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Understanding Thought-Less Awareness....

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Dear Kyyan,


To " introspect " means to look within yourself. It is different

to " navel gazing " as in 'mulling' over one's deficiencies of

qualities in character. Once you are in Sahaja Yoga (the

experience), you are connected to the Divine's Light. This Light,

which is now working within you allows you to see clearly where you

need to grow spiritually when you now look within, whereas before

when you were just " navel gazing " you did not have the Light and

could not see your Self clearly.


'Thoughtless awareness' is being consciously aware but the thoughts

are not dominating that awareness.


You need to understand that thoughts will always come in and out of

your mind; that is the nature of mind.


However, because you now have experienced the real you, your Spirit

(which for purposes of explanation you could say is in a higher

location than the mind) you can look down (figuratively speaking)

on the thoughts that are passing through the mind, without getting

involved in them. When i say " look down on the thoughts " , i do not

mean to look 'disparagingly' on these thoughts, because that, too, is

getting involved with them. But, you can look at them with the eyes

of your Spirit and be detached about these thoughts, because they

are not your thoughts, no matter how bad these thoughts are, they

are not coming from you, because it is a mind field or you could

also say " mine field " :).


However, the best way to deal with these thoughts when they come to

the attention is to say " I forgive this thought " or " Not that

thought " . (it depends upon what the situation, but either

affirmation, whichever is more appropriate will dispel all unwanted

unsolicited thoughts).


Initially, because we used to think we were the mind, we would

become identified with just about everything that would pass through

the mind. Our mind has, you could say, deceived us into thinking

that we are " it " .


However, when you are identifying yourself with the Spirit, you do

not have to get involved with these thoughts. That is the difference!


Eventually as this ability increases (not getting attached to the

thoughts that flow in and out like waves), you will experience the

strengthening of your awareness in its ability to be 'thought-less'.


That actually enables you to concentrate better on what you put your

attention to. You should be able to do any job you put your

attention to better, because of this ability.


When you are in 'thoughtless awareness', it does not mean you cannot

use your mind to think about what you are doing; it is called

presence of mind, or being in the present. In fact, you can be more

present than ever before, like i mentioned earlier. It is the Higher

Mind/Self though, rather than the Lower Mind/Self that we are

talking about. A good description of these is in Message #4561 where

is described the difference between the Higher and Lower Self.


The Higher Self is a union of your mind, heart, and spirit and is

called the Higher Mind of the Higher Self.


The Lower Self is where your mind, heart, and spirit are not united

and is therefore called your Lower Mind or Lower Self.


We can use our 'thoughtless awareness' to develope our true

creativity. You will get more inspiration and intuitive thoughts

because the mind/mine field is not being consciously ignored/not

taken notice of/forgiven/etc. so eventually i think it gives up. i

think it is also a form of conditioning, to give in to the Lower

Mind, and as a person becomes detached from this Lower Mind,

eventually the Higher Mind can reign.


Introspection, Witnessing Your Self, and Meditation are all required

to become Thought-Less. Here is the Mediation part of it and how

this helps to become Thought-Less: -


How to stop your thoughts - HHSM 19-01-1984


" In meditation try to stop your thoughts. Watch my photograph with

open eyes and see that you stop your thoughts. You should stop your

thoughts, then you go into meditation.The simple thing to stop your

thoughts is the Lord's Prayer, because that ¡s the Agnya state. So,

in the morning remember the Lord's Prayer or Ganesha's mantra. It ¡s

just the same. Or you can even say, I forgive. It works out. Then

you are in thoughtless awareness. Now you meditate. Before that

there is no meditation. When thoughts are coming or,I have to take

tea, what shall I do?, now what have I to do?, who ¡s this and who

¡s that, all this will be there. So, first you become thoughtlessly

aware, then the growth of spirituality starts, after thoughtless

awareness, not before. One should know that. On rational plane you

cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga. So, first thing is to establish your

thoughtless awareness: still you might feel little chakra blockages

here and there; forget it. Just forget it. "


Kyyan, if you keep doing meditation and practicing 'thought-less

awareness' there will come a time when thoughts from the 'mind

field' stop altogether. That is when your Thoughtless Awareness is


They just have no place to register anymore because you have not

given in to the

Lower Mind, so they eventually will stop altogether. However, it


continual Witnessing of Yourself to establish Thoughtless Awareness

and being



It is a gradual process and takes time.


Before the Thoughtless Awareness gets established, a person will have

intermittent experiences of Thoughtless Awareness, especially during

meditation. That is why the practice of meditation is so very

important. However, Thought-Less Awareness can be practiced all day long, just

by watching the thoughts come and go and not getting involved in them.


Eventually when this Thoughtless Awareness is established and the

Higher Mind/Self reigns, you will enjoy this State permanently; this

State of Thought-Less Awareness. It is a gradual process and takes as long as it

takes each individual, depending upon their perseverance and conscientiousness.


When the Higher Mind/Self's Awareness is established, you will

receive spiritual inspiration and intuitive information. This does

not come like a 'thought' comes. This comes more like poetry, or an

idea that pops into your mind. Poets and songwriters and inventers

receive this. It is the flow from the Divine.


You can call it a permanent meditative state if you want to Kyyan,

because it feels like that, except that when you sit to actually go

into meditation the quality of this meditative state is very much heightened.


When you are not actually sitting down to meditate and you just

going through your normal day of activity, you can still be in

Thought-Less Awareness. (in that sense, yes, you can call it a permanent state

of meditation or meditativeness). You can be in a meditative state (thoughtless

awareness) in everything you do. That does not mean you cannot use your Higher

Mind/Self who is very alert, very aware, in the present, can 'intuit' things,

can receive inspiration, can work things out better, is more intelligent and

wise, and can be very creative. Your Higher Mind/Self is the real you, which is

your Spirit.


i hope this helps, Kyyan.


Kind regards,





In , " v_koa " <v_koa>


> Dear violet,


> What does it mean to introspect in SY? Does it mean to really look

> at yourself, words action etc and see where you are weak or


> then use the proper mantras to awaken the qualities you are


> and help them to grow and grow in strength? OR is it a diferent


> of introspection that is so important in SY? ALso what is


> introspection exactly and how is it done?


> ANother question i have is: what does it mean to have established

> thoughtless awareness? How do u tell when it is established? I


> does it mean u r thoughtless all the time or does that mean u


> it effortlesly in meditation or something else?


> Lastly, enlightened awareness. WHat is the difference between


> or rconcentration and awareness? I mean itis stressed that we


> keep our attention on our spirit always( in the 7th center)but if

> that ment focus or concentration, talking or walking or other


> woul not be possible while maintaing our focus elsewhere.


> These are my questions. Thanks 4 your time.


> kyyan

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