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Dear Avnish,

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Dear Avnish,


In answer to your questions below:


1. i have never criticized the official sahaja yoga site. i will say, though,

that freedom of spiritual expression is not allowed on most SY websites. This is

unlike the Sahaja Yoga that Shri Mataji instigated, where She encouraged

individual spiritual expression, in fact, said, that is how it would all work

out. On these websites, we are encouraging SY's to express themselves freely.


2. i have always respected and helped leaders. However, if it comes to a

question as to whether to be my own guru or whether a leader be my guru, i

choose the option that Shri Mataji said we should choose, which is to be my own



3. i love meditating together with other SY's. However, i have been

ex-communicated from the fellowship of SY's because i publish on this website

and express my spiritual truth as each Sahaja Yogi has been asked to do by Shri



4. Most of the people that read these websites are not Sahaja Yogis, unlike the

other SY Websites, this one is actually a Public Forum for everyone, SY';s and

non-SY's alike. That is only one of the reasons why it is so special. Are we now

supposed to pay royalties for proclaiming the Divine Message to Humanity on this



P.S. i am not interested in starting my own . i am very happy to be

working together collectively with other Sahaja Yogis on this Sahaja Yoga

Website. i do not understand this 'competition mentality' of first/second

fiddle, Avnish.


Avnish, and i am being serious now.... why don't you forget about externals and

start meditating on the Shakti Within. She is the only One that will bring you

spiritual freedom/liberation from all these external problems you are facing.


Warm regards,





Avnish Bhagat wrote:


" Tell me violet, if it is worth your time.


1. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, incarnation of the Adi

shakti, living on this earth (Reminds me of jagbir

saying that he will be king when she dies, and that

time is on his side - is he really sure he will wake

up tomorrow??) So, anyways, so Shri Mataji...dont you

think she has seen the official sahaja yoga site? Dont

you think she has approved it? So therefore, dont you

think it inappropriate to criticize it?


2. The leaders, the ones you guys pull down so

mercilessly. Werent they selected by shri mataji (even

though, like the rest of us, they are prone to error?)

Again, dont you think it wrong to unnecessarily

disrespect/love them?


3. I could go on and on about collectivity...about how

much she has emphasised again and again and again that

you must SIT TOGETHER and meditate. I remember a

particualr speech in which she specifically said that

it is best when at least 7 people sit together. yet,

you create arguements after arguements about why

people can avoid the collective. it is not possible to

go deep while meditating alone. i think you have had

that experience too...isint that so.


4. tell me now, what purpose does putting the 'divine

source of love' video on adishakti.org serve? who will

watch it? the only people i can think of are sahaja

yogis....people who are already in sahaja yoga. And

now, if sahaja yogis are going to watch it, then does

it not make sense to pay royalty if they want a copy?

The royalty goes to sahaja yoga...money they use to

spread sahaja yoga...hold programmes, print posters,

hire loudspeakers etc....isnt that money required? if

we dont pay it, who is going to do it? Do you think a

non-yogi will watch? what do you feel he will

think...when shri mataji is burning up 'muslims,

christians etc etc' in her havan?? will they renounce

islam and run to sahaja yoga? or will it become

another orgaisation against which the muslims declare




p.s Yes, i am aware jagbir will cut paste and edit

what i write to maign me (again). I dont really care.

Also, why not start your won ...increase

the possibility of a newcomer finding your pearls of

wisdom. Here, you only seem to be playing second

fiddle to jagbir. You have an identity im sure - the

spirit maybe. "

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> Avnish Bhagat wrote:


> " Tell me violet, if it is worth your time.


> 1. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, incarnation of the Adi

> shakti, living on this earth (Reminds me of jagbir

> saying that he will be king when she dies, and that

> time is on his side - is he really sure he will wake

> up tomorrow??) So, anyways, so Shri Mataji...dont you

> think she has seen the official sahaja yoga site? Dont

> you think she has approved it? So therefore, dont you

> think it inappropriate to criticize it?



i have serious doubts if Shri Mataji has seen the official

www.sahajayoga.org website. Till today no one has even given any

evidence of this, though we have details of almost everything She

did. AB should check what i am telling him.


And if She did why should it be disapproved? i also am telling the

same stuff, and precious more. i am just telling them to tell " more " .



> 2. The leaders, the ones you guys pull down so

> mercilessly. Werent they selected by shri mataji (even

> though, like the rest of us, they are prone to error?)

> Again, dont you think it wrong to unnecessarily

> disrespect/love them?



Selecting them does not mean they become infalliable. Since you

admit they are prone to error what is wrong with pointing those

errors. But when they refuse to tell the truth, the whole truth and

nothing but the truth then they must give their reasons. Why all

this defeaning silence despite years of pleading why the Truth must

be hidden from public? Who are they to decide who can be told and

who cannot? Can you name me any incarnation whose devotees behaved

the way leaders/SYs are behaving? Are there any messenger whose

followers were even remotely dishonest as we SYs are? AV, you just

have no diea what is at stake here. Maybe you do not even know why

Shri Mataji is on Earth. If you truly did you would never have

questioned those who demand an end to this hypocritical silence.



> 3. I could go on and on about collectivity...about how

> much she has emphasised again and again and again that

> you must SIT TOGETHER and meditate. I remember a

> particualr speech in which she specifically said that

> it is best when at least 7 people sit together. yet,

> you create arguements after arguements about why

> people can avoid the collective. it is not possible to

> go deep while meditating alone. i think you have had

> that experience too...isint that so.



You can drag the camel to the water, but can never make it drink. i am getting

tired of dragging these stubborn camels.



> 4. tell me now, what purpose does putting the 'divine

> source of love' video on adishakti.org serve? who will

> watch it? the only people i can think of are sahaja

> yogis....people who are already in sahaja yoga. And

> now, if sahaja yogis are going to watch it, then does

> it not make sense to pay royalty if they want a copy?

> The royalty goes to sahaja yoga...money they use to

> spread sahaja yoga...hold programmes, print posters,

> hire loudspeakers etc....isnt that money required? if

> we dont pay it, who is going to do it? Do you think a

> non-yogi will watch? what do you feel he will

> think...when shri mataji is burning up 'muslims,

> christians etc etc' in her havan?? will they renounce

> islam and run to sahaja yoga? or will it become

> another orgaisation against which the muslims declare

> jehad???????



The Supreme Source Of Love has been out for two years or more and

yet so many SYs were unaware. Why this snail's pace method of

informing others? Is there an internal struggle between the

Italians, who made the film, and others who did not?


And what is wrong with enabling SYs to view the film? Do you know

that they also could have borrowed and viewed it, without paying

royalties? What are you talking about AB?


Now since SYs have seen the film they will buy it too. In fact more

will be sold because the SYs have thoroughly enjoyed it. What makes

you think that those unaware would have somehow bought it, and paid

royalties? What is the difference now that this process has been



AB, you are dangerously putting words into Shri Mataji's mouth by

saying that " shri mataji is burning up 'muslims, christians etc etc'

in her havan " . SYs like you cause more harm because you just blurt

out stuff that is just not true. It is a dangerous blasphemous

insult to say what you have just said. Only an idiot will equate

burning negativity in the havan as burning Muslims and Christians.

This is probably one of the worst things i have heard any SY say. i

fear for you more than anything else because your words can truly

cause great harm Avnish. Can you comprehend your outrageous remark?



> Avnish

> p.s Yes, i am aware jagbir will cut paste and edit

> what i write to maign me (again). I dont really care.

> Also, why not start your won ...increase

> the possibility of a newcomer finding your pearls of

> wisdom. Here, you only seem to be playing second

> fiddle to jagbir. You have an identity im sure - the

> spirit maybe. "



There are a number of management SYs trying to do the same. Violet

should regard it as a compliment as it reflects the valuable

contribution she has made and attracted seekers. Prior to this no

one gave her two hoots. Why the sudden respect and concern?


And Violet, you need not answer anymore despite Mahesh's request. As

i said before, let the forum teach you. Not only will there be grow

within but you will understand all that ails Sahaja Yoga ...........

and learn how to destroy that negativity.

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