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We must overcome this shocking resistance to God Almighty's plan for humanity

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Dear Chuck,


> i believe people like you and Semira have a head start over many

> SYs who have spent years in Sahaja Yoga. Those who believe in the

> Divine Message and then start meditating on the Adi Shakti (Holy

> Spirit) have a number of distinct advantages. Among those that

> matter most are:


> i) they will have joined because of the truth presented upfront

> at the Last Judgment and Resurrection has begun. They will join

> because of the faith, hope and joy in God Almighty's Divine Plan

> for humanity, not to cure cirrhosis or relieve a stress. The Cool

> Breeze will be a constant and self-evidence reminder that they are

> being resurrected in mind, body and soul, just as the holy

> scriptures promised. All the Believers taking part will constantly

> remember the Divine and conscientiously strive to lead dharmic

> lives.


> ii) they will become their own masters from the start and bypass

> years of trying to learn about/cleanse chakras on the endless

> advise from 'senior' SYs. Being constantly subject to the guilt of

> having a 'sick' and 'unclean' subtle system induces many new

> seekers to think they need the enlightenment and guidance of other

> SYs. Right away their 'ignorance' and lack of knowledge makes them

> dependant on others. It will take them a long time (if at all) to

> realize that such knowledge was in fact petty and largely

> unnecessary.


> iii) they will begin meditating on the Adi Shakti within right away

> instead of external images of Shri Mataji. Most management-

> controlled SYs cannot meditate without Her photograph and any

> suggestion to meditate internally without any image whatsoever is

> rejected. This external fixation will be severely tested when She

> leaves. Those who have begun to meditate on Her within will not

> experience the mourning most SYs will undergo when Shri Mataji

> decides to leave.


> iv) they will be able to spread Sahaja Yoga far more successfully

> than was done in the past. The overriding reason for this optimism

> is that these people, unlike past SYs, will state the truth of the

> Divine Message upfront, a message that any Jew, Christian, Muslim,

> Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh or anyone else can identify and feel

> comfortable with. The untold damage caused by the official

> suppression of the Divine Message and Shri Mataji's identity will

> never be quantified. Only those new seekers who will openly uphold

> the plain truth will overcome this shocking resistance to God

> Almighty's plan for all His children.


> As Shri Mataji predicted, those outside the organization will

> complete Her Work if SYs do not. We have begun to witness just

> that.



Dear Devotees of the Shakti,


i cannot stop emphasizing how vital is for us to resist by all means

possible WCASY and management SYs who want us to be dishonest. Do

not be taken in by their claims to present the Will of the Adi

Shakti, a claim that no deity or incarnation for all eternity will

even dare think. But mere humans who know as much about the Kingdom

of God as asses know about Jesus openly claim they do (but have no

guts to even squeak a single sentence about the Divine Message or

fulfil the Adi Shakti's decades-old desire and attention that

humanity must know this absolute truth!)


Their claim to present Her Will is a most henious and preposterous

act against the Divine that has absolutely no sanction in the

Kingdom of God. (The day i heard this the coconut on the altar

cracked wide open, something that has not happened for years. i

asked my wife why and she replied without hesitation that it was

because of what the World Council has announced. You may check your



Only those new seekers who will openly uphold the plain truth will

overcome this shocking resistance to God Almighty's plan for all His

children. Perhaps this quote from the recent Kalki Avatar article

may make you realize how far WCASY and their handpicked and like-

minded management SYs have strayed from the path of dharma.



" In such interpretations everyone who is enlightened enough to

follow the ways of ultimate honesty and ultimate love can be

declared to be an honorable manifestation of Vishnu the preserver of

Life, and Kalki the Destroyer of Foulness … but no one person can

be declared to be the ultimate manifestation…or the ultimate

teacher for all people. There are many ways to point out some of the

worst confusions that afflict human minds and souls, and for anyone

to think that there is only one greatest and most perfect way for

all, (which is of course their own), and that all others must be

scorned, shunned, denigrated and vilified is itself one of the worst

and most dangerous confusions that afflict many who are spiritually

weak, ignorant, cowardly and vain.


It is emphasized that much is required in many spiritual paths, but

the most important of all requirements are the will to speak the

truth, and the capacity to love anyone who perceive the truth and

become devoted to it, no matter how troublesome, misguided,

dishonest and dangerous they may initially be. One can not force

change upon others, but one can give them the information and

opportunity by which they can come to desire beneficial change



Each person who is wisely charitable, " riding the white horses " of

fate's flow, and wielding the deceit destroying " sword " of honesty

can become a " Kalki " — a destroyer of such foulness as could

dwell within themselves first and foremost, that they may more ably

assist others in destroying the capacities for evil within



Each person is considered a potential spiritual ruler of their own

manifest span of mortal life, a universe to themselves connected to

all others by bonds of awareness and sympathy; a person of utmost

integrity, perceiving many connections between all people, all

events, all ideas and all souls, and therefore affirming that

respect for the individual integrity of all other mortals as an

imperative of their own. The Kali Yuga can end within them, no

matter how long it may persist in others, and a Satya Yuga of wisdom

begins within their life, enabling them to help others to find their

own unique paths towards enlightenment, and into their own ranges of

contentment. "


Yes, only those new seekers who will openly uphold the plain truth

will overcome this shocking resistance to God Almighty's plan for



Jai Shri Mataji,




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