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The truth that subtle system SYs and WCASY conveniently forgot about Shakti

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Dear all,


It is common knowledge that a number of subtle system SYs and WCASY

council members hold PhDs in Chakralogy, a proud tradition that is

openly advertised and acknowledged by the rank and file. But i have

found out that they are really shallow in their knowledge and even

less in faith about the Shakti within. Yes, they will give you reams

of facts about chakras, catches and cures. They will also talk

endlessly about kundalini and its miracullous powers. But ask them

about the Lalita Sahasranama or the Shakti within and they have

nothing much to say. All their attention is on Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi. As far as they are concerned everything is done by Her.


i know for a fact that Shri Mataji does nothing, which She has

admitted many times, and will continue to do nothing. i know it is

the Shakti (Spirit) within that does everything, from awakening your

kundalni and giving self-realization to protecting Her devotees.

That is why i keep telling that we must learn to meditate on the

Shakti in our Sahasraras, without any image or rituals whatsoever.

Just because management and mainstream SYs do not talk about the

Shakti in the Sahasrara it does not mean we should continue on the

external worship. In the end they too will realize that it is the

Shakti within they will have to worship and meditate on. How long

can they condition all to keep their attention on Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi who is but the mere physical incarnation of the DEVI, a

form necessary to deliver the Divine Message? Why is no subtle

system SY, leader or WCASY talking about the Shakti within even as

they continue to advertise about chakras and self-realization? When

last in our living memory did we hear anything about the Shakti in

our Sahasrara?


i have copied an excellent post regarding the Shakti within in

relation to the Lalita Sahasranama. Perhaps it will give subtle

system SYs and WCASY a clue of what happens when truth is organized,

teachings corrupted, faith weakened and individual effort denounced.

It will also cast doubts as to the authenticity and quality of their

PhDs. Maybe we will also be able to get a clue as to why our public

programs are regarded as mediocre. (When it is so easy to pay

excellent teachers with recognized credentials, modern studious and

glossy brochures over the internet regarding chakras, why should

anyone attend free programs held in borrowed premises?)


i believe that 1000s of SYs over decades have not been able to

produce a standard public program booklet that is anywhere near the

quality of the ordinary post below. Anyway, it is just about the truth

that subtle system SYs and WCASY conveniently forgot about the Shakti.

And we all keep wondering why Sahaja Yoga is not spreading.


Jai Shri Mataji,








" Devi Bhakta " <devi_bhakta

Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:24 pm

Introduction to Namas 475-534 (LalithA SahasranAma Series)


I mentioned in a post the other day (in relation to Mary Ann's

comment that some of the Namas -- sumukhi, " having a beautiful

face, " being the catalyst offender, I believe -- struck her as

sexist male fantasies, rather than serious names of worship) that

this is rather emphatically not the case in Shaktism in general or

the LS in particular.


As much wiser members than I have noted many times (whether

noticed or not), these Namas are basically never taken merely at

surface value, nor are their particular sequences and groupings to

be considered at all arbitrary. For example, the first set of names

in the LS recap in compressed, coded form the central scripture

known as Lalitopakhyana -- one of the primary scriptural sources of

Lalita lore in Srividya Upansana.


While it may be impossible to entirely bridge those gaps of

understanding that will inevitably arise when attempting to span

cultures and millenia, I hope that perhaps, by elucidating some of

these groupings as they arise, we can show our members exactly how

and why the Lalita Saharanama is systematically unfolding as it does.


Nora has now posted up to name 474; so before she posts further, I

would note (for anyone who may not know, and may happen to be

interested) that we are about to enter another distinct " set " of

Namas -- 475 through 534. These Namas will collectively elaborate

Devi's seven forms in the Chakras (from Muladhara through Sahasrara).


According to the Yogini Nyasa, Sri Lalita has a distinct form and

name in each Chakra -- each form having Her own distinct appearance,

weapons, attendants, favorite delicacies, and of course Her specific

place in the various dhAtUs of the body.


Devi, through these forms, " devolves " from the subtlest (most

transcendant) state of Union with Siva, to the grossest (most

material) Prithvi state as She descends from Sahasrara to Muladhara

in the body.


Advanced sadhaks can, with Her grace, experience Her various forms

in these chakras as a result of antaryAga (internal, mental

worship). For those of you following along at home, the name sets



Namas 475-484: VISUDDI CHAKRA


Namas 485-494: ANAHATA CHAKRA


Namas 495-503: MANIPURA CHAKRA






Namas 521-527: AJNA CHAKRA


Namas 528-534: SAHASRARA


These names describe in detail the even tissues, seven chakras,

their presiding Deities, their NaivedyAs, their Yoginis or

attendants, and the Nama aspect of Reality expressed as letters of

the alphabet (or Matrika) from A to Ksa. They also represent the

seven planes of consciousness or lokas, as well as the various

stages of the embryo in the womb of its mother.


For illustrations, scriptural translation and interpretation, visit

our homepage at:




I hope all of this will help some of you appreciate the depth and

meaning of the upcoming Namas as we approach the halfway point in

Nora's excellent ongoing series.


aim mAtangyai namaH



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Dear Jagbir


You have good ideas....all that u mentioned here is correct...but the best way is to stop criticising other sy's...and be what u r..

jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:

Dear all,It is common knowledge that a number of subtle system SYs and WCASY council members hold PhDs in Chakralogy, a proud tradition that is openly advertised and acknowledged by the rank and file. But i have found out that they are really shallow in their knowledge and even less in faith about the Shakti within. Yes, they will give you reams of facts about chakras, catches and cures. They will also talk endlessly about kundalini and its miracullous powers. But ask them about the Lalita Sahasranama or the Shakti within and they have nothing much to say. All their attention is on Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. As far as they are concerned everything is done by Her. i know for a fact that Shri Mataji does nothing, which She has admitted many times, and will continue to do nothing. i know it is the Shakti (Spirit) within that

does everything, from awakening your kundalni and giving self-realization to protecting Her devotees. That is why i keep telling that we must learn to meditate on the Shakti in our Sahasraras, without any image or rituals whatsoever. Just because management and mainstream SYs do not talk about the Shakti in the Sahasrara it does not mean we should continue on the external worship. In the end they too will realize that it is the Shakti within they will have to worship and meditate on. How long can they condition all to keep their attention on Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is but the mere physical incarnation of the DEVI, a form necessary to deliver the Divine Message? Why is no subtle system SY, leader or WCASY talking about the Shakti within even as they continue to advertise about chakras and self-realization? When last in our living memory did we hear anything about the Shakti in our Sahasrara?i have copied an

excellent post regarding the Shakti within in relation to the Lalita Sahasranama. Perhaps it will give subtle system SYs and WCASY a clue of what happens when truth is organized, teachings corrupted, faith weakened and individual effort denounced. It will also cast doubts as to the authenticity and quality of their PhDs. Maybe we will also be able to get a clue as to why our public programs are regarded as mediocre. (When it is so easy to pay excellent teachers with recognized credentials, modern studious and glossy brochures over the internet regarding chakras, why should anyone attend free programs held in borrowed premises?) i believe that 1000s of SYs over decades have not been able to produce a standard public program booklet that is anywhere near the quality of the ordinary post below. Anyway, it is just about the truth that subtle system SYs and WCASY conveniently forgot about the Shakti.And we all keep wondering why

Sahaja Yoga is not spreading.Jai Shri Mataji,jagbir-"Devi Bhakta" <devi_bhakta Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:24 pm Introduction to Namas 475-534 (LalithA SahasranAma Series) I mentioned in a post the other day (in relation to Mary Ann'scomment that some of the Namas -- sumukhi, "having a beautifulface," being the catalyst offender, I believe -- struck her assexist male fantasies, rather than serious names of worship) thatthis is rather emphatically not the case in Shaktism in general orthe LS in particular.As much wiser members than I have noted many times (whethernoticed or not), these Namas are basically never taken merely atsurface value, nor are their particular sequences and groupings tobe considered at all arbitrary. For example, the first set of namesin the LS recap in

compressed, coded form the central scriptureknown as Lalitopakhyana -- one of the primary scriptural sources ofLalita lore in Srividya Upansana.While it may be impossible to entirely bridge those gaps ofunderstanding that will inevitably arise when attempting to spancultures and millenia, I hope that perhaps, by elucidating some ofthese groupings as they arise, we can show our members exactly howand why the Lalita Saharanama is systematically unfolding as it does.Nora has now posted up to name 474; so before she posts further, Iwould note (for anyone who may not know, and may happen to beinterested) that we are about to enter another distinct "set" ofNamas -- 475 through 534. These Namas will collectively elaborateDevi's seven forms in the Chakras (from Muladhara through Sahasrara).According to the Yogini Nyasa, Sri Lalita has a distinct form andname in each Chakra -- each form having Her own distinct

appearance,weapons, attendants, favorite delicacies, and of course Her specificplace in the various dhAtUs of the body.Devi, through these forms, "devolves" from the subtlest (mosttranscendant) state of Union with Siva, to the grossest (mostmaterial) Prithvi state as She descends from Sahasrara to Muladharain the body.Advanced sadhaks can, with Her grace, experience Her various formsin these chakras as a result of antaryAga (internal, mentalworship). For those of you following along at home, the name setsare:Namas 475-484: VISUDDI CHAKRANamas 485-494: ANAHATA CHAKRANamas 495-503: MANIPURA CHAKRANamas 504-513: SVADHISTHANA CHAKRANamas 514-520: MULADHARA CHAKRANamas 521-527: AJNA CHAKRANamas 528-534: SAHASRARAThese names describe in detail the even tissues, seven chakras,their presiding Deities, their NaivedyAs, their Yoginis orattendants, and the Nama aspect of

Reality expressed as letters ofthe alphabet (or Matrika) from A to Ksa. They also represent theseven planes of consciousness or lokas, as well as the variousstages of the embryo in the womb of its mother.For illustrations, scriptural translation and interpretation, visitour homepage at:http://www.shaktisadhana.org/Photo%20Gallery/cakrasmain.htmlI hope all of this will help some of you appreciate the depth andmeaning of the upcoming Namas as we approach the halfway point inNora's excellent ongoing series.aim mAtangyai namaH/message/18615

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Dear Jagbir,

What you describe below is the common problem that has happened in

all religions. It is so easy to get stuck and caught up in things

along the path; so that people forget that the path is not the end

in itself. To start our spiritual journey we need the path, and we

have different individual needs of guidance, structure and rituals.

However, it is easy to lose sight that the path itself is not the

ultimate aim. The ultimate aim is to proceed beyond the path, and to

experience the beauty and liberation of this.

Love, Semira





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> Dear all,


> It is common knowledge that a number of subtle system SYs and


> council members hold PhDs in Chakralogy, a proud tradition that is

> openly advertised and acknowledged by the rank and file. But i


> found out that they are really shallow in their knowledge and even

> less in faith about the Shakti within. Yes, they will give you


> of facts about chakras, catches and cures. They will also talk

> endlessly about kundalini and its miracullous powers. But ask them

> about the Lalita Sahasranama or the Shakti within and they have

> nothing much to say. All their attention is on Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi. As far as they are concerned everything is done by Her.


> i know for a fact that Shri Mataji does nothing, which She has

> admitted many times, and will continue to do nothing. i know it is

> the Shakti (Spirit) within that does everything, from awakening


> kundalni and giving self-realization to protecting Her devotees.

> That is why i keep telling that we must learn to meditate on the

> Shakti in our Sahasraras, without any image or rituals whatsoever.

> Just because management and mainstream SYs do not talk about the

> Shakti in the Sahasrara it does not mean we should continue on the

> external worship. In the end they too will realize that it is the

> Shakti within they will have to worship and meditate on. How long

> can they condition all to keep their attention on Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi who is but the mere physical incarnation of the DEVI,


> form necessary to deliver the Divine Message? Why is no subtle

> system SY, leader or WCASY talking about the Shakti within even as

> they continue to advertise about chakras and self-realization?


> last in our living memory did we hear anything about the Shakti in

> our Sahasrara?


> i have copied an excellent post regarding the Shakti within in

> relation to the Lalita Sahasranama. Perhaps it will give subtle

> system SYs and WCASY a clue of what happens when truth is


> teachings corrupted, faith weakened and individual effort


> It will also cast doubts as to the authenticity and quality of


> PhDs. Maybe we will also be able to get a clue as to why our


> programs are regarded as mediocre. (When it is so easy to pay

> excellent teachers with recognized credentials, modern studious


> glossy brochures over the internet regarding chakras, why should

> anyone attend free programs held in borrowed premises?)


> i believe that 1000s of SYs over decades have not been able to

> produce a standard public program booklet that is anywhere near


> quality of the ordinary post below. Anyway, it is just about the


> that subtle system SYs and WCASY conveniently forgot about the


> And we all keep wondering why Sahaja Yoga is not spreading.


> Jai Shri Mataji,



> jagbir



> -


> " Devi Bhakta " <devi_bhakta@>

> Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:24 pm

> Introduction to Namas 475-534 (LalithA SahasranAma



> I mentioned in a post the other day (in relation to Mary Ann's

> comment that some of the Namas -- sumukhi, " having a beautiful

> face, " being the catalyst offender, I believe -- struck her as

> sexist male fantasies, rather than serious names of worship) that

> this is rather emphatically not the case in Shaktism in general or

> the LS in particular.


> As much wiser members than I have noted many times (whether

> noticed or not), these Namas are basically never taken merely at

> surface value, nor are their particular sequences and groupings to

> be considered at all arbitrary. For example, the first set of names

> in the LS recap in compressed, coded form the central scripture

> known as Lalitopakhyana -- one of the primary scriptural sources of

> Lalita lore in Srividya Upansana.


> While it may be impossible to entirely bridge those gaps of

> understanding that will inevitably arise when attempting to span

> cultures and millenia, I hope that perhaps, by elucidating some of

> these groupings as they arise, we can show our members exactly how

> and why the Lalita Saharanama is systematically unfolding as it



> Nora has now posted up to name 474; so before she posts further, I

> would note (for anyone who may not know, and may happen to be

> interested) that we are about to enter another distinct " set " of

> Namas -- 475 through 534. These Namas will collectively elaborate

> Devi's seven forms in the Chakras (from Muladhara through



> According to the Yogini Nyasa, Sri Lalita has a distinct form and

> name in each Chakra -- each form having Her own distinct


> weapons, attendants, favorite delicacies, and of course Her


> place in the various dhAtUs of the body.


> Devi, through these forms, " devolves " from the subtlest (most

> transcendant) state of Union with Siva, to the grossest (most

> material) Prithvi state as She descends from Sahasrara to Muladhara

> in the body.


> Advanced sadhaks can, with Her grace, experience Her various forms

> in these chakras as a result of antaryAga (internal, mental

> worship). For those of you following along at home, the name sets

> are:


> Namas 475-484: VISUDDI CHAKRA


> Namas 485-494: ANAHATA CHAKRA


> Namas 495-503: MANIPURA CHAKRA




> Namas 514-520: MULADHARA CHAKRA


> Namas 521-527: AJNA CHAKRA


> Namas 528-534: SAHASRARA


> These names describe in detail the even tissues, seven chakras,

> their presiding Deities, their NaivedyAs, their Yoginis or

> attendants, and the Nama aspect of Reality expressed as letters of

> the alphabet (or Matrika) from A to Ksa. They also represent the

> seven planes of consciousness or lokas, as well as the various

> stages of the embryo in the womb of its mother.


> For illustrations, scriptural translation and interpretation, visit

> our homepage at:


> http://www.shaktisadhana.org/Photo%20Gallery/cakrasmain.html


> I hope all of this will help some of you appreciate the depth and

> meaning of the upcoming Namas as we approach the halfway point in

> Nora's excellent ongoing series.


> aim mAtangyai namaH


> /message/18615

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Dear Jagbir,


I agree with you that it is the Spirit within that matters but you

exaggerate about Mother. She is nothing close to " mere " . Can I ask

you when She said She is not doing anything? I know She's said that

She works even during Her sleep. That She absorbs all our

negativity, and Her attention is on us when we do puja. As far as

I'm concerned we are lucky to have Her with us and claiming She is a

mere incarnation does Her disservice. Moreover I've read talks where

she wants us to use Her photo, even wear badges... What are you

talking about.


Please state whether you go along with Shri Mataji's teachings or

you differentiate when you think it is proper.


Regards, Michalis



, " semirafields "

<semirafields> wrote:

> Dear Jagbir,

> What you describe below is the common problem that has happened in

> all religions. It is so easy to get stuck and caught up in things

> along the path; so that people forget that the path is not the end

> in itself. To start our spiritual journey we need the path, and we

> have different individual needs of guidance, structure and


> However, it is easy to lose sight that the path itself is not the

> ultimate aim. The ultimate aim is to proceed beyond the path, and


> experience the beauty and liberation of this.

> Love, Semira





> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> > Dear all,

> >

> > It is common knowledge that a number of subtle system SYs and


> > council members hold PhDs in Chakralogy, a proud tradition that


> > openly advertised and acknowledged by the rank and file. But i

> have

> > found out that they are really shallow in their knowledge and


> > less in faith about the Shakti within. Yes, they will give you

> reams

> > of facts about chakras, catches and cures. They will also talk

> > endlessly about kundalini and its miracullous powers. But ask


> > about the Lalita Sahasranama or the Shakti within and they have

> > nothing much to say. All their attention is on Shri Mataji


> > Devi. As far as they are concerned everything is done by Her.

> >

> > i know for a fact that Shri Mataji does nothing, which She has

> > admitted many times, and will continue to do nothing. i know it


> > the Shakti (Spirit) within that does everything, from awakening

> your

> > kundalni and giving self-realization to protecting Her devotees.

> > That is why i keep telling that we must learn to meditate on the

> > Shakti in our Sahasraras, without any image or rituals


> > Just because management and mainstream SYs do not talk about the

> > Shakti in the Sahasrara it does not mean we should continue on


> > external worship. In the end they too will realize that it is


> > Shakti within they will have to worship and meditate on. How


> > can they condition all to keep their attention on Shri Mataji

> > Nirmala Devi who is but the mere physical incarnation of the


> a

> > form necessary to deliver the Divine Message? Why is no subtle

> > system SY, leader or WCASY talking about the Shakti within even


> > they continue to advertise about chakras and self-realization?

> When

> > last in our living memory did we hear anything about the Shakti


> > our Sahasrara?

> >

> > i have copied an excellent post regarding the Shakti within in

> > relation to the Lalita Sahasranama. Perhaps it will give subtle

> > system SYs and WCASY a clue of what happens when truth is

> organized,

> > teachings corrupted, faith weakened and individual effort

> denounced.

> > It will also cast doubts as to the authenticity and quality of

> their

> > PhDs. Maybe we will also be able to get a clue as to why our

> public

> > programs are regarded as mediocre. (When it is so easy to pay

> > excellent teachers with recognized credentials, modern studious

> and

> > glossy brochures over the internet regarding chakras, why should

> > anyone attend free programs held in borrowed premises?)

> >

> > i believe that 1000s of SYs over decades have not been able to

> > produce a standard public program booklet that is anywhere near

> the

> > quality of the ordinary post below. Anyway, it is just about the

> truth

> > that subtle system SYs and WCASY conveniently forgot about the

> Shakti.

> > And we all keep wondering why Sahaja Yoga is not spreading.

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

> > --------------------------------


> >

> > " Devi Bhakta " <devi_bhakta@>

> > Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:24 pm

> > Introduction to Namas 475-534 (LalithA SahasranAma

> Series)

> >

> > I mentioned in a post the other day (in relation to Mary Ann's

> > comment that some of the Namas -- sumukhi, " having a beautiful

> > face, " being the catalyst offender, I believe -- struck her as

> > sexist male fantasies, rather than serious names of worship) that

> > this is rather emphatically not the case in Shaktism in general


> > the LS in particular.

> >

> > As much wiser members than I have noted many times (whether

> > noticed or not), these Namas are basically never taken merely at

> > surface value, nor are their particular sequences and groupings


> > be considered at all arbitrary. For example, the first set of


> > in the LS recap in compressed, coded form the central scripture

> > known as Lalitopakhyana -- one of the primary scriptural sources


> > Lalita lore in Srividya Upansana.

> >

> > While it may be impossible to entirely bridge those gaps of

> > understanding that will inevitably arise when attempting to span

> > cultures and millenia, I hope that perhaps, by elucidating some


> > these groupings as they arise, we can show our members exactly


> > and why the Lalita Saharanama is systematically unfolding as it

> does.

> >

> > Nora has now posted up to name 474; so before she posts further,


> > would note (for anyone who may not know, and may happen to be

> > interested) that we are about to enter another distinct " set " of

> > Namas -- 475 through 534. These Namas will collectively elaborate

> > Devi's seven forms in the Chakras (from Muladhara through

> Sahasrara).

> >

> > According to the Yogini Nyasa, Sri Lalita has a distinct form and

> > name in each Chakra -- each form having Her own distinct

> appearance,

> > weapons, attendants, favorite delicacies, and of course Her

> specific

> > place in the various dhAtUs of the body.

> >

> > Devi, through these forms, " devolves " from the subtlest (most

> > transcendant) state of Union with Siva, to the grossest (most

> > material) Prithvi state as She descends from Sahasrara to


> > in the body.

> >

> > Advanced sadhaks can, with Her grace, experience Her various


> > in these chakras as a result of antaryAga (internal, mental

> > worship). For those of you following along at home, the name sets

> > are:

> >

> > Namas 475-484: VISUDDI CHAKRA

> >

> > Namas 485-494: ANAHATA CHAKRA

> >

> > Namas 495-503: MANIPURA CHAKRA

> >

> > Namas 504-513: SVADHISTHANA CHAKRA

> >

> > Namas 514-520: MULADHARA CHAKRA

> >

> > Namas 521-527: AJNA CHAKRA

> >

> > Namas 528-534: SAHASRARA

> >

> > These names describe in detail the even tissues, seven chakras,

> > their presiding Deities, their NaivedyAs, their Yoginis or

> > attendants, and the Nama aspect of Reality expressed as letters


> > the alphabet (or Matrika) from A to Ksa. They also represent the

> > seven planes of consciousness or lokas, as well as the various

> > stages of the embryo in the womb of its mother.

> >

> > For illustrations, scriptural translation and interpretation,


> > our homepage at:

> >

> > http://www.shaktisadhana.org/Photo%20Gallery/cakrasmain.html

> >

> > I hope all of this will help some of you appreciate the depth and

> > meaning of the upcoming Namas as we approach the halfway point in

> > Nora's excellent ongoing series.

> >

> > aim mAtangyai namaH

> >

> > /message/18615

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, Sambhav

<maddy7_maddy7> wrote:

> Dear Jagbir


> You have good ideas....all that u mentioned here is correct...but

> the best way is to stop criticising other sy's...and be what u r..




Dear Sambhav,


i am not criticizing just because it is my nature or i enjoy doing

so or i have nothing better to do or any other reason one can think

of except:


" i think Spencer Corliss and others should realize that certain

topics are discussed with more intensity and frequency to make

others better understand the issues that are at stake. Another

reason they are repeatedly discussed in detail is to pick the best

and archive them for the future. This will allow the seekers of

tomorrow to understand what actually took place while the Adi Shakti

was still on Earth, and how Her Advent and Message was undermined. "





i mentioned the above just three days ago. You should realize that

the topic about subtle system SYs and WCASY not mentioning the

Shakti within is probably discussed in detail for the first time and

does not fall under the " repeatedly discussed in detail " category.

In the post i pointed out that even those engaged in the subtle

system do not have the faith to mention the Shakti within or

associate the DEVI with the Lalita Sahasranama. Sahaja Yoga is

indeed reduced to a guru teaching about chakras and kundalini with

the false claim that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, not the Shakti (Holy

Spirit/Ruh) within, activates the Mother Kundalini. i believe this

is a very important clarification that all SYs should understand and

teach other. If they do not, which is more likely than not because

of the false knowledge and conditionings imposed by their peers, at

least we can prevent others from falling into error and save them a

lot of time and energy that can be better spent advancing

spiritually. This is not criticism.


And the only way to accomplish the above is to talk openly about

mistakes and false knowledge, and archive the correct knowledge for

the future. It will make our task so much easier if we can just

retrieve related articles and quote them ............. as i have

quoted for you in response to your critcism. We are learning to do

things that management SYs should have done years ago. A lot of

ground has been covered but there are still important isolated

pockets here and there that will be dealt as and when they are found

............... provided there is evidence to back the findings!







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, " michalis_9 "

<michalis_9> wrote:

> Dear Jagbir,


> I agree with you that it is the Spirit within that matters but you

> exaggerate about Mother. She is nothing close to " mere " . Can I ask

> you when She said She is not doing anything? I know She's said

> that She works even during Her sleep. That She absorbs all our

> negativity, and Her attention is on us when we do puja. As far as

> I'm concerned we are lucky to have Her with us and claiming She is

> a mere incarnation does Her disservice. Moreover I've read talks

> where she wants us to use Her photo, even wear badges... What are

> you talking about.


> Please state whether you go along with Shri Mataji's teachings or

> you differentiate when you think it is proper.


> Regards, Michalis



Did it ever occur to you that She is refering to the Shakti within,

of whom She is an incarnation? If you understand how the Shakti

operates you will regard Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as Her mere

incarnation and not the One who " works even during Her sleep. That

She absorbs all our negativity, and Her attention is on us when we

do puja " . That is what the previous posts were trying to tell you, a

very important essence and aspect of the Shakti you have missed or

failed to properly grasp despite my better attempt:





Shri Mataji " wants us to use Her photo, even wear badges " so that

others will ask and know about Her. Let's not try to make it into

something spectacular that some SYs may have impressed upon you.


If you do not understand Her Mahamaya role (Illusion) it will take

you a long time to meditate on " the Spirit within that matters " . Do

you meditate on Her temporary, physical external image or on Her

internal, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and

omnibenevolent Reality? The DEVI can never ever be reduced to an

incarnation because countless incarnations have issued forth from

Her since time immemorial.


Even DEVI enlightened in the Sahasrara that She and Her incarnation

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi are two different personalities. This

occured when Her physical limitations became obvious to me during

the early days ........... and i was racked by doubts and delusion

for weeks. In the end She told my son to tell your father that She

and Shri Mataji are two different persons ............. even when

i did not ask so and my doubts were mere thoughts. Below are my

orginal notes regarding that incident:


" On September 14, 1994, Kash came back from meditation and told his

father that Shri Mataji had told him that the Shri Mataji on Earth

and the Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara were two different persons.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Mother Earth represents the single drop

of the Divine Ocean. SHE had to manifest HER Infinite Form as an

earthly creature so that humankind could know HER with all their

senses. SHE had to manifest as a human being and, even then, had to

be covered and camouflaged by layers of illusions. SHE had to be the

physical guru representing the inner Divine Guru. SHE had to.


The father was silenced into surrender — the SPIRIT of the Living

God had again answered a question that was not even asked! The

SPIRIT of the Living God in his Sahasrara knew that he had nagging

doubts. The SPIRIT of the Living God in Kash's Sahasrara also

know that he had nagging doubts. The SPIRIT of the Living God in the

Pope's Sahasrara, the Ayatollah's Sahasrara, the Dalai

Lama's Sahasrara also knew that he had nagging doubts. The SPIRIT

of the Living God in every Tom, Dick and Harry's Sahasrara also

knew that he had doubts. The Universal Mind is linked to all human

minds — This Revealed Truth is Absolute. "


Michalis, you asked me whether i " go along with Shri Mataji's

teachings or you differentiate when you think it is proper. " i go

along with Shri Mataji's teachings and enlighten when i think it is

proper. It will take you weeks/months to grasp what i just told you.

If you do not believe then it will take you years to understand Her

internal, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and

omnibenevolent Reality.


However it is only today that i realize why " She told my son to tell

your father that She and Shri Mataji are two different persons " .

After that i should not have spent so many years meditating on Her

external image. But despite all She revealed in the Sahasrara i

still did until recently. Michalis, have you any idea what false

knowledge and collective conditioning does to those joining Sahaja

Yoga? i too was afraid that i would " differentiate when you think it

is proper " and ignorant management SYs would pass judgment and 'burn

me at the stake'. But only some time back that i truly began

following Her advise to be your own master. After all i have learnt

far more from within the Sahasrara than i ever could from all the

collective knowledge of management SYs and WCASY combined. What

really helped trigger all this into a resolute stand was irrefutable

evidence obtained recently that WCASY has absolutely deleted the

Divine Message from their agenda ........ er, i mean Will. Now i

will never return to be subject again to their dishonest, ignorant

and conditioning nature.






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Dear Michalis,


I think that Jagbir has explained the Truth of the Spirit within

beautifully in his reply to your questions below.


As the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit Shri Mataji has opened the

Sahasrara on a collective level, enabling a mass awakening of the

Holy Spirit within. Being a physical Incarnation means being

restricted by material matter, and material laws. However, the Power

of God is completely unrestricted by and beyond all these laws. The

Power of God is eternal, and not restricted to what is material.

Shri Mataji has come to reveal to us this awareness; the awareness

of the Power of God within each of us. It is not found in rituals,

in worshipping external images or in performing penances.


Just as Jesus resides in the Agnya, and is the Doorway, and brought

the principles of forgiveness and love for everyone; so Shri Mataji

resides in the Sahasrara. The eternal power of God resides within

each of us, and manifests itself as the cool breeze. This is the

Eternal Shri Mataji, the Shakti. It is human conditioning only that

we feel the need to worship the external forms. Now is the time that

we will move beyond these conditionings, and free ourselves from all

these things.


Each person has to realise this from within themselves.


Love, Semira






, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> , " michalis_9 "

> <michalis_9> wrote:

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > I agree with you that it is the Spirit within that matters but


> > exaggerate about Mother. She is nothing close to " mere " . Can I


> > you when She said She is not doing anything? I know She's said

> > that She works even during Her sleep. That She absorbs all our

> > negativity, and Her attention is on us when we do puja. As far


> > I'm concerned we are lucky to have Her with us and claiming She


> > a mere incarnation does Her disservice. Moreover I've read talks

> > where she wants us to use Her photo, even wear badges... What


> > you talking about.

> >

> > Please state whether you go along with Shri Mataji's teachings


> > you differentiate when you think it is proper.

> >

> > Regards, Michalis

> >


> Did it ever occur to you that She is refering to the Shakti


> of whom She is an incarnation? If you understand how the Shakti

> operates you will regard Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as Her mere

> incarnation and not the One who " works even during Her sleep. That

> She absorbs all our negativity, and Her attention is on us when we

> do puja " . That is what the previous posts were trying to tell you,


> very important essence and aspect of the Shakti you have missed or

> failed to properly grasp despite my better attempt:


> /message/4562



> Shri Mataji " wants us to use Her photo, even wear badges " so that

> others will ask and know about Her. Let's not try to make it into

> something spectacular that some SYs may have impressed upon you.


> If you do not understand Her Mahamaya role (Illusion) it will take

> you a long time to meditate on " the Spirit within that matters " .


> you meditate on Her temporary, physical external image or on Her

> internal, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and

> omnibenevolent Reality? The DEVI can never ever be reduced to an

> incarnation because countless incarnations have issued forth from

> Her since time immemorial.


> Even DEVI enlightened in the Sahasrara that She and Her


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi are two different personalities. This

> occured when Her physical limitations became obvious to me during

> the early days ........... and i was racked by doubts and


> for weeks. In the end She told my son to tell your father that She

> and Shri Mataji are two different persons ............. even


> i did not ask so and my doubts were mere thoughts. Below are my

> orginal notes regarding that incident:


> " On September 14, 1994, Kash came back from meditation and told


> father that Shri Mataji had told him that the Shri Mataji on Earth

> and the Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara were two different persons.

> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Mother Earth represents the single


> of the Divine Ocean. SHE had to manifest HER Infinite Form as an

> earthly creature so that humankind could know HER with all their

> senses. SHE had to manifest as a human being and, even then, had


> be covered and camouflaged by layers of illusions. SHE had to be


> physical guru representing the inner Divine Guru. SHE had to.


> The father was silenced into surrender — the SPIRIT of the Living

> God had again answered a question that was not even asked! The

> SPIRIT of the Living God in his Sahasrara knew that he had nagging

> doubts. The SPIRIT of the Living God in Kash's Sahasrara also

> know that he had nagging doubts. The SPIRIT of the Living God in


> Pope's Sahasrara, the Ayatollah's Sahasrara, the Dalai

> Lama's Sahasrara also knew that he had nagging doubts. The SPIRIT

> of the Living God in every Tom, Dick and Harry's Sahasrara also

> knew that he had doubts. The Universal Mind is linked to all human

> minds — This Revealed Truth is Absolute. "


> Michalis, you asked me whether i " go along with Shri Mataji's

> teachings or you differentiate when you think it is proper. " i go

> along with Shri Mataji's teachings and enlighten when i think it


> proper. It will take you weeks/months to grasp what i just told


> If you do not believe then it will take you years to understand


> internal, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and

> omnibenevolent Reality.


> However it is only today that i realize why " She told my son to


> your father that She and Shri Mataji are two different persons " .

> After that i should not have spent so many years meditating on Her

> external image. But despite all She revealed in the Sahasrara i

> still did until recently. Michalis, have you any idea what false

> knowledge and collective conditioning does to those joining Sahaja

> Yoga? i too was afraid that i would " differentiate when you think


> is proper " and ignorant management SYs would pass judgment

and 'burn

> me at the stake'. But only some time back that i truly began

> following Her advise to be your own master. After all i have


> far more from within the Sahasrara than i ever could from all the

> collective knowledge of management SYs and WCASY combined. What

> really helped trigger all this into a resolute stand was


> evidence obtained recently that WCASY has absolutely deleted the

> Divine Message from their agenda ........ er, i mean Will. Now i

> will never return to be subject again to their dishonest, ignorant

> and conditioning nature.


> regards,



> jagbir

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> i know for a fact that Shri Mataji does nothing, which She has

> admitted many times, and will continue to do nothing. i know it is

> the Shakti (Spirit) within that does everything, from awakening

> your kundalni and giving self-realization to protecting Her

> devotees.



i have more than enough evidence of the above statement. One of the

most revealing was when the Shakti twice prevented my friend

Kanggaima from committing suicide.




After these miracles happened there was no word from Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi at Cabella, Italy. For all i know She was completely

unaware that Kanggaima had been stopped twice from taking her own

life. i realized that it was the eternal Shakti within and not Her

physical incarantion that had performed the miracles.


i did tell some SYs in Montreal but am not sure they believed what i

was telling them. Before that i rang up the leader in Toronto and

told him to visit Kanggaima as she could still be suicidal. This guy

refused as he was afraid of catches! Yes, he refused to see Kanggaima

as he did not want to get catches from her. (This pervasive and

collective fear of catches have even turned some of our so-called

leaders into chickens, cowards who are more afraid of getting petty

catches than saving suicidical humans. And some SYs wonder why i am

so much against the ceaseless collective chatter of catches and cures.)


So this evidence that Shri Mataji saved Kanggaima was never brought

up by management SYs. As far as they were concerned if Shri Mataji

did save her then She would definitely mention it on Her won. But since

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi never did the whole matter was suppressed.

Till today this recorded miraculous incident is not mentioned by

management SYs. After all, it fits their organized truth that Shri

Mataji is a great subtle system guru who can raise the kundalini en

masse. Miracles are for those who want to publicly proclaim that She

is the Adi Shakti. i understand it will damage the subtle system

reputation they have so carefully cultivated with nurturing care,

nourishing desire and loving attention over the years.


So who saved Kanggaima? It was none other than the Shakti within.

Perhaps if someone had mentioned that to Shri Mataji She would have

been able to find out that the Shakti within, not Her physical

incarnation, did save a devotee bent on killing herself. Given all

the facts it is indeed true that Shri Mataji does not do anything as

She has admitted time and again. The DEVI within does all, from

raising the kundalini to protecting Her devotees to witnessing

everything - the internal, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient,

omnipresent and omnibenevolent Reality. Her incarnation Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi took birth on Earth to deliver the Divine Message and

teach humans how to take part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection.

Other than that She does not do anything. Everything else is done by

the Shakti within.


Jai Shri Mataji,




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