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Will the resurrection of the body be a physical resurrection from the dead?

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Will the resurrection of the body be a physical resurrection from

the dead?


Yes, our bodies will be raised not spiritually or ethereally, but

physically and materially. Our souls will be reunited with our

transformed physical bodies, brought back to life from the dead.

Scripture teaches this in many ways.


First, simply to speak of a " resurrection " of the dead (Matthew

22:30-31; Luke 14:14; 1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16) is

to imply physicality. That is what a resurrection is. The Bible has

no categories for the concept of a resurrected body that remains

dead and physically lying in a grave.


Second, Philippians 3:20-21 teaches us that Christ's resurrection

body is the pattern of our resurrection body: " For our citizenship

is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord

Jesus Christ; who will transform the body of our humble state into

conformity with the body of His glory. " We know that Christ was

raised in a physical body because the disciples ate with Him after

the resurrection (Acts 10:41) and touched Him (Matthew 28:9; see

also John 20:27). Also, Jesus outright declared that His

resurrection body was physical and touchable: " See My hands and My

feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not

have flesh and bones as you see that I have " (Luke 24:39; see also

Acts 13:33-37). Since Christ's resurrection is the pattern of our

resurrection, we will therefore be raised in a physical body as well.


Third, Romans 8:21-23 speaks of waiting for " the redemption of our

bodies " (v. 23). Our bodies are not going to be thrown away. They

are going to be renewed, restored, revitalized.


Fourth, Jesus speaks of the resurrection as involving the coming

forth of individuals out of their tombs, which clearly indicates a

physical concept of the resurrection: " Do not marvel at this; for an

hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His

voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a

resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a

resurrection of judgment " (John 5:28-29).


Fifth, the Old Testament speaks of the resurrection as being

physical: " And many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground

will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace

and everlasting contempt " (Daniel 12:2). Likewise, we read in

Job: " I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take

His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my

flesh I shall see God; Whom I myself shall behold, and whom my eyes

shall see and not another. My heart faints within Me " (Job 19:25-27).


Will the resurrection of the body be a physical resurrection from

the dead?




" There are lots of myths in the Bible and one of them is that at the

Time of Resurrection your bodies will come out of the graves. This

is not only for Christians, but also for the Muslims and Jews. Think

of this - What remains in the grave after many years? Only a few

bones. And if these bones came out how can you give them

Realization? Think of it. It is a big myth. Not possible logically.


In Nal Damyanti Akhyan they have clearly given that when the Kalyug

will come, all these seekers who are seeking in the hills and

mountains will be born again, and they will be given their Self-

Realization! Their Kundalinis will be awakened and that is logical,

because that is what we are doing today. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

India - December 25, 1993

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> Will the resurrection of the body be a physical resurrection from

> the dead?


> Yes, our bodies will be raised not spiritually or ethereally, but

> physically and materially. Our souls will be reunited with our

> transformed physical bodies, brought back to life from the dead.

> Scripture teaches this in many ways.


> First, simply to speak of a " resurrection " of the dead (Matthew

> 22:30-31; Luke 14:14; 1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16) is

> to imply physicality. That is what a resurrection is. The Bible has

> no categories for the concept of a resurrected body that remains

> dead and physically lying in a grave.


> Second, Philippians 3:20-21 teaches us that Christ's resurrection

> body is the pattern of our resurrection body: " For our citizenship

> is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord

> Jesus Christ; who will transform the body of our humble state into

> conformity with the body of His glory. " We know that Christ was

> raised in a physical body because the disciples ate with Him after

> the resurrection (Acts 10:41) and touched Him (Matthew 28:9; see

> also John 20:27). Also, Jesus outright declared that His

> resurrection body was physical and touchable: " See My hands and My

> feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not

> have flesh and bones as you see that I have " (Luke 24:39; see also

> Acts 13:33-37). Since Christ's resurrection is the pattern of our

> resurrection, we will therefore be raised in a physical body as

> well.


> Third, Romans 8:21-23 speaks of waiting for " the redemption of our

> bodies " (v. 23). Our bodies are not going to be thrown away. They

> are going to be renewed, restored, revitalized.


> Fourth, Jesus speaks of the resurrection as involving the coming

> forth of individuals out of their tombs, which clearly indicates a

> physical concept of the resurrection: " Do not marvel at this; for an

> hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His

> voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a

> resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a

> resurrection of judgment " (John 5:28-29).


> Fifth, the Old Testament speaks of the resurrection as being

> physical: " And many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground

> will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace

> and everlasting contempt " (Daniel 12:2). Likewise, we read in

> Job: " I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take

> His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my

> flesh I shall see God; Whom I myself shall behold, and whom my eyes

> shall see and not another. My heart faints within Me " (Job

> 19:25-27).


> Will the resurrection of the body be a physical resurrection from

> the dead?

> www.desiringgod.org/



> " There are lots of myths in the Bible and one of them is that at the

> Time of Resurrection your bodies will come out of the graves. This

> is not only for Christians, but also for the Muslims and Jews. Think

> of this - What remains in the grave after many years? Only a few

> bones. And if these bones came out how can you give them

> Realization? Think of it. It is a big myth. Not possible logically.


> In Nal Damyanti Akhyan they have clearly given that when the Kalyug

> will come, all these seekers who are seeking in the hills and

> mountains will be born again, and they will be given their Self-

> Realization! Their Kundalinis will be awakened and that is logical,

> because that is what we are doing today. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> India - December 25, 1993




" The doctrine of bodily resurrection, linked closely to the soul's

nature and destiny, suffers like a fate. The ancients knew little or

nothing about the human organism - its chemical constituents, its

functioning parts, its psychology - and even less about the nature of

death. Modern man has measured corruption, can detail the chemical

changes that take place when bodily life ceases, has a clear idea of

what precisely corruption and decay of the human frame connote, and

defines human death precisely by the cessation of the observable

functions of the body. The three religions define death as the moment

when the soul leaves the body.


In his defense before Agrippa, Paul asked his Jewish audience: " Why is

it judged incredible with you, if God doth raise the dead? " (Acts

26:8). There have always been those who found the concept of the

bodily resurrection unbelievable, and their modern counterparts are

appearing increasingly - even in within the framework of Christendom. "




The ancient Greeks disdained the notion that the body could ever be

raised. Thus when Paul spoke concerning " the resurrection of the dead

[ones - plural] " in Athens, his message was mocked (Acts 17:23).

During the time of Jesus, the Sadducees denied the resurrection of the

body (Mt. 22:23; Acts 23:6-8).


Even some Christians in the primitive church had fallen for this

error, and so affirmed: " There is no resurrection of the dead " (1 Cor.

15:12) - a heresy which Paul attempted to correct In the late decades

of the apostolic age, a sect known as the Gnostics arose, denying the

resurrection of the body. In our own age, atheism, of course, rejects

the idea that the human body will be raised from the dead. An article

in the Soviet Encyclopedia asserts that the concept of the

resurrection is in " decisive contradiction with scientific natural

knowledge " (quoted in Wycliffe Dictionary of Theology, Peabody, MA:

Hendrickson, 1999, p. 455).


Of course religious modernism repudiates the idea of the resurrection,

since, having " demythologized " the Scriptures, it rejects any element

of the miraculous.


Cultish groups also have a problem with the doctrine that God will

raise the body. The " Jehovah's Witnesses " assert that the incorrigibly

wicked " will never be remembered for resurrection " (Make Sure of All

Things, p. 314).Within the churches of Christ, those who have

converted to the dogma of Max King deny the resurrection. Like

Hymenaeus and Philetus, men who erred in Paul's day, these folks

suggest that the " resurrection is past already " (2 Tim. 2:17,18),

having been spiritually effected in A.D. 70 with the destruction of

Jerusalem (see our recent Feature article, The Menace of Radical

Preterism.) Whether ancient or modern, within the church or outside of

it, the denial of the bodily resurrection is radical error. And in

this age of biblical illiteracy, this false doctrine will continue to

make its presence felt among the people of God unless gospel teachers

return to a proclamation of the fundamental principles of the

Christian faith, one of which is the " resurrection of the dead " (cf.

Heb. 6:1,2).




The Bible clearly affirms the doctrine of the general resurrection of

the dead. Note, in brief, the following points.


1. The concept of the resurrection is found in the Old Testament -

though not as pronounced as it comes to light in the New Testament

(cf. 2 Tim. 1:10). According to Jesus, God's declaration to Moses

regarding Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was an indication of the eventual

resurrection (Mt. 22:31,32). Other Old Testament passages also

suggested that man's body would be raised ultimately (see Job

19:25-27; Psa. 17:15; Isa. 26:19; Dan. 12:2; Hos. 13:14).


2. The doctrine of the bodily resurrection is affirmed abundantly in

the New Testament (see Jn. 5:28-29; 6:39-40; Mk. 12:18-27; Acts 17:23;

26:8; Rom. 8:23; 1 Thes. 4:16; 1 Cor. 15; 2 Cor. 5:1-2; Phil.

3:21).How any person can read Paul's great discussion of the eventual

disposition of the dead - in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 15 - and not

believe in the resurrection, has to be one of the mysteries of the

ages. In that remarkable chapter the apostle develops his line of

argumentation in the following fashion.


a. Paul persuasively pled for the historical fact of the bodily

resurrection of Jesus Christ on the basis of numerous eyewitnesses of

the risen Lord. On one occasion, this consisted of more than 500

people (15:1-11).


b. The apostle maintained that the Lord's resurrection is

Heaven's guarantee that we too shall be raised. Jesus is the

" first-fruits " (a figure suggesting a future harvest) of the general

resurrection to be effected at the time of His return (vss. 12-34).


c. Paul discussed the nature of the resurrected body. It will not be a

physical or a corruptible body; rather, it will be spiritual and

incorruptible (vss. 35-49). Nevertheless, there will be an identity

continuum between our present body and the new, resurrected one. Only

in this light can the term " resurrection " (which means to " stand up " )

have any relevance. Moreover, each body will have its own

individuality (vs. 38). It is so thrilling to reflect upon the fact

that our new body will be identical in form to the glorious body of

our resurrected Lord (see Phil. 3:21).


d. Finally, the theological impact of the resurrection is set forth.

It is a declaration of victory (vss. 50-57). In view of this great

hope, saints are admonished to persevere in their fidelity (vs.

58).The biblical doctrine of the resurrection of the dead is a

comforting concept. Those who would rob us of this hope are not

friends of the cause of Christ. " 1


Then we have modern scientist who cannot accept the " outside "

explanation: that a god will " resurrect " the corrupted body. He knows

that in a living body today the actual molecules which compose it were

not part of it some time ago. In another decade it will be made up of

molecules which at present are elsewhere: in African lions, in

passion-flowers of the Amazon, in Maine lobsters, in earth in

Patagonia, and in the fur of a Polar bear. For the scientist, the body

as such has truly ceased to exist. No " shade " or reduced form of the

body exists in an " underworld " or in Elysian fields. The body has

ceased to exist. He therefore finds the resurrection of the body

unintelligible. "


This disbelieve comes from modern scientific minds who have good

reason to dismiss the logic of the dead coming back to life. Humans

during the medieval ages could not have believed in their wildest

imaginations that the modern scientific progress would be possible.

Electricity, telephones, gasoline driven engines, television, air

travel and space exploration must have seemed like fantasy and

fiction, even a century ago. The presence and the function of genes

and DNA were not even known until the middle of the 20th century. What

appeared far-fetched yesterday is understood better today. So will the

" graves opening up " of centuries past be understood in this

enlightened age as Shri Mataji has explained i.e., it will be the

rebirth of all humans to face the Resurrection?


But if one follows the Bible scholars version of 'graves opening up',

we beg for logical answers to the following questions:


1. How will the millennia-old buried remains be collected together and

'raised up again' during the Resurrection into perfect beings, a

disbelieve rampant even centuries ago?


2. What about the cremated dust of billions of beings that have been

scattered over the seven seas, and recycled back by nature into the

atoms that are now part and parcel of you and me?


3. What about the millions lost and digested by the sea, or those

eaten by animals and scavengers, and their remains scattered all over

the land?


4. And how will the countless headless, limbless skeletons of wars and

genocide be assembled together and brought to life during the



5. What about those who knew next to nothing about Christianity, like

the two million Cambodians who lost their lives during Pol Pot's reign

of terror?


6. How about those cremated, a ritual widely practiced for millennia

by Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs. " Beliefs differ among Christian

groups; some, such as Protestants, have no objections, while others,

particularly Roman Catholics, generally frown on the practice because

they see it conflicting with their belief in the resurrection of the

body. "


But Shri Mataji removes all ignorance and contadiction that has

plagued Christianity, Islam and Judaism regarding this central belief

of the Last Judgment. The explanation and only solution is that all

beings will be resurrected after taking rebirth, and not that of

graves opening and the dead coming back to life again. This ancient

myth confounded Bible scholars for centuries and no logical answers

were available. Shri Mataji explains:



" It is very hard to believe that we can become the Spirit. This is one

of the big myths of Modern Times and many a times when I speak about

becoming the Spirit people say that, " How can you say like that? " How

can it be that easy? "


But it is a living process of our evolution and if it is done by the

Power of a living God, then it has to be very simple, has to be very

easy . . .


Today that Time has come. That Time has come. The Time of Judgment has

come and at this Time we have to see that we'll be judging ourselves;

but not by some sort of an authority, but by something which is within

us which we call as the Kundalini, is placed in the triangular bone

called as sacrum. Just see, Greeks knew about it. That's why they call

the bone as sacrum. But what is this bone in the biblical

understanding? - it is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. "


It is only now we can understand and daily experience the slow and

steady evolution of the physical body into the spirit. It is going to

take an entire lifetime to become humble, enlightened, righteous, meek

and compassionate human beings. This long and difficult process

demands daily self-judgment, repentence and rejection of the deadly

sins. The Last Judgment and Resurrection is no walk in the park or

waiting for graves to open up. But how many Christians, Muslims and

Jews understand that this central theme of their faith is being played

ou?t .............. even as the faithful dream that the physical

resurrection from the dead will see billions of graves springing open.


regards to all,






1. The Resurrection of the Human Body, Christian Courier: Archives,

Friday, September 10, 1999

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Dear Jagbir,


What is the Nai Damyanti Akhyan? It is only now we can understand and

daily experience the slow and steady evolution of the physical body

into the spirit. It is going to take an entire lifetime to become

humble, enlightened, righteous, meek, and compassionate human beings.


Throughout time we have had enlightened souls come to earth to teach

us as we progress in out lifetime. Jesus also brought people who are

dead in scientific sense, back to life in their physical body. Does

an entire lifetime mean the many different incarnations we make as we

progress to become enlightened and the evolution of the physical body

into the spirit? Jesus came to earth to show and provide us a pattern

in which to live our lives and become the spirit. He also showed us

our bodies will be resurected just as his was. I am still not sure

the form our bosies take when we are resurected? It seems to me that

I will not need the physical body as my spirit is subtler and if I

become a spirit why would I need a physical body? Maybe I am over

complicating things. I feel though I have become righteous, meek,

and compassionate once I have received realization. At least I think

about things a lot different now.


Kind Regards,




> > In Nal Damyanti Akhyan they have clearly given that when the


> > will come, all these seekers who are seeking in the hills and

> > mountains will be born again, and they will be given their Self-

> > Realization! Their Kundalinis will be awakened and that is


> > because that is what we are doing today. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> > India - December 25, 1993



> But Shri Mataji removes all ignorance and contadiction that has

> plagued Christianity, Islam and Judaism regarding this central


> of the Last Judgment. The explanation and only solution is that all

> beings will be resurrected after taking rebirth, and not that of

> graves opening and the dead coming back to life again. This ancient

> myth confounded Bible scholars for centuries and no logical answers

> were available. Shri Mataji explains:



> " It is very hard to believe that we can become the Spirit. This is


> of the big myths of Modern Times and many a times when I speak about

> becoming the Spirit people say that, " How can you say like

that? " How

> can it be that easy? "


> But it is a living process of our evolution and if it is done by the

> Power of a living God, then it has to be very simple, has to be very

> easy . . .


> Today that Time has come. That Time has come. The Time of Judgment


> come and at this Time we have to see that we'll be judging


> but not by some sort of an authority, but by something which is


> us which we call as the Kundalini, is placed in the triangular bone

> called as sacrum. Just see, Greeks knew about it. That's why they


> the bone as sacrum. But what is this bone in the biblical

> understanding? - it is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. "


> It is only now we can understand and daily experience the slow and

> steady evolution of the physical body into the spirit. It is going


> take an entire lifetime to become humble, enlightened, righteous,


> and compassionate human beings. This long and difficult process

> demands daily self-judgment, repentence and rejection of the deadly

> sins. The Last Judgment and Resurrection is no walk in the park or

> waiting for graves to open up. But how many Christians, Muslims and

> Jews understand that this central theme of their faith is being


> out .............. even as the faithful dream that the physical

> resurrection from the dead will see billions of graves springing



> regards to all,



> jagbir



> 1. The Resurrection of the Human Body, Christian Courier: Archives,

> Friday, September 10, 1999


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, " Chuck "

<chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> What is the Nai Damyanti Akhyan? It is only now we can understand

? and daily experience the slow and steady evolution of the physical

> body into the spirit. It is going to take an entire lifetime to

> become humble, enlightened, righteous, meek, and compassionate

> human beings.



Dear Chuck,


i am not sure about the Nal Damyanti Akhyan and thus cannot comment

on it. Maybe someone knows better.


> Throughout time we have had enlightened souls come to earth to

> teach us as we progress in out lifetime. Jesus also brought people

> who are dead in scientific sense, back to life in their physical

> body. Does an entire lifetime mean the many different incarnations

> we make as we progress to become enlightened and the evolution of

> the physical body into the spirit?


By an entire lifetime i mean this life itself i.e., the present times

for those participating in the Last Judgment. It is only when you

hear about the Divine Message and start participating will it be

possible to slowly purify yourself. In other words the Mother

Kundalini begins to transform/cleanse your chakras/guide you after

self-realization or birth by the Spirit. It will take many many years

for you to become innocent again - humble, enlightened, righteous,

meek, and compassionate. In other words you will have to become as

innocent as a child to enter the Kingdom of God. This is a very

difficult task that will take an entire lifetime.


> Jesus came to earth to show and provide us a pattern

> in which to live our lives and become the spirit. He also showed us

> our bodies will be resurected just as his was. I am still not sure

> the form our bo(d)ies take when we are resurected? It seems to me

> that I will not need the physical body as my spirit is subtler and

> if I become a spirit why would I need a physical body? Maybe I am

> over complicating things. I feel though I have become righteous,

> meek, and compassionate once I have received realization. At least

> I think about things a lot different now.



Chuck, your spiritual body is within this physical body. It is part

and parcel of you. This is a really complicated and dificult subject

to understand as even the deities are within. Even the Shakti is

within but we just cannot feel them no matter how hard we try.


i believe that those of us who want to experience the eternal spirit

will have to work day and night to resurrect ourselves. Upon physical

death we will wake up in our spirit bodies and return to the Kingdom

of God, just as Jesus Christ did. The Kingdom of God is an

unimmaginable, infinite paradise where everyone exists in the eternal

semi-transparent spirit form. There are countless liberated souls

living there just like us on Earth. But none of them have physical

bodies like us. All of them over countless lifetimes evolved into the

spirit form. We humans are now given the chance to evolve too. The

Divine Message is about the evolution (resurrection) of the physical

human into the eternal spirit. Homo sapiens are for the first time

discovering how to evolve themselves in Homo spiritus, as promised by

all holy scriptures.


The cool breeze is proof that you are being resurrected i.e.,

cleansed in mind, body and soul. That is why Chuck you are becoming

humble, enlightened, righteous, meek, and compassionate. These are

the souls that will be allowed to enter into the Kingdom of God.


Jai Shri Mataji,




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