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Disasters serve as wake up call to repentance and to announce His Final Judgment

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Shri Mataji has said that:


> " In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of

> Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is time given to human beings to

> rectify themselves, for them to enter the Kingdom of God which in

> the Bible is called as Last Judgment — that you will be judged.

> All of you will be judged on this Earth.


> The population of the Earth is at the maximum these days because

> all those — practically all those who had aspirations to enter into

> the Kingdom of God — are born in Modern Times and are going to be

> born very soon. This is the most important times because Sahaja

> Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to hear this but that's

> the fact. It's the Truth!


> Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy

> for you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of

> Last Judgment — which looks such a horrifying experience — has

> been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does

> not disturb you. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — September 28, 1979



> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi proves beyond a shadow of doubt that

> these " are the times described in the Holy Bible as the Last

> Judgment and in the Koran as Qiyamah, the Resurrection time.

> Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of

> rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth. "


> In the Qur'an it is proclaimed as the peaceful Night of Power that

> precedes the terrifying Day of Noise and Clamour. Even the Hindu

> scriptures prophecy the same Second Coming of the Supreme

> Chastiser, better know as Kalki who will arive on a White Horse:


> " Thereafter, at the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no

> discussion on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-

> called saints and honoured gentlemen . . . at that time the Lord

> will appear as the Supreme Chastiser. "


> Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Ch. 7 Text 38

> (A.C. B. Swami Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam, BTT, 1987, p. 422.)



> " Shri Kalki is the Redeemer and the Destroyer, the White Rider of

> the Christian and Hindu eschatologies, His Coming is actualised by

> Sahaja Yoga's implementation of collective consciousness on

> earth .... The Rider is the Destroyer. That was made perfectly

> clear in the Gospels and the Kalki Purana. When He will come, He

> will neither argue or listen, neither save nor forgive. We should

> clearly understand one thing: HH Mataji is the Saviour because She

> is the compassionate One to grant us emancipation before the

> coming of Shri Kalki. She is the Comforter that Christ has

> promised. Therefore, all our attention should be on Her, on the

> Now, and on self-realsation that She grants. Shri Kalki is not to

> be expected now. We are not ready for Him. He is the beloved and

> most obedient Son of HH Mataji. He listens to Her and delays His

> coming because the Divine Mother wants us to get our realisation

> first. "


> Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent




Quake's terrible toll is revealed

BBC 9 October 2004


Pakistan says more than 19,000 have been killed by Saturday's huge

earthquake, and it is feared the death toll could climb much

further. ...


Only a handful of buildings in the once bustling market town of

Balakot are still standing, says our correspondent.


Tariq Farooq, works and communications minister in Pakistan-

administered Kashmir, said 30,000 people had died in that region



But there was no confirmation of that figure from the central






Fears mount for mudslide victims

BBC 9 October 2005


Rescuers are still not able to reach at least 90 Guatemalan villages

cut off by mudslides after Tropical Storm Stan, Vice President

Eduardo Stein says.


At least 508 people are confirmed dead but officials warn another

1,400 could have died in two villages in the worst affected area,

around Lake Atitlan. ...


Mr Stein said the situation was " rougher than after Hurricane Mitch "

in 1998, when 268 people were killed and 110,000 left homeless.





Bali bombs death toll rises to 23

BBC 8 October 2005


One of the people injured in the Bali suicide attacks a week ago has

died, bringing the death toll to 23.


A hospital official said Endri Kartika, who was working in Raja's

restaurant on Kuta Beach at the time of the attack, died on Friday

from internal bleeding.





Six US marines die in Iraq blasts

BBC 7 October 2005


Bombs have killed six US marines in western Iraq where operations

have been under way to track down militants fighting the US-backed

government. ...


In another development, the bodies of 22 men from Badra, a town

south-east of Baghdad, were found bound with wire handcuffs and

riddled with bullets.


Many are thought to have been Sunni Muslims.





Bird flu 'could kill 150m people'

BBC 30 September 2005


A flu pandemic could happen at any time and kill between 5-150

million people, a UN health official has warned.

David Nabarro, who is charged with co-ordinating responses to bird

flu, said a mutation of the virus affecting Asia could trigger new



" It's like a combination of global warming and HIV/Aids 10 times

faster than it's running at the moment, " Dr Nabarro told the BBC.





Hurricanes and global warming - a link?

BBC 23 September 2005


Take the president of the world's most powerful nation. Add two

intense and damaging natural storms which bring destruction to that

country; then mix in the widely held view that the same nation's

environmental policies are partially responsible for those storms....


Certainly, 2005 appears to have been an unusually active year.


The US National Hurricane Center/Tropical Prediction Center comments

in its August summary that " thus far in 2005, there have been 12

named storms and four hurricanes.


" These numbers are well above the long-term averages of 4.4 storms

and 2.1 hurricanes that would normally have formed by this date. "





A Call to Repentance


First, disasters serve as a wake up call to repentance for mankind.

Disasters can have a sobering effect upon the human mind. When a war

breaks out, or an earthquake destroys countless lives and property,

or a drought burns the crops and dries up the water supply, or an

epidemic disease victimizes millions of persons, many people will

call out to God either in curse or prayer. C. S. Lewis wrote

that " pain is God's megaphone to a deaf world. "


It was an earthquake that caused the jailer at Philippi to exclaim:

" Men, what must I do to be saved? " (Acts 16:30). It was a famine

that sent King Ahab searching everywhere for the prophet Elijah (1

Kings 18:10). It was a plague that brought Pharoah to his knees,

confessing before Moses: " I have sinned against the Lord your God,

and against you. Now therefore, forgive my sin, I pray you, only

this once, and entreat the Lord your God only to remove this death

from me " (Ex 10:16-17).


In His Olivet Discourse Jesus predicted that certain calamities will

occur before His Return. Because of their nature and function, we

can call these calamities " signs of divine judgment. " Specifically

Jesus said: " And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that

you are not alarmed; for this must take place, but the end is not

yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against

kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various

places: all this is but the beginning of the sufferings " (Matt 24:6-

8; cf. Mark 13:7-8). Luke adds " pestilences " to the listing of

calamities (Luke 21:11).


The manifestation of divine judgment through calamities is intended

to summon people to repent. The prophet Joel, for example, describes

a disastrous drought and fire which destroyed the harvest, the

pasture, and the trees and dried up the water brooks (Joel 1:11-12,

19-20). In the context of this calamity, the prophet calls upon the

people to repent: " Awake, you drunkards, and weep; and wail, all you

drinkers of wine, . . . Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly.

Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house

of the Lord your God; and cry to the Lord " (Joel 1:5, 14).


An Announcement of the Final Judgment


Second, disasters are used by God not only to summon people to

repentance, but also to announce His final judgment which is

associated with the Day of the Lord in the Old Testament and with

the Day of Christ's Coming in the New Testament. For example, Joel

sees the historical famine described above as a sign that " the day

of the Lord is near, and as destruction from the Almighty it comes "

(Joel 1:15).


In the prophetic perspective, disasters such as wars, earthquakes,

and famines not only reveal God's immediate judgment upon human

ungodliness and wickedness (Rom 1:18), but are also harbingers of

the final judgment to come. They constantly remind mankind that the

Judge is standing at the doors (James 5:9). " Every report of

calamity by sea or land, " states Ellen White, " is a testimony to the

fact that the end of all things is at hand. " (Evangelism, p. 219).


A Pledge of the Certainty of the End


A third noteworthy aspect of calamities is that they serve to point

to the certainty of the approaching End. Jesus spoke of wars,

earthquakes, famines, and pestilences as disasters occurring not

exclusively at the very end but during the whole time preceding His

Return. This point is implied in the admonition not to be alarmed by

the occurrence of these signs " for this must take place, but the end

is not yet " (Matt 24:6; Mark 13:7; Luke 21:9). In fact, these signs

are said to represent " but the beginning of the sufferings " (Matt

24:8; Mark 13:8).


The latter expression was used in Judaism in a technical way to

describe the period of suffering ( " the birth-pangs of the Messiah " )

that would precede the establishment of the messianic Kingdom.

Possibly Jesus made use of this familiar concept to characterize the

conditions that will precede His Return. The occurrences of wars,

earthquakes, famines, and pestilences do not pinpoint but point to

the approaching End. They constitute a pledge that the End will

surely come.


By saying that wars, earthquakes, famines, and pestilences are " but

the beginning of the sufferings " (Matt 24:8; Mark 13:8), Christ

clearly implied that they will intensify as the End approaches. " But

the beginning " presupposes that there will be more and worse

disasters yet to come. These will cause such a " great tribulation "

that, Jesus said, " if those days had not been shortened, no human

being would be saved " (Matt 24:22; cf. Mark 13:20).


Christ's prediction of the intensification of calamities before the

End finds support in the prophetic books of the Old and New

Testaments. These books, as I have shown in The Advent Hope for

Human Hopelessness, predict an intensification of warfare and

disasters prior to the Coming of the Lord. (If you do not have this

timely book, just call us at (269) 471-2915 or email us your

request, and we will mail it to you immediately).


Both natural and man-made disasters are increasing today in

different parts of the world. Through natural cataclysms and man-

made environmental crises, God is announcing His impending judgment

upon human rebellion and is calling people to repent before it is

too late.


The unprecedented fulfillment in our time of the signs of divine

judgment predicted by Christ is a clear harbinger of the impending

final judgment that Christ will soon execute upon mankind at His

Second Coming. Through natural disasters like Tsunami God is calling

upon unbelievers to repent and upon believers to live holy and godly

lives while " waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God "

(2 Pet 3:11-12).



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