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Dr. E.N. Vselenskiy: Change of Poles and The Great Universal Experiment

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Change of Poles and The Great Universal Experiment


By: E.N. Vselenskiy, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Nature and

Society - Winner of the Vernadsky prize.


This is a report from the 4th International Conference " National

Medicine of Russia - the Past, Present and Future " .


Scientists of the whole world know about the forthcoming Change of

Poles of planet Earth. It has been predicted by Japanese scientists

16 years ago.


Before that, on October, 13th, 1917 there was the appearance of the

Virgin Mary to three little herdsmen in the city of Fatima

(Portugal) with the message having huge significance for the future

of all Mankind.


This message contained the information on change of poles and

planetary accident – so-called " Doomsday " , and also an explanation

of the forthcoming " solar and lunar miracle " occurrence in the sky

of two suns and two moons. (The phenomenon which will be observed as

overlapping three-dimensional and four-dimensional spaces). The

message from Fatima was brought to Rome, but the Catholic Church

decided to keep it a secret.


The magnetic field of the Earth started to weaken about 2000 years

ago. A sharp fall of its intensity had been noted 500 years ago

which has amplified during the last 50 years and its powerful

fluctuations began in 1994. The southern magnetic pole of the Earth

was displaced some times hundreds, some times thousands of

kilometres from the standard site. People began to experience

constantly emotional ups and downs. During such periods it is

necessary to keep the peace on the planet in every possible way.


Railway and other kinds of accidents have become more frequent.

Magnetic maps already do not match anymore. Birds, being guided by

magnetic lines of the Earth in their migrations, do not land where

they should and whales, seals and dolphins run aground (in July

2000, in Dagestan 200 thousand seals were lost).


There is the so-called " Schuman's Frequency " - the waves coming from

the planet ( " palpitation " - or rhythm of the Earth), with a specific

frequency – 7.8 Hertz. It was so stable for a long time, that the

military adjusted their devices according to it. However this

frequency has started to increase: in 1994 - 8.6 Hertz, in 1999 -

11.2 Hertz, and at the end of 2000 - about 12 Hertz. It is supposed,

that when Schuman's frequency will reach 13 Hertz, there will be a

change of poles. When displacement of poles of the planet comes

nearer, there is a strongly marked fluctuation of the

electromagnetic field. At this time people become extremely

emotionally unstable.


Change of poles on our planet occurs about each 13,000 years that

leads to global planetary catastrophe and loss of consciousness of

all living beings (deleting of memory). It is connected with the

cycle of equinoxes which period takes approximately 26,000 years

(more precisely 25,920 years).


After passage of the points of maximal approach and the maximal

withdrawal of the Solar system concerning the centre of our Galaxy

which corresponds to a half-cycle of this cycle, a change of poles

takes place on the Earth.


At this time the axis of the Earth describes a circle around twelve

constellations of Signs on the Zodiac (being in each of them

approximately 2,100 years).


Now our Galaxy and planet Earth are at the junction of two epochs.

On 11th of August, 1999 there was a solar eclipse (doomsday)

and " The Parade of Planets " - the Epoch of the 5th Race has ended

and the epoch of the 6th Race has begun.


It is marked by a quantum transition of our planet, the Galaxy and

the Universe on a new quantum level of existence, and together with

them and all mankind, as an integral part.


This transition occurs each 5,125 years, when the Parade of Planets

may be observed. Then all the planets are aligned in one line, then

the planets disperse, after that a tunnel has been formed, which

passes freely an impulse of the amendment from the Sun to our

Planet. Due to this impulse a quantum transition takes place with

Change of Poles, change of an inclination of axes of revolution and

other parameters of all planets of the Solar System.


When planet Earth reaches a critical point in which there are

changes, everything starts to collapse. The reason for this event is

the magnetic field of our planet used by us for understanding

ourselves. This is the storehouse of our memory (information). In

this sense we are similar to computers. We need a magnetic field for

data processing and its storage. Even with temporary switching-off

of power supplies of a computer, all its operative memory will be

erased, as the electromagnetic field, supporting it, vanishes.

Similarly, there is also a deleting of memory of the human at the

displacement of the poles.


At the time of a full moon, and also the day before and the day

after, crime rates increase: murders, rapes and robberies become

more frequent. It is caused by the forces of the Moon which causes

bubbles of the magnetic field of the Earth. These pretty bubbles

tear power communications and force unbalanced and emotional people

to overstep the bounds.


When the last change of poles occurred about 13,000 years ago the

civilization of Atlantis (the Fourth Race) was brought to ruin. From

a scientific point of view this is a planetary catastrophe which can

bring transient and awful consequences.


Its strong displays will begin at the change of polarity of the

magnetic poles of the Earth that will lead to displacement of the

terrestrial axis, moving of continents, flooding, and eruptions of

volcanos, earthquakes and to sharp changes of the climate.


The ice which has collected for many centuries in Greenland, on the

North Pole and in Antarctica, possessing enormous weight, can shift

terrestrial platforms to the equator under the action of centrifugal

and gravitational forces.


When will there be the next change of poles? According to various

sources (mediums, seers, etc.) this special point in time will be

December, 2012. So, for example the calendar of ancient Maja (which

with surprising accuracy amazes modern scientists) comes to an end

on December, 21st, 2012.


The last record in the calendar: " Further there is no time ... " .

Saint John's " Revelation " also speaks about it. (Ch. 10, verse

6): " also living for ever and ever..., that time will not be any

more " . Here there is no instruction for the date, but this special

phenomenon – absence of time is marked. Now we just experience this

process of change of the poles, known in numerous predictions as the

Apocalypse, or " Doomsday " .


The process of Change of Poles on our planet is being carried out,

since the year 2000, and will be prolonged till December, 2012. In

2013 the Earth will finally enter the constellation of Aquarius.


It is known, that our memory is connected and supported by an

electromagnetic field of Earth. At the change of poles there will be

a period of three days when this field will completely disappear.


The memory of former inhabitants of Atlantis was erased by the

mixture of poles (practically all the knowledge has been lost). They

returned to a barbarous condition compelled to return to instincts

of survival - though before, this civilization was of a very high

level of development (they used flying objects with gravitational

engines, laser installations, etc.)


A long time passed before people found the ability for development.


At the moment of the change of poles of planet Earth, temporary

switching off of the electromagnetic field of the planet will occur

and as a consequence, destruction from the 1st to the 7th level of

crystal lattices, energy-informational fields of Consciousness of

the Earth takes place.


Since the memory of humans and computers exists due to the

electromagnetic field of the Earth, during the moment of change of

poles there will be a deleting of the memory of people (life

experience of the person with erased memory will be up to the

standard of a newborn child) and deleting of computer maintaining

programs and the information of its carriers of all computers on the

Earth. It represents a serious problem and threat for the life of

mankind because of the failure of computers operating military

objects and nuclear power stations that can lead to unpredictable



The change of poles will lead to displacement of Northern and

Southern poles of the equator that will cause instant thawing of ice

of the Arctic regions and Antarctica, and a rising level of the

Worlds oceans of 77 meters (flood). Scientists warned about it in a

telecast " Week of Accidents " . Such floods occur on a regular basis

each 5,125 years (its enough to recollect the information from the

Bible about Noah's ark).


The Sphinxes in Egypt (according to isotope analysis – age of 5.5

million years) have layered structure as they were repeatedly

flooded with water and they were at the bottom of the sea.


Some time ago scientists found a baby mammoth on the North Pole

which had green grass in its stomach which testifies to the instant

death which had occurred because of the change of poles. From this

it becomes clear the reason of extinction of the dinosaurs – instant

ecological catastrophe.


Now there will be no planetary catastrophe and the Flood. Under the

influence of coming cosmic energies all living creatures on our

planet will have a mutation (human beings – transmutation).


On the Earth this transition began on August, 11th, 1999 and will be

prolonged until December 19th, 2012.


Mankind has reached that period when 1.5 billion people are ready to

make the shift of consciousness into four-dimensional space. They

completely realize that it is impossible to live further the same

way and that it is necessary to pass to a higher level of

consciousness and comprehension.


Now many people are at the crossroads: to continue technocratic

development and to destroy the planet and to be destroyed, or to

pass to a spiritual level of comprehension and to develop further,

not destroying, but restoring ecology of consciousness and the



For transition to a new level of development it is necessary, that

on the Earth are about 169,000 Jesus-like beings which will render

such a strong influence on other people, that all the population of

our planet will find a higher level of consciousness through the

integral planetary field of comprehension of all mankind. (Vernadsky

named this field the " Noosphere of the Earth " ).


Inhabitants of vanished Atlantis were representatives of the 4th

Race; we are representatives of the 5th Race where evolution comes

to an end. After transition, in 2013, on the Earth in the fourth

overtone of four-dimensional space there will be only

representatives of the 6th Race.


Transition into four-dimensional space is promoted by high-frequency

radiations from space which began to increase intensively since 2000.


The sacred codes which are necessary for Spiritual awakening and

evolutionary change began transfer to the Sun, the Earth, other

planets of the Solar System and our Galaxy with these radiations


Some people will not be capable of enduring these radiations and

will be lost during the transition because of the low vibrations,

but spiritually, physically healthy (cleared) people will endure

such transition freely.


The Epoch of Immortality takes over from the Epoch of Reincarnation

when the immortal soul moves from one body into another. The cycle

of transformations comes to an end, and as a result of cosmic

mutation the body of Man as well as the soul becomes immortal.


Under the influence of cosmic radiation coming from Space, the ozone

cloud around the Earth gradually disappears. Direct influence of

space beams amplifies; therefore all living beings have a mutation



Human beings are going through transmutation of physical, emotional,

mental, etc. bodies which is accompanied by " funny " illnesses

(indispositions), a syndrome of chronic weariness, unknown

illnesses, accompanied rise in temperature (combustion of toxins)

and reorganization of all systems of the organism.


Transmutation – the most complicated physiological process

proceeding at a level of molecules, atoms and micro leptons of a

cell. In a human body there will be such changes which will bring a

body to a new condition and will allow it to change to a feed by

energy of the Cosmos. In the process of this reorganization of the

organism, the need for food will gradually decrease, and then will

completely disappear.


Because all energy sources on the planet (food, water, air) are

ecologically polluted and the rescue of Mankind will consist of -

that people will gradually depart from all of it and will pass to an

energy supply (nourishment) direct from Space.


The Cosmic mutation of the Earth will be carried out at first, and

then cells of the human body which successfully endured a mutation

will be programmed with the code of a species of the man of the 6th

Race which will replace the 5th Race.


Activation of the matrix of programs of the 6th Race began on

September 13th, 1999.


Each of us can receive the code and become the person of a new

civilization – The 6th Race. For this purpose it is necessary

to " tower " (ascend) spiritually, which means to realize oneself is a

particle of the universe - to obtain Space consciousness.


At the moment of the change of poles the Great Transition is taking

place. Creatures of the lowest worlds (infraworlds) are enabled to

rise to higher worlds, and the Human being – up to the level of

Divine Human. The task of each reasonable person is to help these

creatures to adapt within this new space (to help them evolve and to

train them to observe laws of new space).


For this reason we observe this transition in the form of

degradation of the population on the physical plane. Now there are

people who say: " Put me in prison – I am able to do nothing; there

they will feed me free of charge " .


Creatures of the lowest worlds bring elements and attributes of

their world in our physical world (the hippies, punks, crooners of a

low level, vagabonds, poor, etc.) They bring into our world: the

unwillingness to work fairly, larceny, violence, murders. The fear,

a fashion of tattoos, clothes with symbols of death, bhoots in the

form of hoofs of the devil, etc. If reasonable Man will not train

them to carry out laws of positive space he can fall a victim to the

lowest creatures (to degrade) himself.


If a person will learn to create around itself multilayered,

torsion, protective fields from the spiritual bioplasm of Love, Fire

and Light it can protect the memory from deleting and pass to a new

step of evolution in four-dimensional space.


However, with the display of aggression, fears and low desires the

person automatically " fails " in three-dimensional space. If

protection is not present, the most valuable – memory of the person,

be it the businessman or the academic, will be erased, i.e. its

memory will represent " a white piece of a paper " as the memory of a

newborn child, and even worse –intuitive memory of past lives

(reincarnations) will be erased.


On the physical plane such a person will be the patient of a mental

hospital. He will forget the names of objects, will not be able to

speak, and he should study all anew.


Clearly, such an individual will not represent any advantage for

society. Already there are many people, partially or even

completely, who have lost their memory (original epidemic of

amnesia). Modern medicine does not know, with what this is

connected, and cannot explain these phenomena or to cure it.


Each of us still has a choice:


During the next 13,000 years, with erased memory, to start evolution

again (to collect the information from zero), through another set of

reincarnations and to become mankind of the Fifth Race again, whose

representatives we are;




To rescue our planet, having protected it and to " tower " (ascend)

spiritually by following evolutionary steps and to pass from the

level of Soul to the level of Spirit – Divine Humanity, the Sixth

and the Highest Race.


Unfortunately, there is no time, and everyone deserves that destiny

which corresponds to a level of its consciousness!


So, now our planet purposefully and promptly comes nearer to the

major moment of Spiritual Transformation. This process is

unavoidably connected with the Spiritual Enlightenment of Mankind

and its output on a new level of cosmic mentality. The terms of

Spiritual Transformation are absolutely undoubtedly connected with

events on the Universal scale.


Transformation does not mean destruction: our world will be

transmutated to a reality of more subtle vibrations of four-

dimensional space. But, as in our Universe there is the law of

Freedom of Will and Freedom of Choice which is of no help to all

those who prefer to stay further in illusion of our three-

dimensional world and do not care about their spiritual perfection.


Years before the end of Quantum Transition in December, 2012 are

encountered, according to the Divine Plan of the accelerated

evolution of earthmen, from this moment the person should raise the

frequency of his vibrations up to 55-89 Hz which will correspond to

the minimal spiritual level of the Divine plan so that he could pass

without serious consequences into the new space of the Golden Age.


We should live not only for ourselves, but also for others, create

good and be honest in our thoughts. The accumulation of spiritual

potential is now the main thing. Perfection – main principle of the

universe. Compassion towards one another, love thy neighbour, belief

in the future in everything, that is necessary for our own

perfection. Do not aspire to riches and luxury; it is ridiculous

during the moment of the decision of destiny of mankind. Our

materialism puts the brakes on development of spirituality.


Now powerful energy of all kinds is coming from the Centre of our

Galaxy and the Universe and creates preconditions for dynamic

instability of all types of fields on planet Earth, and in the whole

of our Solar System.


Critical situations at which transformation of the Earth and Mankind

can occur at any moment were created. What people name " Doomsday "

has already begun and will occur much more quickly, than many assume.


The physical, material world promptly and steadily collapses, and

together with it the past life of terrestrial civilizations, people

possessing physical bodies fades.


From a civilization of people-destroyers, with the changed Mother

Earth, a civilization of a new evolutionary level – people-creators,

will very soon start to actively develop. All of you living now on

this planet are not only witnesses to this historical moment, but

are also its direct participants.


It is time to realize, that the time we are living in now is the End

of Times - to be expressed more precisely – the End of Time

anticipating an instant output of many billions of Consciousnesses,

to the limits of three-dimensional reality and transition of all

people to their existence in four-dimensional space.


If people now cannot even partially reduce a destructive tornado of

their own destructive sensual-cogitative (thinking) activity, the

whole Earth will be laid down in such extreme energy conditions, by

estimated consequences of these cataclysms, there will be nobody



Inevitably the approaching wave of cataclysms will carry away at

once, hundreds of millions of human lives. The accompanying

disasters, incurable illnesses and ecological pollution will carry

away from the physical plane of the Earth, more than one billion

people. About one and a half billion people can be destroyed in

numerous wars with application of weapons of mass destruction

(chemical, bacteriological and even nuclear). This is our immediate

prospect if we shall not change spiritually and we shall not cease

to destroy ourselves.


The map of the World in a few years will change unrecognizably: many

states will disappear altogether; others will continue their pitiful

existence which has turned fatal struggle for physical survival into

world domination.


Huge global changes will touch practically all corners of the

planet, where during many millennia, multilayer formations of

destructive energy of various qualities and levels have been

collected. These places are oozing ulcers on the physical body of

the Earth.


The fiery light of transformation cannot rescue either money, nor

authority, underground bunkers, but only Spirituality. It will be

impossible for low Consciousness to get into the new changed World

under any contracts, nor for any payment. Some do not know that it

is that very " Doomsday " which they were so afraid, and it has

already come.


On reception of this information many will start to cooperate with

the Spiritual centres and Forces of Good Will, and will stop, at

last, their useless attempts to reach material priorities and will

turn their hearts to Spiritual spheres though, as a rule, the person

neglects any predictions and hopes on " perhaps " . But people have

written down " programs of destruction " into their destinies which

are still in their auras and sooner or later, if we don't neutralize

them, they will work.


History remembers the destruction of the " Titanic " which was

predicted by one person who tried to prevent it but was declared a

madman and was put in prison.


Planetary catastrophe can be transient and bring awful consequences.

It can begin at the change of polarity of magnetic poles of the

Earth which will lead to moving of continents, displacement of a

terrestrial axis, flooding, eruptions, earthquakes and sharp changes

of climate that will be connected with the unstable position of the



The ice which has collected for many centuries in Greenland, on the

North Pole and in Antarctica, possessing enormous weight, can shift

terrestrial platforms to the equator under the action of centrifugal

and gravitational forces (there is evidence that the huge layer of

ice in the ocean around the North Pole has thawed and a passage of

1.6 km width has been formed).


From these cataclysms it will be impossible to be rescued even on

flat areas of the planet. Thus Moscow will appear in an equatorial

part, and the temperature can quickly rise even over 100 degrees

Celsius. There is one more danger trapping Moscow which is numerous

karst caves under the city, and also the emptiness which has formed

as a result of artesian waters which have been taken for the needs

of the city. (as is known literally, Moscow " floats " in the middle

of a huge underground lake). Pessimistic predictions forecasts the

whole city can fall entirely through into this emptiness and caves.


Economic, financial (crisis of the financial system of Russia on

August, 18th, 1998), social, political and other structures of

society collapses as these structures are supported only by people.

When people are losing control of themselves, everything around

starts to fall to pieces.


As a rule, displacement of poles and displacement of consciousness

occurs simultaneously 5-6 hours prior to the moment of displacement

visual phenomena are often observed. Three-dimensional and four-

dimensional spaces start to get mutually into each other and to

cooperate. The three-dimensional consciousness starts to recede

gradually and we move up to a new level of consciousness.


When the crystal lattice of three-dimensional space starts to

collapse, all the objects created from artificial materials

disappear. It is one of the reasons why we cannot find traces of the

previous civilizations. Only the things made of natural materials

(stone, wood, etc.), being in resonance with vibrations of the

Earth, for example the Pyramids or constructions of the type such as

Stonehenge can escape the displacement of the poles that repeatedly

occurred. They are kept, even when all other objects will literally

be swept away from the face of the Earth.


When synthetic objects start to disappear, suddenly there will

appear objects of four-dimensional space. The nature gets

unprecedented colours and forms.


The arrival of new cosmic energies (quantum jump) causes not only

displacement of poles, but also destruction of old structures of

crystal lattices of consciousness (memory) of the planet. This

process is aggravated by nuclear explosions (for example, during

tests of nuclear weapons), failure of nuclear power stations and

psychotropic and mental wars.


All this leads to deterioration of ecology of the Earth and

additional breakdown of its crystal lattice in many places. As a

result, as well as in the days of Atlantis, existential levels have

been opened. This caused millions of spirits of other worlds which

have no right to be on the Earth, to have rushed into our world. It

has broken all covers of protection, and our planet has turned into

a mad world.


It is enough to analyse news broadcasts on TV: America – tornados

and fires; Japan – earthquakes, hurricanes and typhoons; China and

Primorye Territory – flooding; Kaliningrad, Saratov – fires;

failures of atomic power stations (in Chernobyl, in Japan and the

USA, etc.); destruction of submarines " Komsomolets " and " Kursk " ;

terrorist attacks in Moscow and in Russia; and also criminalization

of society of the whole planet (International Terrorism), etc. For

three weeks from August 12th till September 2nd, 2000 Russia

suffered losses from planetary accidents at a rate of nearly US$1

billion ($100 million – rise of the submarine " Kursk " , more than

$400 million – flooding in Primorye Territory, a few millions –

repair of burned down Ostankino towers and losses from the hurricane

in Balashikha – 27 thousand people remained without a roof over

their heads and without power, plus repairs to three failed radio



All this is aggravated by the influence on our mentality of

thousands and thousands of panicking, howling creatures from other

spaces (in modern terms – demons), enhanced by abilities in

telepathy and telekinesis which are rushing not only through the

atmosphere of our planet, but through the brain, body, soul and

spirit of the inhabitants of Earth.


Being installed in the bodies of earthmen, such creatures cause

deformation of consciousness of the body of the person in conformity

with their own structure, leading to formation of moral and

physically ugly creatures.


A not so cheerful picture, especially if you consider that the

person starts to perceive visions, to hear extraneous voices, which

is the consequence of possessions which provoke it at times to

suicide, madness or others mental disorders. Modern psychiatry

cannot explain these phenomena today.


Destruction of the crystal lattice of Consciousness (memory) of the

Earth leads to destruction and deleting of memory of people. On 7th

August, 2000 in Nevzorov's telecast (popular TV show) they showed a

number of people who had dropped out of a life, lost memory and not

remembering. On carrying out examination under hypnosis, it was

established that full loss of memory (amnesia) over certain

intervals of time had occurred.


Americans spent more than $30 million for the protection of

computers against deleting memory (Y2K – The millennium bug - The

zero effect of 2000), Russia – about $3 million. Fears were in vain –

this effect took place. So, on September 16th and 19th 1999, in

Moscow on the Leningrad highway, all home and bank

computers " crashed " . Research has shown that the reasons for this

were partially erased programs loading into these computers.

Teachers of many schools and institutes, during this moment

themselves noted temporary loss of memory, despite their

professional training. (they knew their subject by heart).


In places of fracture of the crystal lattice of Consciousness of the

Earth we observe constantly repeating accidents for example: a

depression in the Dmitrovsk highway in Moscow where a motor vehicle

fell through; massive accident of an oil tanker and a trolley bus

where people were burned alive, and many had received heavy burns;

broken oil and gas pipes; air crashes etc.


The lexicon of traffic policemen has included the term " a negative

geopathogenic zone " or a zone of higher danger, and abroad there are

even special traffic signs for such places.


When the planet Earth passes from one constellation into another,

the influence of the first constellation accordingly decreases and

the influence of the second constellation starts to dominate. At

this moment we have passed from the constellation of Pisces to the

constellation Aquarius. For human beings it means a quantum

transition from the level of Man (5th Race – 3rd dimension) to the

level of Divine Human (6th Race – 4th dimension).


Four-dimensional space is characterized by the fact that all our

ideas will instantly materialize. For the person who has not learned

to think positively, it will be a real hell (all its fears become a

reality). Therefore, schools training positive thinking and

spirituality are now especially necessary.


As soon as there is a falling intensity of the magnetic field, it

will seem as though the Earth will disappear for you, and you will

appear in a Great Emptiness. The duration of this " lag " takes 3.5

days. Then life will return, but at a level of the fourth overtone

of four-dimensional space. You will appear in an absolutely new

world whose existence you could not imagine before although earlier

you visited there repeatedly (in a dream, for example), but your

memory of it is usually erased.


The majority of people will make such a transition at an unconscious

level, i.e. through death and birth. In this case you become like a

baby who does not know anything, either about things, or about their

colours. Having entered the new world, in the beginning you can

understand nothing, but there you will meet two beings – mother and

father (your new parents) who will love you and care for you. After

you enter the fourth overtone, you will require about two years to

grow and mature. Then you will pass into the fifth overtone.


At conscious transition in four-dimensional space (in a protective

field of Love) people will keep their adult bodies and memory

(knowledge and comprehension). There you will be almost the same, as

now, but absolutely naked. Clothes will not come into the new world

with you (artificial things will be gone). Here you can instantly

materialize clothes according to your memory (according to your



The anatomic structure of your body will undergo dramatic changes.

Your atomic weight will be transformed into energy. Separate atoms

will be divided by phenomenal distance. Basically your body will

consist of energy – it will turn into light. Tsiolkovsky named this

condition, " Radiant Mankind " .


In the new world you begin to create your own reality by your own

mental forms. Here your nourishment will be energetic and you will

be able to instantly materialize any desirable meal.


A necessary condition of staying in the fourth overtone of four-

dimensional space is spirituality, love and observance of ethics " do

not harm " , as everything that you are afraid and frightened of, will

instantly materialize (snakes, spiders, mice, scorpions, etc.). That

is why it is necessary to think of peace, love, beauty and harmony.


If fear follows you into four-dimensional space, you begin to create

there your own reality and instantly you will find yourself face to

face with the bare-faced horror in image, for example, the

murderers, pursuing you. Then you will immediately have a weapon in

your hand from which you shoot at the enemy. As soon as the shot

fires, you will there and then " fall through " into three-dimensional

space as you will represent the set of vibrations of your

Consciousness of the low frequency, corresponding to the third

overtone of three-dimensional space (a principle of similarity) in

which communication between cause and effect is divided in time.


Thus the person will be back, rejected by the greed, avidity, fury,

anger, aggression, violence, debauch, fears, stresses, experiences,

depressions, condemnation, mania of persecution, despondency and

other defects, into three-dimensional space, where he will

completely lose memory, to turn into the cave person and will start

evolution anew.


The three-dimensional space – an ideal place for creation of

restrictions and development of sacrificial consciousness which

develops as an inevitable victim, i.e. as the person, refusing to

understand that it creates the reality, and considering, that

everything occurs to it according to its will (the ideas and acts

themselves creates around a person a hell or paradise) .


Thus in four-dimensional space the quality of ideas will have

paramount value. This is what Jesus Christ meant, speaking about

cleanliness of ideas, love, unity and care about thy neighbour.


You the last, who incarnated on the Earth in the 5th Race, all

children who are born now after August, 11th, 1999 belong to the 6th

Race – we have to learn from them, they know more, than us and they

will help us during transition. You are obliged by your incarnation

(embodiment) to the destiny which has prepared the better fate for



Your happiness is in your hands! Everyone living on the planet has a

chance to become the person of the New Era, the owner of super

opportunities, in comparison with what you possess now.


Everyone has to believe in the essence of an event, has to believe

that he can become the person of the New Era. The new, 6th Race is

more perfect, its harmonious development is guaranteed by the

Creator of the Universe. The time of the new civilization has come,

for you are its beginning.


The new civilization will render habitable open spaces on the Earth

and the Universe. You can make sure of it yourself if you want.

Mankind of the 6th Race becomes immortal; the brain will be opened

100%, unlike 3-4% now. Experience and knowledge of past lives will

be restored.


Your appearance will change. Your external features will be kept,

but in details everyone will find that perfection about which now

there is but a remote concept.


The new person will be beautiful with ideal beauty. All people who

will pass transmutation will be young. Children will mature, and

older persons will get younger becoming 20-30 years old. Height of

the person will be from 170 cm up to 300 cm. People won't have dark

skin anymore, it will get lighter. Hair – straight or curly as you

want. Colour of hair –will be from light to brown. Eyes – from blue

and dark blue to green, black and brown eyes will get lighter.




The human appearance will be brought to perfection, and your

opportunities will be boundless.


People will possess unusual abilities and talents which now only

singles possess. Each person of the 6th Race will be ingenious. The

main operating force for the 6th Race will be not machinery, but

mind power which will operate on matter and transform it.


Mankind basically will communicate in the language which does not

know borders, in the language of telepathy though on the planet

inhabitants will communicate on one common language. Mankind will

receive the open exit into space, so now the field of your activity

is the whole Universe.


There will be male and female element (source), for they are

eternal. Personal attachments will be kept, but they will rise to

another level. Contacts on the intimate plane will be kept. Everyone

will have the opportunity to find their second half.


Dr. E.N. Vselenskiy

Change of Poles and The Great Universal Experiment

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