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Specifically for those who claim that the World Council has the highest powers

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> >

> > On the premise that Shri Mataji is indeed the Adi Shakti, on what

> > basis do the sahaja yogis take it upon themselves to

> > discriminate as to whom is delivered the message of her present

> > incarnation and by what convoluted process that message is

> > selectively delivered? To take upon themselves to make such

> > discriminations is an expression of an elitist, missionary

> > culture motivated by power and authority over others. The

> > message must be very plain and simple if every person on the

> > planet is to be afforded the opportunity to draw their own

> > conclusions about the goddess incarnate. Why do the sahaja yogis

> > make something so simple so complicated?. Why are they doing so

> > poor a job in telling the world of Shri Mataji, when as the

> > goddess she will surely stand and be recognised as the reality

> > they claim she is?

> >

> > My parting word is that like it or not, Shri Mataji and her

> > sahaja yogis must face the issues presented by those who

> > challenge them. Intelligent response is required and what

> > remains to be seen is whether they are capable of this. The

> > longer they avoid it, the more SY will be clearly identified to

> > be lacking in credibility and its members in integrity. The more

> > they will appear to be a cultish throw-back to the dark ages. I

> > recommend the sahaja yogis today change their whole approach and

> > start promoting SY as what it is - a religion focused around a

> > personality who has claimed, and is understood by them, to be

> > the Adi Shakti, divine mother of the universe. This is, after

> > all, the year of exposure for SY.

> >

> > May truth prevail.

> >

> > Alex "

> >


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Yes, it is common sense that the message must be very plain and

> simple if every person on the planet is to be afforded the

> opportunity to draw their own conclusions about the goddess

> incarnate. Yes, it is an unfathomable mystery why do the sahaja

> yogis make something so simple so complicated?. Yes, it is mind

> boggling why are they doing so poor a job in telling the world of

> Shri Mataji, when as the goddess she will surely stand and be

> recognised as the reality they claim she is?


> These were questions raised during the last century by those who

> could see through the prevailing atmosphere of deception,

> dishonesty and incompetence. But today the whole atmosphere is one

> of despair, disillusionment and diabolical disregard for dharma as

> the World Council has no intention of being transparent. It is

> when they use words like " the World Council has the highest powers

> in sahaja yoga, presenting the Will of Shri Mataji " that i truly

> shudder at their boldness and temerity to state the unthinkable.

> And when one listens to ordinary SYs like Alex and understand that

> it is the World Council that is responsible for the dishonesty,

> deception and fear that pervails in all collectives today we are

> at a loss for words. What can penetrate the thickness of hide or

> dullness of mind?...


> i am absolutely convinced that SYs must state the plain and simple

> truth " if every person on the planet is to be afforded the

> opportunity to draw their own conclusions about the goddess

> incarnate. " i believe this from the bottom of my heart because

> despite hearing the truth for the very first time i continue to

> receive emails like the one that just came in two days ago:


> " Mr Jagbir; I did glance thru your web page on your

> guru. I have to say, there could hardly be anyone with so

> clear a vision on their guru as you do. Many are

> fanatical but they couldnt back up with evidences from

> the scriptures or great souls. But you do so artfully.


> I really liked the sections on Lalitha Sahasranam.

> Such brilliance of interpretation and illustration is

> rarely seen in any other homepages or books.


> There are so many who would easily die for their guru

> to show their devotion, but would not go to the

> extent like you do in seeing the overall picture ,

> finding the truths reflected throughout the millenium

> in backing up your visions .


> And with a heart of gold and pure wishing the best

> for all to attain the highest, your unselfish work

> will be revarded and attain a height very few works on

> their guru have attained.


> I might not agree to many that you might say, but

> then, when you are talking about truth as it is, I am

> sure you are not bothered yourself whether anyone

> accepts the truth as it is, probably like lord krishna

> says in the gita something like " Thy duty is to work

> and act and not worry about the result thereof " . " ...



> SYs should not be bothered whether anyone accepts the truth or

> not. Our sacred duty is just to state the truth as it is, even if

> World Council members refuse to abide by dharma. So please don't

> allow them to corrupt your conscience. One day you will realize

> that some of them were so dumb, materialistic or tainted by past

> misdeeds that their claiming to present the Will of the Shakti is

> probably one of the greatest tradegy to befall us SYs. Take care

> and understand what they are not doing. Don't let their hype fool

> you.




" The Bhagavad-gita is the famous philosophical discourse that took

place between Lord Krishna and the warrior Arjuna, just before the

onset of the great Bharata War (c. 3138 BC). Although widely

published and read by itself, the Bhagavad-gita originally appears as

an episode in the Sixth Book of the Mahabharata (Bhismaparvan, 23-

40). In this treatise of 700 verses, Lord Krishna systematically

surveys the major Vedic dharmas and shows how each directs a person

toward the ultimate conclusion, the " most confidential of all

knowledge. " He analyzes the performance of sacrifices and the worship

of demigods; He discusses the yogas of work, meditation, and

knowledge. In each case, Krishna shows how it leads to the " most

secret of all secrets. " (http://www.avatara.org/krishna/gita.html)


i am reposting this article again specifically for those who claim

that " the World Council has the highest powers in sahaja yoga,

presenting the Will of Shri Mataji " . But i believe our best and the

brightest in WCASY must have somehow either so unfortunately or so

conveniently missed the " most secret of all secrets. " Maybe i better

clarify to those council members living in the land of the Vishuddhi

that it is all about Shri Krishna and what He stood for. i will in

all forgivness and compassion give them the benefit of doubt that

they were indeed terribly unfortunate in not realizing the " most

secret of all secrets " despite all the self-realization.


Perhaps after discovering the supreme secret management-controlled

SYs too will realize why the divine charioteer says to the human

Arjuna, " Do not spare them who have violated Dharma! They are down

already the moment they swerve from truth! Do your part anyhow, like

My instrument " (11:34).


Jai Shri Mataji,





Gita: Old Thoughts For New Paradigms


The Gita opens our eyes to the truth of living. The closer we are to

the truth, the better managers we become in any field of activity. In

fact, those who are established in the highest truth of the Self

manage huge tasks without any mental anxieties. The Gita (18:17)

praises such a super manager as, " He is not bound despite performing

Himalayan tasks! " (A translation with some liberty of language)



Facing Modern Challenges


" Work we must, " says the celestial song for no one can possibly be

otherwise (3:5). This being the case, our choice is only in two

areas: (i) the kind of work and (ii) the attitude to work. We are

advised to be honest to ourselves in choosing the kind of work for



Using a technical word, 'Svadharma', the Gita warns us to adhere to

it (3:35). Svadharma reflects the way God has made us. It is our

nature on the level of the personality. Each of us can contribute

immensely to our own and others' happiness by discovering and

sticking to " that for which God made us! "


Otherwise, personal fancies and false conditionings determine our

choice. Sorrow under such circumstances is assured. As for the

attitude, the message of Shree Krishna exhorts us to shed our

personal attachments and ownership. The beautiful analogy of the

lotus leaf (5:10), points out the reward of freedom for our services

rendered in a spirit of humility (non-egoism).



Resource Management


Our inner resource is energy. There is expenditure of energy in

talking, working, playing, reading and so on. The holy book of our

Sanaatana Dharma insists on being moderate in all our activities

(5:16,17). This is the key to balance in living. Holistic thinking

and living bring out the best in us. Those managers who have struck a

balance in the different departments of their life such as work, home

and society emerge as true winners in the long run.



Qualities Of A New Age Leader


The leader of a team sees the whole group as one (18:20) and has

respect for even a member in the lowest rank. She looks at the other

person as herself (6:32) and is interested in maximum benefit to all

(12:4). She inspires them, encourages them in their meaningful

activities (even of less significance) out of love for them (3:26).

She herself works (on her own level and in her own sphere) with

enthusiasm and fortitude (18:26) and maintains her equilibrium in

success and failure (5:20).



Commitment to a Noble Cause


A manager stays committed to the noble cause that underlies all his

actions. The Lord of Brindavan is very poetic when He says, " Work on,

dear friend, with no negative energy interfering with your

performance! The golden key to do so is offering all your actions to

Me! " (3:30). This 'offering all that we do to God' takes the form

of 'commitment to the main (noble) cause' in a secular context.

Someone rightly said, " Stay firm like a rock when it is the main

principles, go with the flow in small matters. " The manager then

gains the necessary flexibility and accommodativeness to mingle well

with all the members of his team while safeguarding the chief




Whip in Hand, Sometimes


Obviously, a manager cannot afford to be a 'Yes' man all along. Nor

can he always compliment those with whom he works - above, equal to

or below him! The divine charioteer says to the human Arjuna, " Do not

spare them who have violated Dharma! They are down already the moment

they swerve from truth! Do your part anyhow, like My instrument "

(11:34). Reprimanding the wrongdoers and expressing his resentment

at unacceptable performance or behaviour of others are a necessary

part of an effective manager.


Subjectively too, " Do not come under the sway of mere likes and

dislikes. They are your enemies! " (3:34). Pujya Gurudev Swami

Chinmayanandaji said, " Use your head while judging yourself, use your

heart while judging others! " We have to act with great responsibility

towards our own BMI (body, mind and intellect). We cannot afford

either to overindulge or put them to disuse! When used well, they are

a wonderful medium of self-expression. Otherwise they bind us.



Truth Alone Wins:


That truth alone wins is as much a law as gravity or magnetism. A

book of Physics teaches us true laws of the world. The book does not

create anything. In the same way, the Gita shows us the spiritual

laws! For example, the law of selflessness, " Those who act without

desire gain inner peace! " (5:12).



Or again the law of non-agency:


" One oneself truly is never a doer, everything is done by Nature! " As

we gain clarity in these aspects of Truth, our ability to appreciate

the beauty of life increases. Rather than complaining about things,

we begin to thank the Lord for giving us our life. Our projections

caused sorrow to us; life by itself is awe-inspiring!


The enlightened manager is dynamic outside, spontaneously. She is

quiet inside, surrendering totally to the Law of Life. She fully sees

the limitations of human intelligence and the irrepressible energy

contained in Truth or God.

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > SYs should not be bothered whether anyone accepts the truth or

> > not. Our sacred duty is just to state the truth as it is, even

> > if World Council members refuse to abide by dharma. So please

> > don't allow them to corrupt your conscience. One day you will

> > realize that some of them were so dumb, materialistic or tainted

> > by past misdeeds that their claiming to present the Will of the

> > Shakti is probably one of the greatest tradegy to befall us SYs.

> > Take care and understand what they are not doing. Don't let

> > their hype fool you.

> >


> Perhaps after discovering the supreme secret management-controlled

> SYs too will realize why the divine charioteer says to the human

> Arjuna, " Do not spare them who have violated Dharma! They are down

> already the moment they swerve from truth! Do your part anyhow,

> like My instrument " (11:34).




Founded upon the Hindu ideas of, as R. H. Hume's " intelligent

monism, " with Brahman the monad, the Upanishads saw dharma as the

universal principle of law, order, harmony, all in all truth, that

sprang first from Brahman. It acts as the regulatory moral principle

of the universe. It is sat, truth, a major tenet of Hinduism. This

hearkens back to the conception of the Rig Veda that " Ekam Sat, "

(Truth Is One), of the idea that Brahman is " Sacchidananda " (Truth-

Consciousness-Bliss). Dharma has imbibed the highest principles of

Truth, and as such is the central guiding principle in the Hindu

conception of existence. Dharma is not just law, or harmony, it is

pure Reality. In the Brihadaranyaka's own words:


" Verily, that which is Dharma is truth.

Therefore they say of a man who speaks truth, 'He speaks the Dharma,'

or of a man who speaks the Dharma, 'He speaks the Truth.'

Verily, both these things are the same. "


(Brh. Upanishad, 1.4.14) (2)





Truth first sprang from Brahman and acts as the regulatory moral

principle of the universe. However, only WCASY thinks its is exempt

from this universal principal. All SYs under their jurisdiction are

exempted too since, as representatives of Her Will, council members

have powers capable of even nullifying the very moral principle of

the universe.


Chuck said that " I think maybe what Jagbir says is that when

personal fancies and false conditionings determine our choices then

sorrow is assured. "


i just want to correct that statement and answer at the same time.

What he should have said is that " I think maybe what Jagbir says is

that when personal fancies and false conditionings determine our

choices then destruction is assured. "


Just in case we forget it is Shri Mataji Herself who warned " The

Truth (of the Last Judgment and Resurrection) which is Absolute has

to express itself in these Modern Times. And even if it is not

accepted it will never die. On the contrary, if it is not accepted,

it will expose all falsehood and destroy it! "


Since WCASY has no intention of allowing that absolute Truth to

express itself, even deleting it from their agenda, then its

exposure and destruction is assured. Since WCASY is dishonest and

deceptive towards humanity and imposes these immoral principles upon

its members then its exposure and destruction is assured. Since

Truth first sprang from Brahman and acts as the regulatory moral

principle of the universe it will eventually expose all falsehood

and destroy it!


Jai Shri Mataji,




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  • 1 month later...

> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > SYs should not be bothered whether anyone accepts the truth or

> > not. Our sacred duty is just to state the truth as it is, even

> > if World Council members refuse to abide by dharma. So please

> > don't allow them to corrupt your conscience. One day you will

> > realize that some of them were so dumb, materialistic or tainted

> > by past misdeeds that their claiming to present the Will of the

> > Shakti is probably one of the greatest tradegy to befall us SYs.

> > Take care and understand what they are not doing. Don't let

> > their hype fool you.

> >

> >

> Perhaps after discovering the supreme secret management-controlled

> SYs too will realize why the divine charioteer says to the human

> Arjuna, " Do not spare them who have violated Dharma! They are down

> already the moment they swerve from truth! Do your part anyhow,

> like My instrument " (11:34).



Dear Brothers and sisters of the world,


A massive Self Realization drive was hosted by the Rajamundry

collective in Rajamundry town of Andhra Pradesh on 29th Oct 2005.

More than 5,000 youth took Self Realization through this drive. The

programme focused its attention on the personality development and

ways and means to enhance the acumen for studies through this unique

meditation technique of Sahaja Yoga in students. Several college

students, especially of the intermediate and above standards from

more than 4 colleges, participated in this unique programme of

personality development through Sahaja Yoga meditation.


Rajamundry, a fairly large town in the State of Andhra Pradesh and is

approximately 500 kms from the Capital town of Hyderabad, India. A

number of enthusiastic Yuva Shakti from Hyderabad collective traveled

all the way down to Rajahmundry to join hands with the Rajahmundry

collectivity for initiating all the necessary campaigns for this

massive Self Realization programme in several schools and colleges of

that town.


Several sessions were conducted on the Self Realization programme for

the college student right from 10 AM in the morning till 5 PM in the

evening of 29th October. Each of the session covered around 30-45

minutes. Separate sessions were also conducted for the teachers and

staffs of the Colleges. Responses from students were very

encouraging. After the self realization the students had many queries

that varied from ways and means of sustaining and improving their

concentration in studies thereby pursuing and developing their

desired objectives. Each and every queries were very well attended to

by the yogis and the Yuvas as the students seemed quite satiated

after the programme and were serious about it. By the grace of our

Holy Mother the vibrations rose to such an extent that even parents

of the students were quite inquisitive about Sahaja Yoga and its

charisma by seeing its response from realized students.


Next day on 30th October, Sunday, a special seminar was organized for

the benefit of the Yuva Shakti of East & West Godavari. Nearly 250

Yuvas participated in the seminar interaction.


There were several extraordinary experiences that the collective

witnessed during these two days events. In fact even the nature

helped in hosting this holy works of divinity to progress

uninterrupted. The fury of the rains or the water logging on way or

the traffic jam vanished into thin air as the yogis expressed their

pure desire and prayed in heart with firm determination to host the

two programme. As if an unknown force was miraculously regulating

every aspect as She Desired. The incessant rains disappeared, traffic

cleared for the seekers and the water logged areas paved way for

those who desired to attend the programme and for the hosting yuvas

too. Both the days' programme of hosting the realization programme

and the following days' seminar passed very successfully by the grace

of our Holy Mother, Who was the ultimate Doer and the Enjoyer. The

yuvas seemed to be at the top of the world after the programme and

collectively thanked Mother for the wonderful weekend at Rajahmundry

and be able to be Her effective instrument to spread the message of

love and Sahaja Yoga.


This programme was indeed a great initiation for the transformation

of youth in coastal Andhra by the Divine grace of Her Holy Lotus




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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > Take care and understand what they are not doing. Don't let

> > their hype fool you.

> >


" There were several extraordinary experiences that the collective

witnessed during these two days events. In fact even the nature

helped in hosting this holy works of divinity to progress

uninterrupted. The fury of the rains or the water logging on way or

the traffic jam vanished into thin air as the yogis expressed their

pure desire and prayed in heart with firm determination to host the

two programme. As if an unknown force was miraculously regulating

every aspect as She Desired. The incessant rains disappeared, traffic

cleared for the seekers and the water logged areas paved way for

those who desired to attend the programme and for the hosting yuvas

too. "

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