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My humble comments on the last posts

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Jai Shri Mataji!

Deasr borthers and sisters,

I have read a good amount of what is being post here these days and I have felt an urgent feeling to say my opionion and set my quetions.Please,do not be offended even if what I say seems to be so out of my lack of skills.

I have experienced the fact that when you talk to someone about Sahaja Yoga without telling them the truth about Shri Mataji they :a)cannot understand the meaning of some parts of Sahaja Yoga practise.So, I have given Self-Reaslisation to a couple of people or so. In the beggining I didn't tell them the Truth about the Mother,I did so in a month or so after they strted weel on the practise and as work permitted.Before telling them,they couldn't fully accept/understand the use of Her photograph.

b)They cannot easily undesrand the meaning and importance of Sahaja Yoga and Self-Realisation.They didn't understand that the Awakening of Kundalini is such a precious gift, that was extremely rare in the past.They couldn';t fully accept/understand that this is about Union witht the Divine and the fulfilment of Revelation.After revealing the Truth about the Mother to them, they improved greatly.

But, I still think telling the Truth from the very first Sahaja yoga presentation is too much, Today, many are creating sects,claim to be gods and deceive people. If someone heard that that Woman from India with a big red dot claims to be the Incarnation of the Supreme,what would they think?What should they believe just by hearing,without experiencing?Of course,I do not mean they should try Sahaja Yoga for years before revealing the Truth, but I think a month,less or more accordin to the person, should be left so thet the newcomer experiences the power of the Gift they have been given.

So, in my opinion, not strict rules should be given. She Herself has rarely given strict rules to Her Children.I think we shouldn't be that harsh and accuse anyone who doesn;t say from the very first time that Shri Mataji is Adi Shakti. Even if they should, accusing them either directly or behind the, doesn;t not bring any benefits.Only the shouting of Our mother banishes bhoots, our shooting invites them within.

So,please stop using all that harsh language.It doesn't benefit anyone .Just stick to the Truth and don't accuse those who don't follow It.Just forgive them.Wouldn't that please Our Mother the most?

Now about the World Counsil, soory but I don't get somwething. Isn't Shri Mataji the Chairman?Hasn't She personally chosen the members?Even they are doing some against her Will, wouldn;t She do something as She is the chairman?How can they be so bad as you accuse them and Shri Mataji accepts it?She is Adi Shakti,how could She just stand and see?Even She seemigly doesn;t do anything, i fully trust Her and know She will bring the solution in the Best way!


P.S.I have started studying the Meta Modern Era.It is a wondeful book and I fully advice all our brothers and sisters to buy it

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