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The Power of God

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Dear Friends,

Recently I had a seemingly simple dream, that is amazing to me in

it's significance.

I saw a black circle, covered with leaves, and from the left of the

circle as I watched, I saw a golden pole rising. I thought of the

rising Power of God.

Being from a Christian background, I thought of the staff of Moses,

and how the staff was the Symbol of God's Power. Throughout the old

testament, the staff is a symbol of power. In other religions too,

this is how God's power is also symbolised.



Reading some information on this subject, I found an article I liked

that explains a little about the power behind the symbols. Firstly I

have posted below words from Shri Mataji, and following this, the

article on the symbolism of the Staff.


Once the Kundalini has risen in us, we become each become the staff

of God, and are the Instruments of this Power. Shri Mataji has

spoken of this; that we each become the instruments of God's power.


Exerpt from Shri Mataji's talk in New Delhi





" As Sahaja Yogis you know that it is the source of the Divine power

which is all-pervading, the Paramchaitanya. You know because you can

feel it. You know that it is there. But even when you know, you must

understand that you have to go beyond your mind, into thoughtless

awareness - minimum. Always I tell you, " Meditate! Meditate! " ,

because you should be in thoughtless awareness, where you do not

react. So what happens is that you become a witness. You become the

witness of the whole drama, of the whole scene and you are

absolutely at ease with yourself. No problem. And what you are doing

is that you become an instrument of this Paramchaitanya, of this all-

pervading power. You are just watching. You are a witness and as

watching everything you realise that whatever you watch cannot react

on you. But you know what it is. And this is a state in which you

understand the reality of the whole situation. "





The Staff Of God.


God gave to Moses a monstrous commission - `deliver Israel out of

the land of Egypt. ` Moses felt ill equipped for the task. " What is

that in your hand? " God asked. " A staff, " Moses replied. Just a

walking stick to help him deal with the journey of life. He saw no

special significance in it.


Then God demonstrated to him the miraculous potential in that

seemingly insignificant staff–and Moses actually fled in terror from

his own walking stick! But when instructed to pick up the snake by

the tail, once again, it returned into a staff in his own hand.

Something simple and common, turned into a power authoritative tool,

and then back to something simple and common. When God finished

showing to Moses that his staff was an instrument of divine power

and authority, it was all he needed to fulfill his task. With that

rod Moses defeated the magicians of Egypt, stripped Pharaoh of his

power, humiliated Egypt's gods and brought Israel out from slavery

to freedom.*


When Israel was challenged by the Amalekites, Joshua's success in

battle hinged on the interceding raised hands of Moses, the raised

hands that held the walking stick - the staff of God!


How we, like Moses, treat prayer as common, insignificant, simply a

walking stick to help us through the journey of life! But it is so

much more. Throughout scripture, the " staff " is a symbol of

authority and power. Commanders, rulers, kings had a staff or rod

symbolizing their power. When David challenged Goliath, he did so

with 5 smooth stones and his staff (I Sam 17:40). Elisha regarded

his staff as powerful enough to deliver a child from death (II Kings

4:29). Where God delivers, the power of the enemy is broken,

symbolized repeatedly by the enemy's broken staff (Jeremiah 48:17,

II Kings 18:21, Ezekiel 29:6, Isaiah 14:5). The " rod of God " is

pictured throughout scripture as the power and authority of God to

judge and discipline the nations (Job 9:32, 21:9, Lamentations 3:1,

Micah 6:9). Jesus, before his crucifixion was given a staff,

symbolizing his power and authority, and then they took it from him

and beat him with it, symbolizing that his rod was powerless

(Matthew 27:29). Yet Jesus crucified was the power of God for our

salvation. Jesus crucified was the staff of God to destroy the works

of the evil one. " And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he

made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross "

(Colossians 2:15).


Jesus told us to pray in his name, the name that now has all

authority and power (Matthew 28:18). He is the Sovereign Lord who

rules with an Iron Scepter (another picture of the staff of God)

(Psalm 2, Acts 4:24).


Its time to change our perception of prayer from something common to

something extraordinary, powerful, in our hands to use in the

service of the kingdom of God.


May we, like Moses, be surprised, even terrified at times, by the

power of the staff of prayer in our hands!

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