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The Buddha and his Teachings

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I have bouth the book The Buddha and his Teachings by Samuel Bercholz

and Sherab Chodzin Kohn.


It is interesting in that the first couple of chapters are about the

life of the Buddha and a short history of Buddhism.


The next chapters are as follows. What is also interesting is the

book does not appear to be written by one person but numerous



Part two Basic Teachings:


3. The Buddha's Teaching by Bhikku Bodhi

4. Words of the Buddha translated by Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya

5. The Development of Ego; Chogyam Trungpa

6. Seeing Things as they Are; Nyanaponika Thera

7. Our Real Home; Ajahn Chah

8. Moral Conduct, Concentration, and Wisdon; S.N. Goenka

9. Karma and it's Fruit; Nyanaponika Thera

10. The practice of Recollection; Bhikkhu Mangalo

11. Unlimited Friendliness: The Metta Sutta


Part Three The Teachings of the Great Vehicle


12. On trust in the Mind; Seng'Ts'An

13. The Heart Sutra translated by the Nalanda

14. Exchanging Oneself for Others; Gyalwa Gendun

15. Loving-Kindness; Pema Chodron

16. The Bodhisattva Path; Chogyam Trunpga

17. The Sutra Called Flawless Purity: A Dialogue with the Laywoman

Gangottara; translated by Garma C.C. Chang

18. Looking at Living Beings; translated by Charles Luk

19. The Enlightment of Hui-neng; translated by Wong Mou-Lam

20. To Forget the Self; Dogen Zenji; translated by Hakuyu Taizan


21. Ten Bulls: The Zen Oxherding Pictures; Kakuan; translated by

Nyogen Senzaki and Paul Reps

22. Unfettered Mind; Takuan Soho

23. Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind; Shunryu Suzuki

24. Emptiness; Dainin Katagiri

25. Engaged Buddhism; Thich Nhat Hanh


Part Four The Tantric Teachings


26. The Tantric Practitioner; Chogyam Trungpa

27. The temptress and the Monk; Reginald A. Ray

28. The Union of Joy and Happiness; Tilopa

29. Songs of Milarepa; Translated by Karma Tsultrim Palmo

30. Ati: The Innermost Essence; Jigme Lingpa

31. Chase Them Away!; Patrul Rinpoche

32. The Refined Essence of Oral Instructions; Padmasambhava recorded

by Yeshe Tsogyal

33. Rebirth in the Buddhist Tradition; Reginald R. Ray




Bibliography: Suggested Further Readings



I have only started reading the first part so I have not gotton very

far into the book.





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