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Devi is avidya because she binds, and vidya because she liberates.

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Matt, i believe your post will not be welcome at 'official' SY

> forums as most subtle system SYs believe in and relate to the

> external, not internal, Adi Shakti. i wonder if they know that the

> internal Adi Shakti is eternally young, unlike Her aging

> incarnation Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Over the years i have hardly

> found any discussion about this truth despite Shri Mataji's claim

> that She exists in their Sahasraras. Sometimes i wonder why....


> When i look back at the sudden 'sickness' and silence Shri Mataji

> has displayed since last year it is slowly removing all forms of

> external worship, steadily strenghtening my faith and attention on

> Her Inner Sanctuary. But that is where She had been all the while

> ................. long before Her physical incarnation awakened

> and made us deeply conscious of the Divine within:



The entire www.adishakti.org website is based on the revelations of

the Shakti within all beings. The 1000 names from the Shri Lalita

Sahasranama are used because the Shakti Herself revealed that Her

original name is Lalita Devi. That is why Her 1000 names are used to

back the quotes of Her incarnation on Earth, Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi. If not for the DEVI's own admission i would not have done so.


Managment SYs have certainly abandoned their faith and duty towards

the Shakti within. By putting constant attention on the physical

incarnation we will not be able to advance beyond the rudimentary

knowledge displayed by most SYs.


The physical Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is just another human being

among the 6,000,000,000 humans, just another snowflake in the

winter; just another leaf in the forest; just another raindrop in a

monsoon; just another wave in the ocean. Then SHE is also the entire

winter, the entire forest; the whole monsoon, the ocean itself:


" If you understand that although My physical being is here, I am

all over. " Shri Mataji


How many have understood what Shri Mataji meant by the simple

statement above? How is it possible for Her to be all over when we

know Her physical body is in Cabella, Italy or Prathistan, India?

Have the subtle system SYs found any answers yet? In the first place

are they interested in advancing beyond Grade One?


The only way to progress is to contemplate deeply and meditate on

Her 1000 names. Even grasping Her first name as " Sri Mata " and

deeply contemplating its fathomless depth will go a long way in your

ascend, and enlightenment will compell you to abandon all external

rituals and accumulated ignorance. The Holy Mother within is the

causative and creative force of the entire universe. She is infinite

and limitless. She is omnipresent both in forms and as formless. She

is all powerful to remove all kinds of sorrows and sufferings. As K.

K. Klostermaier, in " Hinduism: A Short History " explains: " Devi is

avidya because she binds, and vidya because she liberates. " Those

who seek and meditate on the Shakti within will gain the vidya that

liberates. They will abandon all external rituals and accumulated

ignorance that binds them in avidya.


Jai Shri Mataji,






1) Sri Mata

— Sacred Mother (feminine); the Seer, the Seen and the Seeing.

— The Knower; the Measurer (masculine)

— " For Whom all creatures are born. " Taittiriya Upanishad 3. 2


Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy,

Ass. Advertisers and Printers, 1989.



" The Saktas worship the Universal Energy as Mother; it is the

sweetest name they know. The mother is the highest ideal of

womanhood in India. [...]


Mother is the first manifestation of power and is considered a

higher idea than father. The name of mother brings the idea of

Shakti, Divine energy and omnipotence. The baby believes its mother

to be all-powerful, able to do anything. The Divine Mother is the

Kundalini sleeping in us; without worshipping Her, we can never know

ourselves. All merciful, all-powerful, omnipresent - these are

attributes of the Divine Mother. She is the sum total of the energy

in the Universe.


Every manifestation of power in the universe is Mother. She is Life,

She is Intelligence, She is Love. She is in the universe, yet

separate from it. She is a person, and can be seen and known - as

Sri Ramakrishna saw and knew Her. Established in the idea of Mother,

we can do anything. She quickly answers prayers.


She can show Herself to us in any form at any moment. The Divine

Mother can have form (rupa) and name (nama), or name without form;

and as we worship Her in these various aspects, we can rise to Pure

Being, having neither form nor name.


The sum-total of all the cells in an organism is one person. Each

soul is like one cell, and the sum of them is God. And beyond that

is the Absolute. The sea calm is the Absolute; the same sea in waves

is the Divine Mother. She is time, space and causation. Mother is

the same as Brahman and has two natures; the conditioned and the

unconditioned. As the former, She is God, nature and soul. As the

latter, she is unknown and unknowable. Out of the Unconditioned came

the trinity, God, nature and soul - the triangle of existence.


A bit of Mother, a drop, was Krishna; another was Buddha. The

worship of even one spark of Mother in our earthly mother leads to

greatness. Worship Her if you want love and wisdom. "


Swami Vivekananda, " Inspired Talks, My Master and Other Writings " ,

Wed. July 2,1895, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, NY, pp. 48-49.




" The Goddess is the great Sakti. She is Maya, for of her the maya

which produces the samsara is. As Lord of Maya she is Mahamaya. 

Devi is avidya because she binds, and vidya because she liberates

and destroys the samsara. She is praktri and as existing before

creation is the Adya Sakti. Devi is the Vacaka Sakti,  the

manifestation of Cit in Praktri,  and the Vicya Sakti or Cit 

itself. The Atma should be contemplated as Devi. Sakti or Devi is

thus the Brahman revealed in the mother aspect (Srimata) as creatrix

and nourisher of the worlds. Kali say of herself in Yogini

Tantra: " I am the bodily form of Saccidananda and I am the brahman

that has emanated from brahman. "


K. K. Klostermaier, Hinduism: A Short History,

Oneworld Pub., 2000, p. 211.

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> The physical Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is just another human being

> among the 6,000,000,000 humans, just another snowflake in the

> winter; just another leaf in the forest; just another raindrop in

> a monsoon; just another wave in the ocean. Then SHE is also the

> entire winter, the entire forest; the whole monsoon, the ocean

> itself:


> " If you understand that although My physical being is here, I am

> all over. " Shri Mataji ...


> The Holy Mother within is the causative and creative force of the

> entire universe. She is infinite and limitless. She is omnipresent

> both in forms and as formless. She is all powerful to remove all

> kinds of sorrows and sufferings.






One of the unique features of Hinduism is the fact that it conceives

Divinity also as Mother Goddess. When Divinity has no name or form --

which is the most important declaration of the Upanishads, the next

logical step is to recognize that the Supreme has no specifity in

terms of gender. The Upanishads transcend the gender-specific

connotation and invent the unique Sanskrit word tat, meaning 'that'

for that Supreme Reality. And therefore they argue, whatever reason

or rhyme we have in referring to God by a masculine pronoun, the

same right there is for us to call God by a feminine pronoun. The

energy of every Cosmic Divinity is taken to be feminine and thus

arises the interesting concept of primordial power or the

[[Parâshakti]], which means 'Power Supreme'.




The primordial Parâshakti is therefore the ultimate dynamic energy

of the transcendental Brahman, than which there is no other

existence. In fact it is technically wrong to say that She

(Parâshakti) is the Energy of Brahman, because the nature of

Brahman does not allow any attributes or predicates.The moment we

attribute anything to Brahman we have already delimited and

circumscribed it. When we talk of the Energy of the Ultimate Reality

we have already descended one step from the supreme pedestal of the

Unmanifested Attributeless Ultimate.


But the beauty of the concept of Parâshakti is that She is

transcendent beyond anything that is finite and immanent in

everything there is. So while we predicate it and relate it to other

things, it is still the Ultimate Supreme that can be talked about.

While Brahman has only to be cognized, Parâshakti can be

worshipped with a name and form. She is the Divine Will personified.

She is the Conscious Power beyond everything. She is the Presence,

invisible and constant, that sustains the world, linking form and

name, holding them in interdependence. There is nothing impossible

for Her. She is the Universal Goddess. She is all knowledge, all

strength, all triumph and all victory. She is the Goddess Supreme

(Maheshvari) who brings to us the total state of illumination.


Devi Mahatmyam

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