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Long-established SYs ask in fear: Is the world coming to an End?

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Dear All,


Yesterday a SYogini who had started meditating on the Adi Shakti in

the early 90s came to see me. Actually she had gone to the recent

Shri Ganesha Puja in America and wanted to give me somehting. (From

what i gather she knows little of what had taken place in Italy

lately, blissfully unaware perhaps.)


The topic came to why management SYs are not annoucing the Last

Judgment. On hearing that she was visibly shaken and asked, " Is the

world coming to an End? " ..................... twice, and left

soon after. Apparently she could not stand the thought of the world



Actually my wife had been telling me a number of times that SYs do

not want to talk about the Last Judgment because they think it means

the destruction and end of Earth. i though she was mistaken but, as

she has proven on many occasions, was right again.


My question is that if such long-established SYs still have not

comprehended it after more than a decade, what will they teach

others in future? Perhaps this fear of the world ending is one of

the reason


so much time and energy is spent on selling the subtle system. i

mean you cannot attract people if the world is about to end. In other

words the Last Judgment cannot be discussed because it will frighten

and chase away seekers, or something to that effect.


But Shri Mataji has said that:


" In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of

Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is time given to human beings to

rectify themselves, for them to enter the Kingdom of God which in

the Bible is called as Last Judgment — that you will be judged.

All of you will be judged on this Earth.


The population of the Earth is at the maximum these days because all

those — practically all those who had aspirations to enter into

the Kingdom of God — are born in Modern Times and are going to be

born very soon. This is the most important times because Sahaja Yoga

is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to hear this but that's the

fact. It's the Truth!


Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for

you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last

Judgment — which looks such a horrifying experience — has

been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does

not disturb you. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — September 28, 1979



Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi proves beyond a shadow of doubt that

these " are the times described in the Holy Bible as the Last

Judgment and in the Koran as Qiyamah, the Resurrection time.

Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of

rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth. "


In the Qur'an it is proclaimed as the peaceful Night of Power that

precedes the terrifying Day of Noise and Clamour. Even the Hindu

scriptures prophecy the same Second Coming of the Supreme Chastiser,

better know as Kalki who will arive on a White Horse:


" Thereafter, at the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no discussion

on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints

and honoured gentlemen . . . at that time the Lord will appear as

the Supreme Chastiser. "


Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Ch. 7 Text 38

(A.C. B. Swami Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam, BTT, 1987, p. 422.)



" Shri Kalki is the Redeemer and the Destroyer, the White Rider of

the Christian and Hindu eschatologies, His Coming is actualised by

Sahaja Yoga's implementation of collective consciousness on

earth .... The Rider is the Destroyer. That was made perfectly clear

in the Gospels and the Kalki Purana. When He will come, He will

neither argue or listen, neither save nor forgive. We should clearly

understand one thing: HH Mataji is the Saviour because She is the

compassionate One to grant us emancipation before the coming of Shri

Kalki. She is the Comforter that Christ has promised. Therefore, all

our attention should be on Her, on the Now, and on self-realsation

that She grants. Shri Kalki is not to be expected now. We are not

ready for Him. He is the beloved and most obedient Son of HH Mataji.

He listens to Her and delays His coming because the Divine Mother

wants us to get our realisation first. "


Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent



But subtle system SYs still think that the Last Judgment is the End

and not a spiritual experience that is " very beautiful, and very

tender, and delicate, and does not disturb you. " The End is far, far

away into the future as hardly 0.0001% of humanity know about Shri

Mataji and Her Divine Message, albeit through no fault of theirs.

When the very messengers of the Last Judgment and Resurrection are

so confused and paranoid, what can they do for others? When they

themselves are not willing, confident or knowedlgeable to teach the

truth how can they enlighten others (except, of course, about the

subtle system). So who is going to teach them that the Last Judgment

does not mean that world is coming to an end? Who then is going to

enlighten humanity with the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga, the real

reason the Adi Shakti was sent to Earth?


There are so many things wrong with the way management SYs are

trying to spread Sahaja Yoga. But when you see long-established SYs

shaken by the word " Last Judgment " is it any wonder they will have

to flog the subtle system horse for the rest of their lives? Despite

its collapse from old age and sheer exhaustion they still think it

can be revived to drag the heavy subtle system wagon.


Just to drive the final nail into the coffin i have to say that i

did explain to this SYogini a few years before that the Last

Judgment is not the End, that it is an age of great spiritual

awakening and inner growth. But it is the pervasive silence of the

subtle system collective about this subject that manifest such

fears. How then can SYs reverse two millennia of falsehood and make

others understand that:


" Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for

you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last

Judgment — which looks such a horrifying experience — has

been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does

not disturb you " ?


i really have no idea how long will it take for vidya to penetrate

into the skulls of the subtle system collective and free them from

their fear and ignorance. What has all these years of 'cleansing the

chakras' done to enlighten the Sahasrara? When mere words like " Last

Judgment " stresses and frightens them to ask " Is the world coming to

an End? " , i know something is very wrong. It becomes apparent that

there is so much of work to be done. It is as if we have to start

all over again in this millennium from stratch and do exactly what

Shri Mataji wanted done decades ago. Having said that, i want to

remind all that the danger to Shri Mataji's Divine Message to

humanity is from within, as has been the case ever since She started

asking SYs to announce Her Advent, Mission and Message. There never

was/is/will be any public opposition to the Divine Plan for

humanity. The most fanatical will only react by silence. None will

raise a finger or tongue to deny the Truth!


So wake up and perform your duty to dharma and the Divine. " Do not

spare them who have violated Dharma! They are down already the

moment they swerve from truth! " (11:34).



Jai Shri Mataji,




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