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1000 Petals a blossom

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Dear all,


THese are some other poems I wrote awhile ago which i would like to

share with everyone if you have time to read them. I hope you all

enjoy these and i guess thats all i have to say.


Take care









From the point of no return i have finally returned,

unscathed yet clothes tattered create a cause for concern//


In minds of loved ones, which love has now forgotton,

tongues speak with the sweetness of ripe peaches, though their

sentiment has grown rotton//


Sediment has grown solid, whatever could not escape,

the ice like rock like natural glacial lakes//


Was solidfied, and now stands eternally,

as a sculpute to rep humanity which now uncannly//


Resembles death, known as Anubis in ancient egypt,

has been made man best friend, we trade our bones for his



And since the fetus, was constructed in laboratories,

we've been the creative force behind modern science's horror



And the products of that screen play thats on endless replay,

are always days away from their souls being sold on ebay//


To finance their great escape, destination- the altered state,

where brain waves automate the urge to altercate//


And conciously, common sence can no longer operate,

nor compensate, for the stoned weight placed where the thoughts once



So obviously, this trip is a one way departure,

a fireball, spinning out of control like the arrows of unskilled



Which unfortuantly, have hit me repeatedly ,

like snake bites in Adam's garden, as the Eve bled shadows onto the



Astonishingly , i have not yet ceased to be,

or have become a corpse, which trees refer to as fallen leaves//


But as i was falling screamed, for it to just leave me be,

like a broken family who only communicate once annually//


And as you can see -it did, swept up by a gale force wind,

impaled straight through my skin, with a branch like a broken shin//


i was reattached to the limb, like regeneration set in,

yet my life was still hanging in, the balance like a pendulum//


And to this day it still is, and will be until i realize,

that these skies are just the canopy of this tree of lives//


Which we all derive our essence, and in essence are all connected,

and only those who connect with this, source can escape



And live forever, in bliss and be conscious of it,

a constant reminder of the destiny in which we have all been



But which few listen for, and ignore for things that glisten more,

but this simple door-way to destiny can't be opened simply by



So with that in mind, i digress and leave the rest,

up to your own self discovery, as i learn to open this treasure



-Inside myself.


©Kyyan Volk

Sept 11, 2005










Prepare to launch, there is no turning back,

like when the curtains draw closed and the play of life fades to



blast off, ack! the smoke cloud the sences,

hacks away your conciousness -like a machete to a man who's



up, up, and away with my destination on the path of,

no return back from, the acting out of the final action////


drum roll please, lets call forth our fore fathers,

from the four corners of the globe, have them souround us,

floating, like ships in a habor////


and so it begins, the place left for dead in the spirit of new


has begun to become distortied like sound for the hard of



thus the grip is weakened, and the hand slowly lets go,

which is when the doubt flood in, and once again the hands close////


a wave rises up and snatches the light from the skies,

carries it in it's decent to be washed away with the tide////


But rearranging its local does not cease its existence,

but transforms it into a goal whose grasp is within our limits////


thus; is the nature of changing ones self,

or so i have heard from the mouths of books whos words line the



But one cannot know being born again, among men,

with the mind, experience is all that can mend////


the gap between, what is known and what is truth,

rationale is the endless loop, experience is the ball that trasends

that hoop//


thus you know, with a somewhat dusty glow,

that you must feel it to know it, and to know it you must grow//


like a great cedar, slowly and up towards the sun,

weather all the storms along the way in order to keep air in the



and never think of greatness as something you have become,

but realize, you must strive to always break the ties that bind-

until the day you reach the sun//


©Kyyan Volk -Sept 2005










1)The rain falls on my head, the thunder claps showing his

appreciation ,


as the drops of water make their way down my body and into the

flower bed/


2)Where i sleep, so i can feel alive, immortal like the fragrance of

roses, i cannot die/


3)Protected, nourished, i sip the sweet necter,


and praise the rain for filling the flowers veins- their beauty is

my protecter/


4)-From what, i cannot say,


for the mere mention of its name ,will cast me in a reoccuring role

in this play; of life.


©Kyyan Volk -Sept 2005

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