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She is the Kundalini Shakti present as dormant energy in every one of us

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> When i read your post i had a left swadhistan catch. The

> particular sentence that started it was " Who doesen't want to

> follow this serious line are marked as a group. "


> Then i checked to find out the cause. It said:


> " 'Your left thumb will speak' if you engage in black magic, false

> gurus and knowledge, alcohol and drugs, extreme servility and

> subordination. "


> http://www.adishakti.org/subtle_system/swadhisthan_chakra.htm


> You are right. We must learn to forget this serious official staff

> and start to laugh and enjoy together. One sure way is to start

> being your own master and meditating on, and seeking protection

> of, the Shakti within. We should not grovel and be spineless

> slaves to mere humans. Understand your own divinity and be proud

> you have at last found the greatest treasure of the Divine that

> lies within. We must stop begging for tiny morsels of favour from

> so-called masters to spread Sahaja Yoga. You will find it on your

> own how to become instruments of the Shakti within. If you seek to

> do so from without be prepared to bow to surbordination and

> servility ........................ and waste years, finally

> finding out and understanding why only Truth triumphs.




But how are we to tell the world that the incarnation of the Shakti

within has come in the form of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi? For those

able to stop begging for tiny morsels of favour from so-called

masters there are 1001 ways. As you surrender to the Shakti within

She will present you with opportunities to proclaim Her Divine

Message to all.


For example we SYs have the power to make our hands 'talk'. But who

is the Power behind such experiences recorded hundreds of thousands

of times? How are SYs able to 'communicate' with this mysterious

Power that comes only after Self-realization/Second Birth/Baptism of

Allah? What is the reality of this guiding Power within us SYs?


The answer is that the Power " is the Kundalini Shakti present as

dormant energy in every one of us. "


Below is an article written by Prof. V. Krishnamurthy that seems to

project a Hindu Divine Feminine, one that non-Hindus cannot easily

relate to their own religion and holy scriptures. Only Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi has given evidence that the Divine Feminine is

entrenched in all the holy scriptures as the Adi Shakti (Hinduism),

Comforter/Holy Spirit (Christianity), Shekinah (Judaism), Ma Adi/Ruh

(Islam), Mai Treya (Buddhism), Great Mother (Taoism) and Aykaa Mayee

(Sikhism). Such an unprecedented revelation in history and

irrefutable evidence to back it is absolutely required if the Shakti

is indeed within all humans, as recorded in the holy scriptures.

Only those who understand Her Divine Message will be able to

comprehend how and why " the Kundalini Shakti present as dormant

energy in every one of us " is so active within those taking part in

the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


When you have such knowledge within the palm of your hands why beg

from management SYs for a chance to serve Her? Who are they to stop

you from serving the Shakti within in any way you see fit?


Jai Shri Mataji,






Mother Goddess

Prof. V. Krishnamurthy


1. The primeval energy


One of the unique features of Hinduism is the fact that it

conceives Divinity also as Mother Goddess. Even religions

which clearly assert that Divinity has no name or form,

other than Hinduism, do not take the next logical step of

accepting that the Supreme God has no specificity in terms

of gender. It is only in Hinduism that we see the Ultimate

Power is also expressed in feminine terms. It must be said

to the credit of the Upanishadic seers that they

categorically asserted that real Godhead has to transcend a

gender-specific connotation and invented therefore the

unique word `Tat' – meaning `that' – for that Divinity. And

therefore, they argued, whatever reason or rhyme we have in

referring to God by a masculine pronoun, the same right

there is for us to call God by a feminine pronoun.


In fact they go further. They conceive the energy of every

Cosmic Divinity as feminine and thus arrive at the

interesting concept of primordial Power or the ParA-shakti.

In Science, matter is fundamental and self-existent; its

motive power is Energy. In Hindu Vedanta on the other hand,

Energy is self-existent and Matter is the product of

Energy. It is this ever-present Energy that is called

ParA-shakti. Without this ParA-shakti's life-giving

inspiration, the Creator BrahmA cannot do his creative

function, Vishnu cannot perform his sustenance function,

nor can Rudra contribute to the Cosmic ecology by His

dissolution function at the time of pralaya, which must

follow all creation, in due time. That is why She is called

(LalitA-sahasranAma) " SrshhTi-kartrI brahma-rUpA goptrI

govinda-rUpiNI; samhAriNI rudra-rUpA .... " . The concept of

Shakti as the essence of everything is non-existent in the

western culture. Modern Physics, however, shows signs of

reversing that trend of thought.


2. Brahman to be known, Shakti to be worshipped


The primordial ParA-shakti is therefore the ultimate

dynamic Energy of that transcendental Para-Brahman, than

which there is no other existence. In fact it is

technically inaccurate to say that She is the Energy of the

Para-Brahman, because the nature of the latter does not

allow any attributes or predicates for it. When we

attribute anything to the Para-Brahman we have already

delimited and circumscribed it. When we talk of the Energy

of the Ultimate Reality we have already come one step down

from the supreme pedestal of the Unmanifested Ultimate. But

the beauty of Hindu philosophy is that this ParA-shakti

Herself is transcendent beyond anything that is finite and

immanent in everything there is and therefore while we

predicate it, and relate it to other things, it is still

the Ultimate Supreme that can be talked about.


While Brahman has only to be cognised, ParA-shakti can be

worshipped by the methods of SaguNopAsanA, that is, worship

by a form and name. She is the Divine Will personified. She

is the Conscious Power behind everything. She is the

Presence, invisible and constant, which sustains the world,

linking form and name, holding them in inter-dependence.

There is nothing impossible for Her. She is the Universal

Goddess. She is all knowledge, all strength, all triumph

and all victory. She is the Maheshvari who brings to us the

total state of illumination.


3. She is Many-One


She is in fact the Mother of the Universe. She creates, She

preserves, She dissolves. She is the `sat', therefore

creates: She is the `chit', therefore is Life; She is the

Ananda, therfefore is bliss. At the same time She must be

the possessor and controller of the opposite qualities

also, namely, Destruction, Death and Terror. It is in these

latter three facets that She manifests Herself as

MahA-KALi: the Goddess of supreme strength. All might and

power that is anywhere has to bow down to Her prowess. She

is MahA-lakshmi, the supreme Goddess of Love and Delight

and She gives the Grace and Charm to everything that is

divine or human. She is MahA-Sarasvati, the Goddess of

divine skill and knowledge. She is the fire-fighter and

trouble-shooter for the entire universe.


She does not have to descend from Her heights of Glory and

Majesty and limit Herself to a human birth as the other

divinities like Vishnu and Shiva do. She manifests Herself

just when She wills it and She demanifests also just like

that. The supreme examples of such manifestation and

non-manifestation are narrated in that wonderful book

called `ChanDi' or `durgA-sapta-shati' or `devI-mAhAtmyaM'.

This book which is, by some accounts, one of the

upa-purANas, is not just a narrative poem describing the

exploits of ParA-shakti. It is a book of mantras. Every

verse therein has a mantra value and is capable of

producing spiritual and occult vibrations which will result

not only in the spiritual elevation of mankind but in their

material benefit also. Let us spend just a little time on

why this is so.


4. She is Herself the Para-brahman


Whenever any cosmic divinity acts it has to draw the energy

to act from that infinite source of energy, the

transcendent Para-brahman. The power, the life-giving

inspiration to act and the dynamism for the Will, all of

these come from that ultimate source. This source is the

ParA-shakti, an infinite reservoir of Energy. It is the

dynamic expression of the Infinite Actionless Unmanifested

Para-brahman. That is why whenever we think of Her,

whenever we invoke Her, whenever we fill our heart and mind

with Her exploits by reading the `ChanDi' not only are we

elevated spiritually but the very atmosphere is lifted to a

higher level of enlightenment, brilliance and radiance. She

is the only Divinity who is amenable both for worship by

means of saguNopAsanA (that is, worship through form and

name) and for cognition through nirguNopAsanA, that is

worship of the Unmanifested and Attributeless.


In the case of the other Gods if one is inclined towards

nirguNopAsanA one has to sublimate their forms, transcend

them and reach the heights of the inexpressible ecstasies

of the `experience' of brahman. But in the case of

parA-shakti there is nothing beyond Her. You may worship

Her as a Goddess with form and attributes or you may

imagine that Energy to be abstract and therefore has to be

only cognised and felt in your bones. She is Herself the

para-brahman becuse brahman cannot be cognised any other

way except through its dynamic expression of Will which is

the PrakRti or MayA, through the visible form of

parA-shakti. Thus the Mother Goddess admits of the full

range of bhakti as well as the highest sophistication of

jnAna yoga or Raja-yoga. In one case She is the Mother

whose form we adore in one of several forms resplendent in

the numerous temples with any one of Her more than thousand

names. And in the other case She is the KunDalinI shakti

who is present as the dormant energy in every one of us.


Prof. V. Krishnamurthy

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Dear Jagbir,


Thank you Jagbir for that message. It really is that simple. And i believe that

Truth is very simple. Only people want to make truth a complicated thing.


If one not only hears Truth but applies it to their lives that is the secret.

Complexity comes when people accept truth from other human beings without

discrimination, rather than turning to the Adi Shakti within for the truth. Shri

Mataji has always emphasized how important it is to know the Holy Scriptures of

all religions. The essences of all these scriptures from the original

Incarnations are the revealed Word of God and can always give us peace and

assurance by reading them. They can dispel any doubts, lack of faith and

problems on our spiritual journey. Especially, since we have our

self-realization, these Holy Scriptures are much more easily understood. It is

also my experience that these Holy Scriptures are a base line that will reveal

whether anything anyone says is the Truth.


In this Vishwa Nirmala Dharma (pure immaculate religion of the Spirit) we are to

become our own gurus now. We are to become our Spirit now. When we do that, our

Spirit enlightens us. We are a part of All That Is. There is a Universal

Collectivity and Universal Order of things, which is under the Vision of Shri

Ganesha, of whom Jesus is a reincarnation, under the guidance of our Spirit and

under the blessings of God Almighty, all of Whom will guide us as we surrender

to their Love, Wisdom and Understanding. They are also the Inner Guides, who are

the True Guides. True Guidance comes from Within, not Without.


We are also a part and parcel of each other, brothers and sisters, Spirit Beings

who are all individual drops, yet also 'dissolved 'drops' in the whole wave of

Collective Beingness. We are not God Himself, but our Individual Spirits are

each a part of the essence of God Himself.


Shri Mataji called us Her Children. Shri Mataji came to teach us to look within

and why are people continually looking 'with-out' and listening to others? That

is where confusion comes in, because everyone has different 'out-looks'. It is

only when we look 'with-in' that we can all agree to the unity within, which

only then can also translate to unity without.


In the many-jewelled Kingdom of God Within, we are all original drops of the

essence of God and can all experience the various facets of the Truth of God

within our Selves if we so desire. God manifests Himself to each person in a

unique way that is best for that person's spiritual growth through His Holy

Spirit, the Divine Mother, Adi Shakti within each of us.


Everyone is a unique 'droplet' or personality of the essence of God within,

which therefore means that we can enjoy each others variety of outlook,

approach, vision, much like the many different flowers with their different

faces, colours, scents, and uses.


Life is so simple yet so beautifully complex. However, the Kundalini Shakti

within and without unites this all in an orchestral harmony to the praise of God



It is the Divine Mother within who is talking to us in this beautiful poem to

Her Flower Children. Shri Mataji is an Incarnation of the Holy Spirit or Divine

Mother within.


See how your Mother Within longs to adorn your life with beautiful blossoms and

fill your moments with joyful fragrance. She promises to annoint your head with

Divine Love and to engulf you in the Ocean of Joy, so that you fill to the brim

and lose your 'separateness' and become 'integrated' in God, the Greater One.


Here is the promise of the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit Within). She is also Without

in everything created. She cannot be contained in a box or within an

organization, because She is Being Itself and The All Pervading Holy Spirit,

Divine Mother, has no boundaries or limitations. She is Here For All. So please

enjoy and surrender to Her Love to you and let all outer words of others who

would tell you that the Truth is outside somewhere, vanish like so much

unnecessary talk.






To my flower children


You are angry with life

Like small children

Whose Mother is lost in Darkness.

Your sulk expressing despair,

At the fruitless end of your journey

You wear Ugliness to discover Beauty,

You name everything false in the name of Truth,

You drain out emotions to fill the cup of Love

My sweet children, my darlings,

How can you get peace by waging war

With yourself, with your being, with joy itself?

Enough are your efforts of renunciation -

The artificial mask of consolation.

Now rest in the petals of the lotus flower

In the lap of your gracious Mother.

I will adorn your life with beautiful blossoms

And fill your moments with joyful fragrance.

I will annoint your head with Divine Love

For I cannot bear your torture anymore.

Let me engulf you in the ocean of joy,

So you lose your being in the Greater one

Who is smiling in your calyx of self,

Secretly hidden to tease you all the while.

Be aware and you will find Him

Vibrating your every fibre with blissful joy

Covering the whole Universe with light!


Mother Nirmala





-- In , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > When i read your post i had a left swadhistan catch. The

> > particular sentence that started it was " Who doesen't want to

> > follow this serious line are marked as a group. "

> >

> > Then i checked to find out the cause. It said:

> >

> > " 'Your left thumb will speak' if you engage in black magic,


> > gurus and knowledge, alcohol and drugs, extreme servility and

> > subordination. "

> >

> > http://www.adishakti.org/subtle_system/swadhisthan_chakra.htm

> >

> > You are right. We must learn to forget this serious official


> > and start to laugh and enjoy together. One sure way is to start

> > being your own master and meditating on, and seeking protection

> > of, the Shakti within. We should not grovel and be spineless

> > slaves to mere humans. Understand your own divinity and be proud

> > you have at last found the greatest treasure of the Divine that

> > lies within. We must stop begging for tiny morsels of favour


> > so-called masters to spread Sahaja Yoga. You will find it on


> > own how to become instruments of the Shakti within. If you seek


> > do so from without be prepared to bow to surbordination and

> > servility ........................ and waste years, finally

> > finding out and understanding why only Truth triumphs.

> >

> >


> But how are we to tell the world that the incarnation of the


> within has come in the form of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi? For those

> able to stop begging for tiny morsels of favour from so-called

> masters there are 1001 ways. As you surrender to the Shakti within

> She will present you with opportunities to proclaim Her Divine

> Message to all.


> For example we SYs have the power to make our hands 'talk'. But


> is the Power behind such experiences recorded hundreds of


> of times? How are SYs able to 'communicate' with this mysterious

> Power that comes only after Self-realization/Second Birth/Baptism


> Allah? What is the reality of this guiding Power within us SYs?


> The answer is that the Power " is the Kundalini Shakti present as

> dormant energy in every one of us. "


> Below is an article written by Prof. V. Krishnamurthy that seems


> project a Hindu Divine Feminine, one that non-Hindus cannot easily

> relate to their own religion and holy scriptures. Only Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi has given evidence that the Divine Feminine is

> entrenched in all the holy scriptures as the Adi Shakti


> Comforter/Holy Spirit (Christianity), Shekinah (Judaism), Ma


> (Islam), Mai Treya (Buddhism), Great Mother (Taoism) and Aykaa


> (Sikhism). Such an unprecedented revelation in history and

> irrefutable evidence to back it is absolutely required if the


> is indeed within all humans, as recorded in the holy scriptures.

> Only those who understand Her Divine Message will be able to

> comprehend how and why " the Kundalini Shakti present as dormant

> energy in every one of us " is so active within those taking part


> the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


> When you have such knowledge within the palm of your hands why beg

> from management SYs for a chance to serve Her? Who are they to


> you from serving the Shakti within in any way you see fit?


> Jai Shri Mataji,



> jagbir



> Mother Goddess

> Prof. V. Krishnamurthy


> 1. The primeval energy


> One of the unique features of Hinduism is the fact that it

> conceives Divinity also as Mother Goddess. Even religions

> which clearly assert that Divinity has no name or form,

> other than Hinduism, do not take the next logical step of

> accepting that the Supreme God has no specificity in terms

> of gender. It is only in Hinduism that we see the Ultimate

> Power is also expressed in feminine terms. It must be said

> to the credit of the Upanishadic seers that they

> categorically asserted that real Godhead has to transcend a

> gender-specific connotation and invented therefore the

> unique word `Tat' – meaning `that' – for that Divinity. And

> therefore, they argued, whatever reason or rhyme we have in

> referring to God by a masculine pronoun, the same right

> there is for us to call God by a feminine pronoun.


> In fact they go further. They conceive the energy of every

> Cosmic Divinity as feminine and thus arrive at the

> interesting concept of primordial Power or the ParA-shakti.

> In Science, matter is fundamental and self-existent; its

> motive power is Energy. In Hindu Vedanta on the other hand,

> Energy is self-existent and Matter is the product of

> Energy. It is this ever-present Energy that is called

> ParA-shakti. Without this ParA-shakti's life-giving

> inspiration, the Creator BrahmA cannot do his creative

> function, Vishnu cannot perform his sustenance function,

> nor can Rudra contribute to the Cosmic ecology by His

> dissolution function at the time of pralaya, which must

> follow all creation, in due time. That is why She is called

> (LalitA-sahasranAma) " SrshhTi-kartrI brahma-rUpA goptrI

> govinda-rUpiNI; samhAriNI rudra-rUpA .... " . The concept of

> Shakti as the essence of everything is non-existent in the

> western culture. Modern Physics, however, shows signs of

> reversing that trend of thought.


> 2. Brahman to be known, Shakti to be worshipped


> The primordial ParA-shakti is therefore the ultimate

> dynamic Energy of that transcendental Para-Brahman, than

> which there is no other existence. In fact it is

> technically inaccurate to say that She is the Energy of the

> Para-Brahman, because the nature of the latter does not

> allow any attributes or predicates for it. When we

> attribute anything to the Para-Brahman we have already

> delimited and circumscribed it. When we talk of the Energy

> of the Ultimate Reality we have already come one step down

> from the supreme pedestal of the Unmanifested Ultimate. But

> the beauty of Hindu philosophy is that this ParA-shakti

> Herself is transcendent beyond anything that is finite and

> immanent in everything there is and therefore while we

> predicate it, and relate it to other things, it is still

> the Ultimate Supreme that can be talked about.


> While Brahman has only to be cognised, ParA-shakti can be

> worshipped by the methods of SaguNopAsanA, that is, worship

> by a form and name. She is the Divine Will personified. She

> is the Conscious Power behind everything. She is the

> Presence, invisible and constant, which sustains the world,

> linking form and name, holding them in inter-dependence.

> There is nothing impossible for Her. She is the Universal

> Goddess. She is all knowledge, all strength, all triumph

> and all victory. She is the Maheshvari who brings to us the

> total state of illumination.


> 3. She is Many-One


> She is in fact the Mother of the Universe. She creates, She

> preserves, She dissolves. She is the `sat', therefore

> creates: She is the `chit', therefore is Life; She is the

> Ananda, therfefore is bliss. At the same time She must be

> the possessor and controller of the opposite qualities

> also, namely, Destruction, Death and Terror. It is in these

> latter three facets that She manifests Herself as

> MahA-KALi: the Goddess of supreme strength. All might and

> power that is anywhere has to bow down to Her prowess. She

> is MahA-lakshmi, the supreme Goddess of Love and Delight

> and She gives the Grace and Charm to everything that is

> divine or human. She is MahA-Sarasvati, the Goddess of

> divine skill and knowledge. She is the fire-fighter and

> trouble-shooter for the entire universe.


> She does not have to descend from Her heights of Glory and

> Majesty and limit Herself to a human birth as the other

> divinities like Vishnu and Shiva do. She manifests Herself

> just when She wills it and She demanifests also just like

> that. The supreme examples of such manifestation and

> non-manifestation are narrated in that wonderful book

> called `ChanDi' or `durgA-sapta-shati' or `devI-mAhAtmyaM'.

> This book which is, by some accounts, one of the

> upa-purANas, is not just a narrative poem describing the

> exploits of ParA-shakti. It is a book of mantras. Every

> verse therein has a mantra value and is capable of

> producing spiritual and occult vibrations which will result

> not only in the spiritual elevation of mankind but in their

> material benefit also. Let us spend just a little time on

> why this is so.


> 4. She is Herself the Para-brahman


> Whenever any cosmic divinity acts it has to draw the energy

> to act from that infinite source of energy, the

> transcendent Para-brahman. The power, the life-giving

> inspiration to act and the dynamism for the Will, all of

> these come from that ultimate source. This source is the

> ParA-shakti, an infinite reservoir of Energy. It is the

> dynamic expression of the Infinite Actionless Unmanifested

> Para-brahman. That is why whenever we think of Her,

> whenever we invoke Her, whenever we fill our heart and mind

> with Her exploits by reading the `ChanDi' not only are we

> elevated spiritually but the very atmosphere is lifted to a

> higher level of enlightenment, brilliance and radiance. She

> is the only Divinity who is amenable both for worship by

> means of saguNopAsanA (that is, worship through form and

> name) and for cognition through nirguNopAsanA, that is

> worship of the Unmanifested and Attributeless.


> In the case of the other Gods if one is inclined towards

> nirguNopAsanA one has to sublimate their forms, transcend

> them and reach the heights of the inexpressible ecstasies

> of the `experience' of brahman. But in the case of

> parA-shakti there is nothing beyond Her. You may worship

> Her as a Goddess with form and attributes or you may

> imagine that Energy to be abstract and therefore has to be

> only cognised and felt in your bones. She is Herself the

> para-brahman becuse brahman cannot be cognised any other

> way except through its dynamic expression of Will which is

> the PrakRti or MayA, through the visible form of

> parA-shakti. Thus the Mother Goddess admits of the full

> range of bhakti as well as the highest sophistication of

> jnAna yoga or Raja-yoga. In one case She is the Mother

> whose form we adore in one of several forms resplendent in

> the numerous temples with any one of Her more than thousand

> names. And in the other case She is the KunDalinI shakti

> who is present as the dormant energy in every one of us.


> Prof. V. Krishnamurthy

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