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The difference between Manual Clearing & Kundalini Clearing...

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Dear All,


There are two ways that energy centres (chakras) can get cleared.

They can get cleared by what is called " Manual Clearing " and this is

done by the external method of using the hands to move energy in a

clockwise direction to clear energy blocks (also called " catches "

like when we say 'catching a cold'). Manual Clearing is only needed

BEFORE `thoughtless awareness' is established.


Only AFTER 'thoughtless awareness' is established, will " Kundalini

Clearing " take over. The Mother Kundalini (Holy Spirit Within) does

this automatically when She is established and She can also be

consciously directed by a person's 'en-light-ened attention' to

where She is needed to do the job of keeping the energy of your

connection to the Divine flowing unobstructedly.


It is of utmost importance to realize that a Wholistic Approach including

Meditation, Contemplation, Introspection and last but not least.... SURRENDER TO

THE DIVINE.... are essential requirements, without which, neither Manual

Clearing or Kundalini Clearing will be successful.


(Btw, Manual Clearing of energy centres (chakra clearing) is not

required by Christians and Muslims and Sikhs and other devout folk who have

their Baptism of the Holy Spirit/Self-Realization but do not want anything to do

with what to them looks like a Hindu ritual. However, they are believers in God

and their 'faith will make them whole'. The Kundalini will automatically do the

job for them because of their great faith in God Almighty. " But if any of you

lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without

reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without any

doubting. " (James 1:5-6))


After `thoughtless awareness' is established, a person can and

should dispense with Manual Clearing, because as mentioned

previously, the Kundalini is doing this automatically and moreover,

the person can also consciously direct the Kundalini (Holy Spirit

within) to wherever it is needed by using their 'en-light-ened

attention' to do so. The Mother Kundalini (Holy Spirit) will clear the energy

centres from within.


You can compare the difference between " Manual Clearing "

and " Kundalini Clearing " as the difference between driving a Manual

Car or an Automatic Car.


The manual car (manual clearing) is more difficult and tedious and

the gear shifting (energy clearing) is required because this isn't

happening automatically. It is also done from the outside.


However, when 'thoughtless awareness' is established within a

person, the 'automatic drive' ... so to speak 'kicks in'. In other

words, the Kundalini is established and the gears (energy clearing)

happens automatically as needed. In addition to this, a person can

also consciously direct their Kundalini (Holy Spirit within) to

wherever it is needed with their 'en-light-ened attention'.

" Kundalini Clearing " is done through the agency of the Kundalini and is done

from within a person.


Shri Mataji explains that the growth of spirituality does not start

until a person is established in `thoughtless awareness'. When

`thoughtless awareness' is established, it is common knowledge that

the Kundalini is established. When the Kundalini is established,

Kundalini Clearing happens and we can also direct our Kundalini to

where this clearing is needed.


Even when Kundalini Clearing is established, Shri Mataji says you

may still feel a few little chakra blockages here and there. She

says, " Forget it. Just forget it " .


Over time, as a person stay in thoughtless awareness, the Kundalini

will clear all blockages, and thus they are not to worry about these

little chakra blockages here and there, but just to forget about it.


Shri Mataji explains: -


" So, first you become thoughtlessly aware, then the growth of

spirituality starts, AFTER thoughtless awareness, NOT BEFORE. One

should know that. On rational plane you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga.

So, first thing is to establish your thoughtless awareness: still

you might feel little chakra blockages here and there; forget it.

Just forget it. "


( " How to stop your thoughts - HHSM 19-01-1984)


Shri Mataji further describes and explains about this Divine

Technique where the enlightened attention is very effective and our

desire is very effective for chakra clearing or anything else that

is needed: -


" Sahasrara is your awareness; when it is enlightened you get into

the techniques of the Divine. Now there are two techniques, the

techniques of the Divine, and the techniques you follow. You cannot

act as the Divine, but you can use the Divine power to manoeuvre it.

For example, the Divine looks after all the Universal Happenings.

Every minutest particle is controlled by the Divine. When your

Sahasrara opens out, and your Kundalini touches the fontanelle

bone,a sort of lightening force is ready in your Sahasrara; and as

soon as the fontanelle bone area opens up in the Sahasrara, the

grace of the spirit ignites that igniting force and your nadis

(channels) get enlightened. Not all of them, but quite a lot of

them; not all the length, but quite the peripheries. That is how you

get your enlightenment. So many things happen because of your seven

centres being in the Sahasrara; with the light you see their

relative positions. I mean your mind, your conscious mind feels that

integration within you. The rationality that is separated from the

heart becomes one with the heart. It becomes one with your

attention. Wherever your attention goes you act in a collective way.

All the activities in your attention are blessed. Your attention

itself is effective. Your attention is very important, your desires

are even more important because it is such an integrated thing, your

desires and your attention becomes one. Whatever is good for the

spirit, you desire. " (May 5, 1982, France)



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