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The yogi is superior to the ritualists. Therefore, O Arjuna, be a yogi. (6.46)

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> The only way to progress is to contemplate deeply and meditate on

> Her 1000 names. Even grasping Her first name as " Sri Mata " and

> deeply contemplating its fathomless depth will go a long way in

> your ascend, and enlightenment will compell you to abandon all

> external rituals and accumulated ignorance. The Holy Mother within

> is the causative and creative force of the entire universe. She is

> infinite and limitless. She is omnipresent both in forms and as

> formless. She is all powerful to remove all kinds of sorrows and

> sufferings. As K. K. Klostermaier, in " Hinduism: A Short History "

> explains: " Devi is avidya because she binds, and vidya because she

> liberates. " Those who seek and meditate on the Shakti within will

> gain the vidya that liberates. They will abandon all external

> rituals and accumulated ignorance that binds them in avidya.


> /message/4596



Bhagavad-Gita: The Path of Meditation


" The Supreme Lord said: One who performs the prescribed duty

without seeking its fruit is a Samnyasi and a (Karma) yogi, not the

one who merely does not light the sacred fire, and does not work.



O Arjuna, know that to be the Karma-yoga which they call Samnyasa.

No one becomes a Karma-yogi who has not renounced the selfish motive

behind an action. (6.02)


For the wise who seeks to attain yoga (of meditation or the

equanimity of mind), Karma-yoga is said to be the means; for the one

who has attained yoga, the equanimity becomes the means (of Self-

Realization). (6.03)


A person is said to have attained yogic perfection when there is no

desire for sensual pleasures, or attachment to the fruits of work,

and has renounced all personal selfish motives. (6.04)


One must elevate, not degrade, oneself by one's own mind.

The mind alone is one's friend as well as one's enemy. (6.05)


The mind is the friend of those who have control over it,

and the mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it.



One who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold, in

pleasure and pain, and in honor and dishonor; and is ever steadfast

with the Supreme Self. (6.07)


A yogi is called Self-realized who is satisfied with knowledge and

understanding of the Self, who is equanimous, who has control over

the (mind and) senses, and to whom a clod, a stone, and gold are the

same. (6.08)


A person is considered superior who is impartial towards companions,

friends, enemies, neutrals, arbiters, haters, relatives, saints, and

sinners. (6.09)


Let the yogi -- seated in solitude and alone -- having mind and

senses under control and free from desires and attachments for

possessions, try constantly to contemplate on the Supreme Self.



The yogi should sit on a firm seat that is neither too high nor too

low, covered with sacred Kusha grass, a deerskin, and a cloth, one

over the other, in a clean spot. (6.11)


Sitting (in a comfortable position) and concentrating the mind on a

single object, controlling the thoughts and the activities of the

senses, let the yogi practice meditation for self-purification.



Hold the waist, spine, chest, neck, and head erect, motionless and

steady, fix the eyes and the mind steadily between the eye brows,

and do not look around. (6.13)


With serene and fearless mind; practicing celibacy; having the mind

under control and thinking of Me; let the yogi sit and have Me as

the supreme goal. (6.14)


Thus, by always keeping the mind fixed on the Self, the yogi whose

mind is subdued attains peace of the Supreme nirvana by uniting with

Me. (6.15)


This yoga is not possible, O Arjuna, for the one who eats too much,

or who does not eat at all; who sleeps too much, or who keeps awake.



But, for the one who is moderate in eating, recreation, working,

sleeping, and waking, this yoga (of meditation) destroys (all)

sorrow. (6.17)


A person is said to have achieved yoga, the union with the Self,

when the perfectly disciplined mind gets freedom from all desires,

and becomes absorbed in the Self alone. (6.18)


As a lamp in a spot sheltered (by Brahman) from the wind (of

desires) does not flicker, this simile is used for the subdued mind

of a yogi practicing meditation on Brahman. (6.19)


When the mind disciplined by the practice of meditation becomes

steady, one becomes content in the Self by beholding Him with

(purified) intellect. (6.20)


One feels infinite bliss that is perceivable only through the

intellect, and is beyond the reach of the senses. After realizing

Brahman, one is never separated from absolute reality. (6.21)


After Self-Realization, one does not regard any other gain

superior to Self-Realization. Established in Self-Realization, one

is not moved even by the greatest calamity. (6.22)


The (state of) severance of union with sorrow is known by the name

of yoga. This yoga should be practiced with firm determination and

perseverance, without any mental reservation or doubts. (6.23)


Totally abandoning all selfish desires, and completely restraining

the senses (from the sense objects) by the intellect; (6.24)


One gradually attains tranquility of mind by keeping the mind fully

absorbed in the Self by means of a well-trained (and purified)

intellect, and thinking of nothing else. (6.25)


Whosesoever this restless and unsteady mind wanders away, one should

(gently) bring it back to the reflection of the Supreme. (6.26)


Supreme bliss comes to a Self-realized yogi whose mind is tranquil,

whose desires are under control, and who is free from sin (or

faults). (6.27)


Such a sinless yogi, who constantly engages the mind with the Self,

easily enjoys the infinite bliss of contact with Brahman. (6.28)


Because of perceiving the (same) Self (abiding) in all beings and

all beings (abiding) in the (same) Self; a yogi, who is in union

with the Self, sees every being with an equal eye. (6.29)


Those who see Me in everything and see everything in Me, are not

separated from Me and I am not separated from them. (6.30)


The non-dualists, who adore Me as abiding in all beings, abide in Me

irrespective of their mode of living. (6.31)


One is considered the best yogi who regards every being like

oneself, and who can feel the pain and pleasures of others as one's

own, O Arjuna. (6.32)


Arjuna said: O Krishna, You have said that yoga of meditation is

characterized by the equanimity (of mind), but, due to restlessness

of mind I do not perceive the steady state of mind. (6.33)


Because the mind, indeed, is very unsteady, turbulent, powerful, and

obstinate, O Krishna. I think restraining the mind is as difficult

as restraining the wind. (6.34)


The Supreme Lord said: Undoubtedly, O Arjuna, the mind is restless

and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by Abhyaasa (or

constant vigorous spiritual practice with perseverance), and

Vairaagya (or detachment), O Arjuna. (6.35)


In My opinion, yoga is difficult for the one whose mind is not

subdued. However, yoga is attainable by the person of subdued mind

by striving through proper means. (6.36)


Arjuna said: For the faithful but of unsubdued mind, who deviates

from (the path of) meditation and fails to attain yogic perfection --

what is the destination of such a person, O Krishna? (6.37)


Do they not perish like a dispersing cloud, O Krishna, having lost

both (yoga and Bhoga, the heavenly and worldly pleasures),

supportless and bewildered on the path of Self-realization? (6.38)


O Krishna, only You are able to completely dispel this doubt of

mine. Because there is none, other than You, who can dispel this

doubt. (6.39)


The Supreme Lord said: There is no destruction, O Arjuna, for such a

yogi either here or hereafter. A transcendentalist is never put to

grief (or bad state), My dear friend. (6.40)


The unsuccessful yogi is reborn, after attaining heaven and living

there for many years, in the house of the pure and prosperous; or



Such a yogi is born in a family of wise transcendentalists. A birth

like this is very difficult, indeed, to obtain in this world. (6.42)


After taking such a birth, O Arjuna, one regains the knowledge

acquired in the previous life, and strives again to achieve

perfection. (6.43)


The unsuccessful yogi is instinctively carried towards Brahman by

virtue of Sanskaara (or the impressions) of yogic practices of

previous lives. Even the inquirer of Brahman surpasses those who

perform Vedic rituals. (6.44)


The yogi who diligently strives, perfecting (gradually) through many

incarnations, becomes completely free from all sins (or

imperfections) and reaches the supreme goal (of Self-realization).



The yogi is superior to the ascetics. The yogi is superior to the

(Vedic) scholars. The yogi is superior to the ritualists. Therefore,

O Arjuna, be a yogi. (6.46) "


The Path of Meditation

Bhagavad-Gita 6.01-46

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