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To my surprise only 2 people came and left without any hope

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> Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:52 am

> When a Great Event that is ordained to mankind is

> tactfully avoided

> >

> > Dear Jagbir

> >

> > What you said reflects the true situation with the sy and

> > the unexplained lack of confidence in declaring the truth,though

> > they may themselves embrace it. I have made copies of shri

> > matagi's declaration to my group, quite a number are unaware and

> > wanted to know more. As such i handed the material to the yogi

> > in charge thinking that he will use the occassion to confirm the

> > declaration and have the web address posted on the notice board.

> > None of which happens. When a great event that is ordained to

> > mankind is tactfully avoided in favour of activities like

> > promoting cross cultures such as lion dance and colouring

> > contest, the gathering degenerates into just another social club

> > with much talk about foot soaking, but little on the path

> > towards samadhi. Since many of the sy have no religious

> > background, they are in the dark about ressurection of the

> > christian and the muslim as well as the upanisad. Or should Shri

> > Matagi address the world authoritatively like Jesus when he

> > declare i am the truth and the way, so that the poor sy will

> > then wake up

> >

> > sampa

> >

, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Dear Sampa,


> How on earth can SYs not know about Shri Mataji's numerous

> declarations about the Last Judgment and Resurrection? If you

> check tapes of public programs you will realize that the audience

> are told just that on many occasions. Unlike SYs, Shri Mataji

> never balked at declaring the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah to

> complete strangers. It did not matter to Her whether they believed

> or not, just as it did not matter to Jesus. But both did address

> their followers and masses authoritatively - no question about

> this! The Adi Shakti has done Her job and still continues today,

> despite an advanced age, when She should be retired and resting.


> But those members of the public who came for subsequent follow-ups

> to learn more of the Last Judgment must have been taken aback by

> the complete lack of information on this great event. It is just

> like entering a store advertising " Last Judgment " and finding out

> there is no such thing, only chakras and some subtle system stuff

> that thousands of competing stores promote in their weekly fliers.

> Many leave quietly without complaining about the deception because

> it is FREE. (Try charging $5 and see what happens.) Even those

> attending public programs and subsequently checking the official

> SY websites to read about the Last Judgment that Shri Mataji

> talked about are in for a surprise, even shock - not even a single

> reference! The most daring hint is Blossom Time! But what does

> Shri Mataji mean by it? What is the public supposed to make out

> of " Blossom Time " ? (Can they imagine it to be springtime in Japan

> when millions of cherry trees bloom?)


> Moreover the hundreds of thousands of seekers who visit the

> official websites mistake it for some Hindu organization teaching

> about Self-realization. (Hundreds of Indian gurus/disciples claim

> the same ability and 152,000 hits on Google should be sufficient.)

> There is not even a single paragraph or sentence. Nay, there is

> not even a single mention of Last Judgment!


> Most leave and never return because in their minds Shri Mataji is

> just another guru giving Self-realization, and little else. They

> have no idea that She is the promised Comforter to explain about

> Jesus' teachings, or what She has done in the capacity of Imam Ma

> Adi to enlighten humanity about the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah.

> The damage, though invisible, is incalculable if taken over the

> span of three decades as our leaders time and again squandered

> countless opportunities to declare the advent of the Adi Shakti.


> It is no different today. You can crack your head and almost break

> the wall to find answers! But you can never find out why this

> deception and hypocrisy is perpetuated and encouraged at all

> levels, starting from our leaders and working all the way down to

> the YuvaShakti. No leader or SY can tell us why we must hide the

> truth from the public, but hide you must.






" jagbir singh " <www.adishakti.org

Thu Jun 24, 2004 3:00 pm

Re: how long will this charka charade continue?


> So SY organizers have kept counting the number of bodies receiving

> kundalini awakening, and are quite pleased with the success of

> their operations. And they keep reporting their " successful

> operations " to those in charge of spreading Sahaja Yoga.


> But there is one major flaw.


> The desire to produce confirmed self-realized bodies has resulted

> in massive self-delusion. No matter what SYs do no amount of

> figures is going to change anything, and the night of Kali Yuga

> just gets ever darker. Those hundreds of thousands given self-

> realization over the years have not been transformed at all

> because none have any idea what happened and why they have to

> continue doing Sahaja Yoga. They have had a brief fling with

> kundalini awakening and, not knowing why they should carry on

> meditating, have just disappeared ................... and

> continue to do so. And Shri Mataji thus remains as obscure as ever.


> There has to be a way to stop this huge loss of souls who have

> come so tantalizingly close to moksa in the promised Blossom Time.

> This unforgivable waste must end.


> My only suggestion would be that we SYs must announce that the

> Last Judgment and Resurrection has begun, an approach that has

> never been attempted. It will only take a single paragraph or page

> on all SY websites, a miniscule investment of time that will pay

> incalculable dividends far in excess of all our efforts over the

> last three decades. The benefits are just too overwhelming to

> comprehend at this early stage. Seekers must know why they should

> sustain their self-realization for the rest of their lives.


> As long as this truth is deliberately kept away from the public

> Sahaja Yoga will never spread. More than 30 years have passed

> since Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi opened the Sahasrara and less than

> 0.001% of the world knows about Sahaja Yoga. (i have been liberal

> and presume that 6,000,000 people have received self-realization.)

> But this generous figure falls to 0.0005% if we speculate on the

> number who know it is the Last Judgment.


> If it takes 30 years to announce Shri Mataji's message to a mere

> 0.0005% of humanity, how long will it take to reach just 1%?


> 6,000,000,000 X 0.001% = 6,000,000 received self-realization over

> 30 years.

> 6,000,000,000 X 0.00005 = 300,000 remain in Sahaja Yoga and know

> about Last Judgment over 30 years.

> 6,000,000,000 X 0.00005% X 200 = 60,000,000 (1% of world

> population)


> Right now 0.00005% of humanity know about the Last Judgment. So it

> will take another 200 X 30 years to reach 1% of humanity and we

> can all celebrate this milestone in AD 8003. Do my calculations

> make sense that we SYs must tell what Sahaja Yoga is all about and

> why they must stay on to sustain the self-realization?


> jagbir







> " jagbir singh " <www.adishakti.org

> Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:02 am

> How on earth can genuine-like SY fare so badly in

relation to cult-like sai baba?


> A friend of mine rang me up yesterday. He was a SY for a few years

> and left in the mid-1990s. For the last few months he has been

> meditating again after i questioned his fallen state and reminded

> who Shri Mataji was and why She was on Earth. So after nearly a

> decade he had expected the North American collective to be in the

> thousands. i replied that it was less than 1000, with South

> America thrown in. He was shocked. He questioned: " Didn't they

> start announcing? "


> Thus, that is the real problem retarding our progress. We SYs are

> just not being honest about Shri Mataji's core message, and

> transparent in the problems affecting Sahaja Yoga. Unlike the

> devotees of Sai Baba (or Amma, Chinmoy, Rev. Moon etc.) SYs just

> do not have the guts or conviction to even meekly whimper in

> public what they so bravely roar in the privacy of Her pujas. This

> is the biggest hypocrisy and one that makes me most ashamed.






" jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:15 am

A vital lifeline to resuscitate and resurrect the Divine

Message to humanity


> For some time i have been feeling the decreasing number of public

> programs as halls continue to be empty, or almost empty. This is

> definitely the case in North America, one that has been confirmed.

> i know it is not much different all over the world, though there

> is a snail's pace advancement in a few countries. (But if compared

> as percentages of total population we will always have a few zeros

> after the decimal point.)









Yogesh Tambat <ytambat

Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:58 pm

Re: [talk-about-sy] Re: Am I Thinking Right ? What should I

do ? Pl Advice.


There is a very interesting story...


I am in US in michigan. I helped the group with finding a center, I

got TV and gave them as they dint had. ( no thanks from the leader,

acting as if it was my duty to find one and get a TV), I made some

nice posters to distribute around the Grocery stores and community

centers. I made those posters in western style with a view that

people should be anxious to come. I showed it to the leader and he

was annoyed for not having Mataji's pic on it and said to put it

immediately. He said Mataji told everybody to have her pic on all

adds and that will have a miracle in bringing more people. We did

all the postering and we were expecting at least 40 people and asked

the community hall to put 40 chairs. Program was supposed to begin

at 6.00 pm. I was in a concern that we have no chairs if more than

40 people turn up. to my surprise only 2 people came and left

without any hope. The comments from leader were " This is very

typical in US. Its good at least 2 came. He also was talking behind

back of them when they left that these people are useless, nonsense,

hopeless idiots and what not. I left immediately after hearing about

all this talking behind back. He also talks about us like that

within the group. This is also why i hate this group now.


There are so many incidences like this that have made us think to

quit now its a limit.


Yogesh Tambat

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