahaja Yoga.


> I am not saying that there is absolutely no place

> for chakra

> cleansing at all. Shri Mataji has given all the

> knowledge, but She

> always stressed the Spirit above everything else.

> What has happened is that yogis have become so

> obsessed over their

> chakras to the point of developing fears about

> `catches' etc. This

> is how Sahaja Yoga then becomes a `cult' of the

> subtle system.


> Because of this obsession with chakra cleansing in

> the organization

> of Sahaja Yoga, on this website we are stressing

> that people should

> put their attention on their Spirit and allow their

> relationship to the Holy Spirit and the Kundalini to

> work things

> out.


> There are people such as myself who have needed the

> extra help of

> some chakra cleansing to help the flow of the

> kundalini, but this

> does not mean that we have to insist on persons

> having to perform

> these rituals, such as is happening in the

> organization of Sahaja

> Yoga, where everyone must religiously follow these

> rituals.


> Chuck is an example of a person from the Christian

> background who

> has had his Baptism of the Holy Spirit and feels

> this connection

> within and wants nothing to do with, nor has any

> desire to perform

> Hindu-like rituals. The Truth is that it is the Holy

> Spirit that acts on the chakras, and not the other

> way around.


> So we have to be wise as this knowledge of Sahaja

> Yoga is not Hindu,

> as Jagbir has stated some time previously. It also

> is not Jewish,

> Christian or Islamic but on the other hand, includes

> all of them.


> From the information below, it can be seen that it

> is your Spirit

> that needs to be given the precedence, because it is

> your Spirit

> that acts upon the soul, chakras and body in that

> order.


> Therefore, it is the connection and relationship

> with our Spirit to

> the Divine that is the most influential in our

> spiritual growth,

> with the connection of the Spirit as the deciding

> factor and not the

> chakras.


> This is what Shri Mataji says on the subject: -


> " Jivatma is the soul. Means with these five

> elements. And these five

> elements give you your own identity, your own

> character, your own

> particularities etc. These five elements; the way

> they are placed in

> you. That's the causal element, the causal of the

> elements that are

> within you. Then these causals act on the chakras

> and through the

> chakras these causals act on the other ...on the

> grosser side. So

> from the subtle to the subtler to the ...you can say

> the subtlest.

> The subtlest we can say is the Spirit, supposing.

> Then the subtler

> is the soul. And the subtle you have the chakras.

> And the gross is

> the body. "


> (Volterra, Italy. July 25, 1986)



> Below in simple format is the information gleaned

> from Shri Mataji's Words: -



> The Spirit…. (also called " Atma " )


> The Spirit is subtler than the soul, chakras or

> body.

> The Spirit acts upon the Soul, which acts upon the

> chakras, which

> acts upon the body.

> The Spirit is eternal and not created.



> The Soul…. (also called " Jivatma " )


> The Soul is subtler than the chakras or body.

> The Soul acts upon the chakras, which in turn act

> upon the body.

> The soul is created from the 5 elements of water,

> earth, air, fire

> and ether and is made up of the various combinations

> and

> permutations of these 5 elements.

> It is these combinations and permutations that give

> us our own

> identities, characters, particularities, etc.

> It is also the way that these 5 elements are placed

> in us that is

> the `causal element' that acts on our chakras.

> ( " Causal " means the " cause, which causes " )



> The Chakras…. (the energy centres within our body)


> The energy centres are more subtle than the body.

> The energy centres act upon the body.



> The Body….


> The body is not subtle at all but is called " gross "

> (meaning " most

> dense " ).



> Here are some more enlightened Words of Shri Mataji,

> where She

> states that the only way that you can find the

> Truth, is to

> surrender to the Divine. She states that rituals

> don't give you the Truth. She also talks about how

> people have become lost in all kinds of so-called

> religions and rituals in their quest for the Truth.

> Even Sahaja Yogis have to be careful that they do

> not become lost in all kinds of rituals: -


> " Today, I bow to all the Sahaja Yogis who have found

> the Truth.

> There has been, from ages, the seeking for the

> Truth. And when

> people discovered that there is no other way but to

> surrender to the

> Divine so that you can find the truth, they did not

> know how to do

> it, how to work it out. There have been seekers all

> over the world…

> Such darkness existed around people who were

> seeking. All over the

> world I found, when I was a little girl, that they

> were completely

> ignorant about how to find the truth; so many were

> lost in all kinds

> of so-called religions and rituals. All kinds of

> rituals they used

> to do, morning till evening, some sort of a ritual

> they would do.

> Whether they were Hindus, Christians, Muslims, they

> all believed

> that by doing all these rituals you will achieve

> something, that you

> will know the Truth, that you will get your Self

> Realisation. All

> such seekers went to wrong people and to wrong

> directions because

> they were really seeking from their heart. So they

> were very misled

> into such horrible black areas that they did not

> know what they were

> seeking, what they are supposed to seek, what they

> have to have. "


> (06. 05. 2001 - Cabella Ligure, Italia)




=== message truncated ===






Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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, buket ak

<buketak2000> wrote:

> >Dear brothers and sisters,

> > Thank you Violet for tranffering rightly Shri

> Mataji's statements about " relationship between

> spirit, soul, chakras and body " They are very

> important knowledge for Sahaja Yogini and Yogis who

> read for this site.

> >Whatever rituel we do in Sahaja Yoga , they must

> come from heart. Shri Mataji said one of his speech

> that " Puja means not throw away things on me " you

> must mean of Puja. Puja is not for me for you...

> >Ý understand that,all rituells for awakinig power of

> our chakras, god's qualities. here Our desire is very

> important, if we really want use that power...

> >Shri Mataji said that " Sahaja Yogis must know whole

> technichs. You all must be exper on all technichs. "

> For my experience before meditation than use

> technichs. Cause we can not use technichs when we are

> not meditation situation. For example i never work

> with candle on somebody or myself just she can work .

> cure ... i can not put my foods on salt water without

> meditation situation ... but at first to learn we just

> predict...

> > Ý think first meditation, and can achieve witness

> state... Reading and listening Shri Mataji Speech very

> very important and predict her advice at first. Try to

> impply at the begining just predict than in

> collectivite we grow. We can not grow, develop out of

> collectivite.

> >Ýf we sincere about Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga don't

> matter cause sometimes we can make mistakes, we can do

> wrong, as long as her love is inside and we are in her

> attention no need worry ...




Dear Buket,


i want to know what SYs have taught you regarding the following:


Q 1: Is it possible to depend solely on our desire and attention to

heal ourselves and solve problems, a state of mind which is very

important for spiritual growth?


Q 2: Is it possible, without any treatments and rituals whatsoever,

to awaken the power of our chakras, god's qualities?


Q 3: Is it possible that if we really want use that power of pure

desire and attention, and that power only, to heal ourselves in mind

and body i.e, without any external aids?


Q 4: Is it possible to solely depend on the Shakti within for all

our inner problems, expecially those related to health?



i would really appreciate if you or any other member(s) answer all

the questions.






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Dear All,


In my understanding, teachings about clearing, etc. were not part of

the Official Message of Shri Mataji. She only ever talked about these in private

mostly and to specific individuals mostly.


The elements of water, earth, fire, air and ether have always been with us. They

are a part of our bodies and a part of the created universe. But the element of

the Spirit is above it all, which is within all these elements and if the Spirit

were not there, they would all die.


We wash our hands to clean them, thus using the element of water. We

use fire to burn up rubbish, thereby using the element of fire. In

the same way that fire can burn material rubbish, it can also burn

away subtle rubbish.


We all use the earth, when we meditate sitting on the earth. The

vibrational energy within the earth automatically clears us. Mother Earth has a

'sucking, drawing energy' which when we are enlightened we can feel more

clearly. We can look at the sky and we all do and feel our mind clearing. We

feel the wind flowing around our bodies and Her Message of Love in this Divine



In one form or another, these elements are part of our life.


It is my understanding that Shri Mataji showed us how to use these

consciously when needed to help us.


However, to my understanding, She never stood on a platform and

started instructing lectures on it.


SY's were so desperate for specific instructions (to get it right)

that painstaking work was done to get this into a book. Questions

were asked of Shri Mataji to fill in the missing pieces, in order to

get it right. I always had the impression that people somewhat not quite nice

when trying to extract specific information from Shri Mataji about these

subjects. i always felt it was like a Mother, who only gave you what She thought

you should know for a specific problem.


i personally found they helped me. However, then i found that the

Kundalini energy was flowing unobstructedly. Then i became part and parcel of

these elements and i found them helping me automatically; the whole of nature

helping me.(however, i would use if i felt particular need, the same way as you

use some medicine when you need at a particular time, that's all).


There were times when Shri Mataji gave some instruction to one

person to help them 'clear' and then everyone else took on that

instruction and did the very same thing. Later, Shri Mataji asked

why everyone was also doing that technique. She was told that

because She had told it to someone. Then Shri Mataji said, that no,

it was for that person, not for another person. Shri Mataji might have given one

technique to help a person and a completely different one for another person

(like medicine is done).


Shri Mataji tried from every angle, from the spirit, the soul, the

chakras and the body.... to help us to become established with our

connection. She showed that it all flows from the Spirit, then to

the Soul, then to the chakras, then to the body.


There was so much grossness in the world, when Shri Mataji came that

people were so-called 'stuck' in their bodies, through drugs, going to wrong

gurus, conditionings and so forth.


Sometimes, She would say to the collective, you have got to footsoak

every night, or you have got to do this or that every night.


However, we must remember what state we were all in at that time.

This power was to come on Earth through us. And it was not getting

through easily at first. We were the first ones.


Now, we know how the Holy Spirit power is freely flowing and because

of it, in general throughout the whole Earth it is so strong. Look at Chuck, he

has received his Self-Realization through the internet, and is a changed man. He

did not depend on chakra clearing because the energy is so strong on Earth now

that it all happens so directly. Chuck is not even interested in knowing about

chakra clearing because he comes from a Christian background and he knows that

his faith in God, the Holy Spirit, does everything. Now, i believe that when

people get their Second Birth, Self-Realization, or Connection with the Divine,

the transformation is very quick, and not necessarily needing chakra clearing,

because the Spirit's connection with the Divine and the flow of energy through

our attention can work this out automatically. It's like that story that Shri

Mataji told that if there are a certain number of people that are a certain way,

it all works out collectively.


Shri Mataji talked about the attention. At first, we for

example could do chakra clearing manually. Then, later, if we just

put our attention there, it would clear, so the attention could take

over the work automatically.


i, personally do not see what is this obsession with chakras. i saw

the usefulness of the knowledge and used it, and now it all works

automatically. Maybe, for some people it all works automatically

right from the start. And maybe, for others, they cannot see past

manual clearing of chakras, etc.


Sahaja Yoga is not about chakra cleansing though. Sahaja Yoga is

about the spiritual birthright that we all have. About spiritual

evolution. People have become stuck on chakra clearing and perhaps

this can be seen to be just as obsessive as if someone is always

washing their hands, because they feel they can never become clean.


Normally, in the past, the Second Birth, or Self-Realization only came to people

who were ready for it in the sense of that they had already worked out all these

blockages in mind and body. However, Shri Mataji found that when She gave

realization first, then maybe She found that a lot of people needed help with

the clearing in order to make use of this connection.


In any case, i believe that there has been too much stress put on

chakra clearing. It can't be ignored altogether, but it needs to be

in its right place. i don't think that this idea of Chakra Clearing

Weekends is the balance. If one puts so much attention on chakras, they get

stuck there. Shri Mataji has always said to put our attention on the Spirit, the

Sahasrara, the Kingdom of God. And yet, we know very little about the Kingdom of

God, because the stress is instead on the chakras.


What i see as being in proportion is that all Sahaja Yogis are made

aware of Shri Mataji's Mission and Message of the Last Judgment and

Resurrecton. We need to understand that, and realize our

relationship with the Divine; our relationship is with the Divine,

not with the chakra. It all needs to come from the Top Down now.

Shri Mataji started it all from the Top (Self-Realization). Somehow,

it has been altered so that Chakra Clearing is at the Top and your

Relationship with the Divine is an incidental that comes from chakra clearing.

This is where its all gone wrong. The whole order has been switched around.


A lot of people see it like this and stress it like this: -


1. Chakra


2. Body


3. Soul


4. Spirit



Shri Mataji actually taught it like this and stressed it like this: -


1. Spirit (first)


2. Soul


3. Chakra


4. Body


(But Subtle System pandits have changed it around to be like the first example

where the emphasis is on No.1 Chakra).


For those who are truly enlightened, this emphasis and people's writing in and

wanting to discuss chakras above all, is anathema. It shows a fixation on a part

of a whole system, rather than the understanding of the whole. Shri Mataji

wanted us to have a Wholistic Understanding.


It all has to be seen in its proper perspective. It also has to be

seen that people from different religious persuasions are not

interested in Hindu-looking rituals and have no interest in chakras. That does

not make any difference to their entrance into the Kingdom of God, because they

consider Spirit to be No.1 and that is all that counts in the end, if they have

the " faith as a grain of mustard seed that can remove mountains. " This faith,

that Jesus talked about, if it can move mountains, surely it can also move or

remove any blockages in the body also.


As Jesus said, " Your faith will make you whole " . Only faith in God,

in the Divine, in our Spirit will get us through. It is not up to us

to thrust 'chakra clearing' down other people's throats.


Shri Mataji usually only taught about 'chakra clearing' in little

groups when people just couldn't clearly connect with their Spirit.


So, in this website, we are going the opposite way. We are going

from the Top down, the way Shri Mataji emphasized it. However, because we

believe that the Spirit can do all the work, we don't feel that we have to deal

out 'chakra medicine'. The real medicine is from God Almighty and His Holy

Spirit. There are such strong vibrations today that if anyone has the faith in

God; and in their connection with the Divine, that everything works out. If they

want to put their feet in a bucket of water with a bit of salt in it and

meditate that way, there is no big deal. If they want to look at a candle while

meditating it is no big deal. However, it should be done as a private cleansing

and not as a Major Religious Ritual which puts others off. And all the extra

bits of advice from people pretending to be Subtle System Doctors is just too

much. It was difficult to extract this information from Shri Mataji in order for

people to put this into a book.


The fact that Shri Mataji in the early days, told the very damaged individuals

that they must put their feet into saltwater buckets to clear them, doesn't mean

She says this for all time to all people. She was talking to those people in

front of Her. She was not giving an Official Message for All Time. There is a

difference. It was only for those people in front of Her. And yet, this has now

become Official Teaching, which Shri Mataji never made it, now in Organization

Subtle System Sahaja Yoga.


Above all, if we have faith in God, all things work out.


These are my personal opinions and i hope i offend no one and i hope

no one misunderstands.




















, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> , buket ak

> <buketak2000> wrote:

> > >Dear brothers and sisters,

> > > Thank you Violet for tranffering rightly Shri

> > Mataji's statements about " relationship between

> > spirit, soul, chakras and body " They are very

> > important knowledge for Sahaja Yogini and Yogis who

> > read for this site.

> > >Whatever rituel we do in Sahaja Yoga , they must

> > come from heart. Shri Mataji said one of his speech

> > that " Puja means not throw away things on me " you

> > must mean of Puja. Puja is not for me for you...

> > >Ý understand that,all rituells for awakinig power of

> > our chakras, god's qualities. here Our desire is very

> > important, if we really want use that power...

> > >Shri Mataji said that " Sahaja Yogis must know whole

> > technichs. You all must be exper on all technichs. "

> > For my experience before meditation than use

> > technichs. Cause we can not use technichs when we are

> > not meditation situation. For example i never work

> > with candle on somebody or myself just she can work .

> > cure ... i can not put my foods on salt water without

> > meditation situation ... but at first to learn we just

> > predict...

> > > Ý think first meditation, and can achieve witness

> > state... Reading and listening Shri Mataji Speech very

> > very important and predict her advice at first. Try to

> > impply at the begining just predict than in

> > collectivite we grow. We can not grow, develop out of

> > collectivite.

> > >Ýf we sincere about Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga don't

> > matter cause sometimes we can make mistakes, we can do

> > wrong, as long as her love is inside and we are in her

> > attention no need worry ...

> > JSM

> >


> Dear Buket,


> i want to know what SYs have taught you regarding the following:


> Q 1: Is it possible to depend solely on our desire and attention


> heal ourselves and solve problems, a state of mind which is very

> important for spiritual growth?


> Q 2: Is it possible, without any treatments and rituals


> to awaken the power of our chakras, god's qualities?


> Q 3: Is it possible that if we really want use that power of pure

> desire and attention, and that power only, to heal ourselves in


> and body i.e, without any external aids?


> Q 4: Is it possible to solely depend on the Shakti within for all

> our inner problems, expecially those related to health?



> i would really appreciate if you or any other member(s) answer all

> the questions.


> regards,



> jagbir

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Dear Violet,


Thank you so much for providing evidence that i was searching for a

long time. Based on firsthand experience you have clarified that the

treatments suggested by Shri Mataji in private were for individuals

with specific disorders, not SYs in general. Until you told these

amazing facts i was at a loss to understand where, how and why SYs

got all these treatment techniques for every type of disease imaginable. Any SY

should doubt that Shri Mataji actually discussed about them but many don't. A

few like Aunty Shaku have surpassed even Shri Mataji and now dispense cures to

SY 'patients' with unpretentious ease. (What is going to happen in future when

more Aunty Shakus promote themselves as self-qualified doctors to the naive and



Shri Mataji was the original 'spiritual physician' who prescribed certain

treatments for certain individuals. This advise was for those with serious

problems, probably related to mental and social issues. But those SYs around Her

also took notes and proudly dispensed the same advise. Nothing sells like " I

heard Shri Mataji say so " . Today there are thousands of SY 'doctors' able to

dispense 'medicine' for every ailment immaginable. No wonder they can detect

'sickness' and 'diseases' in every other SY, something that Shri Mataji would

never have even bothered. This sad state of affairs is the norm in each and

every collective, a disease that has been allowed, even encouraged, to spread

and now afflicts all. If left unchecked, even at this late stage, this disease

will eventually consume all.


For years i have been trying to bring sense but most SYs refuse to

listen to reason and logic. They just do not realize the enormous

damage they have unwittingly inflicted on the organisation, still unable to

understand why 99.99% of new seekers flee after a short time. SYs have time and

again failed to comprehend, even less admit, that their subtle system/treatments

approach has failed abysmally to attract seekers ............. time and again

for the last three decades.


i have found yet further evidence to corroborate what has been

discussed here. But don't expect things to change within months,

even years. The psyche of SYs will take a long time to rid

themselves of the conditionings they have invented and continue to

induce upon each other:



" Christian believers who feel devastated by numerous reports of

degenerate crimes and depraved lifestyles of many priests and

ministers can now take comfort, for God has given us a new book of

Scripture. In this amazing sacred book, The Aquarian Gospel of

Jesus the Christ, Jesus reveals that an official priesthood and

elaborate ceremonies are useless and unnecessary, because each

person can simply go into " the closet of his soul " and talk to God –

and learn how to listen. No one needs a priest as intermediary,

because anyone can establish a personal relationship with God (our

Father) and be " priest unto himself. "


Jewish faithful can now be reverent (instead of suspicious or

distraught) regarding the Hebrew origin of Christian Religion and

traditions. In the Aquarian Gospel, Jesus' deep roots in Hebrew

culture are clearly established; and the careful reader cannot fail

to recognize that the record of Jesus' entire life and ministry (now

revealed in this sacred book) establishes him as the spiritual

leader of the world, and the greatest prophet who ever lived.


Furthermore, those who have studied the Book of Revelation are aware

that, in that mysterious final book of the Christian Bible, Jesus

implores believers to " overcome " (several times). The Aquarian

Gospel reveals exactly what Jesus meant by this.


The following 5½-page essay is an editorial review of Levi H.

Dowling's precious transcript – known as the Aquarian Gospel. This

brief summary is based on a 22-year study of his book, and it

touches on a few of the most profound Revelations disclosed in his

amazing " end times " publication.


This review includes a description of the final days – the days

preceding Judgment Day (very near). "


Aquarian Gospel Book Review




Seekers are looking for the Sure Signs of God Almighty (Brahman) to

guide them during these difficult times. We don't need the confusion

of innovative rituals to repulse them forever from Sahaja Yoga. But

that, unfortunately, is exactly what is happening in all our

collectives as hundreds and thousands of so-called 'doctors' first

diagnose your 'sickness' and prescribe treatments.


Sahaja Yoga has become a mass Hindu-like mess of rituals and techniques that the

vast majority of non-Hindus will continue to reject. If SYs had listened to Her

in the early 80s to spread the Divine Message we would have seen very little of

so-called treatments. But then without the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga, the

Divine Message to humanity, what is Sahaja Yoga all about? It is the mass of

rituals, techniques and treatments that SYs want others to follow. It is a mess

that few management SYs want to admit.







, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>


> Dear All,


> In my understanding, teachings about clearing, etc. were not part

> of the Official Message of Shri Mataji. She only ever talked about

> these in private mostly and to specific individuals mostly.


> The elements of water, earth, fire, air and ether have always been

> with us. They are a part of our bodies and a part of the created

> universe. But the element of the Spirit is above it all, which is

> within all these elements and if the Spirit were not there, they

> would all die.


> We wash our hands to clean them, thus using the element of water.

> We use fire to burn up rubbish, thereby using the element of fire.

> In the same way that fire can burn material rubbish, it can also

> burn away subtle rubbish.


> We all use the earth, when we meditate sitting on the earth. The

> vibrational energy within the earth automatically clears us.

> Mother Earth has a 'sucking, drawing energy' which when we are

> enlightened we can feel more clearly. We can look at the sky and

> we all do and feel our mind clearing. We feel the wind flowing

> around our bodies and Her Message of Love in this Divine Wind.


> In one form or another, these elements are part of our life.


> It is my understanding that Shri Mataji showed us how to use these

> consciously when needed to help us.


> However, to my understanding, She never stood on a platform and

> started instructing lectures on it.


> SY's were so desperate for specific instructions (to get it right)

> that painstaking work was done to get this into a book. Questions

> were asked of Shri Mataji to fill in the missing pieces, in order

> to get it right. I always had the impression that people somewhat

> not quite nice when trying to extract specific information from

> Shri Mataji about these subjects. i always felt it was like a

> Mother, who only gave you what She thought you should know for a

> specific problem.


> i personally found they helped me. However, then i found that the

> Kundalini energy was flowing unobstructedly. Then i became part

> and parcel of these elements and i found them helping me

> automatically; the whole of nature helping me.(however, i would

> use if i felt particular need, the same way as you use some

> medicine when you need at a particular time, that's all).


> There were times when Shri Mataji gave some instruction to one

> person to help them 'clear' and then everyone else took on that

> instruction and did the very same thing. Later, Shri Mataji asked

> why everyone was also doing that technique. She was told that

> because She had told it to someone. Then Shri Mataji said, that

> no, it was for that person, not for another person. Shri Mataji

> might have given one technique to help a person and a completely

> different one for another person (like medicine is done).


> Shri Mataji tried from every angle, from the spirit, the soul, the

> chakras and the body.... to help us to become established with our

> connection. She showed that it all flows from the Spirit, then to

> the Soul, then to the chakras, then to the body.


> There was so much grossness in the world, when Shri Mataji came

> that people were so-called 'stuck' in their bodies, through drugs,

> going to wrong gurus, conditionings and so forth.


> Sometimes, She would say to the collective, you have got to

> footsoak every night, or you have got to do this or that every

> night.


> However, we must remember what state we were all in at that time.

> This power was to come on Earth through us. And it was not getting

> through easily at first. We were the first ones.


> Now, we know how the Holy Spirit power is freely flowing and

> because of it, in general throughout the whole Earth it is so

> strong. Look at Chuck, he has received his Self-Realization

> through the internet, and is a changed man. He did not depend on

> chakra clearing because the energy is so strong on Earth now that

> it all happens so directly. Chuck is not even interested in

> knowing about chakra clearing because he comes from a Christian

> background and he knows that his faith in God, the Holy Spirit,

> does everything. Now, i believe that when people get their Second

> Birth, Self-Realization, or Connection with the Divine, the

> transformation is very quick, and not necessarily needing chakra

> clearing, because the Spirit's connection with the Divine and the

> flow of energy through our attention can work this out

> automatically. It's like that story that Shri Mataji told that if

> there are a certain number of people that are a certain way, it

> all works out collectively.


> Shri Mataji talked about the attention. At first, we for

> example could do chakra clearing manually. Then, later, if we just

> put our attention there, it would clear, so the attention could

> take over the work automatically.


> i, personally do not see what is this obsession with chakras. i

> saw the usefulness of the knowledge and used it, and now it all

> works automatically. Maybe, for some people it all works

> automatically right from the start. And maybe, for others, they

> cannot see past manual clearing of chakras, etc.


> Sahaja Yoga is not about chakra cleansing though. Sahaja Yoga is

> about the spiritual birthright that we all have. About spiritual

> evolution. People have become stuck on chakra clearing and perhaps

> this can be seen to be just as obsessive as if someone is always

> washing their hands, because they feel they can never become clean.


> Normally, in the past, the Second Birth, or Self-Realization only

> came to people who were ready for it in the sense of that they had

> already worked out all these blockages in mind and body. However,

> Shri Mataji found that when She gave realization first, then maybe

> She found that a lot of people needed help with the clearing in

> order to make use of this connection.


> In any case, i believe that there has been too much stress put on

> chakra clearing. It can't be ignored altogether, but it needs to

> be in its right place. i don't think that this idea of Chakra

> Clearing Weekends is the balance. If one puts so much attention on

> chakras, they get stuck there. Shri Mataji has always said to put

> our attention on the Spirit, the Sahasrara, the Kingdom of God.

> And yet, we know very little about the Kingdom of God, because the

> stress is instead on the chakras.


> What i see as being in proportion is that all Sahaja Yogis are

> made aware of Shri Mataji's Mission and Message of the Last

> Judgment and Resurrecton. We need to understand that, and realize

> our relationship with the Divine; our relationship is with the

> Divine, not with the chakra. It all needs to come from the Top

> Down now. Shri Mataji started it all from the Top (Self-

> Realization). Somehow, it has been altered so that Chakra Clearing

> is at the Top and your Relationship with the Divine is an

> incidental that comes from chakra clearing. This is where its all

> gone wrong. The whole order has been switched around.


> A lot of people see it like this and stress it like this: -


> 1. Chakra


> 2. Body


> 3. Soul


> 4. Spirit



> Shri Mataji actually taught it like this and stressed it like

> this: -


> 1. Spirit (first)


> 2. Soul


> 3. Chakra


> 4. Body


> (But Subtle System pandits have changed it around to be like the

> first example where the emphasis is on No.1 Chakra).


> For those who are truly enlightened, this emphasis and people's

> writing in and wanting to discuss chakras above all, is anathema.

> It shows a fixation on a part of a whole system, rather than the

> understanding of the whole. Shri Mataji wanted us to have a

> Wholistic Understanding.


> It all has to be seen in its proper perspective. It also has to be

> seen that people from different religious persuasions are not

> interested in Hindu-looking rituals and have no interest in

> chakras. That does not make any difference to their entrance into

> the Kingdom of God, because they consider Spirit to be No.1 and

> that is all that counts in the end, if they have the " faith as a

> grain of mustard seed that can remove mountains. " This faith, that

> Jesus talked about, if it can move mountains, surely it can also

> move or remove any blockages in the body also.


> As Jesus said, " Your faith will make you whole " . Only faith in

> God, in the Divine, in our Spirit will get us through. It is not

> up to us to thrust 'chakra clearing' down other people's throats.


> Shri Mataji usually only taught about 'chakra clearing' in little

> groups when people just couldn't clearly connect with their Spirit.


> So, in this website, we are going the opposite way. We are going

> from the Top down, the way Shri Mataji emphasized it. However,

> because we believe that the Spirit can do all the work, we don't

> feel that we have to deal out 'chakra medicine'. The real medicine

> is from God Almighty and His Holy Spirit. There are such strong

> vibrations today that if anyone has the faith in God; and in their

> connection with the Divine, that everything works out. If they

> want to put their feet in a bucket of water with a bit of salt in

> it and meditate that way, there is no big deal. If they want to

> look at a candle while meditating it is no big deal. However, it

> should be done as a private cleansing and not as a Major Religious

> Ritual which puts others off. And all the extra bits of advice

> from people pretending to be Subtle System Doctors is just too

> much. It was difficult to extract this information from Shri

> Mataji in order for people to put this into a book.


> The fact that Shri Mataji in the early days, told the very damaged

> individuals that they must put their feet into saltwater buckets

> to clear them, doesn't mean She says this for all time to all

> people. She was talking to those people in front of Her. She was

> not giving an Official Message for All Time. There is a

> difference. It was only for those people in front of Her. And yet,

> this has now become Official Teaching, which Shri Mataji never

> made it, now in Organization Subtle System Sahaja Yoga.


> Above all, if we have faith in God, all things work out.


> These are my personal opinions and i hope i offend no one and i

> hope no one misunderstands.


> Violet



> > , buket ak

> > <buketak2000> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear brothers and sisters,

> > >

> > > Thank you Violet for tranffering rightly Shri

> > > Mataji's statements about " relationship between

> > > spirit, soul, chakras and body " They are very

> > > important knowledge for Sahaja Yogini and Yogis who

> > > read for this site.

> > >

> > > Whatever rituel we do in Sahaja Yoga , they must

> > > come from heart. Shri Mataji said one of his speech

> > > that " Puja means not throw away things on me " you

> > > must mean of Puja. Puja is not for me for you...

> > > >Ý understand that,all rituells for awakinig power of

> > > our chakras, god's qualities. here Our desire is very

> > > important, if we really want use that power...

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji said that " Sahaja Yogis must know whole

> > > technichs. You all must be exper on all technichs. "

> > > For my experience before meditation than use

> > > technichs. Cause we can not use technichs when we are

> > > not meditation situation. For example i never work

> > > with candle on somebody or myself just she can work .

> > > cure ... i can not put my foods on salt water without

> > > meditation situation ... but at first to learn we just

> > > predict...

> > >

> > > Ý think first meditation, and can achieve witness

> > > state... Reading and listening Shri Mataji Speech very

> > > very important and predict her advice at first. Try to

> > > impply at the begining just predict than in

> > > collectivite we grow. We can not grow, develop out of

> > > collectivite.

> > >

> > > >Ýf we sincere about Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga don't

> > > matter cause sometimes we can make mistakes, we can do

> > > wrong, as long as her love is inside and we are in her

> > > attention no need worry ...

> > > JSM

> > >

> >


> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> > Dear Buket,

> >

> > i want to know what SYs have taught you regarding the following:

> >

> > Q 1: Is it possible to depend solely on our desire and attention

> > to heal ourselves and solve problems, a state of mind which is

> > very important for spiritual growth?

> >

> > Q 2: Is it possible, without any treatments and rituals

> > whatsoever, to awaken the power of our chakras, god's qualities?

> >

> > Q 3: Is it possible that if we really want use that power of

> > pure desire and attention, and that power only, to heal

> > ourselves in mind and body i.e, without any external aids?

> >

> > Q 4: Is it possible to solely depend on the Shakti within for

> > all our inner problems, expecially those related to health?

> >

> >

> > i would really appreciate if you or any other member(s) answer

> > all the questions.

> >

> > regards,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

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Jai shri mataji. Very well written. Thanks Violet.

Anand.anil kanhaua <hello_betu wrote:


Brothers and Sisters


Jai Shri Mataji !!!


Wow......Marvellous !!! Beautifull words of Violet. All fundamentals cleared today. Really, words just can't express my feelings, I am just unable to ellaborate what I am feeling after reading this wonderfull article. Hope this will help all. This really helping me, atleast!

Thanks Violet !

Thanks Jagbir (you know for what)!

Warm Regards!

Anil jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:

Dear Violet,Thank you so much for providing evidence that i was searching for a long time. Based on firsthand experience you have clarified that the treatments suggested by Shri Mataji in private were for individuals with specific disorders, not SYs in general. Until you told these amazing facts i was at a loss to understand where, how and why SYs got all these treatment techniques for every type of disease imaginable. Any SY should doubt that Shri Mataji actually discussed about them but many don't. A few like Aunty Shaku have surpassed even Shri Mataji and now dispense cures to SY 'patients' with unpretentious ease. (What is going to happen in future when more Aunty Shakus promote themselves as self-qualified doctors to the naive and ignorant?)Shri Mataji was the original 'spiritual physician' who prescribed certain treatments for certain

individuals. This advise was for those with serious problems, probably related to mental and social issues. But those SYs around Her also took notes and proudly dispensed the same advise. Nothing sells like "I heard Shri Mataji say so". Today there are thousands of SY 'doctors' able to dispense 'medicine' for every ailment immaginable. No wonder they can detect 'sickness' and 'diseases' in every other SY, something that Shri Mataji would never have even bothered. This sad state of affairs is the norm in each and every collective, a disease that has been allowed, even encouraged, to spread and now afflicts all. If left unchecked, even at this late stage, this disease will eventually consume all. For years i have been trying to bring sense but most SYs refuse to listen to reason and logic. They just do not realize the enormous damage they have unwittingly inflicted on the organisation, still unable to understand why 99.99% of new seekers flee after a short time. SYs

have time and again failed to comprehend, even less admit, that their subtle system/treatments approach has failed abysmally to attract seekers ............. time and again for the last three decades.i have found yet further evidence to corroborate what has been discussed here. But don't expect things to change within months, even years. The psyche of SYs will take a long time to rid themselves of the conditionings they have invented and continue to induce upon each other:"Christian believers who feel devastated by numerous reports of degenerate crimes and depraved lifestyles of many priests and ministers can now take comfort, for God has given us a new book of Scripture. In this amazing sacred book, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, Jesus reveals that an official priesthood and elaborate ceremonies are useless and unnecessary, because each person can simply go into "the closet of his soul" and talk

to God – and learn how to listen. No one needs a priest as intermediary, because anyone can establish a personal relationship with God (our Father) and be "priest unto himself."Jewish faithful can now be reverent (instead of suspicious or distraught) regarding the Hebrew origin of Christian Religion and traditions. In the Aquarian Gospel, Jesus' deep roots in Hebrew culture are clearly established; and the careful reader cannot fail to recognize that the record of Jesus' entire life and ministry (now revealed in this sacred book) establishes him as the spiritual leader of the world, and the greatest prophet who ever lived.Furthermore, those who have studied the Book of Revelation are aware that, in that mysterious final book of the Christian Bible, Jesus implores believers to "overcome" (several times). The Aquarian Gospel reveals exactly what Jesus meant by this. The following 5½-page essay is

an editorial review of Levi H. Dowling's precious transcript – known as the Aquarian Gospel. This brief summary is based on a 22-year study of his book, and it touches on a few of the most profound Revelations disclosed in his amazing "end times" publication. This review includes a description of the final days – the days preceding Judgment Day (very near)."Aquarian Gospel Book Reviewhttp://home.netcom.com/~mokeeffe/index.htmlSeekers are looking for the Sure Signs of God Almighty (Brahman) to guide them during these difficult times. We don't need the confusion of innovative rituals to repulse them forever from Sahaja Yoga. But that, unfortunately, is exactly what is happening in all our collectives as hundreds and thousands of so-called 'doctors' first diagnose your 'sickness' and prescribe treatments. Sahaja Yoga has become a mass

Hindu-like mess of rituals and techniques that the vast majority of non-Hindus will continue to reject. If SYs had listened to Her in the early 80s to spread the Divine Message we would have seen very little of so-called treatments. But then without the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga, the Divine Message to humanity, what is Sahaja Yoga all about? It is the mass of rituals, techniques and treatments that SYs want others to follow. It is a mess that few management SYs want to admit.regards,jagbir , "Violet" <vtubb@b...> wrote:> Dear All,> > In my understanding, teachings about clearing, etc. were not part > of the Official Message of Shri Mataji. She only ever talked about > these in private mostly and to specific individuals mostly.> > The elements of water, earth, fire, air and ether have always been > with us. They are a part of our bodies and a

part of the created > universe. But the element of the Spirit is above it all, which is > within all these elements and if the Spirit were not there, they > would all die.> > We wash our hands to clean them, thus using the element of water. > We use fire to burn up rubbish, thereby using the element of fire. > In the same way that fire can burn material rubbish, it can also > burn away subtle rubbish. > > We all use the earth, when we meditate sitting on the earth. The > vibrational energy within the earth automatically clears us. > Mother Earth has a 'sucking, drawing energy' which when we are > enlightened we can feel more clearly. We can look at the sky and > we all do and feel our mind clearing. We feel the wind flowing > around our bodies and Her Message of Love in this Divine Wind.> > In one form or another, these elements are part of our life.>

> It is my understanding that Shri Mataji showed us how to use these > consciously when needed to help us.> > However, to my understanding, She never stood on a platform and > started instructing lectures on it.> > SY's were so desperate for specific instructions (to get it right) > that painstaking work was done to get this into a book. Questions > were asked of Shri Mataji to fill in the missing pieces, in order > to get it right. I always had the impression that people somewhat > not quite nice when trying to extract specific information from > Shri Mataji about these subjects. i always felt it was like a > Mother, who only gave you what She thought you should know for a > specific problem.> > i personally found they helped me. However, then i found that the > Kundalini energy was flowing unobstructedly. Then i became part > and parcel of these elements

and i found them helping me > automatically; the whole of nature helping me.(however, i would > use if i felt particular need, the same way as you use some > medicine when you need at a particular time, that's all).> > There were times when Shri Mataji gave some instruction to one > person to help them 'clear' and then everyone else took on that > instruction and did the very same thing. Later, Shri Mataji asked > why everyone was also doing that technique. She was told that > because She had told it to someone. Then Shri Mataji said, that > no, it was for that person, not for another person. Shri Mataji > might have given one technique to help a person and a completely > different one for another person (like medicine is done).> > Shri Mataji tried from every angle, from the spirit, the soul, the > chakras and the body.... to help us to become established with our >

connection. She showed that it all flows from the Spirit, then to > the Soul, then to the chakras, then to the body.> > There was so much grossness in the world, when Shri Mataji came > that people were so-called 'stuck' in their bodies, through drugs, > going to wrong gurus, conditionings and so forth.> > Sometimes, She would say to the collective, you have got to > footsoak every night, or you have got to do this or that every > night.> > However, we must remember what state we were all in at that time. > This power was to come on Earth through us. And it was not getting > through easily at first. We were the first ones.> > Now, we know how the Holy Spirit power is freely flowing and > because of it, in general throughout the whole Earth it is so > strong. Look at Chuck, he has received his Self-Realization > through the internet, and is a changed man. He

did not depend on > chakra clearing because the energy is so strong on Earth now that > it all happens so directly. Chuck is not even interested in > knowing about chakra clearing because he comes from a Christian > background and he knows that his faith in God, the Holy Spirit, > does everything. Now, i believe that when people get their Second > Birth, Self-Realization, or Connection with the Divine, the > transformation is very quick, and not necessarily needing chakra > clearing, because the Spirit's connection with the Divine and the > flow of energy through our attention can work this out > automatically. It's like that story that Shri Mataji told that if > there are a certain number of people that are a certain way, it > all works out collectively.> > Shri Mataji talked about the attention. At first, we for > example could do chakra clearing manually. Then, later, if we

just > put our attention there, it would clear, so the attention could > take over the work automatically.> > i, personally do not see what is this obsession with chakras. i > saw the usefulness of the knowledge and used it, and now it all > works automatically. Maybe, for some people it all works > automatically right from the start. And maybe, for others, they > cannot see past manual clearing of chakras, etc.> > Sahaja Yoga is not about chakra cleansing though. Sahaja Yoga is > about the spiritual birthright that we all have. About spiritual > evolution. People have become stuck on chakra clearing and perhaps > this can be seen to be just as obsessive as if someone is always > washing their hands, because they feel they can never become clean.> > Normally, in the past, the Second Birth, or Self-Realization only > came to people who were ready for it in the sense

of that they had > already worked out all these blockages in mind and body. However, > Shri Mataji found that when She gave realization first, then maybe > She found that a lot of people needed help with the clearing in > order to make use of this connection.> > In any case, i believe that there has been too much stress put on > chakra clearing. It can't be ignored altogether, but it needs to > be in its right place. i don't think that this idea of Chakra > Clearing Weekends is the balance. If one puts so much attention on > chakras, they get stuck there. Shri Mataji has always said to put > our attention on the Spirit, the Sahasrara, the Kingdom of God. > And yet, we know very little about the Kingdom of God, because the > stress is instead on the chakras.> > What i see as being in proportion is that all Sahaja Yogis are > made aware of Shri Mataji's Mission and Message

of the Last > Judgment and Resurrecton. We need to understand that, and realize > our relationship with the Divine; our relationship is with the > Divine, not with the chakra. It all needs to come from the Top > Down now. Shri Mataji started it all from the Top (Self-> Realization). Somehow, it has been altered so that Chakra Clearing > is at the Top and your Relationship with the Divine is an > incidental that comes from chakra clearing. This is where its all > gone wrong. The whole order has been switched around. > > A lot of people see it like this and stress it like this: -> > 1. Chakra> > 2. Body> > 3. Soul> > 4. Spirit> > > Shri Mataji actually taught it like this and stressed it like > this: -> > 1. Spirit (first)> > 2. Soul > > 3. Chakra> > 4. Body> >

(But Subtle System pandits have changed it around to be like the > first example where the emphasis is on No.1 Chakra).> > For those who are truly enlightened, this emphasis and people's > writing in and wanting to discuss chakras above all, is anathema. > It shows a fixation on a part of a whole system, rather than the > understanding of the whole. Shri Mataji wanted us to have a > Wholistic Understanding. > > It all has to be seen in its proper perspective. It also has to be > seen that people from different religious persuasions are not > interested in Hindu-looking rituals and have no interest in > chakras. That does not make any difference to their entrance into > the Kingdom of God, because they consider Spirit to be No.1 and > that is all that counts in the end, if they have the "faith as a > grain of mustard seed that can remove mountains." This faith, that > Jesus

talked about, if it can move mountains, surely it can also > move or remove any blockages in the body also.> > As Jesus said, "Your faith will make you whole". Only faith in > God, in the Divine, in our Spirit will get us through. It is not > up to us to thrust 'chakra clearing' down other people's throats. > > Shri Mataji usually only taught about 'chakra clearing' in little > groups when people just couldn't clearly connect with their Spirit.> > So, in this website, we are going the opposite way. We are going > from the Top down, the way Shri Mataji emphasized it. However, > because we believe that the Spirit can do all the work, we don't > feel that we have to deal out 'chakra medicine'. The real medicine > is from God Almighty and His Holy Spirit. There are such strong > vibrations today that if anyone has the faith in God; and in their > connection with the Divine,

that everything works out. If they > want to put their feet in a bucket of water with a bit of salt in > it and meditate that way, there is no big deal. If they want to > look at a candle while meditating it is no big deal. However, it > should be done as a private cleansing and not as a Major Religious > Ritual which puts others off. And all the extra bits of advice > from people pretending to be Subtle System Doctors is just too > much. It was difficult to extract this information from Shri > Mataji in order for people to put this into a book.> > The fact that Shri Mataji in the early days, told the very damaged > individuals that they must put their feet into saltwater buckets > to clear them, doesn't mean She says this for all time to all > people. She was talking to those people in front of Her. She was > not giving an Official Message for All Time. There is a > difference.

It was only for those people in front of Her. And yet, > this has now become Official Teaching, which Shri Mataji never > made it, now in Organization Subtle System Sahaja Yoga.> > Above all, if we have faith in God, all things work out. > > These are my personal opinions and i hope i offend no one and i > hope no one misunderstands.> > Violet> > > , buket ak > > <buketak2000> wrote:> > >> > > Dear brothers and sisters, > > >> > > Thank you Violet for tranffering rightly Shri> > > Mataji's statements about " relationship between> > > spirit, soul, chakras and body " They are very> > > important knowledge for Sahaja Yogini and Yogis who> > > read for this site. > > >> > > Whatever rituel we do in

Sahaja Yoga , they must> > > come from heart. Shri Mataji said one of his speech> > > that " Puja means not throw away things on me " you> > > must mean of Puja. Puja is not for me for you... > > > >Ý understand that,all rituells for awakinig power of> > > our chakras, god's qualities. here Our desire is very> > > important, if we really want use that power... > > >> > > Shri Mataji said that " Sahaja Yogis must know whole> > > technichs. You all must be exper on all technichs. " > > > For my experience before meditation than use> > > technichs. Cause we can not use technichs when we are> > > not meditation situation. For example i never work> > > with candle on somebody or myself just she can work .> > > cure ... i can not put my foods on salt water without> > >

meditation situation ... but at first to learn we just> > > predict... > > > > > > Ý think first meditation, and can achieve witness> > > state... Reading and listening Shri Mataji Speech very> > > very important and predict her advice at first. Try to> > > impply at the begining just predict than in> > > collectivite we grow. We can not grow, develop out of> > > collectivite.> > >> > > >Ýf we sincere about Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga don't> > > matter cause sometimes we can make mistakes, we can do> > > wrong, as long as her love is inside and we are in her> > > attention no need worry ... > > > JSM > > > > > > > , "jagbir singh" > <adishakti_org> wrote:> > Dear

Buket,> > > > i want to know what SYs have taught you regarding the following:> > > > Q 1: Is it possible to depend solely on our desire and attention > > to heal ourselves and solve problems, a state of mind which is > > very important for spiritual growth? > > > > Q 2: Is it possible, without any treatments and rituals > > whatsoever, to awaken the power of our chakras, god's qualities? > > > > Q 3: Is it possible that if we really want use that power of > > pure desire and attention, and that power only, to heal > > ourselves in mind and body i.e, without any external aids? > > > > Q 4: Is it possible to solely depend on the Shakti within for > > all our inner problems, expecially those related to health?> > > > > > i would really appreciate if you or any other member(s) answer > >

all the questions.> > > > regards,> > > > > > jagbir



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  • 2 weeks later...

>Dear jagbir

Ý try to answer your Questions under Sahaja Yoga

knowledge which i have learned today and wish forgive

from mother if i tell something wrong...


1-Yes it is possible to depend solely on our desire

and attention heal ourselves if we have non catched

and clean swadisthan chakras cause pure desire related

left swadisthan , attention related right swadisthan


2- Yes it is possible , without any treatments and

rituals whatsoever to awaken the power of our chakras

and god's qualities if Devi really want this and if it

is Devi's desire not us... Ýf we have choosen and i

really have believed this cause when i come to Sahaja

Yoga 2. week although my chakras were not clean i was

connected ... i know it was not my choosen. H

--- jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:


> , buket

> ak

> <buketak2000> wrote:

> > >Dear brothers and sisters,

> > > Thank you Violet for tranffering rightly Shri

> > Mataji's statements about " relationship between

> > spirit, soul, chakras and body " They are very

> > important knowledge for Sahaja Yogini and Yogis

> who

> > read for this site.

> > >Whatever rituel we do in Sahaja Yoga , they

> must

> > come from heart. Shri Mataji said one of his

> speech

> > that " Puja means not throw away things on me "

> you

> > must mean of Puja. Puja is not for me for you...

> > >Ý understand that,all rituells for awakinig power

> of

> > our chakras, god's qualities. here Our desire is

> very

> > important, if we really want use that power...

> > >Shri Mataji said that " Sahaja Yogis must know

> whole

> > technichs. You all must be exper on all technichs.

> "

> > For my experience before meditation than use

> > technichs. Cause we can not use technichs when we

> are

> > not meditation situation. For example i never work

> > with candle on somebody or myself just she can

> work .

> > cure ... i can not put my foods on salt water

> without

> > meditation situation ... but at first to learn we

> just

> > predict...

> > > Ý think first meditation, and can achieve

> witness

> > state... Reading and listening Shri Mataji Speech

> very

> > very important and predict her advice at first.

> Try to

> > impply at the begining just predict than in

> > collectivite we grow. We can not grow, develop out

> of

> > collectivite.

> > >Ýf we sincere about Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga

> don't

> > matter cause sometimes we can make mistakes, we

> can do

> > wrong, as long as her love is inside and we are in

> her

> > attention no need worry ...

> > JSM

> >


> Dear Buket,


> i want to know what SYs have taught you regarding

> the following:


> Q 1: Is it possible to depend solely on our desire

> and attention to

> heal ourselves and solve problems, a state of mind

> which is very

> important for spiritual growth?


> Q 2: Is it possible, without any treatments and

> rituals whatsoever,

> to awaken the power of our chakras, god's qualities?



> Q 3: Is it possible that if we really want use that

> power of pure

> desire and attention, and that power only, to heal

> ourselves in mind

> and body i.e, without any external aids?


> Q 4: Is it possible to solely depend on the Shakti

> within for all

> our inner problems, expecially those related to

> health?



> i would really appreciate if you or any other

> member(s) answer all

> the questions.


> regards,



> jagbir













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