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We must be able to speak our minds

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I refer to the following post which appeared on this forum recently:




I must say that at first I felt uncomfortable at the rather colorful

adjectives and nouns used: idiotic, disgusting, evil, offal,

excrement, madness, stupidity, obnoxious, tomfoolery, dim-witted,

repugnant, vile, grotesque, numskulls, sly, devious, buffoonish. And

for starters these choicest of words were being used on fellow

Sahajyogis! One can't imagine what would be suitable descriptions

for non-SYs.


But seriously we must be able to speak our minds when the need

arises. The problem with Sahaja Yoga is that there is too much

political correctness within the organization. And political

correctness tends to breed hypocrisy and cowardice. Even when

serious wrong-doing occurs Sahajyogis will just shrug their

shoulders and pretend everything is fine and say, " Let the

Paramchaitanya act. " But Paramchaitanya acts only when Sahajayogis

themselves desire and act for a positive outcome. In the incident

mentioned in post 4524 there were probably a sufficient number of

SYs desiring and acting for a positive solution. Otherwise the

negative forces would have won the day.


This forum plays a very useful role for Sahajyogis who are daring

enough to think for themselves. This is where politically incorrect

views can be aired and where unpalatable opinions and stories can be

shared. If it didn't exist, God would have to create one, at least

to maintain the balance.



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, " my2pai " <my2pai>



> This forum plays a very useful role for Sahajyogis who are daring

> enough to think for themselves. This is where politically

> incorrect views can be aired and where unpalatable opinions and

> stories can be shared. If it didn't exist, God would have to

> create one, at least to maintain the balance.


> Chandra



Not to forget that the forum and websites state the truth openly

without any hidden agenda. If only WCASY and management SYs do the

same they will not be subject to the abuse of those hurt by the

deception. Maybe our leaders should respond to this recent outburst:


" Sahaja Yoga doesn't tell the truth about itself. It specializes

in deception.


In 1983, I responded to a magazine ad that promised " Free

Meditation Workshop. " " Sahaja Yoga. "


In 1983, the only yoga I knew about was Hatha yoga--I'd had an

introduction to it in my workplace, and I enjoyed it.


In 1983, Sahaja Yoga promised to take me deeper than Hatha

yoga, make me feel better than Hatha yoga, and bring me the

ultimate wisdom and health--something Hatha yoga didn't



In 1983, I had very little money to spend, so " Free " sounded

great. As did the rest of the hype.


At the time, I had no idea there was anything religious involved

practicing in Sahaja Yoga. I was an atheist and had no interest

in joining up with a religious group.


The SY brainwashing is very gradual and very subtle. It doesn't

happen overnight. It happens over weeks, months, years. "



From this letter i have to presume that this person, despite

spending years, never heard anything about the Last Judgment and

Ressurection. Perhaps no one really talked about it although Shri

Mataji did explain in many of Her speeches, especially during pujas.

Perhaps if it had been openly discussed this atheist would never

have joined in the first place and wasted so many years. Still i do

not believe she is telling the truth of being unaware of the Divine

Message despite years in Sahaja Yoga. It just does not make sense.

(Personally i think atheists should be specifically told right away

as the Last Judgment is anathema to their lifestyle and belief, and

will make them leave right away.)


Others have joined Sahaja Yoga for different reasons e.g., health,

stress relief, cure some disease, learn about meditation etc.,

thinking Sahaja Yoga had nothing or little to do with religion. We

have no idea how many left in anger and disgust without even finding

out the truth about the Divine Message.


Yet WCASY in particular and SYs in general do not feel ashamed or

offended or insulted enough to change their official homepage lies.

We know 100% that Sahaja Yoga is about the Adi Shakti delivering the

Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah (Resurrection).

The teachings of the prophets and holy scriptures form the very

foundation of Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji has referred to the Bible,

Qur'an, Vedas and Granth Sahib to back Her teachings of the Last

Judgment and Resurrection. How more religious can Sahaja Yoga get?


Despite being insulted in the past by those who felt cheated and

hurt by dishonest advertisement nothing much has changed. The

official homepage of Sahaja Yoga as dictated by WCASY still reads:


" Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an experience

called Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) that can occur within

each human being.


Through this process an inner transformation takes place by which

one becomes moral, united, integrated and balanced.


One can actually feel the all pervading divine power as a cool

breeze, as described in all religions and spiritual traditions of

the world.


This is the actualization of such transformation, which is taking

place now, worldwide, and has been proved and experienced by

hundreds of thousands in over 90 countries.


It is entirely free of charge, as one cannot pay for the experience

of Divine Love. "





What will it take for so-called self-realized souls to be honest and

stand on the truth that is supposed to be openly announced for the

benefit of all humanity? To clarify this point i would like to again

present a scathing letter addressed years ago to all SYs:


" It is astonishing that the sahaja yogis, who believe Shri Mataji to

be the savior of humanity prophecied by many religious scriptures,

have not the conviction to promote her to the world openly, honestly

and unashamedly as that. Promotion of the savior will draw more

serious attention from many more people than do the current vague

claims about stress relief and peace of mind. This lack of

conviction speaks volumes and is the same reason they fail to

respond to those who challenge SY. You simply can't be one thing and

then attempt to portray yourself as another - no matter how clever

you are, it shows and people see it very clearly. This is called

hypocrisy. It indicates the vast majority of sahaja yogis are in a

state of denial.


On the premise that Shri Mataji is indeed the Adi Shakti, on what

basis do the sahaja yogis take it upon themselves to discriminate as

to whom is delivered the message of her present incarnation and by

what convoluted process that message is selectively delivered? To

take upon themselves to make such discriminations is an expression

of an elitist, missionary culture motivated by power and authority

over others. The message must be very plain and simple if every

person on the planet is to be afforded the opportunity to draw their

own conclusions about the goddess incarnate. Why do the sahaja yogis

make something so simple so complicated?. Why are they doing so poor

a job in telling the world of Shri Mataji, when as the goddess she

will surely stand and be recognised as the reality they claim she is?


My parting word is that like it or not, Shri Mataji and her sahaja

yogis must face the issues presented by those who challenge them.

Intelligent response is required and what remains to be seen is

whether they are capable of this. The longer they avoid it, the more

SY will be clearly identified to be lacking in credibility and its

members in integrity. The more they will appear to be a cultish

throw-back to the dark ages. I recommend the sahaja yogis today

change their whole approach and start promoting SY as what it is - a

religion focused around a personality who has claimed, and is

understood by them, to be the Adi Shakti, divine mother of the

universe. This is, after all, the year of exposure for SY.

May truth prevail.


Alex "



i believe Alex's letter did nothing to change official policy or

prick the conscience of the rest. Probably he was labelled

" difficult " , " unbalaned " , " egoistic " , " against Her teachings " , " full

of hot vibrations " , " uncollective " , " going out of Sahaja Yoga " , " non-

SY " or any of the labels management SYs pin on those who dare

question or challenge their authority/integrity/intelligence.


Yes Chandra, this forum plays a very useful role for Sahajyogis who

are daring enough to think for themselves. We believe Shri Mataji

told everyone to be their own masters, making clear leaders are

just like postmasters delivering Her messages. Under no circumstance

whatsoever were they to ever take over the Post Office or, horror of

horrors, proclaim themselves " The Post Office " . Yet it has happened

right under our noses. If the few of us do not now maintain these

unpleasant checks and unsavoury balances who else will deliver Her

truth in future?


Jai Shri Mataji,




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, " my2pai " <my2pai>


> I refer to the following post which appeared on this forum



> /message/4524


> I must say that at first I felt uncomfortable at the rather


> adjectives and nouns used: idiotic, disgusting, evil, offal,

> excrement, madness, stupidity, obnoxious, tomfoolery, dim-witted,

> repugnant, vile, grotesque, numskulls, sly, devious, buffoonish.


> for starters these choicest of words were being used on fellow

> Sahajyogis! One can't imagine what would be suitable descriptions

> for non-SYs.


> But seriously we must be able to speak our minds when the need

> arises. The problem with Sahaja Yoga is that there is too much

> political correctness within the organization. And political

> correctness tends to breed hypocrisy and cowardice. Even when

> serious wrong-doing occurs Sahajyogis will just shrug their

> shoulders and pretend everything is fine and say, " Let the

> Paramchaitanya act. " But Paramchaitanya acts only when Sahajayogis

> themselves desire and act for a positive outcome. In the incident

> mentioned in post 4524 there were probably a sufficient number of

> SYs desiring and acting for a positive solution. Otherwise the

> negative forces would have won the day.


> This forum plays a very useful role for Sahajyogis who are daring

> enough to think for themselves. This is where politically


> views can be aired and where unpalatable opinions and stories can


> shared. If it didn't exist, God would have to create one, at least

> to maintain the balance.


> Chandra



Here is the post-script to post 4524. According to reliable sources

or highly placed sources (as is usually put in media reports), the

gentleman in question is now a member of WCASY, Sahaja Yoga's

putative 'the best and the brightest.' Still apparently

unapologetic, unrepentent, unreformed and unashamed. No doubt, he

will try to interest fellow WCASY members in the exquisite delights

of the finest quality designer havan ash!


Has WCASY become a parody of the highest ideals of leadership?

Recently, in a post on this forum, it was reported that another

WCASY member reputedly had links, in the past, to the Russian Mafia.

And a few months back, Jagbirji claimed that he had a dossier of the

shenanigans of various WCASY members. Are these seriously flawed

individuals the paragons that the simple folk of the Sahaj Sangha

have to look up to for inspiration and guidance? Or are we

witnessing the tragedy of the clueless professing to leading the



If there is any lesson to be learnt from all this, it is that Sahaja

Yogis have to be their own masters, they have to be led by their own

spirit. This is the fundamental tenet of Sahaja Yoga. We have lost

count of the number of times Shri Mataji has said that leadership is

a myth, a joke. Is it any wonder then that some members of Sahaja

Yoga's highest council are, quite literally, a joke? But it hurts

only when we laugh.



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