Guest guest Posted November 22, 2005 Report Share Posted November 22, 2005 Hello All, In Sahaja Yoga, which is based in large part on the Hindu/Buddhist world-view, we look upon the world and existence as unreal or imaginary - Maya, to use the appropriate Sanskrit term. Stephen Hawking, in his book, A Brief History of Time, may have chanced upon the mathematical indication or evidence of this view of existence; though it cannot be called a proof because this was not what he had set out to do in the first place. In his attempt to make sense of his mathematical model he had to resort to using imaginary time in his space-time equations for them to hold. In mathematical parlance, unreal or imaginary quantities involve the square root of a negative number. To put it in another way then, the universe exists in the imaginary or unreal part of the equation. As a corollary to this, we therefore exist in an unreal or imaginary universe, at least mathematically. Could this then be a mathematical indication or hint of Maya, perhaps? It is interesting to note that the mathematical terms, unreal and imaginary, invented by French mathematician René Descartes in 1637, coincide exactly with the meaning of Maya. Even if Descartes had used different terminology for this mathematical phenomenon, the discovery by Hawking would have been no less fascinating. As Hawking puts it, " This might suggest that the so-called imaginary time is the real time, and that what we call real time is just a figment of our imaginations. " He then avers, " So maybe what we call imaginary time is really more basic, and what we call real is just an idea that we invent to help us describe what we think the universe is like. " However, Hawking was quick to add, almost apologetically, that this might all just be games mathematicians play, in case anybody should lose sleep over being deemed unreal: " We may regard our use of imaginary time and Euclidean space- time as merely a mathematical device (or trick) to calculate answers about real space-time. (...) a scientific theory is just a mathematical model we make to describe our observations: it exists only in our minds. So it is meaningless to ask: Which is real, " real " or " imaginary " time? It is simply a matter of which is the more useful description. " C. Extract from A Brief History of Time (Bantam Books Edition) Page141 We don't yet have a complete and consistent theory that combines quantum mechanics and gravity. However, we are fairly certain of some features that such a unified theory shouId have. One is that it should incorporate Feynman's proposal to formulate quantum theory in terms of a sum over histories. In this approach, a particle does not have just a single history, as it would in a classical theory. Instead, it is supposed to follow every possible path in space-time, and with each of these histories there are associated a couple of numbers, one representing the size of a wave and the other representing its position in the cycle (its phase). The probability that the particle, say, passes through some particular point is found by adding up the waves associated with every possible history that passes through that point. When one actually tries to perform these sums, however, one runs into severe technical problems. The only way around these is the following peculiar prescription: One must add up the waves for particle histories that are not in the " real " time that you and I experience but take place in what is called imaginary time. Imaginary time may sound like science fiction but it is in fact a well-defined mathematical concept. If we take any ordinary (or " real " ) number and multiply it by itself, the result is a positive number. (For example, 2 times 2 is 4, but so is -2 times -2.) There are, however, special numbers (called imaginary) that give negative numbers when multiplied by themselves. (The one called i, when multiplied by itself, gives - 1, 2i multiplied by itself gives - 4, and so on.) To avoid the technical difficulties with Feynman's sum over histories, one must use imaginary time. That is to say, for the purposes of the calculation one must measure time using imaginary numbers, rather than real ones. This has an interesting effect on space-time: the distinction between time and space disappears completely. A space-time in which events have imaginary values of the time coordinate is said to be Euclidean, after the ancient Greek Euclid, who founded the study of geometry of two-dimensional surfaces. What we now call Euclidean space-time is very similar except that it has four dimensions instead of two. In Euclidean space-time there is no difference between the time direction and directions in space. On the other hand, in real space-time, in which events are labeled by ordinary, real values of the time coordinate, it is easy to tell the difference - the time direction at all points lies within the light cone, and space directions lie outside. In any case, as far as everyday quantum mechanics is concerned, we may regard our use of imaginary time and Euclidean space-time as merely a mathematical device (or trick) to calculate answers about real space-time. .. Page147 If the universe really is in such a quantum state, there would be no singularities in the history of the universe in imaginary time. It might seem therefore that my more recent work had completely undone the results of my earlier work on singularities. But, as indicated above, the real importance of the singularity theorems was that they showed that the gravitational field must become so strong that quantum gravitational effects could not be ignored. This in turn led to the idea that the universe could be finite in imaginary time but without boundaries or singularities. When one goes back to the real time in which we live, however, there will still appear to be singularities. The poor astronaut who falls into a black hole will still come to a sticky end; only if he lived in imaginary time would he encounter no singularities. This might suggest that the so-called imaginary time is the real time, and that what we call real time is just a figment of our imaginations. In real time, the universe has a beginning and an end at singularities that form a boundary to space-time and at which the laws of science break down. But in imaginary time, there are no singularities or boundaries. So maybe what we call imaginary time is really more basic, and what we call real is just an idea that we invent to help us describe what we think the universe is like. But according to the approach I described in Chapter 1, a scientific theory is just a mathematical model we make to describe our observations: it exists only in our minds. So it is meaningless to ask: Which is real, " real " or " imaginary " time? It is simply a matter of which is the more useful description. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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