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They expected that this interval (of The Tribulation) would start in 1993

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> " he (Jagbir) made a fanatical effort to broadcast the sale of his

> book in time for the new millenium " .






i was compelled to make sure that the contents, not the monetary

benefits, of the book were made public no matter what ignorant SYs

like Edward Saugstad and others thought. There was a heightened

global expectation of biblical proportions set to signal the end of

the world, an eschatological expectation that many fundamental

Christians swore would take place on 1-1-2000. i have listed just a

few of the 42 prophecies below the introduction:



" Sometime in 2000: Many Christian individuals and groups have long

anticipated that Christ's return would happen in 2000 CE. Many of

them believe that this event would be preceded by a 7 year period

called " The Tribulation. " They expected that this interval would

start in 1993 and that 42 months into the Tribulation, terrible

things would occur. However, that time passed and the anticipated

events did not happen. Some prophecy experts have gone back to the

drawing boards to try to figure out why.


Additional prophecies for 2000 CE are:


The Virgin Mary is said to have communicated to Father Gobbi of the

Marian Movement of Priests: " I confirm to you that, by the Great

Jubilee Year 2000, there will take place the Triumph of my

Immaculate Heart, of which I foretold you at Fatima, and this will

come to pass with the return of Jesus in glory, to establish His

Reign in the world. " 3 On occasions, Father Gobbi separated the

Triumph from the return of Jesus; only the former was to happen in

the year 2000. ...


Hal Lindsey currently no longer makes specific predictions about the

end of the world. In his book The Late Great Planet Earth he did

predict the battle of Armageddon in 2000 CE and the second coming of

Christ in 2007 CE. ...


N.W. Hutchings of Southwest Radio is reported as having predicted an

end of the world during 2000. ...


Early 2000: In the Weekly World News for 1999-DEC-21, Nick Mann

reported that thousands of Christians have reported sightings of of

angels swarming to the Holy Land. He predicts that " ...Jesus Christ

is coming home...certainly within a few months. " ...


2000-MAY-31: The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in front of

Taurus occurred on this date. Some consider this to be the return of

the Star of Bethlehem, like in 7.B.C. Some people expected a

supernatural event comparable to the birth of Jesus. None happened.


2000-JUN-11: Marilyn Agee predicts at the Rapture will occur on this

date. Later she postponed the date to JUN-20, JUL-9, and AUG-20.

When the rapture did not happen on any of these dates, she

apparently gave up. ...


2000-DEC-25: According to the 1997-JUN-24 issue of Sun Magazine Pope

John XXIII predicted in 1962 that Christ would appear in the sky

over New York City. Jesus was expected to announce the creation of a

1000-year paradise.








By Shri Mataji's grace the website came online exactly on the eve of

the millennium even though i had submitted it more than a week

earlier. In fact i was told by my ISP provider that they can only do

so early January 2000 because most of the staff were off for

Christmas holidays.


However, it somehow came online 31-12-1999 and i was really, really

overjoyed because the book Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God could

be posted right on the the very first day of the new millennium as

Her Gift and Message of hope, joy and eternal life ......... not the

fiery and brimstone end that many Christians and Jews were waiting.


Of all the predictions above i find this to be closest to the truth:


" Many Christian individuals and groups have long anticipated that

Christ's return would happen in 2000 CE. Many of them believe that

this event would be preceded by a 7 year period called " The

Tribulation. " They expected that this interval would start in 1993

and that 42 months into the Tribulation, terrible things would

occur. "


The Comforter/Holy Spirit did start revealing Jesus' Kingdom of God

within and the Divine Message starting 1993, the seven years of the

Tribulation leading to 2000. Terrible things did happen 42 months

into the Tribulation and those who witnessed and recorded that Truth

were condemned and cursed as demonic and possessed heretics. Instead

of glorifying Her revelations and Divine Message, and announcing

them to the whole world, those in power hijacked the Divine Plan for

humanity and replaced it with the subtle system.


And the Christian world was puzzled when " that time passed and the

anticipated events did not happen. Some prophecy experts have gone

back to the drawing boards to try to figure out why. "


But everything is going on as prophesied in the scriptures and God's

Plan for humanity is unfolding as we speak. Only thing is the whole

thing had been suppressed and the vast majority of humanity have no

idea what is taking place on Earth, including the prophecy experts.

So do not join those who forbid you from speaking the Truth, no

matter what the consequences. You will be judged by your actions on

Earth itself, both good and bad. Even a feather's weight of

righteousness will be taken into account.


Jai Shri Mataji,





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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> " Sometime in 2000: Many Christian individuals and groups have long

> anticipated that Christ's return would happen in 2000 CE. Many of

> them believe that this event would be preceded by a 7 year period

> called " The Tribulation. " They expected that this interval would

> start in 1993 and that 42 months into the Tribulation, terrible

> things would occur. However, that time passed and the anticipated

> events did not happen. Some prophecy experts have gone back to the

> drawing boards to try to figure out why.


> Additional prophecies for 2000 CE are:


> The Virgin Mary is said to have communicated to Father Gobbi of

> the Marian Movement of Priests: " I confirm to you that, by the

> Great Jubilee Year 2000, there will take place the Triumph of my

> Immaculate Heart, of which I foretold you at Fatima, and this will

> come to pass with the return of Jesus in glory, to establish His

> Reign in the world. " 3 On occasions, Father Gobbi separated the

> Triumph from the return of Jesus; only the former was to happen in

> the year 2000. ...


> Hal Lindsey currently no longer makes specific predictions about

> the end of the world. In his book The Late Great Planet Earth he

> did predict the battle of Armageddon in 2000 CE and the second

> coming of Christ in 2007 CE. ...


> N.W. Hutchings of Southwest Radio is reported as having predicted

> an end of the world during 2000. ...


> Early 2000: In the Weekly World News for 1999-DEC-21, Nick Mann

> reported that thousands of Christians have reported sightings of

> of angels swarming to the Holy Land. He predicts that " ...Jesus

> Christ is coming home...certainly within a few months. " ...


> 2000-MAY-31: The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in front

> of Taurus occurred on this date. Some consider this to be the

> return of the Star of Bethlehem, like in 7.B.C. Some people

> expected a supernatural event comparable to the birth of Jesus.

> None happened.


> 2000-JUN-11: Marilyn Agee predicts at the Rapture will occur on

> this date. Later she postponed the date to JUN-20, JUL-9, and AUG-

> 20. When the rapture did not happen on any of these dates, she

> apparently gave up. ...


> 2000-DEC-25: According to the 1997-JUN-24 issue of Sun Magazine

> Pope John XXIII predicted in 1962 that Christ would appear in the

> sky over New York City. Jesus was expected to announce the

> creation of a 1000-year paradise.


> http://www.religioustolerance.org/end_wrl10.htm



> ----------------------------



> By Shri Mataji's grace the website came online exactly on the eve

> of the millennium even though i had submitted it more than a week

> earlier. In fact i was told by my ISP provider that they can only

> do so early January 2000 because most of the staff were off for

> Christmas holidays.


> However, it somehow came online 31-12-1999 and i was really,

> really overjoyed because the book Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of

> God could be posted right on the the very first day of the new

> millennium as Her Gift and Message of hope, joy and eternal

> life ......... not the fiery and brimstone end that many

> Christians and Jews were waiting.



" I make war on this theologian instinct: I have found traces of it

everywhere. Whoever has theologian blood in his veins has a wrong

and dishonest attitude towards all things from the very first. The

pathos that develop out of this is called faith: closing one's eyes

with respect to oneself for good and all so as not to suffer from

the sight of incurable falsity. Out of this erroneous perspective on

all things one makes a morality, a virtue, a holiness for one self,

one unites the good conscience with seeing falsely — one demands

that no other kind of perspective shall be accorded any value after

one has rendered one's sacrosanct with the names 'God,' 'redemption,'

'eternity.' I have dug out the theologian instinct everywhere: it is

most widespread, peculiarly subterranean form of falsity that exists

on earth. What a theologian feels to be true must be false: this

provides almost a criterion of truth. It is his deepest instinct of

self-preservation which forbids any part of reality whatever to be

held in esteem or even spoken of. Wherever the influence of the

theologian extends value judgment is stood on its head, the

concepts 'true' and 'false' are necessary reversed: that which is

most harmful to life is here called 'true,' that which enhances,

intensifies, affirms, justifies it and causes it to triumph is

called 'false' . . . If it happens that, by way of 'conscience' of

princes (or of nations -), theologians stretch out their hands after

power, let us be in no doubt what at bottom is taking place every

time: the will to the end, the nihilistic will wants power. "


Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols/The Anti-Christ,

Penguin Classics, 1990, p. 132.



" I shall now relate the real history of Christianity. — The

word 'Christianity' is already a misunderstanding — in reality there

has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross. The 'Evangel'

died on the Cross. What was called 'Evangel' from this moment

onwards was already the opposite of what he had lived: 'bad tidings'

a dysangel. It is false to the point of absurdity to see in

a 'belief,' perchance the belief n the redemption through Christ,

the distinguishing characteristic of the Christian . . . In fact

there has been no Christians at all. The 'Christian,' that which has

been called Christian for two millennia, is merely a psychological

self-misunderstanding. Regarded more closely, that which has ruled

in him, in spite of all his 'faith,' has been merely the instincts —

and what instincts! 'Faith' has been at all times, with Luther for

instance, only a cloak, a pretext, a screen, behind which the

instincts played their game — a shrewd blindness — one has always

spoken of faith, one has always acted from instinct . . . The

Christian's world of ideas contains nothing which so much as touches

upon actuality . . . One concept removed, a single reality

substituted in its place — and the whole of Christianity crumbles to

nothing! — From a lofty standpoint, this strangest of all facts, a

religion not only determined by errors but inventive and even

possessing genius only in harmful, only in life-poisoning and heart-

poisoning errors, remains a spectacle for the gods — for those

divinities which are at the same time philosophers . . . For let us

not undervalue the Christian: the Christian, false to the point of

innocence, far surpasses the ape. "


Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols/The Anti-Christ,

Penguin Classics, 1990, p. 161-62.



" Christianity works out everything secretly. So you have to expose

some things also there because on top it is very nice, very good to

talk about and all that. Inside they are doing all kinds of things

and making people take to, what you can say, something very

sinister, something very wrong. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Primordial Taboos And Sahaj Dharma, Shri Krishna Puja

Cabella, Italy, August 23, 1997

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> " Christianity works out everything secretly. So you have to expose

> some things also there because on top it is very nice, very good

> to talk about and all that. Inside they are doing all kinds of

> things and making people take to, what you can say, something very

> sinister, something very wrong. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Primordial Taboos And Sahaj Dharma, Shri Krishna Puja

> Cabella, Italy, August 23, 1997



" The only Protestant groups that have held their own and, in a few

cases, increased their numbers in the twentieth century are the

fundamentalists churches. Fundamentalists — Bible-believing

Christians as they call themselves (with its implied rebuke) — have

been exceptions to the general decline of the church. As their

description of themselves indicates, they cling to what they

call " the old-time religion, " the underlying principle of which is

the unequivocal assertion that the Bible is the literal Word of God.

They condemn as modernists or apostate Christians who don't agree.

They reject any advance in science or learning that contradicts the

Genesis account of the creation of the world, the disobedience of

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and God's curse on the world and

humankind. They believe that the only deliverance from this curse

and eventual banishment to an eternal hell is to be " born again. "


Most fundamentalist preaching has a high emotional content. The

delivery is passionate. It has been said of a prominent

fundamentalist orator: " What he lacks in lightning he makes up for

in thunder. " The objective is to induce feelings of guilt and win

converts. The unconverted — commonly categorized as " sinners " — are

often intimidated by fear of the judgment of God and the certainty

of eternal punishment in a fire-and-brimstone hell unless

they " accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, " following

which, the way of escape is offered: accept God's gift of eternal

life through Jesus Christ and be saved.


It is not a faith for the scholar or the contemplative.


Fundamentalist preaching may and sometimes does induce a

dramatically changed life, but its converts tend to be judgmental

and elitist. And fundamentalism deadens the mind. What can measure

the psychological warping that can stem from constant exposure to a

black/white, right/wrong, sinner/saved outlook of life?


The negative emphasis of fundamentalist preaching sometimes does

serious harm. Complex choices are portrayed as black or white.

Adam's sin is often interpreted as being sexual — which, of course,

it was not. Even masturbation is condemned as a sin against God



As well, there are " the sins of omission " — the failure to do

something " good " — such as faithfully saying one's prayers or giving

one's testimony at every opportunity. Many so-called sins are no

more than the normal — and inevitable — sexual experiments of the

young on reaching puberty. Other sins are no more than failures of

restraint or moments of weakness. But the unremitting and frequently

thunderous denunciations of sin from the pulpit can in some

circumstances produce deep feelings of guilt and inflict serious

emotional damage.


There are, it must be added, those various preachers at the opposite

pole of the old-line churches whose exhortations to righteousness

are so vague and vapid and so far removed from Jesus' teaching as to

be unrecognizable as the Christian Good News. These religio-

philosophical musings are often more a soporific than a call to

commitment. They do, however, have one virtue: they are usually

brief. "


Charles Templeton, Farewell to God,

McClelland & Steward Inc. 1996, p. 136-37.

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