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Buddha teaches on non ego

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Dear All,


In the first chapter about Buddha it says:


During this period, the Blessed One gave teaching on nonself, or non-

ego. The idea of an eternal self, an ego or soul, connected with an

eternal divine principle in the universe and transmigrating from

rebirth to rebirth, was a central tenet of Hinduism. The Buddah

taught that there is no such self, but only the illusion of a self.

If a real self did exist, he explained, it would only be a cause of

suffering, and if it were eternal it would be a cause of suffering

that could never be removed. That eternal self would enter again and

again into the web of experience, into the cycle of rebirth. Then

there would be no Third Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering and

thus no enlightenment. As it is, he taught, there is only an illusion

of a self, but even that is enough to function as the principal

obstacle to liberation, to the cessation of suffering.

But the obstacle of an illusionary self, taught the Tathagata-the

Perfected One-who was fresh from victory, falls away when it is seen

as it is. Rather than being a solid, eternal entity, it is merely a

temporary composite of form, feeling, perception, conceptual

formations, and consciousness, which are called the five skandhas, or

aggregates. Rather than a definite self to cling to, and which in

turn clings to other things, there is just an ever-shifting mosaic

composed of those five aggregates. Once this is recognized, one

becomes dispassionate toward what one formerly clung to. Desire fades

away, and the heart is liberated. Nothing remains that is subject to

the round of suffering and rebirth.


I would like other's opinion on this, but in the meantime I will give

everyone my own experience. I have come to realize that through self-

realization from mother (the holy spirit), I know my ego was

connected as to how others thought of me and how I preceived I am

through external conditionings. I think there is truth in the fact as

Jesus said, when I am reborn, self realized, I become new. I think

for me, this newness is the realization of who I am, not ego but

Spirit. Jesus taught that we must be our higher self, Spirit, by the

way, I also think of it more as my Spirit as Divine Love, and to know

my lower self is an illusion. When I realized I am a Spirit and not

ego, things of this world I thought were important became less



I was also curious what Shri Mataji said regarding this.





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, " Chuck "

<chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:


> Dear All,


> In the first chapter about Buddha it says:


> During this period, the Blessed One gave teaching on nonself, or

> non- ego. The idea of an eternal self, an ego or soul, connected

> with an eternal divine principle in the universe and

> transmigrating from rebirth to rebirth, was a central tenet of

> Hinduism. The Buddah taught that there is no such self, but only

> the illusion of a self. If a real self did exist, he explained,

> it would only be a cause of suffering, and if it were eternal it

> would be a cause of suffering that could never be removed. That

> eternal self would enter again and again into the web of

> experience, into the cycle of rebirth. Then there would be no

> Third Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering and thus no

> enlightenment. As it is, he taught, there is only an illusion of a

> self, but even that is enough to function as the principal

> obstacle to liberation, to the cessation of suffering. But the

> obstacle of an illusionary self, taught the Tathagata-the

> Perfected One-who was fresh from victory, falls away when it is

> seen as it is. Rather than being a solid, eternal entity, it is

> merely a temporary composite of form, feeling, perception,

> conceptual formations, and consciousness, which are called the

> five skandhas, or aggregates. Rather than a definite self to cling

> to, and which in turn clings to other things, there is just an

> ever-shifting mosaic composed of those five aggregates. Once this

> is recognized, one becomes dispassionate toward what one formerly

> clung to. Desire fades away, and the heart is liberated. Nothing

> remains that is subject to the round of suffering and rebirth.



i am always cautious when i read about Buddhism due to one main

reason ............... they are at odds with many religions

regarding soul, self and spirit. The irrefutable evidence of

resurrection given by Shri Jesus only reinforces that something is

amiss. i cannot honestly accept the above statement because Shri

Jesus appeared again in the form of spirit, walking and talking with

His disciples just as He had done while in the physical body. All

this is at odds with the Buddhist notion that " Rather than being a

solid, eternal entity, it (the self) is merely a temporary composite

of form. " Shri Jesus talked about the eternal spirit of liberated

souls in the Afterlife, which most scriptures and prophets preached

too. There are indeed millions of liberated souls living in the

Spirit World. They have their own individual bodies and lives just

like us on Earth.


And Chuck, when you talk about reincarnation/rebirth it becomes even

more difficult to understand Buddhism's non-self. The rational

explanation because too complex and abstract to grasp.


(It is because of all this i was reluctant to recommend any book.)



> I would like other's opinion on this, but in the meantime I will

> give everyone my own experience. I have come to realize that

> through self-realization from mother (the holy spirit), I know my

> ego was connected as to how others thought of me and how I

> preceived I am through external conditionings. I think there is

> truth in the fact as Jesus said, when I am reborn, self realized,

> I become new. I think for me, this newness is the realization of

> who I am, not ego but Spirit. Jesus taught that we must be our

> higher self, Spirit, by the way, I also think of it more as my

> Spirit as Divine Love, and to know my lower self is an illusion.

> When I realized I am a Spirit and not ego, things of this world I

> thought were important became less important.



If i were to mark and grade this paragraph i will have to give it a

ten out of ten. Chuck, your spiritual progress is remarkable, to say

the least. i am really happy for you.


warmest regards,




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Dear Danny,


While Chuck and others digest this superb clarification i want to

know if God is Consciousness for Shri Buddha as oppossed to a Father-

figure of Christians. By Conciouness i mean the physical universe

that includes Earth and ourselves as well. Is it possible that this

Intelligent Design of the Christians is Conciousness of Buddhism and

Hinduism? Looks like Shri Buddha is talking about the ultimate and

highest of all goals i.e., merging and becoming one with Brahman.


i believe all religions are taking different paths to attain the

same, just like all rivers ultimately emptying themselves into the

same ocean. They all seem to be saying that their meandering course

is better and more picturesque, the ONLY path to be used to reach

the ocean.


But Shri Mataji is telling us that all paths are valid and lead to

the same ocean. She is in fact accelerating that process by showing

us the fastest way to finish, provided you learn the secret skills

and knowledge that lay hidden in all holy scriptures i.e., within

ourselves. If we accept all the deep knowledge from all scriptures

it makes the journey all that easier because of the firm conviction

that the Ocean (Consciousness/God) exits and is finally attainable

within this lifetime. Thus once we commence the journey, we will

continue and complete the journey within this lifetime, struggling

against odds that have easily tired those who claim their river is

best. That is why i will never give up now, after all these

countless transmigrations over yugas.


Jai Shri Mataji,






, " kriptodanny "

<kriptodanny> wrote:


> -- In , " Chuck "

> <chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > In the first chapter about Buddha it says:

> >

> > During this period, the Blessed One gave teaching on nonself, or

> > non- ego.


> Dear Chuck..the nonself or non-ego in Buddhism is based on the

idea of not-permanence of the ,,false self,,..in order to

differentiate from the ,,real,, self or spirit within.In other words

my false, nonself, transitory and not eternal self has the name of

danny and assumes that this is the real me.

> Attaining Buddha nature is infact this ,,union,, or dissolution of

the false, nonself named danny into the real self,or spirit,

therefore escaping the cycles of births/rebirths on this particular

physical plane.


> The idea of an eternal self, an ego or soul, connected

> > with an eternal divine principle in the universe and

> > transmigrating from rebirth to rebirth, was a central tenet of

> > Hinduism.


> What hinduism regard as ,,eternal soul,, which transmigrates is

> the very nonself in Buddhism.For being entangled in the chains of

> Karma is it not ,,permanent,, as nature,but transient.The eternal

> divine principle is the very ,,universal spirit,,and is the only

one permanent,and unchangeable.


> The Buddah taught that there is no such self, but only

> > the illusion of a self. If a real self did exist, he explained,

> > it would only be a cause of suffering, and if it were eternal it

> > would be a cause of suffering that could never be removed.


> If the soul would be permanent then the cause of suffering could

never be removed.This is not the case,as the soul is transitory on

this realm, and reincarnates if not,,united with the spirit within,,

> therefore attaining Buddha nature.



> That

> > eternal self would enter again and again into the web of

> > experience, into the cycle of rebirth. Then there would be no

> > Third Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering and thus no

> > enlightenment.


> The soul is not the eternal self.We have plenty evidence supporting

> this buddhist theory from other religions,like Christianity or

> Islam,where there are plenty warnings that in the worst scenario

the souls will simply ,,die,,or be distroyed on the end of

times,unless one connects with the eternal source(spirit) within.


> As it is, he taught, there is only an illusion of a

> > self, but even that is enough to function as the principal

> > obstacle to liberation, to the cessation of suffering. But the

> > obstacle of an illusionary self, taught the Tathagata-the

> > Perfected One-who was fresh from victory, falls away when it is

> > seen as it is. Rather than being a solid, eternal entity, it is

> > merely a temporary composite of form, feeling, perception,

> > conceptual formations, and consciousness, which are called the

> > five skandhas, or aggregates. Rather than a definite self to

cling to, and which in turn clings to other things, there is just an

> > ever-shifting mosaic composed of those five aggregates. Once this

> > is recognized, one becomes dispassionate toward what one formerly

> > clung to. Desire fades away, and the heart is liberated. Nothing

> > remains that is subject to the round of suffering and rebirth.


> Again we are talking about the reincarnation of the ,,false self,,

or non-self.But reincarnation theory in Buddhism is a bit different

than that in Hinduism.In Buddhism they acknowledge the reincarnation

of the latent impressions of the non-self(soul,and not the real self

> as,,spirit)which is exactly the idea that only the subconscious

> reincarnates...In other words,if I ,danny will reincarnate,it

surely won't be danny again.Therefore this danny form is nonself,

transitory. What it will reincarnate will be my subconscious,

whatever I'll be a woman or a man next time,and surely I won't

recollect my former life of danny(as danny was a nonself) The real

self is the spirit within,and immortality(avoiding the wiping out of

the conscious memories)is this very union between my soul(nonself)

with my spirit/source(real-self).

> Thus,liberation is obtained for the soul,for the spirit does not

need liberation,being eternal. But when the 2 become ONE then the

Buddha nature/salvation pure consciousness takes place.Freedom,my

friend..as William Walace cried out in the movie

> ,,Braveheart,,?..Freeeeeeddddddddddooooooooommmmm!!!!

> love,danny


> ps.

> When Buddha talked about nonself he meant to direct attention to

the real self(spirit).By anihilation of the illusion of the

> non-real-self(as soul) he meant to express,,integration,, with the

> real self.From his prospective,as a Buddha,we can understand now

why he regards the soul as ,,nonself,, and an illusion.For only after

> ,,integration,, it becomes permanent.From Buddha's point of

> view,everything wich is not permanent,unchangeable and being pure

> conscious of itself is not-real,if we translate not-real

as ,,transient,,.


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Dear Danny and Jagbir,

I found the following definition of non-duality, which is helping my

understanding of this subject.

It is inherent that there will be abuses in organisations and

systems where duality is a factor, such as the Jewish conception of

God as the Father, excluding the Mother aspect. It does not make

sense and is unnatural to concentrate on one aspect only, excluding

the other, as has been done for centuries in the organised

religions. This is why I cannot see the Holy Spirit as 'feminine'

only; surely the Spirit is both. It cannot consist of one aspect

only. Something I've also been thinking about, every time in visions

or dreams that I've seen golden light; there has always been the

corresponding pulsing black energy. They are always together; in

distinct different forms, but corresponding and balanced.

Best wishes, Semira




What is Non-Duality (Advaita)?

Non-duality is the understanding that there is only One Truth or

Reality, and therefore only One Self in all beings. This One Truth

is Being-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute.


It exists equally in the Creator, the soul and in creation and

transcends all three. It is not merely a theory but is the

experiential unity of the perceiver, the action of seeing, and the

object perceived.


Without knowing the One, we remain trapped in duality, ignorance and

sorrow. To know the One is to become it, which is to recognize its

Self-existent reality.


This requires profound meditation, which in turn is only possible if

we have first purified our minds of egoism and learned to live our

daily lives in harmony with universal law.



Sanatana Dharma bases itself on non-duality. For this reason it

cannot set up one religious identity against another. It recognizes

the same Self in all beings. Its various practices help us merge

into the One, which transcends all human limitations.







, " kriptodanny "

<kriptodanny> wrote:


> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Danny,

> >

> > While Chuck and others digest this superb clarification i want


> > know if God is Consciousness for Shri Buddha as oppossed to a


> > figure of Christians. By Conciouness i mean the physical


> > that includes Earth and ourselves as well. Is it possible that


> > Intelligent Design of the Christians is Conciousness of Buddhism


> > Hinduism? Looks like Shri Buddha is talking about the ultimate


> > highest of all goals i.e., merging and becoming one with


> >

> > i believe all religions are taking different paths to attain the

> > same, just like all rivers ultimately emptying themselves into


> > same ocean. They all seem to be saying that their meandering


> > is better and more picturesque, the ONLY path to be used to


> > the ocean.

> >

> > But Shri Mataji is telling us that all paths are valid and lead


> > the same ocean. She is in fact accelerating that process by


> > us the fastest way to finish, provided you learn the secret


> > and knowledge that lay hidden in all holy scriptures i.e.,


> > ourselves. If we accept all the deep knowledge from all


> > it makes the journey all that easier because of the firm


> > that the Ocean (Consciousness/God) exits and is finally


> > within this lifetime. Thus once we commence the journey, we will

> > continue and complete the journey within this lifetime,


> > against odds that have easily tired those who claim their river


> > best. That is why i will never give up now, after all these

> > countless transmigrations over yugas.

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> Dear Jagbir..I think the author has some good points here.(below


> copy/paste)All the esoteric teachings of all the religions stressed

> the necessity of ,,union with God,,.

> All of them have used the tools available at their time,according


> their collective spiritual progress.

> I believe that in our times only Shri Mataji is the one who


> to provide some real wisdom and emancipation

> for human beings.Most people are not aware of this,and this is very

> unsettling,indeed.For how many seekers are in the world,and they


> reached sahaja yoga?


> Jai Shri Mataji


> love,danny


> ,,Some schools call that " Absolute " our original nature,


> nature or ground state of being.


> In Hinduism it's called Brahman.


> In Zen it's called our original nature or fundamental face.


> In Islam it's called Allah.


> In Buddhism, we have the terms Buddha nature or Tathagatagarbha

and a

> dozen other terms as well.


> Taoism calls it the Tao.


> In Christianity, it's simply called " God, " but all these schools


> referring to the very same exact thing. After all, we all have only

> one original nature. We all share in that same Absolute nature.


> Call it God, Allah, Brahman, First Principle, Emptiness,

whatever, ...

> they are simply different terms for the very same original essence.

> Don't get hung up on it because you come from a certain religion.


> your logic and wisdom.


> Now here's the big point -- this original nature is NOT a person.

> Allah is not a person, Brahman is not a person and neither is God.


> Christian mysticism, the saints all take special pains to point


> out, but we've all been poisoned by pictures on the Sistine Chapel


> think of God as a person, entity or being even though every


> says the original nature, the Absolute State, is above being and

> non-being. It's not a form so don't think of it as a form or in


> of form (with an image). If you do, you'll never reach it. You'll


> be violating the commandments (make no image of the divine).


> Religion after religion, the Absolute nature is described as


> which is why you are told not to make and worship any images of the

> divine. We won't go into that here -- the big thing is to get rid


> the idea or image that God is a person.

> The end point or process of spiritual practice is to detach from

> thoughts so that they naturally calm down and then experience a


> mental silence where there is no barrier, no ego, no intermediary

> between you and your original nature.


> Now if you want to wrap extraneous religious coloring and emotions

> around that spiritual practice, as happens in mystical Christianity

> and quite a few other religions, then fine and dandy. Nevertheless,

> water is water no matter what name you give it, and the methods you

> use to cultivate the divine are all based on emptiness cultivation.


> That may be a bruise to your ego, especially to religious scholars,

> but you won't find God through intellectualization. Plenty of


> from every tradition, will tell you that. Ceremonies are worthless,

> too. You have to cultivate mental emptiness, or " being in God's

> presence " and then gong-fu(transformation/consciousness) will


> Here or there, the human body is the same so the descriptions of

> spiritual experiences will match across religions. The only thing


> changes is the outskirts of the religious coloring.

> http://www.meditationexpert.com/Articles/mystical-Christianity.htm


> > , " kriptodanny "

> > <kriptodanny> wrote:

> > >

> > > -- In , " Chuck "

> > > <chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > In the first chapter about Buddha it says:

> > > >

> > > > During this period, the Blessed One gave teaching on

nonself, or

> > > > non- ego.

> > >

> > > Dear Chuck..the nonself or non-ego in Buddhism is based on the

> > idea of not-permanence of the ,,false self,,..in order to

> > differentiate from the ,,real,, self or spirit within.In other


> > my false, nonself, transitory and not eternal self has the name


> > danny and assumes that this is the real me.

> > > Attaining Buddha nature is infact this ,,union,, or

dissolution of

> > the false, nonself named danny into the real self,or spirit,

> > therefore escaping the cycles of births/rebirths on this


> > physical plane.

> > >

> > > The idea of an eternal self, an ego or soul, connected

> > > > with an eternal divine principle in the universe and

> > > > transmigrating from rebirth to rebirth, was a central tenet


> > > > Hinduism.

> > >

> > > What hinduism regard as ,,eternal soul,, which transmigrates is

> > > the very nonself in Buddhism.For being entangled in the chains


> > > Karma is it not ,,permanent,, as nature,but transient.The


> > > divine principle is the very ,,universal spirit,,and is the


> > one permanent,and unchangeable.

> > >

> > > The Buddah taught that there is no such self, but only

> > > > the illusion of a self. If a real self did exist, he


> > > > it would only be a cause of suffering, and if it were

eternal it

> > > > would be a cause of suffering that could never be removed.

> > >

> > > If the soul would be permanent then the cause of suffering


> > never be removed.This is not the case,as the soul is transitory


> > this realm, and reincarnates if not,,united with the spirit


> > > therefore attaining Buddha nature.

> > >

> > >

> > > That

> > > > eternal self would enter again and again into the web of

> > > > experience, into the cycle of rebirth. Then there would be no

> > > > Third Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering and thus no

> > > > enlightenment.

> > >

> > > The soul is not the eternal self.We have plenty evidence


> > > this buddhist theory from other religions,like Christianity or

> > > Islam,where there are plenty warnings that in the worst


> > the souls will simply ,,die,,or be distroyed on the end of

> > times,unless one connects with the eternal source(spirit) within.

> > >

> > > As it is, he taught, there is only an illusion of a

> > > > self, but even that is enough to function as the principal

> > > > obstacle to liberation, to the cessation of suffering. But


> > > > obstacle of an illusionary self, taught the Tathagata-the

> > > > Perfected One-who was fresh from victory, falls away when it


> > > > seen as it is. Rather than being a solid, eternal entity, it


> > > > merely a temporary composite of form, feeling, perception,

> > > > conceptual formations, and consciousness, which are called


> > > > five skandhas, or aggregates. Rather than a definite self to

> > cling to, and which in turn clings to other things, there is

just an

> > > > ever-shifting mosaic composed of those five aggregates. Once


> > > > is recognized, one becomes dispassionate toward what one


> > > > clung to. Desire fades away, and the heart is liberated.


> > > > remains that is subject to the round of suffering and


> > >

> > > Again we are talking about the reincarnation of the ,,false


> > or non-self.But reincarnation theory in Buddhism is a bit


> > than that in Hinduism.In Buddhism they acknowledge the


> > of the latent impressions of the non-self(soul,and not the real


> > > as,,spirit)which is exactly the idea that only the subconscious

> > > reincarnates...In other words,if I ,danny will reincarnate,it

> > surely won't be danny again.Therefore this danny form is


> > transitory. What it will reincarnate will be my subconscious,

> > whatever I'll be a woman or a man next time,and surely I won't

> > recollect my former life of danny(as danny was a nonself) The


> > self is the spirit within,and immortality(avoiding the wiping

out of

> > the conscious memories)is this very union between my soul


> > with my spirit/source(real-self).

> > > Thus,liberation is obtained for the soul,for the spirit does


> > need liberation,being eternal. But when the 2 become ONE then


> > Buddha nature/salvation pure consciousness takes


> > friend..as William Walace cried out in the movie

> > > ,,Braveheart,,?..Freeeeeeddddddddddooooooooommmmm!!!!

> > > love,danny

> > >

> > > ps.

> > > When Buddha talked about nonself he meant to direct attention


> > the real self(spirit).By anihilation of the illusion of the

> > > non-real-self(as soul) he meant to express,,integration,, with


> > > real self.From his prospective,as a Buddha,we can understand


> > why he regards the soul as ,,nonself,, and an illusion.For only


> > > ,,integration,, it becomes permanent.From Buddha's point of

> > > view,everything wich is not permanent,unchangeable and being


> > > conscious of itself is not-real,if we translate not-real

> > as ,,transient,,.

> > >

> >


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, " semirafields "

<semirafields> wrote:


> Dear Danny and Jagbir,

> I found the following definition of non-duality, which is helping my

> understanding of this subject.


Dear Semira..duality is not a novelty in our material

plane.Everything...I mean everything in this material plane is

dual.Light for example..you see it as bright,united beam?..wrong..it

is composed of ...

Light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength that is visible

to the eye (visible light) or, in a technical or scientific setting,

electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength. The three basic

dimensions of light (i.e., all electromagnetic radiation) are:


* Intensity (or brilliance or amplitude), which is related to the

human perception of brightness of the light,

* Frequency (or wavelength), perceived by humans as the color of

the light, and

* Polarization (or angle of vibration), which is not perceptible

by humans under ordinary circumstances.


Due to wave-particle duality, light simultaneously exhibits properties

of both waves and particles. The precise nature of light is one of the

key questions of modern physics.


Ok,to make a long story short,do you know how you get the radio

working in your home?..there are 2 waves..one carrier,and one with

information,on the SAME vibration.Did you know that?(the difference is

in amplitude)

Ok..there is this ying/yang from chinese..there is the

male/female..there is the night/day..there is the left channel/right

channel ..left brain/right brain/..conscious/subconcious now you tell

me what in this world is not dual.I myself transformed in evil danny

couple times in this forum,remember?..everything is dual,but the

essense is NOT.


It is NOT.


> It is inherent that there will be abuses in organisations and

> systems where duality is a factor, such as the Jewish conception of

> God as the Father, excluding the Mother aspect.


You are talking about a more then 2000 years religion?...There are

some older then that,if you want to pick on religions,Semira..


It does not make

> sense and is unnatural to concentrate on one aspect only, excluding

> the other, as has been done for centuries in the organised

> religions.


It was done like this,Semira..because the history has been shaped by

men only,not women.Men shed their blood to fight and kill,and win,and

die.For teritory.And in the end was for the women they tried to

protect.It's a basic instinct.Unless people awaken to their original

nature,they will always succumb to the predatory instincts.


This is why I cannot see the Holy Spirit as 'feminine'

> only; surely the Spirit is both.


Spirit is the POWER.Holy Spirit is his agent,Semira...electricity was

invented by Nikolas Tesla(born in Serbia,lived in the US) ..I mean the

alternative current form.He had big problems with Edison,the inventor

of the light bulb and direct current,and a bunch of others.Edison

laughed in his face,when Tesla told him about it.Tesla never gave

up,so this is why we are enjoying this civilization ,for the cost of

transporting the alternative current on distance is about 1 % for what

it would cost for direct current.To transport a direct current on

distance you would need a wire as thick as my wrist!!!..He ,one

man..Tesla..invented the radio too..Marconi was his disciple for 6

months,then he went back to Italy and made the first trans-oceanic

transmision radio.Tesla had to sue him in courts,an finally now it is

called Tesla/Marcony factor.But..to make a long story short,let me

tell you how we,all of us,achieved this level of technology.It was one

day when Tesla was MEDITATING and he saw the SUN and it's rays..and

the sun was rotating clockwise,and the rays were going straight!!..

This is how he invented the electromagnatic motor.A simple vision

while he was meditating.Changed all our civilization.Everything you

enjoy now is due to him,Tesla...who had a vision.One man.

If one man can change the whole thing...why not us?..Einstein has put

the theory behind the atomic bomb.If was not for him,the atomic bomb

would have not been developed.Wrong brain/wrong time..I guess? Who is

the better man now?..Tesla or Einstein?


It cannot consist of one aspect

> only. Something I've also been thinking about, every time in visions

> or dreams that I've seen golden light; there has always been the

> corresponding pulsing black energy. They are always together; in

> distinct different forms, but corresponding and balanced.

> Best wishes, Semira



brain/right brain..left and right.

There is the principle,and there is it's power.There is a sun,and

there is his RAYS...there is a SUN and there is it's sunshine!!!!!

When you feel the sunshine..do you think about the sun from the rays


yes,or no?

Only the spirit within is NOT dual..but that is the sun.And you must

have the pure desire to see the sun..otherwise..It will blind you.


Jai Shri Mataji

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